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The author of this very interesting and instructive volume has herein presented his views of various Bible subjects in a very clear and concise manner. "Conditional Immortality," Future Punishment," "The Kingdom of God," "Symbolic Prophecy," etc., are topics very ably discussed in this book. The author does not fear to examine the objections which may be raised against his views of Bible teaching, thus showing a fairness in looking upon both sides of the question.

The readers will find copious extracts from some of the most noted writers and scholars of this and other countries, confirming the views advocated in the different themes presented. The writer's familiarity with the Holy Scriptures, so largely brought forward in proof of his position, is wonderfully marked, and the numerous quotations from so many learned authors show much hard toil and patient research in bringing this work before the public.

This book will not only be interesting and instructive to the reader, but very convenient and useful as a book of reference in the library. Rarely do we find a volume of its size containing such a vast amount of matter. The author must have taken special pains in condensing every thought before putting it into words. The book may be truly said to be multum in parvo. Among the different books published on Adventual Literature, this will find an important place. In this age of so much pernicious literature, we hail with delight the advent of every good book which honors God and makes glorious his truth.

May the blessing of the Lord rest upon the author, and his production prove a blessing to the church and world.


Kennebunk, Me., June 3, 1895.


ELD. E. A. STOCKMAN, Editor of The World's Crisis, says: "No man among us has so largely contributed to biblical literature as the author of this new volume. His many works have shown him to be thoroughly conversant with current theological questions. . . . This last product of his ever busy pen, is very neatly made up in a volume of nearly five hundred pages, showing wide and close study, and unsparing painstaking in the collection of authors and the collation of distinguished opinions. It contains a vast amount of most valuable information. "Scriptural Holiness" is candidly and exhaustively treated, both scripturally and experimentally; and the careful and unprejudiced reader will find much to joyfully accept, and but little to question. "Conditional Immortality" is the most elaborately and conclusively treated theme of the book. The argument is clearly and concisely stated and invincibly fortified both by the Scriptures and an ample array of noted authorities."

Says The Messiah's Advocate, Cal.: "The book covers the whole range of Bible doctrines, and deals with them so as to show their harmony with each other and with common sense."

From The Faith, an able and valuable English monthly: "Mr. Grant has produced a book at once readable, interesting and instructive. On old truths, he las thrown new light; on perplexing questions, he has given satisfactory answers; on Scripture Holiness, he is clear and explicit; on the living God and his Holy Spirit, he is worth careful study, and if his conclusions are not what you have all along believed; well, read carefully, and judge thoughtfully. On the human soul and spirit, and on future punishment, he is clear as the sun; and those who are interested in evolution will find some very remarkable facts, and no theories, to bewilder the student in natural science. Mr. Grant has brought common sense and the Bible together, and finds harmony. He has brought forth thoughts for thinkers, and made them living truths, and not dreamy speculations. He has brought the results and study of a long active life into short concrete sentences, and made, what was mystery, plain and intelligible; he has brought into requisition over three hundred authors and authorities, and illustrated his subjects with over one thousand passages from Holy Writ; and it is, what he has designed it to be-a vade mecum for the Christian, an armory and safeguard amidst these last day perils, and as such we heartily recommend it."

Says ELD. A. W. SIBLEY: "From a careful examination of the contents and subjects discussed in the different chapters of the book, we are pleased to say, that they present to us great research and thoroughness of the different subjects treated; candor and fairness in the discussion of controverted points; accuracy in the quotations from the numerous authors consulted; an extensive collection of definitions of terms from standard authorities and their application to the subjects treated. . . . We recommend the book to the reading public, and especially to the theological thinkers of this nineteenth century. It is a valuable contribution to the religious literature of this age, and ought to be in the library of every minister of the gospel."

Says ELD. M. E. ANDREWS: "You have put the infidels into the tightest place I ever saw them put, especially upon the point of evolution."

From ELD. L. BOUTELLE: "I have looked over your POSITIVE THEOLOGY, and find it sound; strongly logical; lucid in comparisons; basing its conclusions on the Bible foundation, as a pronounced fact. It needs only to be studied to show the futility of the many theological deductions that are relied upon as evangelical and trustworthy as standard works. This dissects and happily contrasts them with the inspired word, and shows that the Bible harmonizes with itself as well as with sound common sense.

Says ELD. HIRAM MUNGER: "POSITIVE THEOLOGY is worth more than fifty pounds of other theological works, and only weighs about one pound. Bro. Grant has given the pith on each point in a condensed form."

From ELD. D. T. CALL: "This volume contains the results of many years of study." "The section devoted to Conditional Immortality is a complete manual of facts and references relative to this great question, which is convulsing the religious world. The chapters devoted to Bible Geology and Evolution cite many facts and truths, which show the fallacy of the claims of modern science falsely so called.'” "We are seriously in need of a POSITIVE THEOLOGY. . . . I believe that your work comes nearer to such a desirable end than anything we have so far."


DR. S. H. PLATT, a Methodist minister, who is a very deep thinker, says: "You have made a very strong, able and from your stand-point, conclusive presentation of the Bible doctrine that you have canvassed."

A. M. MORRILL, a Congo missionary, says: "Having carefully read your book, I consider it marvelous."

Says ELD. G. W. SEDERQUIST: "Your book... must be considered one of the grandest volumes of our time." "Surely the Lord gave you great help in compiling it." Says ELD. B. F. FORESTER: "I think that it is one of the very best books of modern times."

ELD. W. R. YOUNG, Editor of The Messiah's Advocate, Cal., says: "It is excellent." SR. L. BEDELL says: "It is a wonderful collection of scripture, and is rightly called POSITIVE THEOLOGY. It is so plain, . . . that it is like seeing one's face in a lookingglass." "I think it is one of the best books, aside from the Bible, ever written by man."

E. I. HOLDER, Editor of an Australian paper, says: "POSITIVE THEOLOGY is a marvelous condensation of all that is necessary to equip the thoughtful Christian to defend the cause of faith in God."

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ELD. JARED WHITMAN says: "I wish to say in regard to your book, POSITIVE THEOLOGY, it is the best I have ever seen. It is all meat and no bones; it is all wheat and no chaff. POSITIVE THEOLOGY is a wonderful illuminator. None, who will read it, need to be led into the false theology of the day, or be troubled with higher criticism,' and advanced scholarship,' or 'evolution.' It looks to me as though one round froin your long range thrown into the devil's citadel of error would be sufficient to bring it to the ground with a crash. PoSITIVE THEOLOGY has appeared none too soon. We thank the Lord, and we thank you for it."

W. M. STUCKEY, Denton, Texas, says: "I have just read your POSITIVE THEOLOGY, and say it is simply grand. I shall now stop fighting Conditional Immortality.'"

From D. M. LOGAN, New South Wales, Australia: "In reading this book carefully through, one gets more and more possessed of a strong conviction, that the author has only written of those things to which he has devoted much study and prayerful consideration, and about which he is most fully persuaded in his own mind. On this account, the work is stamped with a thoroughness which is impressive, and commands respectful attention."

From ELD. JOHN A. CARGILE: "POSITIVE THEOLOGY eclipses every other book that It condenses into one book the testimony of the Bible and also the writers of many centuries."

I have seen.

Says ELD. G. F. HAINES: "POSITIVE THEOLOGY puts into the hand of the minister and the layman, material that would be well nigh impossible for them to get in any other way. Dealing as it does with questions which, if not already, are fast forcing themselves to the front, the advent of this book should be hailed with joy. POSITIVE THEOLOGY Should be seen and read to be appreciated. The more I know of the book the more I am pleased with its contents."

From ELD. L. B. ROCKWELL, missionary to Congo, Africa: "I have read your latest book, POSITIVE THEOLOGY, with a great deal of care and thought, and allow me to say, that I think your title chosen is not egotistical. Your conclusions are, to my mind, unanswerable; and I consider the book the best contribution to present-day literature. Others books may have served the need of their day, as well; but none, I feel, is of more vital importance to our present generation, amidst a loose and evershifting and loosening theology. . . . We need to inquire for the old paths' of truth, and stand therein. I believe you have penned them, and have given an invaluable contribution to the world in this book."

From ELD. J. MIETT: "I have read POSITIVE THEOLOGY, by Eld. Miles Grant, with much care, and I think it is just what is needed in these times of Higher Criticism.' To my mind, it meets every objection offered to the plain teachings of God's word. I think also that this work is meriting the high commendation that it has received through the Crisis, and I hope it may find its way into every library; for it cannot fail to be a help to all students of the Holy Bible."

From ELD. CHARLES GOODRICH: "I have read your book, entitled POSITIVE THEOLOGY, and am well pleased with it. I think I never read a volume which, as a whole, I could so fully indorse. The chapter on Conditional Immortality,' and the one on the Personality of God,' are worth ten times the price of the book. Everybody ought to have and read it."

From ELD. H. W. BOWMAN, Editor of The American Patriot, San Francisco, Cal.: "POSITIVE THEOLOGY is a theological gold mine. The outside croppings are rich, but the deeper you dig, the better the ore. It is an arsenal of facts and a fortress of truth. Solid in its array of facts, strong in its logic, clear in its diction, and keen in its criticism. It ranks high among the foremost books of our age. It is unique in its composition, eclectic in its contents. It is a theological library in itself. It bears evidence of ripe scholarship, careful study, patient investigation, and mature consideration. It will prove a weapon for our theological warriors, and a banqueting hall for our book-famished preachers."

ELD. G. H. WALLACE says: "After a careful examination of this book we feel prepared to call attention to it as a valuable contribution to our literature. Any one of its twenty-eight chapters is well worth the price of the book to a Bible student. There is as much to commend and as little to condemn in this book as any that has been published by this people since the writer's acquaintance with them; and it is by far the most instructive in hard facts. No preacher can well afford to be without this book; and while it is possible that at first thought some things may be questioned, it must be remembered that one object of the book is to raise questions in the mind of the reader, which are beyond the mediocrity of ordinary thinkers. Another object of the book, which is grandly accomplished, is to show that one need not be forever learning, and never come to the knowledge of the truth; but the Bible being a positive book, its statements underlie a positive theology. We recommend an early reading of this book.

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