Imágenes de páginas

also sent to the Pacific ports, to be shipped to our Pacific possessions and to other parts of the world.

Trace the railroad routes between different large cities. Take imaginary jourissippi, the Ohio, and the

and tell what large cities pass. Also tell in particular occupation. would find the peoengaged. Many nationalities are represented in this section, as well as in almost all sections of our country. Take imaginary journeys around, and through the Great Lakes. In what various pursuits would you find the people engaged? Name and locate one large city on Lake Superior, two

neys up the MissMissouri, You would what

Ohio in each of the following States: Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana. tucky, Indiana. Name an important city on the Mississippi in each of the following States: Missouri, Iowa, Minnesota. Name an important city on the Missouri in each of the following States: Missouri, Kansas, Nebraska. What three capital cities are on the Missouri? Name and locate the other capital cities of this section. St. Louis is the fourth city in size in the Union. Tell all you can of Chicago, the largest city in this section.

Judging from the number of cities, which parts of this section have the greatest number of people? Which parts have the fewest people? What part of each State is most thickly settled?


on Lake Michigan, one on Lake St. Clair, one on Lake Erie. Name one important city on the

Nearly all of the towns and cities have good schools, and there are many small colleges and higher in

stitutions of learning. The people are intelligent and progressive in every way.


The Southern Agricultural Section.

Trace the boundaries of this section. Trace its shape in the air. Sketch it on the board. Sketch it into the outline map of U. S. How many States and how many territories comprise it? Which is the largest State? Which the smallest? Which States lie east of the Mississippi? Which west of the Mississippi? What State groups, country, and waters bound this section? Which States border the Atlantic? Which border the Gulf? Which States have the most sea-coast? Which have very little sea-coast? Which have no sea-coast? There are no very good harbors on the Atlantic coast of this section, as the water is shoal, with many sandbars. Name any projections or indentations on the Atlantic coast; on the Gulf coast. Name any islands which lie near the coast.

From the relief map of United States, tell how the surface of this section is divided. Trace the rivers which belong to the Mississippi System. Trace those which flow down the Atlantic and Gulf slopes. Trace the water-parting between the Atlantic slope and the Mississippi Basin. Trace the rivers which flow into the Mississippi from the west. Why are they so much longer than the eastern tributaries? Trace the rivers on the Texas slope. On what plateau do they rise? What three States of this section lie in the Mississippi Valley? What part of Tennessee? Of Alabama? By what tributary river are the Territories drained? To what great river basin do they belong? Describe the surface of the border Atlantic States from the relief map. Of the Gulf States. Of Tennessee.

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What names are given the different highlands in this section? Judging from the position, what must be the prevailing weather for the greater part of the year? Judging from the highlands, what parts must have cooler weather? What

winds must blow over the eastern part? What over the southern part? As they blow from the sea what must they carry?

What products have you already learned about as growing in this section? Which States manufacture as well as raise cotton?

Name the leading cotton mar(Page 130.) What lo


calities are especially

engaged in


For what pur

pose? What lo

calities raise


This is the



produc ing sec

tion of




cane is

another impor

section. Rice and sugar-cane grow well in the rich and very moist or swampy soil of the coastal plains. (Page 129.) Coffee is the chief import of this section.

In which States are oats produced? In which is corn produced? What are the only localities where wheat is grown? Locate grazing in the States which are engaged in it. What part of this section leads in this industry? What are the


product of this section. From it sugar is procured. New Orleans is the great sugar-shipping port.

Sugar-cane is a plant belonging to the grass family, living from year to year and growing to a height of from ten to fifteen feet. When mature the canes are cut and then crushed between heavy rollers to get the juice out. The juice is boiled, a part forming into crystals, the rest making molasses. Both the sugar and the molasses are refined into the different grades which we find in the markets.

only localities where wool is produced? In which State and Territory are there

no forests? Which sections

are en

gaged in lumber


ing? What other industry is an outgrowth of this southern forest region? (Page 33.) What minerals are found in this section?

As you see, the great industries of this section are those connected with

farming and commerce. Commerce is the direct result of agriculture. How? Manufacturing industries are on the increase.

How does the number of people in this section compare with the number in other sections of United States? Which of these States are most thickly settled? Which part of each of the different States is most thinly peopled?

Most of the Negroes of the United States live in this section. In some of these States there are more Negroes than Whites. Before the Civil War no public schools for all

Rice is an important food grain of this there were no public

[blocks in formation]

sides cotton, rice, and sugar-cane? Key West is the Southern naval station for the United States. the United States. It is noted for its sponge fisheries, and its trade in tobacco. Mobile is the chief port on the Gulf of Mexico east of the Mississippi, and exports cotton, lumber, and naval stores.


Locate a seaport in each of the following States: North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Texas. Locate an important trade center on a river in each of the following States: Tennessee, Mississippi, Arkansas, Texas. Find and name the capital of each State.

There are not as many railroads as in the other sections, but the important industrial centers are connected with other great commercial centers? Which State has the fewest railroads? Which has the greatest number?

New Orleans is the leading commercial port in this section. As it is the outlet for the southern part of the Mississippi Valley, what does it ship be


a n d


nooga are noted for

their recent development of large and important iron industries.

Many people

who find the cold winters of the north

ern sec

tions of the United States too severe for their health, visit sections of North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida during the winter months.

Indian Territory has been reserved by the United States Government as a home for several tribes of Indians. Many of these Indians live in villages, their houses being constructed of wood as ours are. They have schools and churches, and are quite advanced in civilization.

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have no sea-coast? Trace the coast-line and locate any projections and indentations you find. Also name and locate the islands near the coast. Can you think of any reason why there are but few harbors on this coast?

From the relief map of United States, trace and describe the surface of this region. Which mountain range has the greatest number of peaks? Find and name some of them. Trace the rivers which flow down the western and southwestern slopes. What two rivers unite to form the Colorado? Which mountain range prevents this river from

those of the coast, are the finest in the world.

Trace the rivers of the California Valley. What mountains does the Sacramento River gap? What can you find out about this valley? (Page 123.) In which States are the rivers that have no outlets. Trace the rivers which flow down the eastern and southeastern slopes. To what great river system do most of them belong? What is the largest tributary of the Missouri in this section? What is the largest tributary of the Colo

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