Imágenes de páginas

vi, 305; intervention in cases
of, vii, 627 legislation in Rus-
sia, viii, 703; Protestants in
Egypt, ii, 284; Christians in
India, iv, 495; N. H. amend-
ment on, i, 591; persecution of
Jews, see Jews; of Mussul-
mans, iii, 795. See also Church-
es, and Education.
Religion, Society for the Liberation
of, from State Control, iv, 34;
v, 17; vi, 14.
Religious Orders, expelled from
France, v, 658; proposal to
settle in Spain, v, 673.
Remsen, I., experiments by, vi, 99;
viii, 121.

Renfroe, J. W., impeachment of, iv,

[blocks in formation]

Resonant Alloys, i, 522.
Resumption of specie payments, iv,

Retorts, platinum, i, 94.

Returning Boards. See Electoral

Reuleaux, Prof., experiments in
cinematics, i, 515.
Revenue and Tariff, viii, 193.
Revenue-Cutter Service, vii, 584.
Revenue districts, changes, viii, 780.
Revillout, researches of, vii, 262.
Revolutionary War, claim of Ga.
for money expended in, viii,

Revolutions. See Wars, etc.
Rey, Paul, explorations by, vi, 330.
Reynier, M., invention by, iii, 272;
vii, 269.

Reynolds, Emerson, experiments
by, iii, 93; v, 86.
Rhallis, Geo., obit., viii, 603.
Rhett, R. B., sketch, i, 698.
Rhode Island, in every volume.
Rhodes, R. S., audiphone invented
by, iv, 54.

Ribblesdale, Baron, obit., i, 641.
Ricasoli, Baron, on the Roman

Question, vii, 628; obit., v, 602.
Ricco, observations by, viii, 22.
Rice, opposition to culture of, v,
483; production in U. S., vii,


Rice, N. L., obit., ii, 587.
Richards, A. B., obit., i, 641.
Richardson C., experiments by,
viii, 118.
Richards, Ellen S., experiments by,
ii, 502.
Richards, Windsor, experiments
by, v, 208.
Richardson, J. M., invention by,
iii, 761.

Richardson, M., obit., i, 623.
Richardson, O. D., obit., i, 623.
Richter, Eugene, speech by, vi, 346.
Richter, H. E., obit., i, 641.
Ridderhold, H., obit., i, 641.

Rider, Jas., obit., i, 623.
Riecke, F. J. P., obit., i, 641.
Riedeck, E., expedition of, viii,


Rifle-match at Wimbledon, viii,


Rifles, the Martini-Henry, Win-
chester, Berdan, and Soper, ii,
623, 624.

Ringer, S., experiments by, vii,
691; viii, 633.
Rio Grande, troubles on the, ii,
712; iii, 555.

Riots, in Miss., ii, 528; in Col., v,

120; in Ark., vi, 31; in Ky.,
vii, 458; in Canton, viii, 128.
See Labor-Strikers.
Ripley, Geo., sketch, v, 657.
Ripon, Marquis of, Viceroy of India,

v, 384; policy of, vii, 416.
Ritschl, Friedrich, sketch, i, 702.
Ritter, invention by, vi, 254.
Ritualism, in the Anglican Church,
i, 25; the confessional, ii, 17,
21; vestments, ii, 18, 19; con-
troversy, vi, 15; trials for, vii,

14, 17; iv, 31, 32, 33; viií, 6.
River and Harbor Bill, vil, 148.
Rivers, fluctuations of, iv, 805;
channel improvements in, v,
273; devices to prevent shift-
ing of channels, v, 249.
Rivers, African, singular rise of, iv,
406; other phenomena of, iv,


[blocks in formation]

Roberts, Sir F. See Afghan War.
Roberts, J. J., obit., i, 642.
Roberts, M. O., sketch, v, 658.
Roberts, O. M., sketch, iii, 787.
Roberts, S. W., obit., vii, 642.
Robertson, J. B., obit., ii, 609.
Robertson, W. II., appointment of,
vi, 644.

Robie, F., sketch, vii, 498.
Robinson, Sir H. G. R., sketch, v,

Robinson, John, proposed monu-
ment to, ii, 132.


Robinson, Lucius, sketch, i, 606.
Robinson, W. S., obit., i, 623.
Robson, B. R., obit., iii, 644.
Roca, J. A., inaugural of, v2
Rodgers, John, sketch, vii, 722.
Rodgers expedition, the, vi, 323;
viii, 162.

Rodney, G. B., obit., viii, 593.
Roebling, J. A., viii, 311, 313.
Roebling, W. A., viii, 313.

Rosetti, C. A., reform plan of, in

Roumania, vii, 729, 730.
Ross, A. M., sketch, iií, 739.
Ross, Sir D., obit., 1, 642.
Ross, Sobieski, obit., ii, 587.
Rossetti, D. G., obit., vii, 647.
Rothschild, Sir A., obit., i, 642.
Rothschild, Baron L. de, obit., iv,


Roudaire, Capt., survey in Africa,
ii, 328.

Rouland, G., obit., iii, 661.
Roumania, ii, 683; iii, 739; v, 659;
vi, 794; vii, 726; viii, 695; ar-
ticle on, in Berlin Treaty, iii,
257; dissatisfaction, 740; act
to prevent Jews from buying
lands, 740; attitude toward
Danube Commission, viii, 270,

Roumelia. See Eastern Roumelia.
Rous, Admiral, obit., ii, 609.
Rousseau, M. L., invention by, i,

[blocks in formation]

Ruge, A., obit., v, 603.
Ruggles, Prof. W., obit., ii, 587.
Rugs, viii, 96.

Runeberg, J. L., obit., ii, 609.
Russel, S., obit., vii, 647.
Russell, Alex., obit., i, 642.
Russell, Earl, sketch, fii, 740.
Russia, in every volume.
Russian advances in Asia, ii, 6;
iii, 2, 33, 97, 404; iv, 9; vi,
732; vii, 415, 681, 734; terri-
tory gained, iii, 258; annexa-
tion of Merv, viii, 706.
Russian Government, the, vi, 800.
Russian language, act to establish
in literature, ì, 711.
Russians, troubles with the Chi-
nese, v, 101; aid of, to Persia,
v, 623.
Russo-Turkish War. See Turko-
Russian War.
Rüstow, W., obit., iii, 661.
Rutherford, Gen. G. V., obit., i, 623.
Ryall, explorations by, iv, 400.
Ryan, G. P., obit., ii, 587.
Ryerson, A. E., obit., vii, 643.
Ryssakoff, vi, 796.

Rogers, micrometer-telescope of, i, Sabbath, Congress for promoting

Rogers, D. L., obit., ii, 587.
Rogers, F., obit., i, 623.
Rogers, H., obit., ii, 609.
Rokitansky, Baron von, iii, 732.
Rolland, P. C. A., obit., i, 642.
Roman Question, the, vii, 627.
Roman Catholic Church, in every

volume. See also Papacy and


Röntgen, invention by, iii, 545.
Roon, A. T. E., Count von, sketch,
iv, 774.

Roosevelt, Mrs. C., obit., i, 623.
Roosevelt, Theo., obit., iii, 644.
Rosetti, experiments by, iii, 92.

the observance of, i, 740.
Sabine, Sir E., obit., viii, 604.
Sabine, Lorenzo, obít., ii, 587.
Sablin, N., vi, 796, 797.
Sachan, E., explorations of, viii,


Sa Da Bandeira, Viscount, sketch,
i, 713.

Sadtler, S. P., discovery by, vi, 97.
Safarik, Prof., observations of, viii,


Safvet Pasha, sketch, ii, 689; obit.,
viii, 604.

Sagasta, speeches of, vi, 818, 819.
Saghalien, exchanged for Kurile
islands, 427.

Sahara, exploration of the, vi, 327;
proposed railway, v, 293;
scheme for flooding, iv, 340;
viii, 308.

Said Pasha, reforms proposed by,
vii, 803; dismissed, 803; re-
called, 804.

St. Bartholomew, island of, bought
by France, ii, 319; iii, 777;
price returned, for a charitable
institution, iv, 824.

St. Germans, Earl of, obit., ii, 612.
St. Gothard Railway and Tunnel,
vi, 819; vii, 11.
Saint Hilaire, B., on Greek bound-
aries, vi, 375.

St. John, I. M., sketch, v, 673.
St. Louis, growth of, v, 539.
St. Simonists. See David, i, 220.
Salah Aga-el-Mek, viii, 299.
Salamanca, Marquis of, obit., viii,


Saldanha, Oliveira E Daun, Duke
of, sketch, i, 713.
Salkowski, E., researches by, viii,


Salt, in Michigan, vi, 581.
Salt deposits, formation of, ii, 92.
Salt-tax, in India, vii, 417; in Rus-
sia, vii, 733.
Salvador, vi, 803; viii, 710.
Salvation Army, viii, 710.
Samarium, vi, 93.

Samoan islands, treaty with Ger-
many, iv, 442.
Sampson, Capt., observations by,
viii, 20.

Sampson, W. T., experiments by,
iv, 134.

Sand, George, sketch, i, 713.
Sandborn, Judge, obít., ii, 610.
Sandeau, J., obit., viii, 604.
Sandeman, Major, mission of, i,
74; ii, 70.

Sanders, W. F. L., observations
by, vii, 39.
Sandhurst, W. R. Mansfield, Bar-

on, sketch, i, 715.
Sands, B. F., obít., viii, 593.
Sands, J. R., obit., viii, 594.
Sanford, C. W., obit., iii, 645.
Sanford, J. L., obit., ii, 610.
San Francisco, vote on proposed
new charter, v, 78.
Sanitary Commission, work of the,
vii, 718.

Sanitary Conference, appropriation
for, vi, 142.
Sanpoo River, the, identical with

the Brahmapootra, iv, 399.
Sans, A., discovery by, vi, 20.
San Salvador, war with Guatemala,
iii, 747; i, 22.
Sansas, Pierre, obit., ii, 610.
San Stefano, Treaty of, iii, 292, 396,

402, 739, 798; principal pro-
visions of, iii, 791.
Santa Anna, Gen. A. L. de, sketch,
i, 715.

Santa Maria, D., sketch, vi, 806;
message of, viii, 63.
Santini, G., obit., ii, 610.
Santo Domingo, proposed annexa-

tion of, i, 685; article, viii, 712.
Sappey, experiments by, vi, 751.
Sargent, Epes, sketch, v, 667.
Sarhad mountains, the, discovery
in, ii, 325.
Särnström, Prof., experiments by,
viii, 520.

Sarzek, researches of, vii, 263.
Saskatchewan, Territory of, viii,


Sassulitch, Vera, assassination at-
tempted by, iii, 744; effect of
acquittal of, iv, 682.
Satsuma, rebellion in, ii, 414.
Satterlee, R. S., obit., v, 595.
Saturn, rings of, i, 46; ii, 45; iii,
36; rotation of, ii, 45; orbit of
Hyperion, 46; density of, iv,
52; system of, viii, 23.
Saulsbury, E., obit., vi, 688.
Säve, Carl, obit., i, 642.
Savoy, neutrality of, vi, 829.
Sawyer, E. F., observations by,

iii, 37; iv, 52; vii, 40.
Sawyer, G. Y., obit., vii, 643.
Sawyer, W. E., invention by, i,
520; v, 240.


Say, Léon, sketch, ii, 320; Presi-
dent of Senate, v, 281.
Saybolt, oil-tester of, viii, 464.
obit., i, 642.
Sayre, D. M., obit., i, 623.
Schäberle, J. M., discoveries by, v,
35; vi, 39.

Schaffner and Helbig, experiments
by, viii, 115.

Schem, A. J., obit., vii, 643.
Scherr, Archbishop, obit., ii, 610.
Schiaparelli, observations by, viii,
20, 24.

Schilling, monument designed by,
viii, 399.

Schlagdenhauffen, experiments by,
viii, 118.

Schlagintweit, Emil, quoted, i, 7,
73, 74; ii, 5, 70.
Schleicher, G., obit., iv, 695.
Schleswig-Holstein, final disposal
of, iv, 440; Danish subjects in,
viii, 276.

Schliemann, Heinrich, explorations
of, i, 28.
Schloesing, theory of, iii, 83; in-
vention by, vii, 741.
Schmid, Theodor, obit., ii, 610.
Schmidt, Gen. von, obit., i, 642.
Schmidt, Prof., discoveries by, ii,

48; vii, 38.

Schmitz, Gustavus, obit., ii, 588.
Schnitzler, Dr., discovery by, ii,

[blocks in formation]

Sclopis de Salerano, Count, obit.,
iii, 661.

Scott, Sir G. G., obit., iii, 661.
Scott, Levi, sketch, víi, 788.
Scott, T. A., sketch, vi, 806.
Scott, Gen. Walter, obit., i, 642.
Scribner, J. B., obit., iv, 695.
Scrope, G. P. obit., i, 642.
Scrutin de Liste, vi, 807.
Seal Industry. See Alaska, vii, 6.
Sea-Lions, vii, 9.

Searle, G. M., observations by, viii,


Sears, B., obit., v. 596.
Sears, E. J., LL. D., obit., i, 623.
Sears, G. B., obit., ii, 588.
Scaring, J. A., obit., i, 623.
Sebehr Pasha, in Darfour, viii, 290,
296; command of, 301; re-
moved, 302.

Secchi, P. A., obit., iii, 738.
Secret Societies, Reformed Church
on, v, 652.

Sedden, J. A., obit,, v, 596.
Seed-cotton, bill on, in Ala., iv,
16; invention for spinning, iv,
Seegen, experiments by, vi, 750.
Seguin, E., obit., v, 596.
Seiberling, J., obit., 623.
Selden, S. L., obit., i, 623.
Sell, E., study of Islam by, vi, 444.
Sellon and Volckmar, invention
by, vii, 265.

Selwyn, G. A., obit., iii, 661.
Semmes, Raphael, sketch, ii, 690.
Senate, office of President of, i, 138-

152; expulsions from, vii, 196.
See Congress.
Senatorial Question, the, in N. H.,
vi, 633.

Sennaar, insurrection in, viii, 299,
Serfdom, vi, 473; in Java, vii,

Serrigny, D., cbit., i, 642.
Servia, i, 754; ii, 691; iii, 748; vii,

738; map, 1, 754; viii, 714;
insurrection, viii, 715; arti-
cles on, in the Berlin Treaty,
iii, 257; differences with Aus-
tria, v,
47; project for church
union of, v, 347; troubles in,
viii, 43; Russian views for,
viii, 549.

Service, U. S. Life-Saving, iii, 749.
Service, U. S. Marine Hospital, iv,

Sessions, L. B., case of, vi, 648;

[blocks in formation]

Shah of Persia, travels of, i, 660.
Shandley, E. J., obit., i, 623.
Shannon, Wilson, obit., ii, 588.
Shari River, the, iii, 363.
Sharkey, S. J., observations by,
viii, 634.

Sharswood, G., obit., viii, 594.
Shaw, R., obit., i, 642.
Shawe, C. A., obít., i, 643.
Sheep-husbandry, in Georgia,


427; in Australia, vi, 46.
Sheldon, George, obit., vi, 688.
Shelton, J. T., obit., i, 624.
Shelton, William, obit., viii, 594.
Shepard, Prof., observations by,
iv, 53.

Shepherd, T. P., obit., ii, 588.
Shepley, G. F., sketch, iii, 767.
Shere Ali, i, 8; negotiations with

Russia, ii, 6, 42; disputed suc-
cession, iii, 6; answer of, to
the British Government, iii,
437; flight from Cabul, iii,
437; flight of, iv, 7; death,
iv, 9; secret correspondence
of, captured, vi, 2.
Sheridan, Gen. P. H., sketch, por-
trait, viii, 715.
Sherif Pasha, vii, 239.

Sheriffs, Texas convention of, v,

Sherman, John, sketches, ii, 692;
iv, 794; portrait, 794.
Sherman, Mrs. S. M. G., obit., iii,

[blocks in formation]

Shilder-Shuldner, J. I., obit., iii,

Shilleto, Rev. R., obit., i, 643.
Shimosé, experiments by, viii, 111.
Shinwarri rebellion, viii, 1.
Shipka pass, contest for, ii, 741.
Shipping, acts on, in Great Britain,

1, 358; decline of American, ii,
110; iv, 837; v, 125; vi, 786;
vii, 520; statistics of Ameri-
can, viii, 150; committees on,
vii, 522, 523; bill on, in Con-
gress, viii, 220; fines on, in for-
eign ports, vi, 777; restrictions
in Spanish West Indies, viii,
263; deductions to British,
ibid.; bill on, in France, vi,


Ships, machinery for lifting, ii, 497;
for conveying cars, 498; speed
indicator, 499; sounding in-
strument, 498; steering large,
iii, 724; rules for preventing
collisions, vi, 778; building,
246; vii, 521; statistics of, in
Maine, viii, 510; armored, iii,
591; classes of war, vi, 547;
history of "Old Ironsides," vi,
620; the Grosser Kurfürst, iii,
385; iv, 441; lists, of war,
descriptions of the Calliope,
Téméraire, Inflexible, Lepan-
to, etc., see Navies of Europe,
vii, 568.

Shirley, Com. Paul, obit., i, 624.
Shoemaker, J. L., obit., i, 624.
Shuvaloff, Count, sketch, ii, 692.
Siberia, Northern, difficulties of

the new ocean route to, iii, 358.

[blocks in formation]

Siemens, Sir Wm., inventions by,

i, 519; vi, 255, 258, 400; vili,
676; theory of the sun, vii, 32.
Sight and touch, relative accuracy
of, vi, 751.

Signal Service, Meteorological Di-
vision of the United States,
with weather maps and map
of the sea-coast telegraph, iv,

Signals, sound-, viii, 719.
Silk, weighting of, iii, 229; substi-
tute for, 724; commerce in, iv,
173; reduced yield in China,
viii, 126.

Silliman, Benj., invention by, i,


Silos, their construction and uses,
vi, 808.

Silver, salts of, ii, 91; reduction of,
from ore, viii, 521.
Silver certificates and coins, vi,


Silver coinage, Léon Say on, iii,
314; in Germany, iv, 440; as
legal currency, ii, 235, 291; iii,
138-164; effects of deprecia-
tion, iv, 163, 613; vi, 626; sce
Bimetallic Standard.
Simon, Jules, resignation of, ii, 307;

speech of, 312, 813.
Simon, M., obit., ii, 610.
Simons, M. L., obit., v, 596.
Simons, T. Y., obit., iii, 645.
Simony, trial for, in Greece, i, 369-

Simrock, Karl, sketch, i, 718.
Sims, J. Marion, sketch, viii, 718.
Simson, Alfred, voyage of, i, 333.
Simpson, R., obit., i, 643.
Sinkat, fall of, viii, 302.
Sioux, war with the, i, 43.
Siren fog-signal, v, 448; viii, 723.
Sitting Bull, i, 43.

Skene, J. H., researches of, vii,

Skin-Diseases, remedy for. See
Ichthyol, viii, 434.
Skobeleff, M. D., sketches, ii, 693;
vii, 742.

Slade, Adolphus, obit., ii, 611.
Slade, E., obit., iii, 645.
Slag, utilization of, iii, 722.
Slaughter, W. B., obit., iv, 695.
Slavery in Brazil, i, 77; vii, 70;
movement to abolish, viii, 67;
the Soudan, ii, 269, 270; v, 235;
viii, 290, 292; in Cyprus, iii,
402; in Cuba, iii, 774; iv, 822;
abolition, viii, 262; in United
States, see Exodus, iv, 354;
Southern Presbyterian Church
on, i, 270; among Turkomans,
vi, 733; in Madagascar, vii, 493;
form of, in Queensland, viii, 36.
Slave-trade, the field of, ii, 270,
329, 331; inquiry into, ii, 641;

efforts of Gen. Gordon to stop,
viii, 399.

Slavs, the, and schemes for their
union, i, 58-60; ii, 263; v, 47;
vii, 47, 58; viii, 46, 48. See
also Panslavists.
Sleeper, J. S., obit., iii, 645.
Small-pox, Ceeley case, vii, 287.
Smalls, R., pardon of, iv, 820.
Smee, Dr. A., obit., ii, 611.
Smell, experiments on the sense of,
viii, 636.

Smirke, S., obit., ii, 611.
Smith, Albee, invention, vii, 485.
Smith, Albert, obit., ii, 645.
Smith, Asa D., sketch, ii, 693.
Smith, Avery, obit., i, 624.
Smith, C. M., observations by, viii,

Smith, C. P., obit., ii, 588.
Smith, D. M., obit., vi, 688.
Smith, E. Darwin, obit., viii, 594.
Smith, E. F., experiments by, iv,
134; v, 96.
Smith, E. P., obit., i, 624.
Smith, F. G., obit., iii, 645.
Smith, George, sketch. i, 718; re-

searches of, vii, 252, 263, 264.
Smith, H. B., sketch, ii, 694.
Smith, Ida G., obit., vii, 643.
Smith, Jos., obit., ií, 588.
Smith, J. Cotton, sketch, vii, 742.
Smith, J. Lawrence, discovery by,
iii, 87; sketch, viii, 718.
Smith, J. P., buoy invented by, v,


Smith, J. Y., obit., i, 624.
Smith, Leigh, cruises of, v, 303;
vi, 323, 325; vii, 334.
Smith, N. R., obit., ii, 588.
Smith, Lady P., obít., ii, 611.
Smith, W. Robertson, trial of, for

heresy, ii, 648; iii, 698; v,
634; vi, 760, 769.
Smoke-consumer, a, i, 518.
Smyth, J. F., Insurance Superin-
tendent, trial of, iii, 616.
Snead, J. T., obit., vi, 6S8.
Snell, Prof. E. L., obit., i, 624.
Snowden, J. R., obit., iii, 645.
Socialism, state, of Bismarck, viii,

Socialists, in Denmark, ii, 250;
increase of, in Germany, 282;
measures against, iii, 379, 280,
381, 384; attempt on the Em-
peror's life, 881; effect of
anti-Socialist bill, 383; in the
Reichstag, iv, 440; law against,
V 318; Emperor's rescript,
iii, 393; trials in Russia, ii,
688; iii, 744; trials in France,
vii, 326; schools of, viii, 368;
riots in Austria, viii, 46; in
Italy, iii, 458; congress pro-
posed, vi, 829; held at Copen-
hagen, viii, 276.

Socotra, i, 9; British treaty, 718.
Soda, manufacture of, viii, 114.
Sojourner Truth, obit., viii, 595.
Sokolo, town of, vi, 328.
Soldiers and sailors, committee on

violations of statutes as to ap-
pointments of, iv, 770.
Soldiery, mutiny of Egyptian, vi,


[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Sothern, E A., sketch, vi, 811.
Soto, M. A., sketch, iií, 424.
Soudan, the, Col. Gordon appoint-

ed, ii, 269; his intentions re-
garding slavery, ibid.; slave-
trade in, v, 235; exploration of,
vi, 326; rebellion in, vii, 255;
viii, 298, 507; history and pro-
ductions, 290; commerce, 386;
British policy, 301; Gordon's
mission, 399.
Souillart, Prof., prize to, viii, 28.
Soule, G. L., obit., iv, 696.
Soulié, E., obit., i, 643.
Sound, aberration of, viii, 724.
Sound-Signals, viii, 719.

Soust de Borckenfeld, A. van, obit.,
ii, 611.

South Africa. See Cape Colony,


South African Confederation, dis-

cussed in Parliament, v, 338.
South America, boundaries in, i,

333. See Boundaries, Disput-

Southard, W. F., experiments by,
vi, 751.

South Carolina, in every volume.
Spafford, M. H. G., sect founded
by, vi, 707.
Spain, in every volume.
Sparkman, J. D., obit., i, 624.
Spaulding, Judge A., obit., i, 624.
Specie Resumption, in Italy, viii,

451 in U. S., ii, 237, 290, 663;
iii, 164, 175, 325, 801; iv, 28,
367. See also Resumption of
Specie Payments, iv, 763.
Spectra of vapors and gases, v, 95.
Spectroscopic Observations, i, 49.
Spectrum, the solar, evidence from,
iv, 130.

Spelling Reform, Faculty of Uni-
versity of Miss. on, iv, 637.
Spence, J. B., discovery by, v, 93.
Spence, T. A., obit., ii, 589.
Spencer, Herbert, on the nature of
the elements, iii, 91.
Spicer, W. F., obit., iii, 645.
Spinoza, statue of, v, 555.
Spleen, the, function of, vi, 751;
viii, 635.
Splenectomy, viii, 751.
Spofford, H. M., obit., v, 596.
Spooner, A. J., obit., vi, 688.
Spottiswoode, W., obit., viii, 605.
Spotts, J. H., obit., vii, 644.
Sprague, J. J., obit., iii, 646.
Sprague, Peleg, sketch, v, 673.
Sprague, W. B., sketch, i, 733.
Sproat, M. L., obit., i, 624.
Spring, experiments by, viii, 113.
Spring, Samuel, obit., ii, 589.
Stafford, Conn., broken dam in, ii,


Stahl, on lichens, iii, 476.
Stahr, A. W. T., sketch, i, 733.
Stampfli, J., obit., iv, 701.
Stanley, A. P., sketch, vi, 822.
Stanley, H. M., sketch, ii, 701; ex-

plorations of, i, 333; ii, 323,
329; iii, 363; vii, 336; viii,


Starkweather, H. H., obit., i, 624.
Starr, Chandler, obit., i, 624.
Star-Route Trials, vii, 753; viii,
163; viii, 777.

Stars, discoveries of, i, 49; ii, 47,
48; double, ii, 37; v, 36; vii,
36; viii, 26; red, iii, 38; vari-
able, iii, 38; v, 36; vi, 39; vii,
40; viii, 27; motion of, vi, 39;
charts of, viii, 27.

State Claims, Fla., against Federal
Government, v, 269; Mo., vii,
565; Ga., viii, 387.
State judges, indictment of, v, 703.
State officials, suits against, in Ga.,
v, 304.

State Rights, Congress on, i, 166;
as to suits against municipali-
ties, iii, 10; conflict between
U. S. and Ark. courts, 25; al-
leged Federal interference with,
v, 203; decisions on, vi, 477.
States, claims against, v, 479; New
York law on, vi, 516; proposed
amendment, vii, 462; obliga-
tion of contracts, vii, 648; viii,
498; Board of Claims, 570.
Statistical Congress, International,
i, 734.

Steam, exhaust, utilization of, iii,

723; pressure, vi, 546.
Steamboat Accidents, v, 580; vi,


Steam-Engine, Wells's Balance, iii,


Steamships, line from Rio Janeiro
to New York, iii, 63; to Hali
fax, v, 16; from Hudson Bay,


Steam-tugs, for canals, vi, 250.
Stearns, Onslow, obit., iii, 646.
Stearns, W. A., obit., i, 624.
Steel, ferro-manganese process, i,

515; new theory, ví, 100; use
and manufacture, vi, 542; vii,
Steere, Bishop, African journey of,
i, 332.

Steifensand, X., obit., i, 643.
Steinmetz, K. F. von, obit., ii, 611.
Steinway, Albert, obit., ii, 589.
Steinwehr, A. A., Baron von, obit.,
ii, 589.

Stenhouse, C. F., observations by,
viii, 526.

Stephens, Alex. H., sketch, ii, 702;

inaugural address, vii, 346;
sketch and portrait, viii, 741.
Stern, Daniel. See Agoult.
Stewart, Alex., obit., 1, 643.
Stewart, A. T., sketch, i, 735.
Stevens, Ambrose, obit., v, 596.
Stevens, L. I., experiments by, viii,

Stevens, W. B., sketch and portrait,
vii, 767.

Stever, G., obit., ii, 611.
Stigmata, case of Louise Lateau,
viii, 694.

Stille, R. B., obit., iv, 696.
Stillman, J. M., experiments by,
vi, 100; vii, 86.
Stillman, W. J., observations by,
viii, 526.
Stillwell, S. M., obit., vi, 689.
Stirling-Maxwell, Sir W., obit., iii,


Stisted, Sir H. W., obit., i, 643.
Stock Exchange, the London, re-
port on, iv, 176.
Stockley, C. C., sketch, vii, 189.
Stock Market, vii, 117; viii, 335.
Stockton, J. D., obit., ii, 589.
Stockton, R., obit., i, 624.
Stone, Prof., observations by, vi, 39.
Stone, Dr. W., opinions on yellow
fever, iii, 316.

Stoney, G. J., observations by, iv,


Stoney, G. M., explorations by, viii,

Storm-Signals, cautionary, iv, 806.
Storer, Prof., extract from, vi, 676.
Stoughton, E. W., sketch, ii, 703.
Strandberg, C. W. A., obit., ii, 612.
Stratford de Redcliffe, Viscount,

obit., v, 603.
Stratton, J. W., obit., i, 624.
Street, A. B., sketch, vi, 825.
Street, G. E., obit., vi, 696.
Street-Cars, law regarding, iii, 523;

modes of traction, ii, 495; iv,
346. See Railroads, Elevated.
Stremayr, Dr. von, iv, 60.
Strikes. See Labor-Strikes.
Stringham, S. H., sketch, i, 736.
Strong, water-gas process, viii, 375.
Strype, W. G., experiments by,
viii, 113.

Stuart, Sir J., obit., i, 643.
Stubbs, W. C., experiments by, vi,

Sturgeon, D., obit., iii, 646.
Suakin, expedition in, viii, 300.
Subsidies, Congress on, i, 166.
Successions, intervention in cases
of, vii, 627.
Suez Canal, effect of, ii, 263; prof-
its of, 270; affected by the'
Turkish War, 271; cost of, to
Egypt, 271; profits in 1878,
iii, 268; value to Egypt, vii,
236; Granville's proposal, 363;
enlargement of, viii, 307; con-
dition in 1883, viii, 743.
Suffrage, resolutions on interference
with the right of, i, 180, 181;
Garibaldi on universal, iv, 526;
property qualification for, 771;
agitation in Belgium for uni-
versal, vi, 59. See Reforms
and Women.

Sugar, culture in Minnesota, iii,

568; commerce in, iv, 169; test
for, v, 94; culture in Queens-
land, vii, 44; in Cuba, viii,
264; duty on, 219; tests, etc.,
viii, 745.

Suleiman Bey Sami, obit., viii, 605.
Suleiman Pasha, sketch, ii, 703;

obit., viii, 605.

Sulphur, new oxide of, i, 98; as a
mordant, 99; new process, vii,
90; test for, viii, 112; from
alkali waste, 115.
Sulphurets, reducing action of, ii,


Sulu, cession of, to North Borneo
Company, vi, 329.

Sumatra, revolt in, iii, 597, 598;

vii, 590; viii, 557.
Sun, the, observations on, i, 44, 45;

utilizing the heat of, 519; oxy-
gen in, ii, 42; iv, 130; spots,
cycle of, ii, 42; explosion, ii,
43; total eclipse, iii, 33; vii,
33; viii, 20; spots, iii, 35; iv,

51; v, 33; vii, 33; parallax, v,
33; vi, 38; vii, 36; Siemens's
theory, vii, 32; heat from, vii,
33; spectrum of the corona, iv,
134; disturbances in, vi, 38;
viii, 20.
Sunday Laws, iv, 667; in Mary-
land, 591; in Texas, 830; in
Ohio, vi, 699; in California,
viii, 78.
Sunday-schools, in India, i, 405;

Raikes anniversary, v, 674.
Sungarians, revolt of, in China, ii,


Surgery, progress in, vi, 555; viii,

Sutro Tunnel, the, iii, 288.
Sutter, J. A., sketch, v, 674.
Sutton's Battery, vii, 266.
Swamp-Lands, reclamation of, iv,
625; vi, 251.

Swan, electric lamp of, vii, 275.
Swann, Thos., obit., viii, 595.
Swat, the Akhund of, authority of,
see Afghanistan, ii, 4, 6; hatred
for British influence, 7; iii,
582; obit., 648.
Sweat-ducts, effect of closing the,
V, 356.

Sweden and Norway, in every vol-


Swedenborgians. See New Church.
Sweets, disease from use of, viii,

Sweetser, S., obit., iii, 646.
Swift, Lewis, discoveries by, ii,

46; iii, 33, 36; iv, 51; v, 35;
vi, 38, 39; prizes to, iii, 39;
vii, 41; observatory for, v, 36.
Swinhoe, R., obit., ii, 612.
Switzerland, in every volume; re-

ligious conflict in, viii, 756.
Syntheses, new, v, 96.
Syr Darya, diversion of, viii, 309.
Szechenyi, Count, explorations by,

v, 289; sketch, 371.

Taaffe, Count E., sketch, iv, 60.
Taft, Alphonzo, sketch, i, 740.
Tahiti, annexed to France, v, 40.
Taimyr-Laud, discoveries in, iii,
356, 357.
Tainter, experiments by, vi, 257,

Tait, A. C., sketch and portrait,
vii, 775.

Talbot, Sir C., obit., i, 643.
Talbot, Jos., obit, viii, 595.
Talbot, W. H. F., obit., ii, 612.
Taljanzeff, experiments by, viii,


Tanganyika, Lake, outlet of, v, 297.
Tappan, II. P., obit., vi, 689.
Tariff, in Argentine Republic, ii,

32; Austria, 56, 58; iii, 42;
France and Germany, ii, 114;
iv, 435; Mexico, iii, 553; Bra-
zil, v, 63; Chili, 97; Canada,
213, 219; iv, 317; Peru, vi,
735; Spain, vii, 752; effect of
high, in Germany, viii, 394;
United States, Presidents on,
ii, 667; viii, 160; bill for com-
mission, v, 172; vii, 139. See
Tariff Revision."
Tariff Revision, vii, 777; viii, 193;
text of act, 194.
Tarnoczy, Archbisohp, obit., i, 643.
Tasmania, viii, 36; queen and last
native of, i, 53.

Taxation, in Italy, iv, 524; v, 408,
409; vi, 449; in Austria, v,
44; viii, 42; in Great Britain,
vi, 362; remission of, in Prus-
sia, vi, 775; in India, vii, 416;
in Russia, 733; in United
States, President Arthur on,
vi, 780; on reduction of, viii,
160; of State property, vii,
409; of sectarian asylums, iv,
721; of mortgages and mort-
gaged property, iv, 598, 673;
vi, 535; reduction, viii, 789.
For State laws, see under titles
of States.

Tay bridge. See Bridges.
Tayler, R. W., obit., iii, 646.
Taylor, A. F., obit., viii, 595.
Taylor, Bayard, sketch, iii, 778.
Taylor, Sir H., obit., i, 643.
Taylor, Richard, sketch, iv, 825.
Taylor, S., experiments by, iii, 727.
Taylor, Tom, obit., v, 603.
Taylor, W. B., theory of, viii, 24.
Tcherkaskij, Prince, obit., iii, 662.
Tchernytchevsky, nihilism of, iv,


Tebbutt, J., discovery by, vi, 38.
Tees river, breakwater on, iii, 287.
Teisserenc de Bort, Edmond, ii,


Telegraph companies, contest be-
tween, v, 417; suits against,
viii, 576; confidential nature
of messages, iv, 533.
Telegraphs, subterranean, ii, 278;
iv, 347; v, 252; ocean, iv, 346;
v, 242, 251, 252.
Telegraph system, Signal-Service,
iv, 816.
Telegraphs and Telephones, statis-

tics of, vii, 785; í, 240; vii, 119.
Telegraphy, improvements in, i,

515, 520; vi, 255, 256.
Teleki, Count, obit., i, 643.
Telephone, the, i, 740; ii, 706;
statistics, vii, 785.

Teller, H. M., portrait, vii, 811.
Tellkampf, J. L., sketch, i, 741.
Tellurium, new oxide of, viii, 111.
Telpherage, viii, 679.

Tempel, Dr., discoveries by, ii, 46;
iv, 51.
Temperance, local-option laws, iii,
519; iv, 421; viii, 519; civil
damages, iii, 625; iv, 516, 599;
high license, vii, 567; viii, 546;
Scott act, vi, 219; screen-law,
539; Pond bill, vii, 658; reso-
lution in Parliament on, iv,
456; v, 342; decisions on ques-
tions of, iv, 579, 592; vi, 467;
vii, 448. See also Prohibition,
viii, 661. For conventions and
State acts, see under titles of

Temporal Power, the, Spanish Cor-

tes on, ii, 699. See Papacy.
Tenants, compensation for im-
provements by, viii, 410.
Tenduf, vi, 327.

Tennessee, in every volume; debt
question, viii, 757.
Tenney, Sanborn, obit., ii, 589.
Tenney, Sarah M. B., obit., i, 624.
Tenney, Wm. J., sketch, portrait,
viii, 758.

Tergukassoff, A. A., sketch, ii, 712.
Territories, U. S., survey of, i, 333;
ii, 336.

Teuffel, W. G., obit., iii, 662.
Tewfik Bey, death of, viii, 302.
Tewfik I. See Mohammed Tewfik.
Tewksbury Almshouse, Gov. But-
ler's charges, viii, 517.
Te Whiti, vii, 45.
Texas, in every volume.
Texas Indemnity Stock, vii, 399.
Textile manufactures, improve-
ments in, vi, 543.
Thaxter, E. R., obit., vi, 689.
Thayer, N., obit., viii, 595.
Thebaud, Dr. J. S., obit., i, 625.
Thebaw, King, attempt to assassi-
nate, v, 69; position of, vii,
Thein, detection of, ii, 95.
Theological Schools in United
States, viii, 760.
Thermo-Chemistry, discovery in,
iii, 90.

Thibet, explorations in, i, 329; iii,
359; iv, 399; v, 289; cause of
difficult access, iv, 400; pro-
ductions, 400, 401.
Thiers, L. A., sketch, ii, 715; ad-

dress of, to electors, 815.
Thollon, observations by, vii, 20,

[blocks in formation]

Thompson, S. P., theory of elec-

tricity, vi, 240.
Thompson, R. W., sketch, ii, 716.
Thomsen, Julius, experiments by,
ii, 499.
Thomson, Jos., explorations by, ir,

402; v, 296; viii, 385.
Thomson, Sir C. Wyville, expedi

tion of, vii, 331; obit., 647.
Thomson, Sir Wm., inventions and

researches of, ii, 498; iii, 251:
iv, 419; vi, 239, 253, 255; vii,
223, 269; viii, 116.
Thorne, C. R., obit., viii, 596.
Thorne, J. S., obit., v, 596.
Thornton, J. W., obit., iii, 646.
Thorpe, T. B., sketch, iii, 788.
Thousand Islands, the, vi, 838.
Thrasher, J. S., obit., iv, 696.
Thrift Congress, iii, 314.
Thurston, R. H., discovery by, vi,


Thymol, as an anti-ferment, i, 95.
Tidemand, Adolf, sketch, i, 747.
Tidy, Meymott, on water analysis,
iii, 91.

Tierra de la Guerra, v, 298.
Tiff, in white-lead, iv, 640.
Tilden, M. Y., obit., 1, 625.
Tilden, S. J., sketch and portrait,

i, 748; nomination, 785; let-
ters from, iii, 717; v, 697.
Tileston, W. M., obit., v, 596.
Tilghman, R. C., obit., iv, 697.
Tillamook Lighthouse, vii, 283.
Timbuctoo, vi, 328.
Time, standard and cosmopolitan,
colored map, viii, 761.
Timoffski, i, 323.
Tin, alloys of, iv, 4; deterioration

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