Imágenes de páginas

An Chloe.

Chloe, kennst du noch die Stunde,
Die zu schnell vorüberging,
Als ich fest an deinem Munde,
Fest an deinem Herzen hing?

O, der Liebe Schauder bebte
Mächtig mir durch jeden Sinn:
Chloe, meine Seele schwebte
Küssend zu der deinen hin.

Eines ganzen Lebens Freuden,

Sonnen Auf- und Untergang,

Blumenduft und Grün der Weiden,

Zephyr, Nachtigallgesang,

Junger Haine froh Getümmel,

Jeder selige Genuß,

Ruhm und Glück und Erd' und Himmel,

Alles war in diesem Kuß.


Lines from the German.

ET me wander where she walks
In the blessed calm of even;
Let me listen when she talks ;
Jove, I envy not thy heaven.
Love within my bosom's cell
Hermit-like doth ever dwell:
Hope and Joy may leave my
Love and I will never part.

Land and Sea.

HAT is a farmer's, this a sailor's


S. A.


One end awaits the land, and one the wave.

s. A. (from the Greek).

Amata nobis quantum amabitur nulla.

ORAE tune memor, Neaera, vivis,
Qvae passu nimium cito cucurrit,
Felix cum labiis tuis inhaesi,

Felix e gremio tuo pependi?
Ut me surripuit mihi Cupido,
Ut sensus domuit potente virga!
Mens fugit mea basiantis, ad te
Fugit, parsqve tui, Neaera, facta est.
Longae gaudia qvantacumqve vitae,
Phoebi lux orientis et cadentis,
Pratorum novitas, odor rosarum,
Cantus lusciniae, melos Favoni,
Vernis in siluis chori volucrum,
Seu qvid lectius est beatiusqve,
Fortunae decus omne, terra, caelum,
Nil huic abfuit osculationi.


Amor Inquilinus.

IT mihi per dominae vestigia saepe vagari,
Cum latebras mulcet vespere sancta qvies;

Sit mihi mellitam dominae bibere aure loqvellam ;

Invideam caeli non ego regna Iovi.

Haeret Amor vivax habitatqve in pectore nostro,
Ceu pius in cari ianitor aede dei.

Spes abeat nobis, abeat fugitiva Voluptas:

Restat adhuc certo foedere iunctus Amor.



IC cinis agricolae, nautae deponitur illic :
Unus adest terrae terminus, unus aqvae.
T. S. H. (ex Anth. Gr.)

Falstaff's Recovery.


MBOWELLED! If thou embowel me to-day,

I'll give you leave to powder me, and eat me too, to-morrow. 'Sblood, 'twas time to counterfeit, or that hot termagant Scot had paid me scot and lot too. Counterfeit? I lie; I am no counterfeit. To die is to be a counterfeit; for he is but the counterfeit of a man who hath not the life of a man; but to counterfeit dying, when a man thereby liveth, is to be no counterfeit, but the true and perfect image of life indeed. The better part of valour is-discretion, in the which better part I have saved my life. Zounds, I am afraid of this gunpowder Percy, though he be dead. How, if he should counterfeit too, and rise? I am afraid he would prove the better counterfeit. Therefore I'll make him sure; yea, and I'll swear I killed him. Why may not he rise as well as I? Nothing confutes me but eyes, and nobody sees Therefore, sirrah (stabbing him), with a new wound in your thigh, come you along with me.



An die Astronomen.

Schwaßet mir nicht so viel von Nebelflecken und Sonnen; Ist die Natur nur groß, weil sie zu zählen euch gibt? Euer Gegenstand ist der erhabenste freilich im Raume ; Aber, Freunde, im Raun wohnt das Erhabene nicht.


̓Αναιδείην ἐπιειμένε, κερδαλεόφρον.

ΦΑΛ. Τὸ δ' ἔντερα τἀμά σ ̓ ἐξελεῖν· ἐὰν μὲν οὖν
τῷδ' ἐν φάει ξέλης σφε, τὠπιόντι με
τεμάχη ποιήσεις λεπτά, καὶ κατεδεῖ γε πρός.
μὰ Δί ̓ ἀλλ ̓ ἐνόμιζον οὐκ ἔτος φενακιεῖν,
εἴ μ' οὑτοσὶ θερμουργὸς ἄγριος Σκύθης
δώσειν ἔμελλεν οὐ τάχ' ἀλλ ̓ ἤδη σκότῳ.
ποῖον φενάκισμ ̓ ; οὐ γὰρ ἀλλὰ ψεύδομαι·
οὐ δῆτ' ἐφενάκισ'· ἐστὶ γὰρ φενακίσαι
τὸ θανεῖν· ὁ γὰρ μηδ' ἐμπνέων ἀνθρωπίνως,
μορφὴν ὑποδὺς ἀνθρωπίνην, ὁδὶ φέναξ.
ὁ δ ̓ ὡς θανὼν φενακίσας, ἐν τῷδε δὲ
ζῶν, οὐκ ἐφενάκισ' οὗτος, ἀλλὰ ζῶν κυρεῖ
πάμψυχος ἤδη κοὐδὲν ἐξῃκασμένος.
τοῦ μὲν θράσους πλεῖν ἡμίσους τὸ σωφρονεῖν·
τούτῳ δ ̓ ἐγὼ νῦν οὐ τέθνηκα θημίσει.
οἴμοι τάλας· ὡς τόνδε καὶ θανόνθ ̓ ὅμως
βροντησικέραυνον Περσέα δείσας ἔχω.
ἴσον γὰρ οὗτος εἰ φενακίζων τύχῃ,
ἐγὼ τί γένωμαι, τοῦδ' ἀναστάντος πάλιν ;
δέδοικ ̓ ἄμεινον μὴ φενακίσας κυρῇ.

φέρ' οὖν ἀνύσω νιν καὶ κατομόσω καὶ κτανεῖν.
πῶς ἐξ ἴσου γὰρ οὐκ ἂν ἀνσταίη γ' ἐμοί;
οὐδέν μ' ἐλέγχει πλῆν τὸ καθορᾶσθαι μόνον·
τὸ δ ̓ οὐ πάρεστι τοιγαροῦν, ὦ τᾶν, ἔχων
πρὸς τοῖς παλαιοῖς ἕλκος ἐν μηρῷ νέον,

ὧδ' ἂν βαδίζοις ἐξόδους κοινὰς ἐμοί.


*Ανδρας μετεωροφένακας.

J. R.

VID me tot nebulis, tot solibus usqve fatigas?
An nisi qvod numeres est tibi grande nihil?
Maxima qvae capiat spatium, Meteore, recenses,
Sed spatium magni nil, Meteore, capit.




Wie einst mit flehendem Verlangen
Pygmalion den Stein umschloß,
Bis in des Marmors kalte Wangen
Empfindung glühend sich ergoß,
So schlang ich mich mit Liebesarmen
Um die Natur, mit Jugendlust,
Bis sie zu athmen, zu erwarmen
Begann an meiner Dichterbrust.

Und theilend meine Flammentriebe
Die Stumme eine Sprache fand,
Mir wiedergab den Kuß der Liebe,
Und meines Herzens Klang verstand;
Da lebte mir der Baum, die Rose,
Mir fang der Quellen Silberfall,
Es fühlte selbst das Seelenlose
Bon meines Lebens Wiederhall.

A Perfect Woman.


HIS morning timely rapt with holy fire,

I thought to form unto my zealous Muse What kind of creature I could most desire To honour, serve, and love, as poets use. I meant the day-star should not brighter rise, Nor lend like influence from his lucent seat; I meant each softest virtue there should meet, Fit in that softer bosom to reside.

Only a learned and a manly soul

I purposed her, that should with even powers The rock, the spindle, and the shears control

Of Destiny, and spin her own free hours; Such when I meant to feign, and wished to see, My Muse bade Bedford write, and that was she.


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