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Christmas Presents;


Part II.

[Concluded from page 42.]

N the following morning, after the disaster rereferred to in our last, John was up very soon after it was light, as he felt very sorry for what he had done the day before, and was anxious for his papa's forgiveness. However, as his papa

had not yet come down stairs, John amused himself looking out upon the garden, which was covered all over with snow, like a sugered twelfth cake, the leafless branches of the trees were overburdened with their white covering, and the Christmas holly berries looked all the more red and cheerful from the surrounding white,—while two or three Robins were flying about, trying to find a resting place out of the snow,-and on the look-out for their breakfast. It was while John was thoughtful, and amused at what was going on outside, that Mr. Wilmot entered the


"Good morning, John," said Mr. Wilmot.

John was taken rather by surprise at the kind greeting of his papa; for he had been expecting at least a severe scolding; but he immediately returned his papa's good morning, and was then silent.


You got up soon this morning, John," said Mr. Wil

'Yes, papa; I have been up some time. I could not sleep comfortably. I was very naughty yesterday. Has mamma told you?" and poor little John, who was really sorry for what he had done, began to cry very very much. Come, come, John," said Mr. Wilmot, " dry your eyes, and tell me, like a man, what made you get at the parcel after I had promised to let you know what it contained today."

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Oh, рара, I do not know; I was very wrong.

you will forgive me; I will not do so again.'

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I hope

Well," replied Mr. W., from what your mamma has told me, I am inclined to think it will be a lesson to you; but you must learn to conquer that hasty petulant temper of yours. Why did you not trust to me? I do not so much object to your wishing to know what was in the parcel; that simple feeling of curiosity will lead you to get over many difficulties-if it is rightly directed; but it was very wrong indeed of you to attempt to get down the parcel, after I had expressly told your sister you should know all about it to-day, and not before,—that was not curiosity, but wilful disobedience; now, if you had been able to see what the parcel contained without your accident, tell me, would it not have been very wrong to have led me to suppose you knew nothing about it?"

John, who felt much ashamed of himself with his papa's reproof, immediately confessed it would, and that he had intended his papa should not know he had touched it: but he was very sorry, and hoped his papa would forgive him.

"Oh, yes, my dear boy," replied Mr. Wilmot, "I freely forgive you, for I think you are really sorry; but I wish you to remember the lesson this little fault of yours teaches, and it is this-that although I may forgive you, as far as I am conceived, yet your disobedience brings its own punishment; for I had intended, when your aunts and cousins, and little friends, were here this evening, to have exhibited the magic-lantern to you all, with its number of pretty pictures, the same as you saw in London at your Uncle Tom's; thus you have not only prevented this pleasure to yourself, but also prevented my being able to amuse your young friends; besides that, you have broken your kind little sister Emma's wax doll, which I am sure you will feel very much, as she was so kind, I hear, as to beg of your mamma that you should not be punished, so that you see my forgiving you does not do away with the consequences of your disobedience. I want this to be impressed on your mind, and in like mannner, if you do any good act, nothing will prevent your feeling pleasure and satisfaction."

John felt the force of his papa's words, and promised he would never be so naughty again.




The Christmas day went off rather more quietly than they had expected, the matter was only slightly referred to, while John was absent; but he appeared very thoughtful all the evening, and was evidently thinking what fun and pleasure he had prevented.

Months passed on, and Mr. and Mrs. Wilmot noticed with pleasure, what an altered little boy their John Wilmot had become; the seeds and flowers his mamma gave him came up, and his little garden became quite tidy and pretty; and he appeared to recollect his papa's advice about curiosity, for he was always asking his mamma questions, and never forgot her answers. He frequently repeated them to

his sister Emma.

An evident impression had been made upon our little friend, John Wilmot, by the events of the last Christmas eve; on no one occasion had Mr. W. to bring the matter to John's mind. He was now noticed just as much for his immediate attention to all that was told him, as formerly he had been for his obstinacy and passion.

Many were the nice walks Mrs. Wilmot now took John and Emma, as the summer advanced, on account of their being such good children. On one occasion they went to Bidston-hill, up to the lighthouse, from whence their mamma pointed out to them the Welsh mountains, and the sea and a fine game the children had running about among the beautiful heath, nearly as high as themselves, and getting home very tired, just in time to meet their рара, and tell him all the pretty objects they had seen.

Thus autumn passed away and winter came again, and our little friends, the Wilmots, were again preparing for Christmas, and were thinking of the several cousins who were to visit them on the following day, when, who should come in but their papa, and with just such another parcel as he had on the last Christmas day.

Many were the recollections this little circumstance called up in the minds of all, especially little John.

"Well, John," at last, said his papa, "I have been a pleased witness of the way you have kept your promise of amendment since this time last year. I have in consequence now brought you home another magic-lantern; and when you, to-morrow, are seeing your young friends enjoy the beauty of the views, you will reflect, I am sure, with pleasure and satisfaction on what I formerly told you, that although disobedience will always sooner or later bring its punishment and suffering; so obedience and good conduct must in like manner always bring its reward.

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