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then be separated from the hens entirely, they will wander less, and do better away from the fowls. I have often kept the chickens in my garden; they keep the May bugs and other insects away from vines, &c.

In cases of confining fowls in summer, it should be remembered that a ground room should be chosen: or it will do just as well to set into their pen, boxes of dried sand or kiln-dried, well pulverized earth, for them to wallow in, in warm weather.


For many years my attention has been turned to ascertain the proper time to cut timber to insure its greatest durabillty. I am satisfied that the spring, when the sap flows freely, is the best time to fall timber. I am borne out in this opinion by the following statements that I have collected.

JC- informed me that a detachment of British troops crossed from Philadelphia the 1st day of May, in 1777, and on the 2d commenced cutting down his wood for the supply of the army, and at the same time to burn up his fencing, which they completely accomplished. "But said he, they taught me the proper time to cut timber to make it last. After they marched off, I found many trees that were not cut into cord wood; those I split into rails, believing, at the same time, they would soon decay, from their being cut in the spring-but I have been agreeably disappointed,most of them are as sound now as when made into fence." This he related five-and-twenty or thirty years after the peace of '83.

Conversing with an old gentleman in the neighbourhood of Haddonfield, he told me that in the spring of the year he was making fence. "My fences said he, "are all of cedar, but falling short of cedar rails, and having none from the swamp, I was induced to cut down a pine tree and convert it into rails to finish out my fence; they were the only pine rails I ever made use of. Ten or twelve

years after this, when re-setting my fence, I found the pine rails so sound that I let them remain; since then I have not seen them, having left my farm." I proposed taking a ride and look if any of them were remaining. We did so, and found a number in the fence perfectly sound. I asked how long they had been there. He re plied, between 28 to 30 years.

An old friend related the following:-"I served apprenticeship to a carpenter. During my apprenticeship my employer was sent for to build a barn for a farmer in the neighborhood, who was so very particular to have every thing done in the best manner. In the old of the moon, in the month of February, he cut down and hauled all the logs necessary for the frame. In the spring my employer was sent for, and when he came to hew the sills, one was so defective we were compelled to get another from the woods to supply its

place. Whilst we were building the barn he would frequentiy lament the loss of the sill he cut in the winter, saying, in a few years I shall have to put in a new sill, for this one will rot,' pointing to the one cut in the spring. But, said this old friend, I lived to see the same barn moved, and before it could be effected, they were compelled to put three new sills under it; they were all rotten except the one cut in the spring." This satisfied me that the spring was the proper time to fall timber to insure its lasting well.

Being at Egg Harbor, fitting out a vessel, and in company with several persons the conversation turned as to the proper time to cut timber for ship building—an old man related the following:—I well remember a gentleman coming from Philadelphia to Egg Harbor, and sending for a ship-carpenter to build him a schooner. When they entered into a contract, the gentleman bound him up to cut down all the timber when the sap run, and then take his own time to build her, provided he would get her round to Philadelphia before winter set in. We all thought he knew but little about cutting timber, and would soon have a rotten vessel. Eighteen years after, said he, I saw the same vessel opened. Her timbers were then sound, and in good condition. Yours, &c. Farmer's Cabinet.



As peach trees greatly exhaust the soil, it is probably the cause, in some measure, of the failure of crops. Cultivators would do well, occasionally, to remove the exhausted soil from around the roots of the trees, supplying its place with good earth. Coal dust from the blacksmith's forge, and wood ashes, are a valuable nourisher of the peach tree. It is also said they are an antidote against the worm which preys upon the peach tree at the surface of the soil; and causes such a lamentable destruction of them.

The peach, also, at proper times, needs more pruning than any other tree, to keep it in luxuriant growth.

It has been asserted, as the result of an incidental experiment, that squashes sown in the fall will survive the frosts of winter and spring, and will mature much earlier than any which can be sown in the spring. It is worth a more satisfactory experiment. The earliest sallads, we know, are grown in this way.

Young trees should not be planted where the decaying old roots are, as they are the receptacle of numerous worms, which seek their food in the roots of the young trees, and open the sap vessel, so that the sap instead of nourishing the tree, flows to waste in the earth, and causes the loss of the tree.

Deep digging is essential to the growth of young trees, in order that the rain water may filter under the roots, which otherwise would be rotted by stagnant water remaining around them.-Ca lumbus Journal.


To please the fancy and improve the mind..

For the Delaware Register.


Few persons are less disposed to superstition than myself; yet, during my pilgrimage through this eventful world, where for the most part we seem to grope uncertain in the dark, I have apparently had such frequent forewarnings of impending calamity, that the recollection of them, almost compels me to believe that dangers always cast their shadows before, and that were we wise enough to perceive and understand the sign, we might commonly avoid them. And yet, as the premonition in nearly every instance, passes by unseen or disregarded, we may well ask, of what use are signs to the blind? And the doctrine of inevitable necessity again forces itself upon our attention.

Well and ever shall I remember the first presentiment of evil, which came suddenly upon me, and like the poisonous wind of the desert, withered in a moment the fancied perennial flowers, with which I thought my path was strown, into dust and ashes. It was in the days of buoyant boyhood, when life was one continued dream of present enjoyment, and promise of future felicity. I had been several weeks far from my home, and was now on my return and within two days of the end of my journey. It was one of those bright and glorious mornings, we sometimes enjoy in the capricious month of March, giving promise of the genial season of fruits and flowers. The warm blood was coursing freely through my healthy and youthful veins, and a sense of unusual satisfaction pervaded every thought of my mind--when, as suddenly as the lightnings flash, a feeling of unutterable woc and despair seized upon my heart. My vision failed me-my limbs shook and tottered under me--and I seemed to stand on the very brink of annihilation, ready to plunge hendlong into the gulf of oblivion! I ceased to think-my mind became a blank, and every record was erased from the tablet of memory; soon however, to become again painfully legible, and all tinged with the sombre tints of gloom and despondency. When returning consciousness again made me sensible of existence, the first idea which entered my mind, was a burning and anxious desire to be that instant at home. And had I at that moment been master of the world's wealth, I would have given it all for the immediate completion of my wish. Soon, however, I began to reason on the circumstance, and was not long in concluding that my strange feelings were produced by physical derangement. The

cloud then passed away, and the sunshine of life returned as beaming and as bright as before.

Onward I sped towards my happy home, anticipating the pleasure I should give and receive by my arrival, among those who never failed to greet my return to the paternal roof, with warm hearts and smiling countenances. When within four or five miles of home, I overtook a neighbor and accosted him in the language of cheerfulness. He returned not my greeting, but looked up into my face with an aspect of sadness and commiseration. As if by inspiration, the truth flashed at once upon my mind, and I exclaimed-my father! he is dead! I hurried forward to the house of mourning, and found, alas! my prediction true! He had died suddenly of apoplexy, two days before, at the very hour when the gloomy vision was upon me.

Many other presentiments of approaching evil I have since had; one only of which I shall now mention. The last winter and spring, I passed in Florida, with a married sister and her husband, who for several years had been resident there. About the beginning of June, we purposed setting out on our return to Maryland, our native State, which they intended to make their future place of abode. A few days before we commenced our journey, I retired, as is common in that country, one afternoon to enjoy a nap, and soon fell into a profound slumber. But the ever active mind, still continued to pursue the train of my waking thoughts, which were of home, and my reunion with my family and friends. I thought we had reached our dwelling in safety, and that I was at the time one of a large party of ladies and gentlemen who, in many light canoes and boats, were enjoying the amusement of angling, on the broad bosom of our beautiful river. All was life and hilarity. Music floated over the glad waters, and the song in which many voices joined, woke the echo in the banks of the stream. Suddenly a change came over the scene. The skies were overcast. The winds arose in all their power and fury. Lightnings flashedthunders rolled, and our little fleet was driven far into the bay, then to sea, and along the southern coast, where first one boat and then another went down, carrying with them all on board, who sunk with bubbling groans into the dread abyss of ocean. My craft seemed to be driven along several days and nights, while I endured all the pains arising from hunger and thirst, and the constant fear of immediate destruction. At last I was cast ashore naked and alone, and awoke in an agony only to be equalled by the reality of the scene my fancy had pictured. My first idea on awaking was, that this dream was given me as a warning not to take passage by sea, and at that moment I determined to be obedient to the vision.

But strange as it may appear, before I had time to reach the family circle, the very memory of my dream had passed away, and returned no more until recalled, by the real catastrophe, which I am now about to narrate.

According to our previous intention, we too!: passage in the new and splendid steam ship P from a southern port for the city of B and entered upon our voyage on the fourteenth of June. There were nearly two hundred passengers on board, among whom were many women and children. Every class and condition of citizens were there represented, and all seemed well satisfied with their accommodations, and the qualities of the packet in which they had embarked. Nearly every countenance was beaming with pleasure; for the weather was truly delightful and the sea breeze bland and refreshing. Most of the passengers passed the greater part of the day on deck, walking, or sitting in groups beneath the awning, engaged in social conversation, while the noble vessel bounded forward, like a race horse under the spur. The merchant talked of the staples of the south, of the trade, goods and manufactures of the north, and the rate of exchange. The politicians disputed, (not always in the most temperate language) in favor of, or against the leading measures of the administration, offering bets as usual with them, on the success of their respective parties, in the approaching elections. The lawyers were fluent on all subjects save such as related to their profession, although occasionally a phrase would escape them which told truly to what class they belonged. The physicians again healed the sick, and the projector avered that the time would soon come when all labor would be done by machinery, without the aid of human hands. The speculator boasted of his sagacity in watching the signs of the times, by which he either had or soon should obtain an independent fortune. The planter discoursed of his slaves, plantations, cotton, tobacco, rice and sugar; while the ladies with their attendants, as a matter of course, were engaged in discussing the all important topics of love, courtship and marriage. The only silent beings that came within my observation, were some three or four adventurers of doubtful character; and a clock pedler from the east, who had passed several years in the south, vending his wares from which he had got great gain, and as the exchange was against that country had converted into good red gold, which he had with him, securely deposited in a new pair of saddle-bags, which every night he placed beneath his pillow. Of all the crowd on board he alone seemed to have forebodings of evil, for he was several times heard, (as if talking to himself) regretting that he had sold his horse and waggon, and taken passage in the steamer, instead of going home by land.,

So passed the first day of our voyage, and as will appear in the sequel, the last of life, to more than four-fifths of all the souls on board. About nine o'clock at night as I was promenading the deck, enjoying the fresh breeze of ocean, I entered into conversation with the captain, whose watch it then was above. He talked in raptures about the speed and qualities of his ship, and assured me he should make the shortest passage ever made between C and B

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