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the house and newspapers of the day, as one who has done the State some service; and of this kind of ambition Jonathan Goforth had his full share, and therefore determined to be an active member. Accordingly, for the first two or three days of the session he observed the mode of proceeding, and soon thought himself perfect in his knowledge of the manner of doing business; and now nothing was wanting but a fit occasion to act, which in a short time presented itself. He found upon the files of the house, a petition from a number of persons in his neighborhood, praying the Legislature to enact a law to prevent swine from committing acts of vagrancy in a particular district of his county. It had been read and referred to a committee, and Jonathan thought it proper to take the case under his peculiar management. He therefore took the paper in his hand, arose in his place, and moved that it be read a second time. A good natured member, without understanding what was going on, seconded the motion; and Jonathan sat down. Instead of hearing the question called on his motion, he was surprised and not a little angry to see a general smile on the countenances of the speaker and all the members of the house. He rose again in wrath, and declared he did not understand such treatment, and wanted to know the reason why his business could not be attended to as well as that of Mr. A. or Mr. B. who were always making motions, and always listened to with respect. He was at last silenced by being informed, that the petition was in the hands of a committee, and that it was not parliamentary to read a petition a second time on motion. Upon this he swore he would soon understand the rules of proceeding as well as the best of them, and was shortly afterwards seen poring over Jefferson's Manual, which he appeared to be studying very intently for the space of half an hour, when he threw it by, saying he would not bother his brain with such nonsense. From henceforth Goforth determined to confine his operations to simple voting, and what is called among the members "log rolling."

Some days after the defeat, on his motion to read the petition a second time, the final question was about to be taken on the passage of a bill, to which Jonathan, to use his own language, was "diametrically and unanimously" opposed. He had counted noses, as the saying is, and found that it could not pass by more than one majority, and took his measures accordingly. When the house divided, and the members in favor of the bill were requested to rise, Jonathan who was then on his feet, immediately sat down in the lap of old Mr. W—, whom he knew intended to vote in the affirmative, and thus produced a tie; upon which he exclaimed exultingly, "there by its lost." The yeas and nays were called, and the speaker announced that the bill had passed, to which Jonathan demurred, on the ground that the bill having been once lost, could not be revived during that session. Here he found himself again at fault, and becoming disgusted with legislation, determined for the future to be a silent member of the house, and contine his operations mostly to the more pleasant employment of eat

ing and drinking out of it, where he was sure to stand unrivalled. Goforth, as we have seen was not very apt at legislation, but he was the very prince of good fellows at a convivial party; and nothing in the way of stimulus came amiss to him. He would take a pinch of snuff with M. a dose of what the steam doctors call No. 6, with L. a glass of toddy a dozen times a day at the bar with H. and turn off his two bottles of wine at a terrapin supper, in less time than any member of either house of the assembly, apparently all the time as sober as if he had drank nothing but water.

To our friend B who, during that session served the State with great ability, Goforth, in his hours of relaxation, was a perpetual source of amusement. He would flatter, coax and draw him out, and you could see how excessively, though quietly, he enjoy ed his rough humour, quaint sayings and comical songs. One of the members made a song for Jonathan, upon the circumstances of his electing himself, having no constituents, and owing responsibility to no one; which he used to sing at their evening parties, when the wine had ascended into the brain, and night was fast waneing into morning, with great applause. The session at last ended, as all sessions must end. They had made their bookfinished all their work,-and now returned to their constituents to give an account of their stewardship. Years have since passed, and election after election has taken place, and yet Jonathan Goforth, Esquire, notwithstanding his services in the Legislature reflected so much honor upon himself and upon the people he represented, has not since been called to the assembly! Strange as this may appear, we ought not to be too much astonished at it, when we bear in mind, that republics are proverbially ungrateful.


"Is the education of a young lady rightly conducted when the accomplishment of needle work does not form a prominent part? We think not. That accomplishment is of great value to every female who prizes nicety, and would not be slavishly dependent on other's skill. Indeed, we deem it a great misfortune to any young lady to be deficient in the art of 'plying the polished shaft' with activity, and many a one looked on needle work as fitted only for the lower sort,' has been deeply mortified by accidents which a little knowledge of the despised accomplishment would have enabled her to remedy in a moment. And how extremely dependent must that lady be who has fostered an utter dislike towards needle work! We pity her, and with the poet sing

"The gay belles of fashion may boast of excelling
In waltz or cotillion--at whist or quadrille;

And seek admiration by vauntingly telling
Of drawing, and painting, and musical skill;
But give me the fair one in country or city,
Whose home and its duties are dear to the heart,
Who cheerfully warbles some rustical ditty,
While plying the needle with exquisite art,
The bright little needle, the swift flying needle,
The needle directed by beauty and art.'

And a beautiful and animated picture is presented by a circle of busy ones, their eyes flashing with pleasure as bright as the little needle in the light of the evening lamp! The contrast is great and ludicrous when such a group is compared with an idle family circle, where the members are gaping and groaning, and wishing that bed time was near. And what a sight is the wardrobe of that lady who is no needle woman, and who has lost her help, and in vain seeks for another! Truly, there is truth in the quaint remark of a paragraphist, that when he saw a lady send her husband's coat or pants to the tailor's to get one or two buttons put on, he wondered not that young men were skittish about getting married. They know not what they do, who, in seeking for a wife, give no attention to discover whether or not the one they admire is a needle woman. Alas! for the man who, phrenologically, has large order, but whose wife is no adept in the art of needle-work!

In Mrs. Gilman's Annual, we find the following good thoughts on our subject, and we quote them as worthy the attenion of our fair readers: "Cultivate a love of needle-work in your family. Whatever be the mental cultivation of woman, she is made happier by this occupation. A young lady who superintends her own and her mother's clothing, will have sweet, cheerful thoughts spring up in her mind, unless she is diseased, or actually courts gloomy ideas. It is an odious sight to witness a family idle of a winter evening: and a no less beautiful spectacle when a circle surround a table, employing their needles, while one reads aloud. Let one of the party provide a map and dictionary for reference, and the knowledge obtained in an evening will be surprising. Looking out the meaning of words, makes a good pause, and stimulates thought and criticism.'

'It is not probable that sewing ever checked the bright and thinking faculties. The dull will be dull still whether they read libraries or ply the needle, and this employment certainly gives a zest to after reading, to those who really love books. How should women bless their needle for rescuing them from temptations which assail the other sex. Bright and innocent implement, whether plied over tasteful luxuries, or gaining the poor pittance of a day, thou art equally the friend of her whose visions tend to wander amid the regions of higher abstractions, and of her whose thoughts are pinned down to the treadmill of thy minute progress. Quiet rescuer from clubs and midnight revels, amid the minor blessings of woman's lot, thou shalt not be forgotten!-Still come, and let thy

fairy wand shine on her; still lend an ambitious joy to the playthings of the girl; still move unconsciously under the glittering smile of the maiden, planning thy triumphant results; still beguile the mother whose thoughts rove to her boy on the distant ocean; or the daughter, watching by the sick bed of one who has heretofore toiled for her; still soothe the long dreary moments of faithful love, and though a tear sometimes falling on thy shining point, it shall not gather the rust of despair, since employment is thy dower."



-Do you hear, let them be well used; for they are the abstract, and brief chro nicles, of the time.-Hamlet.

It was a beautiful morning in the month of July, that I mounted my horse at the door of the Exchange Hotel in Pittsburg, for the purpose of making in company with a friend, a short excursion into the surrounding country. In a few moments we crossed the fine bridge over the Alleghany, and left behind us the city of clouds and vapours-galloped rapidly through the somewhat cleaner streets of Alleghany-town-passed the noble arsenal of the United States, and took the road winding along the banks of the smooth-flowing Ohio. It was in truth a beautiful morning. The sun rose in full splendour; all nature seemed as if refreshed by its night's repose, while the grateful coolness of the fresh morning breeze playing upon my hitherto feverish cheek as I rode cheerily onward, soon dispelled the lassitude occasioned by past travelling, and brought back again my wonted health and cheerfulness.

The section of country through which we passed, is rich and highly cultivated. Extensive fields of waving, golden grain met the eye in every direction, which induced us to hope that to the universal cry of "hard times" and "scarcity of money," scarcity of bread-stuffs would not be added. The scenery in this valley is highly picturesque, and though the rapidity with which we were borne along by our gallant steeds prevented us in a great measure from fully seeing and enjoying it, yet still the slight glimpse we were able to catch of it showed us the distance rich, and beautifully diversified with hill and dale; while, in the foreground, the wellcultivated fields, the green meadows enamelled with flowers, the white cottage prettily embosomed amid the green trees, and the magnificently large barn-that grand characteristic of Pennsylva nia as they rapidly receded from our view, presented a very striking and very pleasing appearance.

A ride of a few hours brought us to Economy. This neat little village, commandingly situated on the Ohio river, is inhabited solely

by Germans, under the patriarchal government of count Rapp. This individual is a German nobleman, who having discovered some new ideas in religion and ethics, retired with a number of his deluded countrymen, to put them in practice in the wilds of America. He first settled in Butler county, Pennsylvania, and gave his settlement the name of Harmony; but from some cause or other becoming dissatisfied with this place, he moved down the Ohio to Posey county, Indiana, where on the left bank of the Wabash he laid off another town, which he also called Harmony. This he afterwards sold to the notorious Robert Dale Owen-who had selected it as the chosen spot in which to put in operation his own peculiar principles-and retraced his steps up the Ohio to Beaver county, Pennsylvania. Here he purchased a large tract of land, and laid off his present town of Economy.

Of all queer places that I have seen, this is the queerest. Not the faintest sound is to be heard throughout it; "majestic silence" reigns here as uncontrolled at high noon-day as in the deep midnight. Rank grass and tall weeds grow unmolested in the streets, where from "night to morn from morn to dewy eve" not a human being is to be seen; save now and then the solitary figure of a man creeping soberly along to his work, or of a woman habited in costume a la Dutch-that is, high-crowned cap, short gown, and short petticoat-going with pail in her hand to one of the public wells to draw water. And even this relieves the monotony but for a moment. The man, with down-cast eyes and sober gait, pursues "the noiseless tenor of his way" and is soon out of sight; the woman quietly draws her water, quietly lifts, and quietly carries the pail upon her head, fastens quietly the garden gate after her, quietly disappears, and all again is quiet and continues to be quiet as before. Even the domestic animals seem to be infected with this stillness. No noisy watch-dog here "howls to the moon," poor puss herself, ceases her caterwauling, and moves along with stealthy pace and lighter step, and even the cow, the sleek and sober-sided cow, lows in softer and subdued tones, and strides by with as much gravity and decorum as if she too were of Dutch descent, and had been admitted a regular member of the community.

The village is laid out in squares, around which the houses are built. These are neat and comfortable, two stories high, but present a singular appearance from their having no entrances towards the street. To every dwelling there is a fine garden attached. Rapp, himself, lives in what may be styled, when compared with the other houses, a palace; and has a garden which is said to be surpassingly elegant. Within its precincts, however, none, or at least very few, have been allowed to enter: it is surrounded by a wall, and if any credence is to be given to the many tales that are in circulation about it, it must be a second garden of Hesperides. They have also a handsome church, surmounted with a steeple, and a spacious building with a hall for concerts, schools for ma

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