Imágenes de páginas
[blocks in formation]

4. What duty did he particularly en

force-what answers.

Mat. 3. Mark 1.


Mat. 3. Mark 1.

5. The principal personage baptizedMat. 3. Luke 3. - the circumstances.

6. What account did he give of Mat. 3. Luke 3.


7 John's disciples.


8. What message did he send to Christ what answer received.

[blocks in formation]

John 1..

Mat. 11. Luke 11.

Mark 6. Mat. 14.



113. From the undermentioned chapters, give a connected account of the leading facts in the history of PETER.

1. Peter- his father's name- his original occupation.

2. The circumstances inducing him to follow Christ.

3. Relate the circumstances showing his intimacy with his master.

4. The incident of his walking on the


5. Peter's conduct when our Lord was apprehended.

6. Peter's denial of his Master.

7. Substance of his speech after our Lord's ascension.

8. Peter's first miracle after Christ's ascension.

9. Peter's conduct before the council. 10. Remarks.

John 1. Mat. 4.

Luke 5. Mat. 4.

Mark 5. Mat. 16, 17.

Mat. 14.

John 18.

Mat. 26. Mark 14.

[blocks in formation]



114. From the undermentioned chapters, give a connected account of the leading facts in the history of PAUL.

1. Paul - his other name-where born -where and by whom educated.

2. Of what sect originally—when first noticed.

Acts 13. 22.


Acts 7. 22, 23.

3. State the remarkable change produced}

in his mind-the circumstances.

4. How received at Damascus after his change by the Disciples - how by the Jews.

Acts 9. 22. 26.

Acts 9.

5. Who introduced him to the Apostles - Acts 9.

how received.

6. On what occasion separated for the ministry in what cities did he preach.

[blocks in formation]

7. Circumstances of his separating from



Acts 15.

8. His trials at Philippi along with Silas. 9. Paul's address to the Athenians.

Acts 16.

Acts 17.

10. Substance or purport of his defence before Agrippa.


Acts 26.

11. Remarks.





115. The object of this chapter is to furnish the student with a clear and familiar exposition of the principal Figures of Speech, a knowledge of which is necessary for rightly understanding the force and beauty of poetry, and for attempting any species of composition requiring the exercise of the imagination and literary taste.

116. FIGURES OF SPEECH are certain deviations either from the usual form or spelling of words from their syntactical construction, or from thei proper and literal meaning.

They are divided into-1st. the figures of Orthography; 2nd. of Syntax; and, 3rd. of Rhetoric.

117. 1st. FIGURES OF ORTHOGRAPHY. The Figures of Orthography are deviations from the usual form or spelling of words, and consist of Elision, Prosthesis, Parogōgě, Synaēresis, Diaērĕsis, and Tmesis.

118. Elision signifies cutting off a letter or syl

lable, either at the beginning, middle, or end of a word. Elision thus consists of three kinds, usually denominated Aphaērēsis, Syncopě, and Apocopě.

a. Aphaērēsis takes away a letter or syllable from the beginning of a word; as, 'gan for began; 'gainst for against; 'plaint for complaint.

b. Syncopě rejects a letter or syllable from the middle of a word; as, lov'd for loved; se'nnight for sevennight.

c. Apocopě cuts off a letter or syllable from the end; as, th' for the; morn for morning; vale for valley; scant for scanty.

119. Prosthesis adds a letter or syllable to the beginning of a word; as, en-chain, dis-part, for chain, part.

120. Paragōgě adds a letter or syllable to the end; as, awaken for awake.

121. Synaērĕsis is the contraction of two vowels or of two syllables into one; as, ae in Israel, ie in alienate, pronounced as if written Is-ral, Al-yenate. Two words, also, are frequently contracted into one; as, 'Tis for it is; 'twas for it was; we'll for we will.

122. Diaērēsis is the division of one syllable into two, by placing the mark over the latter of two vowels; as, in zoology. This figure very rarely occurs in English.

123. Tmesis separates a compound word, by putting a word between; as, "To God ward," that is, "Toward God."

The preceding figures are exclusively confined

to Poetry, consequently, they must not be introduced into Prose.

124. 2nd. FIGURES OF SYNTAX. The Figures of Syntax are Ellipsis, Pleonasm, Enallăge, and Hyperbăton.

125. Ellipsis is the omission of words which are necessary to complete the full syntactical construction of a sentence, but not requisite to convey the meaning. An Ellipsis must not be employed either when the meaning of the sentence would be rendered obscure, or its energy weakened.

126. a. Pleonasm is the use of superfluous words, and is allowable only in expressions of earnestness on some interesting subject,-in solemn language,or in poetical description; thus, we may say, "We have seen with our eyes, we have heard with our ears." "The sea-girt isle."

b. Polysyndĕton, or the repetition of a conjunction, is a figure employed when we wish to dwell on each particular; as, "Power, and wisdom, and goodness, shine forth in the works of creation."

c. Periphrasis is the use of several words to denote one object; as, "The juice of the grape," for wine. This figure is frequently necessary to render our meaning distinct.

127. Enallage is the employment of one part of speech for another, and is entirely confined to Poetry; as, "Slow rises merit, when by poverty



128. Hyperbăton is the transposition of words; "Come, nymph demure," for "demure nymph."

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