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in full force, it is more strongly predominant than any other. This avarice can be gratified only by hypocrisy; so that all the specious virtues already mentioned must, in a gamester, be directed towards the destruction of his fellow creatures. His quick and lively parts serve only to instruct and assist him in the most dexterous method of packing the cards and cogging the dice; his fortitude, which enables him to lose thousands without emotion, must often be practised against the stings and reproaches of his conscience, and his liberal deportment and affected openness is a specious veil to recommend and conceal the blackest villany.

4. Having seen his heart, let us glance at his miseries. The avaricious gamester is compelled to disguise his intentions. Even should his hypocrisy remain undetected, in what a state must that man be, whose fortune depends upon the insincerity of his heart, the disingenuity of his behaviour, and the false bias of his dice! What sensations must he suppress, when he is obliged to smile, although he is provoked; when he must look serene in the height of despair; and when he must act the stoic, without the consolation of one virtuous sentiment, or one moral principle!

5. Our hero is now leaving the stage, and his catastrophe is tragical. The next news we hear of him is his death, perpetrated by his own hand, and with his own pistol. An inquest is bribed, he is buried at midnight—and forgotten before sunrise.

LESSON 190.-Original.

504. Give an original Satirical Description of THE MISER.

505.-1. The Miser defined-one who amasses money by every possible means for the fancied pleasure which it affords. 2. Distinction between covetousness and frugality— the former a vice, the latter a virtue.

3. Trace the origin of Covetousness-sometimes the effect

of severe hardships experienced under the stern hand of poverty-sometimes reaction produced on the mind by exhausted extravagance-sometimes arises from want of early parental advice and example.

4. Misery of this state. As happiness must spring from the possession of good habits, the control of the appetites, the recollection of acts of kindness, when these do not exist, the void must be most unpleasant. As the miser is not conscious of any benefits conferred, he must feel alone in the world, perhaps abandoned or despised by all. Draw a picture. He may also be subject to other annoyances-from a desire of exacting more interest than he ought, his investments may fail his misery at the loss of his only good.

5. Other sources of misery.-Apprehensions of robbery or being cheated-his feelings in sickness or afflictions-his fear of death and a future judgment.

LESSON 191.-Original.

506. Give an original Satirical Description of THE DRUNKARD.

507.-1. State how this vice is formed-in some perhaps there is a natural proneness- some have contracted the habit by imperceptible degrees from associating with individuals so disposed- others again from want of active employmentfrom vexation-from disappointment, &c.

2. Consequences.-Distaste for all rational enjoyments-loss of reputation of property-of friends. self. degradationconscience blunted-intellect injured-loss of healthmisery to wife and children-picture of woe.

LESSON 192.- Original.

508. Give an original Satirical Description of THE SPENDTHRIFT.

509.-1. State the origin of this character-early unchecked self-indulgence-want of early active habits-the tendency of the habit either unknown or disregarded.

2. Results. Each desire increases in intensity by being gratified, till self-gratification becomes the overwhelming principle of action, as this is contrary to the appointed means of securing happiness, disappointment must be the result. Again, as the funds and means of subsistence become exhausted and the desire for indulgence increased, the annoyance at being balked becomes intolerable.-Draw a picture.

LESSON 193.- Original.

510. Give an original Satirical Description of THE HYPOCRITE.

511.-1. Define the hypocrite-one assuming a character not belonging to him, thus, affecting to be a Christian, a man of probity, of learning, of property, of rank, &c., when he is


2. The unpleasant sensations which must harass an individual apprehensive that sooner or later his real character will appear. Institute a contrast between an honest man and a hypocrite.

3. Expose the hollowness and iniquity of a man assuming an office which he does not intend to perform in the sense in which he outwardly professes to undertake it. Show that blandness of manners is no compensation whatever for dereliction of principle. Show that were this system to become general, morality would be overturned, and society reduced to savage brutality.




512. The Formal Description is intended to depict the character, actions, and peculiarities of men distinguished for their public services or exalted position.

513. RULE.A complete Description will require attention to the following: —

1. The birth, parentage, age, education, and associates of the individual.

2. The person, manners, gait, deportment. 3. The actions and permanent effects.

4. The character, disposition, principles, and public and private habits.

It is not necessary that the precise order of the preceding be observed, nor that all the particulars be dwelt upon. A writer will be guided by his own taste, the extent of his materials, and the importance of his object.

514. Mode of Exercise.-1. An Analysis of the leading particulars.

2. Reproduction of the whole from recollection. 3. A Comparison between your own and the example.


1. Edward's constitution had been impaired by the fatigues of his youth, so that he began to feel the infirmities of old

age, before they approach the common course of nature; and now he was seized with a malignant fever, attended with eruptions, that soon put a period to his life. When his distemper became so violent, that no hope of his recovery remained, all his attendants forsook him, as a bankrupt no longer able to requite their services. The unworthy Alice, waiting until she perceived him in the agonies of death, was so inhuman as to strip him of his rings and jewels, and leave him without one domestic to close his eyes, or perform the last offices to his breathless corse. In this deplorable condition, bereft of comfort and assistance, the mighty Edward lay expiring, when a priest not quite so savage as the rest of his domestics, approached his bed; and, finding him still breathing, began to administer some comfort to his soul. Edward had not yet lost all perception, when he found himself thus abandoned and forlorn, in the last moments of his life. He was just able to express a deep sense of sorrow and contrition for the errors of his conduct, and died pronouncing the name of Jesus.

2. Such was the piteous and obscure end of Edward the Third, undoubtedly one of the greatest princes that ever swayed the sceptre of England; whether we respect him as a warrior, a lawgiver, a monarch, or a man. He possessed all the romantic spirit of Alexander; the penetration, the fortitude, the polished manners of Julius; the liberality, the munificence, the wisdom of Augustus Cæsar. He was tall, majestic, finely shaped, with a piercing eye, and aquiline visage. He excelled all his contemporaries in feats of arms and personal address. He was courteous, affable, and eloquent; of a free deportment, and agreeable conversation; and had the art of commanding the affection of his subjects, without seeming to solicit popularity. The love of glory was certainly the predominant passion of Edward, to the gratification of which he did not scruple to sacrifice the feelings of humanity, the lives of his subjects, and the interests of his country. And nothing could have induced or enabled his people to bear the load of taxes with which they were encum

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