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Fort William, November 20, 1806. Descriptive rolls of all native commission officers who have joined the regulars from the provincial corps that were reduced in the course of the present year, are to be sent to the adjutant-general's office without delay, in order to their being furnished with commissions accordingly.

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The rolls are to specify the rank to which such officers are actually entitled, agreeably to the orders issued on the occasion, viz. The rank next above that which they respectively held in the regulars previous to their transfer to the provincials on the formation of the latter corps. The date of rank is to be from the period at which their rank and pay ceased in their late provincial battalions. All officers, non commissioned officers, including drummers or privates, appointed to corps of the line, from the reduced provincials, who shall not have joined on the 30th of this month, are to be struck off and returned deserted. Rolls of all European commission officers of the several corps of the honourable company's service, belonging to the establishment of Bengal, who have not received his majesty's commissions, corresponding to those of their respective commissions in the honourable company's service, are to be forwarded to the adjutantgeneral's office without delay, spécifying the rank and date of promotion to the several ranks, for which his majesty's commissions may not have been received.


Fort William, November 23, 1806. The honourable the court of directors have been pleased to

order, that the establishment of a second lieutenant-colonel and second major to each battalion of artillery, authorized by general orders, of the 15th May last, shall have effect from the 21st September, 1804. The right honourable the commander in chief will be pleased to take the necessary steps for having such alterations made in the rank assigned to the officers of artillery, as the orders of the honourable court render necessary. In pursuance of the orders of the honourable court, the difference of pay only is to be drawn by the officers of artillery, to be promoted from the 21st September, 1804, in consequence of the present orders.

THO. HILL, Acting Sec. Mil. Dept.

Fort William, November 20, 1806. The governor-general in council is pleased to authorize the following establishment of gun drivers, and gun lascars, for the horse artillery.

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Fort William, December 4, 1806. In pursuance of the orders, passed by the governor-general in council, on the 10th of April last, for restricting the command of the "provincial battalions, to officers under the rank of major, no officer above the rank of captain will, in future, be appointed to command a "provincial battalion;" nor will any officer, under the rank of major, be appointed to command one of those battalions, previously, or subsequently to the 10th April last, be permitted to retain such command after he shall have attained the rank of major. Oiticers of major or lieutenant-colonel, now holding the command of provincial battalions, will be perniitted to retain those commands, until promoted, when they must relinquish such command.

THO. HILL, Acting Sec. Mil. Depart.

Fort William, December 24, 1806. The governor-general in coun eil has been pleased to authorize the following establishment for the Golandauze corps.

Staff-1 native doctor, the same as to a battalion of sepoys;

1 drill serjeant, 1 drill corporal, Europeaus; 1 pay havildar, to each company as in the native infantry. Arms and accoutrements --The same as those of any European artillery. Camp equipage1 private tent for the drill serjeant and corporal. 1 paul (or of a sepoy tent) to every fourteen men, that is, to the party attached to every two six-pounder battalion guns. The pauls are to be made to close at one end. This will require for the corps forty-two tents of one paul each, equal to 10 sepoy tents, or two pauls less than the complement for a battalion of native infantry.

Allowances.-To the commanding officer of the corps for stationary, writer, &c. the same as to a battalion of sepoys, sonaut rupees 20. To the officer commanding, or in charge of a company, for stationary, writers, repairs of arms, &c. the same as to a company of sepoys, per month, sonaut rupees 50. To the surgeon for medicines, in the proportion of what is allowed to a sepoy regiment, or per month, sonaut rupees 132.

The quarter-master of artillery at the station, where the headquarters of the corps may be, for repairing pauls, for pins, mallets, gunny bags, sulletahs, &c. in proportion to the canip equipage, at the rate established for a sepoy corps. To the quarter-master of artillery, as above-mentioned, for targets, the same as to a battalion of sepoys, per annum, sonaut ru pees 45. Quarter-master's establishment for

the corps of Golundauze.

1 Tindal, 5 Lascars, half of what is allowed to a sepoy battalion; 1 mistry smith, 1 fireman, 2 hammermen, or one forge; 1 carpenter, 3 bildars, a cart,


half of what is allowed to a sepoy battalion.

The quarter-master's establishment, as well as all quarter-master's allowances to this corps, is to be drawn for by the quarter-master of artillery, where the headquarters of the corps may be. Except that the allowance for rerepairing pauls, or pins, mallets, gunny bags, &c. to the tents, with details at battalion guns, is to be drawn for by the officer in charge of such details, when no artillery quarter-master is present. The native doctor, and medicine allowances, to be drawn for in situations respectively, agreeably to the rules established for corps of native infantry. The drill serjeant and drill corporal to be drawn for in a bill, signed by the commanding officer of the corps. The camp equipage, not detached on command, to be in the custody of the quarter-master, as above-mentioned.

THOS. HILL, Acting Sec. Mil. Dept.

Fort William, Jan. 1, 1807.

The governor-general in council has been pleased to determine, that the establishment of European artillery and infantry invalids, for this presidency, shall consist of two companies of European artillery invalids, and two companies of European infantry invalids. The proportion of non-commissioned officers and privates for each company of the European infantry invalids to be continued as at present, and the proportion of non-commissioned officers for each company of the European artillery invalids, to be six serjeants, six corporals, and six gunners, with drummers and privates the same as at present. The officers and men belonging to the company of European and in

fantry invalids to be reduced, in consequence of the foregoing arrangement, are to be posted to the remaining companies of European infantry invalids. The right honourable the commander in chief will be pleased to issue the necessary orders for carrying the foregoing arrangement into effect. The governor-general in council directs, that all bills against individuals, on account of the fund arising from the property captured from the enemy during the late war, be sent to the paymasters of the corps to which these individuals belong, signed by a prize-agent, and that the amour.t due to the fund be recovered from those indebted to it, by monthly stoppage from their pay.


Acting Sec. Mil. Dept.

Fort William, Jan. 8, 1807. The governor-general in council having determined, that the contract for clothing the army on this establishment, which was assigned to Mr. Joseph Measures in general orders, by the vice-president in council, dated the 15th of August, 1805, for three years, shall commence from the 1st January, 1806, instead of commencing with the official year, 1804-5. The following conditions of that contract, in addition to those published in general orders of the 16th of October, 1806, are now published for the information of the army. The clothing for the common year, 1806, for the troops stationed above Chunar, is to be in readiness to be dispatched from Calcutta on the 1st day of June, 1807; and the clothing of the same year for the troops at and below Chunar, with exception to the presidency station, is to be in readiness for dispatch from Fort William on the 1st day of August,

August, 1807; the clothing for the troops at the presidency station is to be ready for delivery to those troops on the 20th day of September, annually. The clothing for each successive year, is to be in readiness for dispatch to the troops above, at and below Chunar, on the above-named days of the months specified, of the year following that for which the clothing is required; and the contractor for packing and transporting the clothing of the army, is bound to have it dispatched from the presidency for the respective stations, within five days from the dates fixed for its being in readiness for dispatch. The contractor is to prepare the clothing for the corps at the different stations of the army, in such order of priority as shall be prescribed to him through the adjutant-general, reporting to that officer whenever he shall have completed the clothing of any battalion of European artillery, with the Golundauze and gun-lascar companies attached to it, or of any regiment of European or native cavalry or infantry. The contractor shall be regulated by the indents of the quarter-masters, countersigned by the commanding officers of corps, as to the quantity he is to provide for each corps; these indents, as soon as received from the different corps, will be separately transmitted to the contractor, through the office of the adjutant-general, who will record the dates of transmission; but the contractor will be authorized by the commander in chief, signified through the adjutant-general, to commence making up part of the clothing immediately upon the acceptance of his proposals the first year, and on the 1st of January, every year after, without waiting for the receipt of the indents. The clothing of Europeans and of

the drummers and fifers, both of European and native corps, is to consist of one coat, according to musters; and that of the native troops also of one coat. The contractor is to attend particularly to the three distinct sizes, of which the muster coats are prepared, and to furnish each corps with an equal proportion of coats, of the different sizes; and such of the corps as may be at the presidency, are to be allowed to send any man they have of an extraordinary size, and whom the largest muster coat could not be made to fit, to the contractor's taylor, to be measured for their clothing. The quarter-masters of corps at the upper stations, will be directed to furnish the contractor with the measures for clothing of any men belonging to such corps, not of the ordinary size; and he is to prepare the clothing accordingly; as the names of the men will be written on each measure, the contractor is to distinguish each extrasized coat, by putting a label upon it, mentioning the person for whom it is intended. Spare cloth is to be left at the seams, in the same manner, and to the same extent, as in the muster coats. The qualities of the cloths, of which the coats of the several ranks are to be made, shall be as follows: For the regulars, subadars of cavalry, the best superfine broad or town cloth; jemadars of cavalry, the same as for the subadars; for havildars of cavalry, fine scarlet cloth; for naicks and troopers, aurora; for trumpeters and farriers, cloth the colour of the facings of the corps, and faced with aurora. The twist, cord, lace, and trimmings, with every other mark, distinguishing the different ranks on the musters, to be carefully observed by the contractor; and the clothing to be prepared, in every


both in quality and workmanship, will be necessary; the vouchers of it being approved and accepted, must accompany the delivery of the clothing to the agent for pack

respect, equal in size, and the materials to be equal in quality to the musters. For serjeant-majors, drum and fife-majors, and subadars of infantry, best superfine broad cloth; for infantry serjeants, artillery serings, and transporting it to the difjeants, and corporals, and for jema- ferent stations of the army; or to dars, middling cloth; for drummers stations beyond sea, as the case may and fifers of artillery and infantry, be, or to such other persons, as including the native corps, whose shall be appointed by government coats are to be red, aurora; for the to receive it. In case the clothing, drummers of infantry corps, whose or any part of it, shall be rejected coats are to be the colour of the by the committee, the contractor facings, coarse cloth; for gunners or contractors may require the inand matrosses of artillery, blue spection of such part of the clothcoarse cloth, and aurora cuffs and ing by three members of the milifacings; for jemadars and havil- tary board, whose determination dars, of Golundauze, middling blue shall be final; and if against the cloth, with facings of middling red contractor, he shall be then subject cloth; for naicks and private golun- to a penalty of a breach of contract. dauze, coarse or ordinary blue The clothing, after having been cloth, with aurora facings; for surveyed and approved, and until European infantry, corporais, and it be packed, to be sent to the army, privates, native infantry, havildars shall be lodged in Fort William unand naicks, aurora cloth; for pri- der two keys, one of which shall vates of native infantry, lacca remain with the fort major, the cloth; for serangs, tindals, cos- other with the agent for packing sabs, and lascars, whether of artil- and transporting. The sole responlery or infantry, and pioneers, ordi- sibility for the clothing shall rest nary purpets. For the invalids: on the contractor or contractors, serjeant-majors, superfine broad until it shall have been approved cloth; for subadars, middling ditto; as above-mentioned, and delivered for jemadars, aurora ditto; for ha- over to such persons as shall be apvildars, ditto; for naicks, lacca pointed to receive it, immediately ditto; for sepoys, ditto; for drum- after such inspection. Advances mers, ordinary blue ditto; for fifers, shall be made in cash to the conditto; for pioneers, a close jacket of tractor or contractors in the followdark-green purpet, with black cuffs ing proportions, to enable him, or and collar. The trimmings of all the them, to prepare the clothing, viz. clothing to be the same as the mus- For European clothing, 15 per ters. The clothing is to be tendered cent. on the contract value of the in the garrison of Fort William, free computed number of suits of cloathof any additional expense whatever, ing engaged to be furnished, to be previous to its being inspected. advanced for the first year, on the After having undergone inspection execution of the deed of contract; in the garrison of Fort William, and on every succeeding year on the as aforesaid, by a committee of 1st of January, and ten per cent. officers, their certificate of the on the 15th of June each year. For goodness and due correspondence the native clothing, including the of the clothing with the musters, invalids and pioneers, ten per cent.


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