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Mr. KRUESLER says that he uses a little rice in order to make a pale beer. The rice is not over 20 per cent of the material. He does not use corn or glucose or sugar.__(377, 378.)

Mr. WIGAN, a brewing master, says that he uses grape sugar in ale and glucose in beer. The percentage of glucose would be from 7 to 10. He also uses perhaps 20 or 25 per cent of unmalted corn as an adjunct to the malt. The use of the unmalted grain gives a light, sparkling beer such as the popular taste now demands. Consumers now demand a lighter beer or ale than formerly. (375,376.)

Mr. EVANS, a brewer of ale and porter, says that his materials are malt and hops and sometimes corn. (416.)

Mr. PABST states that his beer contains no glucose. (312.)

2. Hop substitutes.-Mr. SCHWARTZ says that no substitute for hops is used in this country to his knowledge. When hops are very cheap extracts are made from them to be used when hops are high. This is not a substitution. Lupuline, the meal contained in the hop cone, is also used; but this is a part of the hop itself. It is obtained by tearing open the cones and sifting out the meal. It is impossible to substitute any other substance for hops, because there is no other wholesome bitter which will take their place. (371,374.)

Mr. WYATT declares that he has never met with an instance in which any substitute for hops has been used in this country. He has seen it stated in the newspapers that aloes is used, but he has never been able to trace the stories and he thinks they are purely imaginary. Aloes would be a very undesirable addition to beer. During the last 13 years he has analyzed 20,000 samples of beer, and his analysis has been such that he would certainly have discovered aloes if any had been present; but he has never found any. He has never analyzed any ale or porter, foreign or domestic, in which he found any substance which he considered deleterious to the public health.

Mr. Wyatt does not count hop extract a substitute for hops. It is simply the essential principles of the hops in a small bulk. It is used to a very limited extent. When hops are very cheap, brewers sometimes buy large quantities and have an extract made to be used when hops are dear. (403, 411.)

So far as Dr. WILEY knows, no substitutes for hops are used in this country by any reputable brewer, but there is a difference in the character of the hops, which range in price from 77 to 17 cents a pound. (19-21.)

Mr. BAUER, a brew master, who learned his trade in Germany, says that he has never used any substitute for hops, either in Germany or in America. (390.) Mr. WIGAN, a brew master, says that he uses no substitutes for hops. (375.) Mr. LIPPE, president of a brewing company, says that he uses no substitute for hops. (381.)

3. Defective materials.—An affidavit of the managing director of Arthur Guinness, Son & Co., Limited, expresses the opinion that stout brewed from defective materials must suffer in flavor and stability. It states that the malt used by the Guinness Company is carefully selected to exclude any excess of moisture, which might cause an undue formation of lactic acid in the stout, and to exclude insufficiently cured or moldy malt, or grain insufficiently modified in the malting process. (544, 545.)

Mr. WYATT says that the boiling of the wort for from 2 to 3 hours would remove any injurious effects from any musty or deteriorated material which might enter into the beer. The hops would also help. (409.)

Mr. FECKER denies that the need of preservatives is increased by the use of cheap malt or hops. Cheap hops contain less of the hop extract than better ones, and do not give the beer so good a flavor. That is the only difference. (299.)

Mr. OEHNE denies that the use of cheap or unripe or imperfect hops and barley would make it necessary to use a preservative in beer. The only difference that would arise from the use of inferior materials would be that the beer would contain less alcohol. It is true that alcohol is the element which preserves the beer. (297.)

Mr. ZELTNER, a lager-beer brewer, says that one malt may give a larger percentage of extract than another, but an extract of poorer quality. The difference is produced by the method of malting. An honest brewer ought to look for the quality of the extract rather than the amount. (458.)

4. Adulterations.-Mr. PLAUTZ declares that no adulterants are used in the manufacture of beer. One can use a lower grade of material, and so make a cheaper grade of beer; but it is not an adulterated beer. (301.)

Mr. THOMANN, secretary of the United States Brewers' Association, declares that this association has repeatedly placed itself on record as utterly opposed to the use of any adulterations which are injurious to health. The brewers have contributed largely to the Pure Food Congress, and have by resolution approved its action. The brewers are also opposed to any adulterations which lower the

quality of the goods. The brewers do, however, claim the right to choose their own materials, provided they choose materials which are wholesome and not injurious. (351, 352, 356.)

Mr. SCHWARTZ says that isinglass, which is composed of fish bladders, is used to settle or clarify the beer. Nothing of it is dissolved. It settles to the bottom and is removed with other suspended matters. (371,372.)

5. Color of beer.-Mr. BUSCH says that he uses no coloring matter in beer, but that the color is determined by the temperature at which the malt is dried. For dark beer malt is prepared at a temperature of about 65 degrees Réaumur; for light beer, at about 45 degrees. (489.)

Mr. LIPPE says that for coloring beer he uses dark malt, or sometimes burnt sugar. (381.)

Mr. SCHWARTZ, a consulting brewer, says that very little coloring matter is used in beer except the colored malt. Sometimes burnt sugar is used, but the quantity is small. (371.)

Mr. WACKENHUTH, a brew master, says that he uses caramel malt and burnt malt for coloring beer. (413.)

B. Process of manufacture.-1. Generally.—Mr. WYATT describes the process of the manufacture of beer and ale. When the beer has been boiled in the kettle and brought to the required gravity or strength, it is sent over a cooler into a large receiving vat, and there mixed with yeast. Yeast is a plant which is propagated in the brewery from year to year as other plants are propagated in the ground. For every pound of yeast which is planted in the beer a crop of 5 pounds of yeast is developed. In the manufacture of ale the yeast rises to the top; in lager beer the yeast settles to the bottom. This difference depends upon a difference of temperature; ale is fermented at a higher temperature than beer. The yeast in the process of growth breaks down the maltose sugar in the solution and decomposes it into practically equal parts of carbonic-acid gas and alcohol. The carbonic-acid gas passes off; the greater part of the alcohol remains in the beer. In the present state of scientific knowledge it is possible to regulate the mashing process so that the resulting beer shall have any desired composition and any desired per cent of alcohol.

The fermentation takes about 10 to 13 days. By that time the beer has lost about 55 per cent of its original gravity; if it originally showed 12 on the scale, it now probably shows 5 or 5. Then the yeast is allowed to settle to the bottom and the fermented beer is taken to the storage cellar, where its temperature is reduced to the point at which bacteria or foreign organisms will not work. This temperature is about 33 or 34 degrees Fahrenheit. Here the beer remains until all the albuminoids have been deposited, and the beer is practically brilliant. The period in the storage cellar is about six weeks. From the storage cellar the beer goes to the chip-cask cellar. There it is treated with a small quantity of fresh beer. In order to impregnate it with carbonic-acid gas it is generally bound under a pressure of 6 to 7 pounds, or about half an atmosphere. The carbonicacid gas is absorbed in direct proportion to the pressure, and half an atmosphere has been found enough to saturate the beer with gas. When the fresh beer has completely fermented, and no further evidence of cloudiness appears, the beer is passed through a filter into the trade package and sent out for sale. The whole process occupies about 24 or 3 months. This is the process used by 95 per cent of the brewers in the United States. (404, 405.)

2. Exclusion of bacteria.-Mr. BROWN, president of the Long Island Brewery, states that Professor Pasteur tried some years ago to make beer that should never spoil, by making it without letting it come in contact with the air. He built a brewery for this purpose. He made what he called a perfect beer, “but it was so perfect that no one would drink it." Mr. Brown says that the peculiar excellence of the beer made in certain places is due to the bacteria which the beer derives from the local air. The excellence of Munich beer is due to the local bacteria. Mr. Brown took the trouble a year ago to get pure yeast from the Bavarian Government. He has since used it exclusively in his brewery. But it has not changed the taste of the beer at all. Mr. LIPPE says that his brewery did the same thing, and with the same result. Both agree that it is the local bacteria, and not any peculiarity of the yeast, that gives the peculiar local flavor. (387.)

Mr. WYATT believes that some very exhaustive experiments have been made in the filtering of the air to which beer is exposed, or in the carrying on of fermentation in a vacuum, in order to exclude bacteria. He would regard such a process as desirable if it could be brought to such a point that relatively unskilled men could handle it. That is almost impossible. At the moment of putting in the bung a small space is exposed, and the germs get in and undo all that has been accomplished. (408.)

3. Aging.-Mr. WYATT, a brewer's chemist, says that there has been much popular prejudice against the sale of what is called immature beer. A mature beer can be nothing else than one which has been properly fermented, and which, consequently, will not rapidly undergo decomposition on change of temperature. The talk of immature beer refers to beer whose temperature has been rapidly reduced by means of an ice machine on removal from the fermenting room, and which has been cleared from impurities by means of filtration, instead of being allowed to cool and settle in the storage room for six weeks. The cooling and the settling are the only changes which take place after the beer has been fermented to the desired point in the fermenting room. The aging of beer adds nothing to its actual value for consumption. The statement that a perfectly mature beer increases its alcohol and decreases its malt extract by long storage is a mistaken statement. In the case of a wine or a stock ale, or any beer which could be kept at a high temperature, Mr. Wyatt would consider the possibility of the oxidation of the alcohol into ether, with a gain in flavor and acceptable qualities. But lager beer is stored in a cold atmosphere, which arrests chemical change. At the same time there are some wild yeasts which act at very low temperatures, and which sometimes get into beer and injure it. This affords an argument against the storing of beer for any considerable time. (405, 406.) Mr. BAUER Considers that beer ought not to be stored over 3 months, and that it is just as good after 6 weeks as after a longer time. The sooner the beer is sold the more malt extract and the less alcohol it contains. For export it is probably best that the beer ripen about three months. (392,393.)

4. Pasteurizing.—Mr. WYATT regards the pasteurizing of bottled beer as the most scientific way of preserving it, but not as an economical way. If the bottles are filled too full they break, through the expansion of the liquid by heat.

It is desirable to keep the pasteurizing temperature as low as possible, say 140° F. Some germs resist that temperature, and some beer must consequently be heated to 150° or 155 in order to preserve it. In order to keep down the temperature and still make certain that the beer will keep, a little salicylic acid is put in. Many efforts have been made to pasteurize the beer in casks, but the beer has never been made satisfactory. It is easy to make it sterile, but it is made flat at the same time and acquires an unattractive odor and taste. (407,408.)

Dr. WILEY says that the process of pasteurizing is meant to keep the beer only long enough for home consumption. The temperature is only 140°. The hand can easily be held in water at that heat. This heat is sufficient to kill the yeast ferments, but not to kill the lactic and butyric ferments. If these were destroyed the beer would be rendered flat and unpalatable. (359.)

Mr. BUSCH states that bottled beer for export is pasteurized by the AnheuserBusch Brewing Association by being heated in a water bath, after it is bottled and wired, to a temperature of about 50° Réaumer. (489.)

Mr. BAUER, a brew master, says that he pasteurizes beer, but only for exportation. He bottles beer for the local trade without pasteurizing. In pasteurizing he brings the beer to a heat of 145° to 150°, and sometimes to 160°. (390.)

Mr. KRUESLER says that his bottled beer is pasteurized at a temperature of 140° to 160°. If it is to go to a very hot climate it is heated a second time after cooling. (377.)

Mr. WIGAN says that he pastuerizes beer by heating it to 140°, or 158°, or 160°, according to the variations of climate to which it is to be subjected. (376.)

5. German and American beer.-Mr. LIEBMANN says that on account of the different conditions of the atmosphere in Germany, anything which has to undergo fermentation will stand exposure there for a longer time than in this country. Beer brewed in Germany is longer in maturing and keeps its taste much better than beer brewed here. (394.)

Mr. BUSCH, president of the Anheuser-Busch Brewing Association, asserts that the best American brewers make a better beer than any in Europe, and that Europeans admit this, if Americans do not. One who has drunk American beer for 20 years is in better condition, if he drinks fine beers, than the German beer drinker of 5 years. But he must select what he drinks. There are good beers and bad beers both in Germany and in America. (491, 493.)

6. Cloudiness of beer.-Mr. ZELTNER, a lager-beer brewer, says that some excellent lager beer becomes turbid or cloudy at a low temperature, and becomes bright again when the temperature is raised. The reason seems to be that the albuminoids are congealed when the temperature is lowered and are dissolved again as it rises. Such a beer is likely to be rejected by ordinary people, because it does not appeal to the eye. But the albuminoids, the abundance of which cause the turbid appearance, are the most valuable nourishing constituents of the genuine malt beer. Such beer is far more wholesome to drink than that which is kept bright to the eye with antiseptics. The prejudice against it is I C-VOL XI-21

largely due to the unfortunate habit of drinking beer from glasses instead of mugs. (459.)

7. Composition and gravity of beer.-The managing director of Arthur Guinness, Son & Co., Limited, states in an affidavit that the original specific gravity of the stout brewed by that company for export before fermentation is from 1072 to 1074, and that the stout as it is sold in the market contains about 6.1 per cent by weight of absolute alchohol and 6 per cent of solid matter. (545,546.)

Mr. HUPFEL says that the body of beer is estimated on a German scale known as kaiser. Some beer is brewed at 12 per cent kaiser and some at 10 per cent. Mr. Brown explains that 10 per cent kaiser means 10 per cent of malt extract. (379.)

8. Ale and porter.-Mr. EVANS, a brewer of ale and porter, says that ale is brewed with top fermentation and not in cold storage. Porter is brewed in the same way, but is brewed with roasted malt; that gives it the black appearance. (416.)

9. Malt extract.—Mr. EISNER says Hoff's malt extract is made of malt and bitter principles only. Other bitter principles as well as hops are used, but the process is a trade secret. The bitters are of vegetable origin and beneficial to health. No antiseptics or preservatives are used. The extract is pasteurized at 55° Réaumur.

Mr. Eisner says that the difference between malt extract, like Hoff's, and beer, is that the malt extract contains a minute quantity of alcohol and a large quantity of malt, while beer is the other way. He declares that every brewer is now selling beer as malt extract. (432, 433.)

C. Foreign labels.—1. Genuine.—Mr. SHAND, a representative of Arthur Guinness, Son & Co., Limited, states that some of the products of this company are shipped to New York in bulk for bottling purposes, though far the greater part is bottled in Dublin, Liverpool, and London. The Guinness stout is sold for bottling to only one concern in the United States. Labels are furnished by the company itself for exactly the quantity delivered to the bottler. The company insists that these labels be used. The stout is not sold for bottling except under an agreement that the company's own label shall be affixed to each bottle put up, and that the customer will not bottle any other black beer. (547.)

2. Spurious.-Mr. BROUN, a bottler of Bass's ale and Guinness's stout, says that he receives these goods from abroad in hogsheads of 62 gallons each, and bottles them in New York. He is subjected to great trouble and loss through forgeries and colorable imitations of his labels. He has had 35 to 40 such cases in the past 5 years. The goods so fraudulently sold are in most cases of American manufacture. The labels are perfect facsimiles of the originals; in some cases made from photographs. Some cases have been prosecuted and convictions have been obtained under State laws, followed by imprisonment. Some cases have also been prosecuted in the United States courts under the trade-mark laws. There has been no trouble in getting convictions, but there has been a good deal of trouble in getting evidence. Besides the counterfeiting of labels, Mr. Broun suffers from the refilling of genuine bottles. This is very difficult to prove. These fraudulent practices involve great loss to the Government as well as to the business of the witness. Foreign ale pays a duty of $6 a barrel, while domestic ale pays an internal-revenue tax of only $2 a barrel. (399, 400.)

Mr. ROCHE, who is associated with Mr. Broun in his bottling business, declares that he supposes their brand has been infringed a thousand times in the last 10 years, and a dozen convictions have been obtained.__(414.)

D. Foreign brewing regulations and standards.-1. Various countries.-Mr. THOMANN presented a letter from the editor of the Petit Journal du Brasseur, of Brussels, relating to foreign brewing regulations. It is stated that the law of Belgium permits any legitimate materials to be used. Large quantities of wheat, rice, and maize, as well as barley malt, are used, and in some districts oats and rye have formed part of the grist from time immemorial. Sugars and glucoses are also in general use. The use of antiseptics is absolutely forbidden, except that sulphurous acid and its compounds may appear in quantities not exceeding 14 milligrams of the acid to the liter of beer. The sulphurous acid is legally supposed not to be added to the beer, but to be derived from the disinfecting of the cask. In fact it is introduced into the beer. Coal tar saccharin was formerly much used, but is now forbidden. Harmless bitters and tannin may be used as hop substitutes. All legitimate materials may be used in France, and all cereals are used. Saccharin and salicylic acid are forbidden. Sulphites seem to be tolerated, and the writer believes that fluorides and creosotes are used to some extent. Tannin and harmless bitters may be used as hop substitutes, and the use of tannin is large. Such materials as ginger, cloves, and pepper are used, though the writer believes that only inferior sorts of beer contain any considerable amount of them. The

Ferric oxide.

Phosphoric acid.


Sulphuric acid

Fluoric acid..

use of tannin is due to the dislike of the people for a bitter beer. The beers are very weak, varying from 1025 to 1045. The quantity of hops varies from 2 per cent to 3 per cent of the weight of the malt; but even the smaller quantity sometimes makes the beer too bitter. Tannin is then used in the hope that it will do for the beer what an excess of hops would do, without the disadvantage of the bitterness.

The writer believes that Bavaria is the only country in the world where barley malt, water, and hops must, by law, be the only ingredients of beer. No other State even in Germany has ever applied this regulation. (361,362.)

Mr. BUSCH says that there is no uniform law in regard to beer in Germany. Some States forbid the use of raw grain. In Bavaria nothing can be used but hops, malt, water, and yeast. There is no standard or test of beer, even in Bavaria. A cheap beer can be made by using a common article of malt and hops and making it thin. The amount of beer to be made from a certain amount of malt is not limited by law. (489,490.)

Mr. BAUER states that in his experience in Germany the Government compelled the use of a certain amount of inalt to a barrel of beer. This regulation was made for fiscal reasons, because the tax was levied on the malt and not on the beer. The Government did not fix a standard of specific gravity. (390,391.)

2. German standard analysis.-The following table was shown to several witnesses as being the German standard of composition for beer, as established by Professor Gustav Rupp and adopted by the German Government:

Chemical combinations of 100 cubic centimeters of standard beers.

[blocks in formation]

Mr. HUPFEL thinks that this represents about the average composition of beer, but he says that no two brewers will put out exactly the same product. (383.) Professor CHITTENDEN thinks that the standard suggested is a reasonable one. The quantity of alcohol agrees substantially with his experience in the analysis of ordinary beers. He has not analyzed condensed beer or malt extract. (426.) Mr. BROWN says that this standard appears to relate to a finished beer after fermentation. The composition of beer continually varies with its age. Beer which has just been brewed contains a larger percentage of sugar and malt extract and a less percentage of alcohol than beer which has stood longer. After the beer comes out of the fermenting vats a silent fermentation still goes on, and the proportion of sugar decreases and the proportion of alcohol increases. The suggested standard, showing a proportion of sugar in one case as low as 0.88 and a proportion of alcohol as great as 3.93, seems to refer to a beer which is old and thoroughly fermented out. (388.)













Lactic acid.

Mineral substances.

Phosphoric acid.

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