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Angling (Review, P. P.) 32.
Arctic Regions, Map of, 571.

Aspects of Nature, by Alexander Van Humboldt, (Review of,) Deserts. Their division into the Desert proper or Sahara; the Leanos or plains on the eastern coast of South America, which are half the year devoid of vegetation; the Steppe, furnishing subsistence throughout the year for pastoral tribes, and the Copse, or barren, shrubby wastes of the North of Europe; the physiognomy of Plants, as an indication of those natural features that direct the civilization of races; volcanoes, 143.


Bremer, Miss, at Home, 423. British encroachments and aggressions in Central America; commercial importance of Bay of Fonseca; Island of Tigre; seizure by the British of the Port of San Juan de Nicaragua; effect of relative geographical position of Great Britain and the United States on Asiatic commerce; advantage to the United States of ship canal by route of Lake Nicaragua; Buccaneers originators of English intercourse with these regions; character of the natives; difficulties between Spain and Great Britain respecting this territory; final relinquishment of all claim by British government; revival of British attempts on decline of Spanish power; grants from the Mosquito king to Jamaica traders; revocation of grants; seizure of the port of San Juan by the British; war on Nicaragua ; British exhibit of the Mosquito question; letter of Lord Palmerston; refutation, 188, 335. Browning's Poems, (Review,) 388.


Cabriolet by Ik. Marvel, 162.

Clay, Mr., speech of, (Review); policy of the na

tion in regard to slavery and its extension; suppression of slavery in all territories of the United States by act of central government; expediency discussed; special message and scheme of President Taylor; advice of the President to New Mexico to form State government; recommends early admission of California; Boundary question between New Mexico and Texas to be brought before Supreme Court and settled on international principles; resolutions offered by Mr. Clay; power of Congress to legislate for territories undeniable but inexpedient; proposition of Mr. Clay respecting boundary and debts of Texas; abolition of slavery in District of Columbia; slave trade in the District; rendition of fugitive slaves; slave traffic between the States; compromise line between slave and free territory; such line illusory; slave or white labor cannot be forced where they have not their proper conditions ; balance of power; dissolution of the Union; disastrous consequences, 219. Cooper, J. Fenimore, Works of (Review by G. W. P.) 406.

Cuba (Review) "Cuba and the Cubans, by the author of Letters from Cuba;" geographical and commercial importance of Cuba; revolutions in that island; horrible political persecutions; descriptions of plantations, their beauty and luxuriance; indolence and luxury of the Cubans women of Cuba, their early beauty; religion; statistics of education; importance of Cuba as a possession to England or to the United States, 512.


Democracy in France, by M. Guizot (Review, by O.); sources of imperfection of human judgment; the evil of the times imputed by M. Guizot to its idolatry of democracy; government in a democracy; radical theories; democracy a government of induction, from the experience of numbers as recorded by their suffrage; aristocracy a

government of syllogism, from the partial expe-
rience of a few; right to government, where
resting-democratic republic; its origin; essen-
tial elements of society in France, viz: the fa-
mily, property and labor; political elements of
society in France, viz: the legitimists, the bour-
geoisie, the socialists; condition of permanent
government: M. Guizot's standard is the empi-
rical example of England, not the inductions of
general history, nor the laws of social science;
moral conditions of social quiet in France, viz:
the family spirit, the political spirit, and the reli-
gious spirit, 1.

Dana, Richard H., poems and prose writings of,
(Review, G. W. P.) 66.

Duel without seconds, a daguerreotype from the
State House of Arkansas, 418.


Everstone, by the author of Anderport records,
77, 168, 269, 369, 497, 603.


Franklin, Sir John, and the Arctic expeditions;
Scoresby's voyages; Ross's voyage; Buchan's
voyage; voyages of Parry; Lyon's, Clavering's
and Sabine's voyages; Franklin's second expe-
dition; Ross's second voyage; Sir John Frank-
lin's last expedition, 572.


"Judge not lest ye be judged," 300.


King, Hon. Thomas Butler, report on California,
(Review); colonization in America; increase
and expansion of population; necessity of ex-
tending the geographical limits of the Union ;
peace policy; expansive power of the republic;
rapid settlement of California; abstract of Mr.
King's report on that country; yield of the gold
mines; cost of the California colony to the old
States; advantages and disadvantages; Mr.
Clay's committee of thirteen; objects of the
committee; States should be admitted to the
Union for other reasons than those given by the
opposing factions, 443.

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Poe, Edgar A. (Review, G. W. P.) 301.
Poetry--Moss and Rust, (G. M. P.) 640, the Old
Homestead, 529-Shipwreck, a Ballad, by W.


Rabelais, Francois, Essay on the life and writings
of,-Humor of different nations; birth, educa-
tion, and early traits of Rabelais; account of
his more celebrated works; Pantagreul, 487.
Read's poems or a caution to critics, 287.
Report of the secretary of the treasury, (J. D. W.)
Receipts and expenditures for the fiscal years end-
ing July 1849 and 1850; advantages political
and economical of collecting a revenue of cus-
toms; system of public debt, its advantages;
existing national debt; growing expenses of the
government; necessity for an efficient and eco-
nomical means of increasing the revenue; pro-
position of Mr. Meredith; commerce; its val-
ue not always in the ratio of its profits; politi-
cal economy, its fallacies; intercourse of men,
social as well as economical; comparison of
direct and indirect taxation; direct taxation un-
favorable to agricultural interest; England cir-
culates free-trade doctrines in this country to
sustain her manufactures; all tariffs more or
less protective; heavy duties most protective,
and furnish largest revenue at expense of foreign
capitalists; eventually their result is a better
market for our cotton and food growers as well
as manufactures, 113.

Republic, stability and growth of the; coloniza-
tion; instability of European governments,
causes of the; democracy an established form
of government in America; reason of its sta-
bility; the three dimensions of power in a
State, internal solidity, durability, and extent;
the aim of statesmanship to augment these;
extension of the State; colonial systems, that
of America the most effectual; colonization by
the Greeks; Egyptians, Phoenicians, Romans;
Russian, Dutch, Spanish, French and English
colonization; defects of English colonial pol-
icy; the thirteen American colonies; origin of
the Union; colonial policy of the United States
should be calculated to promote the peaceful
enlargement and confirm the internal strength
of the Empire; the war faction; necessity of
adopting a settled policy to avert the evils of
war, 556.
REVIEWS.-Aspects of Nature, by Alexander Von
Humboldt, 143; Browning's Poems, 388; Cu-
ba and the Cubans, 512; Dana's Poems and
Prose writings, 66; Michel de Montaigne, 47;
Macaulay's History of England, 347; Poe's
Works, 301; Read's Poems, 287; Sidonia, 400,
Shirley, Jane Eyre and Wuthering Heights, 230;
Rabelais, 487; Works of J. Fenimore Cooper,


Shipwreck, a Ballad, (by W.,) 155.

Southern Views of Emancipation and the slave
trade. Introductory remarks; Northern and

Southern extremes no index of state of feeling
in the country at large; views of both sections
should be fairly stated and discussed; "Slavery
and the slave trade in the District of Columbia,"
by a Mississippian; "Letter on Slavery as a
domestic institution," by a Virginian, 331.
Shirley, Jane Eyre, and Wuthering Heights, (Re-
view by T. C. C.), 230.

Sidonia, (Review), 400.

Spain, her ways, her women, and her wines, 292.
St. Pierre's Story, 55.

Seward, Hon. William H., Ex-Governor and U.
S. Senator of the State of New York, biogra-
phy of; early history; 1828, Mr. Seward joins
the whig party; chosen President of Young
Men's State Convention at Utica; 1830, elected
Senator from the 7th district; advocates the
cause of internal improvement and universal
education; opposes removal of deposits of pub-
lic moneys from United States Bank; nomina-
ted for Governor; whig cause unsuccessful, and
Mr.Seward retires to his professional avocations;
1837, Mr. Seward elected Governor of the State
of New York; extracts from his first annual
message; "anti-rent" agitation; controversy
between New York and Virginia respecting fu-
gitives from justice; re-elected Governor ad-

vocates internal improvements, law reform,
land distribution, educational progress and a
diminution of expenses of naturalization; de-
clines a third nomination; resumes professional
pursuits; case of Freeman the murderer; Mr.
Seward checks lynch law, and popular preju-
dice; during contests of 1848 addresses whigs
of Ohio and Pennsylvania; extracts from
speeches; February, 1849, elected Senator of
United States; extracts from celebrated speech
in the United States Senate, of March 11th,
1850, on the admission of California in connec-
tion with the slavery question, 622.

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