Imágenes de páginas

up and saw his brother standing by the door.

“How do you like that kind of candy ?” said his brother.

James said nothing; but he did not soon

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Look at the picture on the opposite page.

What time of the year do you think it is? Is it a warm day or a cold day?

Is it sunny or cloudy?

Tell us whether it represents life in the city or in the country.

[graphic][merged small][merged small]

What has mamma come to the yard


Who has come with her?

How many calves can you see?

Let us give each of the children a name. Little Ruth is trying to put her hand on one calf, while Mabel holds her up on the gate. Jennie peeks through the bars.

Do you think they enjoy watching the calves at their supper?

One greedy calf has his head in the bucket, and the others cannot get at the milk.

What makes them run out their tongues? Can you see the donkey? How meekly

he stands and peers through the fence.

Does he look as though he wanted to join the calves at their feast?

When you go to your seats take your pencils and write the story, telling all that we have talked about.

For the next lesson we will read one

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The grasshopper had not laid up any

food for winter.

When the summer was past, he had

nothing to eat.

The ant had been wiser and had stored away food all summer.

So the grasshopper went to the ant and asked her to give him something to eat. The ant asked him what he had been doing all summer.

"I sang," said the grasshopper. You sang?" said the ant, "Well, now you may dance."

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One day a little mousie

Spied a tempting bit of cheese.

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