Imágenes de páginas


dock down hick-o-ry clock struck dick-o-ry

Hickory, dickory, dock. The mouse ran up the clock.

The clock struck one;

Down he did run.

Hickory, dickory, dock.


[blocks in formation]

Here is Henry and his kite.

Henry made the kite himself. He had

no help about it.

Can you make a kite?

Henry's kite is not a big kite; but it will fly just as well as a big one will.

Do you like to fly a kite?

The wind must blow to make the kite fly. The wind is blowing now.

It makes the window rattle.

The wind makes a sound like w---

Now, Henry will go to fly the kite.
The kite will need a long string.

If the string is too big, the kite will not rise.

The kite cannot carry a big string.

But the string must be stout.

If the string is not stout, it will snap in two.

Now the kite is going up. How it pulls at the string.

If the string snaps, the kite will be lost.

See how little the kite seems now.
It is like a speck in the sky.

Henry is glad he has so long a string.

[blocks in formation]

Sam's home is on a farm.

Sam has to tend the cattle and the sheep.

[graphic][merged small][merged small]
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