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Ah! quit Ambitions call, and with me tread,

The cypress grove, where lie the lowly dead.
There all the reftlefs paffions of mankind,

Quiefcent fleep, "nor leave one, trace behind."


to me, governed by kulne, in the dative, which has been treated at large in the foregoing pages. rib, this, agreeing with the verb hy, is, and Sikundur a proper name: Yih Dara hy, exactly as the last member, but for the fake of variety, I have tranflated it, here lies Darius, i. e. Codomanus, who was conquered by Alexander. Yih Kykapos by, Kyka,oos being another Darius, the fon of Hyftafpes, I have changed this part of the sentence alfo; thus " and there the mighty Mede." As objects of analysis they both correspond with Yih Sikundur by [p]. Poochh, is the imp. fingular of poochhna, to afk, enquire; to, well, the expletive; in fe, the plural oblique of yib, this, with its governing poftpofition fe, from, of. Ki, is a troublesome equivocal particle, that is at one time a conjuction like ut, at another, it becomes a relative pronoun like qui, and as in this place, it often appears almost to be a mere expletive to us. I imagine that it is intended to fill up the vacuity left, when the speaker pauses at the words he is about putting into another persons mouth, whence it is called the (kaf by aneeu) explanatory ki, and may be englished by that, or whether, &c. according to circumstances as in the following examples. Jao malee fe kuhdo ki wuqt bone ka apuhocha, go tell the gardener that the season for sowing is fet in: Poochho to oos se ki too ne ub tug beej keun nuheen boa our pooch ho to ki aj beej bo̟ega' ki nuheen, also ask him why he has not yet fown the feeds, and enquire whether he will fow the feeds to day or not. Jah, a Perfian noun, it means grandeur, pomp, dignity, and is much joined with other fimilar words, jah o julal, pomp and fplendour, jah o hushmut, grandeur and state. Alee-jah, of exalted dignity, fahib jah, præditus dignitate, fahib muknut, præditus poteftate. O, is the conjunction et, and; it occurs two times in these lines as a [P] From the obfcurity, and confusion, that have now shrouded the names of those once illustrious kings, it is very difficult indeed, to difcriminate one Potentate from another, whence we fhall find that this fame Ky kapos, is called alfo, Nimrod, and Pharaoh, in other works; but whether with more propriety, than by the name of Darius above, I cannot determine; a circumftance, however, that fo far coincides with the moral of the text, and the words of the wifeft of men. "Vanity of vanities, all is vanity and vexation of spirit."


See Philip's fon, Darius or the Mede,

And afk, that now, from lifes vain buftle freed

copulative of fimilar words, but requires no farther elucidation here.


Muknut i,

an Arabic word, power, potency, puiffance, &c. fee jah, above. Doonee a, Arabic, the world, univerfe, it is feminine by Rule 11. on gender, and indeclinable by Rule. 11. on declenfion, q. v. as this will account, for its not being inflected though ending in a, by the poftpofition fe, that immediately follows it. This word is of the most frequent occurrence in Hindooftanee, with the fame fignification nearly that world has in our language, and its various derivatives preferve fimilar affinity. Doonce awee, worldly; doonee a-dar, doonee,a-puruft, a layman, worldly, wedded to the world: Se, of from, it may be understood to all the three fingular aptotes, preceding it, as the Moralift wishes to inculcate, that not even the fhadow of glory, nor a fingle veftige of all these heroes wealth remained, except the bitter reflection, that their former power and riches were now no more, or that these were not applied to nobler purposes. Aj, hodie, jam, nunc, to day, at prefent. Aj rat, and aj kee rat, to night, are by the Hindoos, ufed like our word, meaning, this night; while the Mŏŏfulmans generally understand by these very words last night, and exprefs to night, this night, by rat ko, i. e. at night, indefinitely. [9] Koochh, a pronoun like quodquam, which has apparently, the fame relation to koee, qui, quifquam, that kea, bears to koun, quis, it means any, fome, &c. there are many compounds

[9] As this confufion of time, may be productive of mischief, in cases of evidence for capital offences, the reader will not I truft, be difpleafed with the prefent digreffion. Suppofe a Moofulman were on his trial for murdering a Hindoo, on a Tuesday night, mungul kee rat, in our, and the Hindoos sense of the word, all the witneffes, if Moofulmans, and aware of the above circumstance, could fave the criminal though guilty, by fwearing pofitively to his being far from the fpot on Mungul kee rat; because, this in their way of reckoning time, coincides with what we, and the Hindoos, call Semwar kee rat, Monday night; while our Mungul kee rat, on the other hand, is in fact, named Boodh kee rat, by the followers of Mõõhummud, though we and the Hindoos, would certainly call this Wednesday night of theirs, our Tuesday night, and vice verfa.-Now, in fuch a cafe, an alibi might be clearly established by the evidences upon oath, and that too without being guilty of perjury, as they are here fuppofed to know, that their different depofitions, will be taken down, and tranflated verbatim, as they make them, viz. Mungul kee rat, which we would interpret, as Tuesday night, and the alibi fet up on this foundation, clears the prifoner, while it screens the witneffes alfo, because they may fafely fay, we fwore to his being abfent from the spot, where the murder was committed, on Tuesday night it is true, according to your ideas of the matter, yet


If aught, except remembrance fad remains,
Of former greatnefs, or of vaft domains.

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compounds from it and koee, to be seen in page 77, that greatly refemble thofe formed from quis, qui, in Latin. Bhee, is a fort of conjunctive syllabical adjection, which means also, even, very common in the Hindooftanee, but at times perhaps, it may seem to us a fuperfluous, though convenient expletive, like to, bee. Oon, is the oblique plural of wob, that, governed by the compound postposition, ke fath, with, along with. Gbyr us, a Perfian prepofition, preceding the aptotes, husrut and ufsoos, which fignifies, besides, except, fave; &c. Hufrut, forrow, regret, anguish, an Arabic noun, and agreeing in most respects with the Perfian word ufsoos, repentance, &c. which in fome places, may be met with as an interjection. Hy the fingular auxiliary est, to which koochb is the nominative, and oonke fat b, the governed cafe, like the Latin, apud illos quidnam fit, cum illis quodquam est, or perhaps, illis quicquid fit: And with this by, clofes our analysis, which has been confiderably amplified, not only to give the scholar an opportunity of feeing how fully this can be done, with any portion of the language he may yet analyse himself, but also to allow of the infertion of several useful particulars, that were not before difcuffed in this work.

we undoubtedly meant no more by doing fo, than that on your Monday night, the culprit was many miles: diftant from the place the crime was perpetrated at, upon your and the Hindoos Tuesday night.-If this propofition can be reverfed, fo as to affect the life of an innocent man, I tremble at the very idea of it, and shall feel truly happy indeed, if the present extended digreffion put people in future more on their guard, in all matters depending upon time; particulary my military readers, who may yet be employed on the most important services, whofe fuccefs must often depend, on the accuracy of the inftructions, given in Hindoostanee, to an inferior native officer.-In night attacks, ambufcades, fignals, fallies &c. to be concerted fome days previous to their execution, between a Mŏŏfulman and a British Officer, if the latter has ordered the former, to carry a particular operation into effect on Mungul kee rat, as Tuesday night, his expectations will evidently be anticipated one whole day, as the Moofulman according to his notion of time, will in this cafe do the duty required, upon Monday night. To point out the poffible fatal tendency of fuch a blunder, on particular occasions, is a task that I fhall leave entirely to the reader's own imagination, being much eafier conceived, in its fullest extent, than described in a work of this kind.









HE poetical measures of the Hindooftanee, have one common fource with the Perfian, namely the Arabic; and as no Author that I recollect, has profeffedly written on the application of its metrical rules to the Language we are now treating of, I fhall endeavour to handle this fubject as far as it relates to the Rekhtu, with all poffible concifenefs and perfpicuity; producing at the fame time with fuitable obfervations on their nature and formation, a few specimens from the various forts of verfe ufed by the beft Poets, who have composed their several works in that mixed Dialect, alfo called Ŏordoo, or the polished language of the Court, and which even at this day pervades with more or less purity, the vast provinces of a once powerful Empire.

The Rythmical Genera amount in all to Nineteen, and if we add to thefe the linusr mõõguffa, poetical profe, the very reverse of our Blank verse, which ftrictly speaking, does not I believe, exift in the modern compofitions of India, the complete number will be Twenty. The Perfian Poets having excluded five from the number above, (in which the Indians have imitated them) I fhall here 3 V


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confider Fifteen different kinds only; but before we proceed further, we must first attend to their component and fimpleft parts, a fyllable (jŏŏz ;) and foot (rõõkn♫) described at full length below.

Every moveable or continuous letter with a diacrital point, whether this coalesces with the next vowel or not, is termed jocz, and fo far it agrees with our short syllable inẻ fü-yü-loon; whereas inf-yu, the jooz is the fimple letter_ f, whose vowel point ( ́u) is loft in the next &y entirely, and these two joined in this way, form a fort of half foot or cafura, called fubub khufeef

which is confidered long, from the yu being
miffive, and marked" above:


fakin, immoveable or inter

Of this we have another inftance with two letters,

and an obvious diacritical point (čo) in loon

letter n fakin


which analysed 1, möötuburrik, (con

⇓ yields one short fyllable (jocz)loo like ours, with another in the
as a jooz alfo; and is confequently the fubub khufeef or
being rather more than equivalent to one.
Whence the Pyr-

cafura -- the two
rhichius » - above, fü-yŭ, is called Subub fugeel Ja and

the first and fumpleft foot.




be deemed

The next in order is termed, wutud mujmoo,u or muqroon, being triliteral, with the two moveable letters near or joined to each other, as inlės mŭfā, a true Ïambus ; in which m and fare continuous, while a, is intermissive (sakin).

- U

Trochaus, is denominated by wutud mufrooq, it is triliteral like the other, but with this difference, that the mootuburrik letters f and y in fayu are kept at a distance from each other by the intervening a, fakin.


Two cafura or fubub khufeef, form Spondeus : and in this way one fubub fuqeel, make a understood from what follows.

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Dactylus, but the foregoing analysis will be beft

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