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Once there was a little Kitty,

White as the snow;

In the barn she used to frolic,

Long time ago.

In the barn a little Mousie,

Ran to and fro;

For she heard the Kitty coming,

Long time ago.

Nine pearl teeth had little Kitty,

All in a row;

And they bit the little Mousie,

Long time ago.

When the teeth bit little Mousie,

Mousie cried, "Oh!"

But she got away from Kitty,

Long time ago.


Ding dong! ding dong!

I'll sing you a song; 'Tis about a little bird; He sat upon a tree,

And he sang to me, And I never spoke a word.

I'll sing you a song

Ding dong! ding dong!
I'll sing you a song;
'Tis about a little mouse;

He looked very cunning,
As I saw him running
About my father's house.

Ding dong! ding dong!

I'll sing you a song

About my little kitty;

She's speckled all over,

And I know you'll love her,

For she is very pretty.

-Eliza Lee Follen

My little kitty

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Once there was a little old man and once there was a little old woman.

The little old man and the little old woman lived together in a little old house.

The little old house was near a dark wood.

One morning the little old woman was baking gingerbread cakes.

She said to the little old man, “I am tired

of eating round gingerbread cakes.

I am going to make a cake that will look like a boy."

So she cut out a cake to look just like a
little boy.

Then she put the cake in the oven to bake.
After a while the little old woman went to the
oven to see if her cake was baked.
When she opened the oven door, the

Gingerbread Boy jumped out and ran away, as fast as he could go.

The little old woman and the little old man ran after him, but they could not catch him. Soon the Gingerbread Boy came to some men who were threshing.

He said to the men, "I have run away from

a little old woman and a little old man. I can run away from you, too; I can and I can.”

Then the men who were threshing ran after him, but they could not catch him.

Soon the Gingerbread Boy came to some men who were mowing.

He said to the men, "I have run away from

a little old woman, a little old man and
some men who were threshing.

I can run away from you, too; I can and
I can."

Then the men who were mowing ran after
him, but they could not catch him.

Soon the Gingerbread Boy came to a cow. He said to the cow, "I have run away from a little old woman, a little old man, some men who were threshing and some men who were mowing.

I can run away from you, too; I can and
I can."

Then the cow ran after him, but she could
not catch him.

Soon the Gingerbread Boy came to a pig.

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