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till, in a very few years, the whole world had heard of Buonaparte.

4. When he was only twenty-six years old, he conquered Italy. The next year he compelled the Emperor of Austria to make peace; and in 1798, he invaded Egypt, and fought many battles in the sandy deserts, and among the pyramids.

5. The French were now tired of being governed by men whose only engine of government was the guillotine. They wanted a ruler who would deserve their obedience by his sagacity and energy, and not merely hold them in subjection by the fear of losing their heads. Napoleon Buonaparte was such a man. He was not a good man, nor a truly wise one. He was a selfish and ambitious despot; but perhaps he was a more suitable ruler for such a people as the French, than if he had been of a different character.

6. He saw that the French were now so excited that it would be difficult, perhaps impossible, to restrain them. He thought it better that they should make war on foreigners than slaughter each other, and with the sword, rather than with the guillotine. So, partly because he could not help it, but chiefly because he was ambitious, Napoleon Buonaparte became a mighty conqueror.

7. In 1802, Buonaparte was elected consul of the French republic, for life; and two years afterwards, he was proclaimed emperor, by the name of Napoleon. He had now more power than any of the ancient kings.

8. I cannot follow this great captain in his marches all over Europe, nor even number the victories which he won. Wherever he went, monarchs humbled themselves before him; he drove them from their thrones, and placed his own brothers and chief officers there instead. He gave away royal diadems like playthings; and he was called the Man of Destiny, because fate seemed to have ordained that he should always be victorious.

9. But, in 1812, the spell of his success began to be broken. He invaded Russia with a vast army, and penetrated to the city of Moscow, when the Russians set the city on fire. Winter was coming on, and the French soldiers having nowhere to shelter themselves, retreated towards Poland. On their way thither, they fought many battles with the Russians, and the weather was so dreadfully cold, that the bodies of the slain were frozen stiff, and the snow was crimsoned with their blood; and before they reached the frontiers of Poland, three-fourths of the army were destroyed.


10. The emperor Napoleon fled homeward in a sledge, and returned to Paris. He soon raised new armies, and was ready to take the field again. But all the nations of Europe were now allied against him, and, after a few more battles, he was driven from Germany into France. enemy followed him, and compelled him to surrender the imperial crown of France in exchange for the sovereignty of the little island of Elba, in the Mediterranean; and the brother of Louis the Sixteenth was placed upon the throne, with the title of Louis the Eighteenth.

11. Napoleon went to Elba, and remained there almost a year. But in March, 1815, he suddenly landed again on the French coast. He was almost alone when he set his foot on the shore; but there were multitudes of his old companions throughout the country, who shouted for joy as they trampled on the white flag of the Bourbons, and in a few days, Napoleon's banner again waved triumphant all over France.

12. The nations of Europe now mustered their armies once more, and they were led by the Duke of Wellington. Napoleon marched into Flanders, or Belgium, to meet them, and he was followed by almost every young Frenchman that could shoulder a musket.

13. The armies met at Waterloo, on the 18th of June, 1815, where Buonaparte was utterly overthrown, and France

was overthrown with him. He was sent to die on the island of St. Helena, and Louis was again established on the throne.

QUESTIONS. 1. When was Louis the Sixteenth beheaded? Describe the French republic.-2. What countries now went to war with France?- -3. What of Napoleon Buonaparte?-4. What acts did Napoleon perform?--5. What of the French people at this time? What of Napoleon ?-6. What were his thoughts upon the French? What did he become?-7. What were the titles of Napoleon?-8. What happened wherever he went? What was he called? -9. What happened in 1812? What of the French army? -10. What of Napoleon? What happened to him? What of Louis the Eighteenth ?- -11. How long did Napoleon remain at Elba ? What of him in 1815 ? Describe his landing in France.

-12. Who led the nations of Europe? What did Napoleon do? Who followed him?-13. When was the battle of Waterloo fought? Fate of Napoleon?


of France.

Recent affairs

1. Lours the Eighteenth was replaced on the throne, and died in 1824, and was succeeded by his brother, Charles the Tenth.

2. Charles the Tenth was bigoted and tyrannical; and after many quarrels with his subjects, in 1830 he forbade the printing of any newspaper that blamed his conduct and government.

3. The citizens of Paris immediately rose and attacked the royal troops; and, after three days of horrible slaughter, drove them from their posts, and compelled them to lay down their arms.

4. The king now offered to resign the crown in favour of his grandson, the Duke of Bourdeaux, a mere child; but the French would not receive him for their king. They drove Charles the Tenth and his family out of the kingdom, and by the advice of the Marquis La Fayette, chose Louis Philippe, duke of Orleans, as their king. Louis Philippe

was accordingly raised to the throne; and he is still King of the French.


QUESTIONS. 1. When did Louis the Eighteenth die? What took place in 1830 ?-3. What of the people of Paris ?4. What did Charles the Tenth do? What did La Fayette advise? Who was made king? Who is still king?


-Chronology of



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The Gäel, Gäil, Gaul, or Celts began to migrate into Europe
from Asia, as is supposed, about
General migration of the Gauls to different parts of Europe
Italy ravaged by the Gauls, and Rome taken



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280 to 278


The Gauls make destructive incursions into Macedon and

[ocr errors]

A colony of Belgæ settled in France

The southern part of Gaul conquered by the Romans 128 to 122 Gaul invaded by Julius Cæsar


finally conquered by the Romans


A. D.

Gaul invaded by the Franks and other Germanic tribes
Pharamond, a Frank, becomes king of France

[blocks in formation]

Charlemagne died

Pepin the Short, first of the Carlovingian race

Charlemagne crowned at Rome

Hugh Capet, first of the Capetian race, began to reign

Peter the Hermit heads the first crusade

Godfrey of Bouillon takes Jerusalem

Crusade against the Albigenses

Death of Louis IX. at the siege of Tunis

Philip the Fair begins to reign

[blocks in formation]

Battle of Cressy

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[blocks in formation]

Death of Charles IX.

Charles IX. began to reign

Massacre of the Protestants on St. Bartholomew's day

Henry IV. ascended the throne

Henry IV. killed by Ravaillac, a Jesuit

Rochelle, the stronghold of the Protestants, taken

Louis XV. died

The Bastile destroyed

Execution of Louis XVI.

The French fleet defeated by Earl Howe

Napoleon took possession of Egypt

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Napoleon gained the battle of Marengo

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Napoleon made consul

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Revolution of three days in France, Louis Philippe called to

the throne


Death of La Fayette


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