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regular monarchy. From this date to 1837, is a space of eight hundred and forty-three years.

22. Skiold is said to have been the first king of Denmark, but we know little about him or his successors, till the year 714, when Gormo the Old appears to have established the government by uniting the several Danish tribes into one kingdom. From this date till 1837, is a period of one thousand one hundred and twenty-three years.

23. Holland was originally settled by Belgic tribes. It was first formed into a state by Count Thierry, in the year 868, but afterwards came into the possession of the Duke of Burgundy, and at length into the hands of the King of Spain. The people revolted, and, in 1579, formed themselves into a republic.

24. This is the proper point at which we may date the independence of Holland, though it was not erected into a kingdom till 1806. Belgium was formerly attached to Holland, and constituted a part of what was then called the kingdom of the Netherlands; but it became an independent kingdom in 1830.

25. Switzerland, after having been subject to the Romans, the French, and the Germans, became an independent nation in 1315. From this date to 1837, is a period of five hundred and twenty-two years.

26. The first ruler of Naples who acquired the title of king, was Roger, who began to reign in the year 1127. Sardinia was taken by the Spaniards in 1303, and continued in their hands till 1708, when it was taken by the English, and given to the Duke of Savoy, who assumed the title of King of Sardinia in 1720. Piedmont and Genoa were added to the kingdom at a later date.

27. Venice was formed into a sort of republic in 697, Paolucci Anafesto being the first doge. It became a powerful state, and continued independent till it was taken by the French under Napoleon, in 1797; it was soon after transferred to Austria.

2. What has been -3. Where was the first

QUESTIONS. 1. What of the Celts ? conjectured? What appears certain ?settlement in Europe?- 4. When and by whom was Athens founded? When does Grecian history begin?- -5. When was the independence of Greece terminated? How long had it existed?– 6. What can you say of Rome? How long did the empire endure? -7. What of the Greek empire? When did it begin?-8. How was it terminated?- -9. What of the Turks? Extent of the Turkish dominion?-10. Who founded the Ottoman empire? Duration of the Ottoman empire? What of Constantinople?11. What of Childeric? Clovis? Duration of the French monarchy ? -12. What of Egbert? Duration of the English monarchy ? -13. What of the Moors? Pelagio and his successors? -14. What of Ferdinand? By what means were Castile and Arragon united? When does the Spanish monarchy properly begin? Its duration?-15. What of the kingdom of Portugal ?- -16. What of Charlemagne ? Conrad? Duration of the German empire ?17. What of Austria? Its duration ?-18. Prussia? -19. Poland? Its duration ?-20. What of Russia? How was it rendered independent? Its duration ?-21. What of Sweden ? Its duration? -22. What of Denmark? Its duration? -23. What of Holland ?- -24. When did it become a kingdom?- -25. What of Switzerland? Its duration ?- -26. What

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You know that most of the countries in Europe, Asia, and Africa, have different names at the present day from what they had in ancient times. I will therefore give you a list of the principal states and kingdoms throughout these three quarters of the globe, showing their present and ancient names, together with the names of their original inhabitants.

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CHAPTER CLXXVI. GENERAL VIEWS.-The origin and progress of Government.

1. BEFORE I Conclude my volume, I must give a brief account of several important matters, which are very necessary to a right understanding of what has been already said. I shall first speak of government.

2. Some nations are governed by kings or emperors, who rule according to their own will: these are called despotic monarchies. Other nations are ruled by kings or emperors, whose power is restrained by legislative assemblies, who make laws for the country: these are called limited monarchies.

3. You observe that, at the present day, some nations are governed in one way, and some in another. In those countries where the people are governed by rulers of their own choice, and according to a constitution of their own formation, the nation is called a republic.

4. But you must not suppose that the world has always been governed in the same manner as now. The first kind of government sprang from that of the father of a family. In the first place, he ruled over his children, who acquired the habit of obeying him: his grandchildren followed their example, and thus the whole of the little community naturally yielded to the authority of their common parent.

5. This laid the foundation for that kind of government which is called patriarchal. It existed before the Flood, and also prevailed in many parts of Asia long after that event. But mankind were at length divided into separate tribes, and these became involved in wars with each other. In the struggles which ensued, some men displayed superior strength, courage, and skill; these naturally became the leaders, and were entrusted with extensive authority. This produced the second kind of government, the head

of which was a chief, and which was usually that of warlike tribes, who had made some advances in civilization.

6. When society had advanced so far as to build towns and cities, the rude military chieftain was not suited to the more refined and luxurious tastes of the people. They now desired a ruler surrounded with pomp and ceremony; and thus a third kind of government was formed, which is called monarchical.

7. But in some countries the people, after a time, became dissatisfied with their monarchs or kings, and chose to elect rulers, and make laws for themselves. Thus a fourth kind of government was instituted, called republican.

8. Now you will bear in mind that the first kind of government, called patriarchal, was adopted in the earliest ages of society, while the greater part of the people were devoted to agriculture and the rearing of cattle. The second kind of government, by a military chief, was that of the wandering tribes of Arabia and Tartary.

9. The third kind of government was adopted when people had become civilized and luxurious; it was the form of government among the ancient Assyrians, Egyptians, and Persians, and has been, since the period of these empires, in all ages of mankind, more prevalent than any other system. At the present time, nine-tenths of mankind are subject to monarchical government.

10. A kind of republican government, under the judges, was adopted by the Jews soon after their return from Egypt. But it was not till the time of the Greeks that a genuine republic was established. Several of the states of Greece formed themselves into republics at different times, but these were of short duration, and were overthrown by aspiring men, who made themselves kings. Rome was at one time a republic, but there, too, freedom soon gave place despotism.

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