Imágenes de páginas

labors of Hercules, the feats of Samson, the wars of the giants, the building of pyramids, the turning aside of rivers, and removing mountains? What are such trifles as these when compared with the stupendous operations of the god of the civilized world?

Question: Who is he?

Answer: He was worshipped by the children of Israel in the wilderness, when Moses tarried so long in the mount. Do you know him?

There are not seven thousand in the United States, who have not bowed the knee to this Baal of the moderns, and whose lips have not kissed him. By the ancients he was called Plutus; in heaven, he is not known and on earth, he is yclept The Mammon of unrighteousness.

-Quid non mortalia pectora cogis. Auri sacra fames?

public some idea of the impression these things made on your mind.

Does there not appear to be an immense disparity between the conduct of the primitive and modern christians? Were you not, at first, almost led to form the conclusion, that the latter could not be derived from the former? Or did you suppose it possible that they might be the same people in a state of extreme degeneracy and degradation? The principles and practice of the early christians appear to have been consentaneous; but will any person in his senses assert that the conduct of the moderns is conformable with the precepts laid down in their books?

I do not intend to request you to particularize all the instances in which this disparty is glaringly apparent. That would be an unreasonable request. This is a boundless subject and were you to engage in it, I know not how you would bring it to a conclusion. Of one thing I am certain; the topic would not casily be exhausted.

Longing after Immortality. The desire of being remembered when we are no more is deeply inplanted in the human mind. We all cast "a longing Should you be fortunate in your present lingering look behind" and desire to know undertaking, I hope you will touch on this what will be said of us when we are no subject occasionally. It must be admitted, more. "I shall not altogether die!" was on all hands, that every man of honor is the triumphant exclamation of a poet of bound by the professions he thinks proper antiquity, when speaking of the productions deliberately to make: therefore, no man, of his brain: "I shall leave a memorial of nor set of men, can think it hard that their myself' is the idea of the swain who rudely actions should be compared with that standcarves the initials of his name on the ard which they have deliberately and solemnglossy surface of a beach tree in the ly published to the world, as the rule by forest. which their conduct is to be regulated.

The idler who cuts letters with his knife on the benches in our public walks, the poet who writes verses with his pencil on the boards of the summer house are equally anxious, that at least some part of them may escape the ravages of the gloomy Libitina. We do not attempt to condemn this propensity merely because it discovers itself in trifles. No: had circumstances favored the ambition of these candidates for immortality, they might have plundered cities, ravaged kingdoms, established empires, and become "mighty hunters" on the earth. This is the same principle which induced men in early ages to say to each other: "Go to, let us build us a city and a tower, whose top may reach to heaven; and let us make us a

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I hope. Piomingo, that you will not be backward to take notice of the errors and follies you may observe among us. If we go wrong, we cannot plead ignorance as an excuse or palliation for our errors. We have enjoyed great advantages over your nation and the other aborigines of America. They, a'as! have long wandered in the devious paths of error; but I hope the time is not far distant when they who have walked in darkness will see a marvellous light.

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This benevolent precept is found in the law, which was delivered to Moses. The Jews may, for aught we know to the contrary, observe this commandment; but the Piomingo, As I know that you have pe- christians, we suppose, consider it as a part rused with considerable attention our sacred of the ceremonial law; and therefore not books, and frequently attended our places of binding on them or their posterity. We worship, in your peregrinations through have often heard religious sophists discuss these United States, I cannot resist the in- this knotty point about the moral and cereclination I feel to request you to give the monial laws with uncommon ingenuity.


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nuity can invent, or the most violent animosity can inflict. All these things being known to our philosophic seniors, they exercise our bodies, and discipline our minds, in such a manner, that we are enabled to maintain a dignity of character in every emergency.

Whenever any of the precepts or command- We must suffer sickness and pain. We may ments found in the five books of Moses or be reduced to a state of servitude. We may indeed in any part of the Old or New Testa- become captives, and consequently be exposed ment, appeared repugnant to the doctrines to every species of torture that human inge. of the church or the practices of the faithful, these biblical critics will be sure to inform you that they are a part of the ceremonial law; and therefore not to be observed by christians under the new dispensation. Now as we have never seen a young christian "rise up to the hoary head or honor the face of an old man," unless his age were supported by wealth or authority, we are necessarily led to suppose that the precept above mentioned is considered as a part of the ceremonial law of the Jews, and imposes no obligation on "the children of the kingdom."

Among the savages of America age is universally respected. All unite to honor the face of the old man whenever he appears, whether his blanket be old or new, his pipe plain or ornamented with silver. But among the civilized Americans I have always seen age, particularly if it exhibited any appearance of poverty or infirmity, neglected or insulted.

Does the old man appear desirous to relate any of his boyish exploits; no one is disposed to listen. No one can afford time to attend to the old dotard, who had better be in his bed or in his grave than to be here boring us with his antediluvian perform


If the old man be possessed of any property, it is a hundred to one but some finely polished and highly civilized young chris tian will observe, "Damn the old codger: I wish he was in hell, and I had his money."


Effects of Civilization.

A stoical indifference to bodily pain is, among savages, one of the first lessons of youth. Fortitude to bear every evil, and resolution to meet every danger, are inculcated upon us by our teachers, as virtues of the first magnitude. To suffer pain without complaint, and even with cheerfulness, is made THE GREAT FOINT OF HONOR. There is no such thing as coercion in the savage system of education. We are proud of doing right, and ashamed of doing wrong. We are taught to consider ourselves as superior to circumstances: at least, we are enabled to preserve a decent tranquility of mind in the midst of the greatest possible adversity. It is known to us, that the vicissitudes of life will expose us to misfortunes of various kinds. We must support the burning heat of the summer's sun, and the intense severity of the winter's cold. We must submit to hunger and thirst and a multitude of other privations.

We become patient of heat and regardless of cold. We learn to subdue the cravings of hunger without food; and to allay, without drink, the parchings of thirst. We can indulge in a feast of bear meat and venison, or subsist on the roots of the desert. Untaught by philosophy, we enjoy the present moment; unin. structed in christianity, we "take no thought for the morrow:" we oppose our naked breasts to the beating of the storm; and a fearless spirit to every difficulty.

It is well known to us, that the time of our existence here is a period of exertion. We are taught therefore to meet unavoidable danger with resolution, and to remove the greatest difficulties by perseverance. We are obliged to climb the highest mountain, leap down the steepest precipice, and swim the wildest torrent. The science of hunting engages our earliest attention. We study the nature of our game, the time of the day, and the season of the year. We know where to find the buffaloes in the morning; and where they may be discovered in the heat of the day. We know when they visit the low marshy salt springs, and when they descend to cool themselves in the river. We can rouse the deer from his lair in the frosty morning, and trace him over the hills by the newly fallen snow. We surprise the wolf in his gloomy haunts, or destroy him in his foraging excursions. We rouse the bear in his den, and shoot the panther among the rocks. We fix our traps for the fox, and drive, by stratagem, the beaver from his fortified habitation. We find the wild cat on the mountains, and the raccoon in the heads of the val. leys. We know the haunts of the otter; and the muskrat we shoot as he peeps from his hole. We kill the mink on the banks of the stream, and the groundhog on the side of the hill. We know the daily rounds of the turkey: we take him on his roost, or shoot him on the ridges. We shoot the geese in their flight, or kill them when settled in the ponds. We see the slightest traces in the forest; we hear the least rustling among the branches; and we smell the approaches of the serpent. We climb round the rocks, slip through the cane, and skulk along the valleys. We study the course of the wind in our approaches, or breathe on fire, lest we taint the purity of the gale. We know the course our game will pursue, before he has been roused from his harbor. We take the opposite direction, and meet him as he turns round the hill. We guide our course through the boundless wilderness, by the sun, moon,

and stars, and even by the appearance of the But let him get home again. The sight of trees of the forest. We perform the most in his barn door, and the appearance of old credible journeys without fatigue, crossing the Towser-the bawling of his black cow, and widest rivers on the trunk of a tree. Through the smell of his hogsty-the squalling of his the immense desert we are familiar with every brats, and his snug chimney corner-all in hill, and at home on the bank of every rivulet. sweet succession-revive, invigorate, and reWe walk proudly on the hills: and from the store him. Having turned off a mug of cider, towering summits of the Appalachian moun- he "is himself again." And then-and then tains, we look down, with ineffable contempt, the dangers and escapes, the windmills and on the brutelike drudgery of civilized life. the giants, the ghosts and the savages, the Thus the wild horse snuffs the western thunder and the lightning, the battles and the breeze, bounds joyously over the hills, laughs conquests, astonish and confound the gaping at the rattling of the chains, and despises the auditors. bridle and the plough.

We build dams in the rivers; and shoals of fish pour into our baskets. They are arrested in their course by our arrows and our gigs; or they are lured to destruction by the temptation of our bait. We bid them assemble together, and we scoop them up with our nets.

Is this the man you would compare with the savage? Is this the man you would prefer to the lord of the desert?

Man is said to be composed of two parts: body and soul. Now, pray be so good as to inform me whether it be the body or soul of this animal, which is possessed of that someWe study the face of the heavens, and foretel thing, which you honor with the name of the changes of the weather. We know when civilization. His limbs, you say, are robust the gust is about to rise in the west, and when and strong by exercise and labor. Does civili. the wind promises a continued,rain. We can zation then consist in robustness of body, or tell when to prepare for snow and when ice brawniness of limbs? He may be strong in will appear on the waters. his youth, but continual drudgery destroys the Do you not suppose. O ye inhabitants of harmony of his shape, and the dignity of his cities, that this system of education, that these motion. The elasticity of his limbs is destroy. pursuits and employments, are well calculated ed, and he degenerates into a mere beast of to sharpen the faculties and exercise the under- burden. His visage becomes the very picture standing? Where the mind is accustomed to of stupidity and malignity. He is no longer turn itself to such a variety of vocations, and the animal to whom God accommodate itself to such a multitude of circumstances, must it not become infinitely superior to that sluggish existence, whose ideas are continually occupied with the millhorse round of domestic drudgery?

Os-sublime dedit, cœlumque videre Jussit, et erectos ad sidera tollere vultos. No: he looks downward to the earth, and offers his back to the rider. His feet become as the feet of a camel, and his hands rough and scaly as the cone that drops from the top of the pine tree.

Not only the memory, but every faculty we possess, is improved by exercise: how then can his mind be enlightened, who is the mere The lower ranks of those who reside in cities, creature of habit, unaccustomed to thought and being more confined in their operations, are reflection? Can he, whose business leads him sunk still lower, in the scale, of intelligence, from the house to the barn, from the barn to than the inhabitants of the country. Their the stable, from the stable to the orchard, from business being bounded by the shop, and their the orchard to the cornfield, and from the corn- excursions limited by the market; what should field to the house again, possess an elevated un. they know but the price of butter, and the time derstanding? Can he,whose most distant excur- of high water? Can you number the ideas of sion extends not beyond the neighboring mar- a muscle, or fathom the intelligence of an oysket town, have a mind enriched with a multi- ter? If you can, you have a competent knowtude of ideas? Such a being is distressed if ledge of the intellectual powers of the people he wander out sight of the smoke of his own that I describe.

chimney. His friends are miserable, lest he Do not naturalists rank the productions of should never return; and he, poor soul! gapes nature agreeably to their locomotive powers? like a fish elevated above the surface of the water The animal is more excellent than the vegetaby the line of the fisherman. He gazes with ble; why? Because it is capable of changing surprise on every object he has not been ac- its situation. And man is supposed to be the customed to contemplate. He expects some most noble of animals, because he can travel beast of prey to start up in every valley, and from pole to pole, and subsist under every the devil out of every thorn bush. He looks climate.

for robbers behind every hedge, savage Indians Vegetables, admitting they were capable of in every wood. He says his prayers before he perceiving, could have but few ideas, being crosses a bridge, and confesses his sins on the confined by hills and rocks and surrounded by banks of every torrent. But night overtakes walls and inclosures. him. How deplorable his situation! Every The things called zoophytes can know very withered bush is a ghost; and every black little more than a leaf of plantain, or a sprig of stump, an imp of darkness! hoarhound; and those animals that remain,

during the whole period of their existence, on the same bank or hillock, are scarcely superior, in their intellectual powers, to a polypus or zoophytic fungus. What knowledge of the world was possessed by the toad, which was shut up for five thousand years in the solid body of a rock? Men who vegetate in one spot, and have no leisure for reading or reflection, must be limited in their ideas and narrow in their understandings.

enthusiasm in the cause of virtue have disap peared.

A fortune is not to be made at once by industry; it is made up by the daily accession of small Small suns, therefore, become an ob sums. ject of importance to the industrious man. He values them highly. And the men who sets a high value on sinall sums may poss bly adhere to the dead letter of honesty; but he has lost that nobility of the heart, for which nothing can be a sufficient compensation. A minute attention to trifles has narrowed and But we will be told of the polished few, contaminated his mind. He must be shut out whose minds are expanded by philosophy, and from the congregation of those who are clothed whose happiness is insured by a multiplicity of in the white raiment of pure unsullied honor: enjoyments. We shall speak of their happiness he is unclean. hereafter; at present we mean merely to con

Such are the blessings of civilization; such are the consequences of refinement.

sider the paucity of their numbers.
the number of the
As refinement progresses,
refined must necessarily be reduced. If you
become elevated, you must have supporters.
If your clevation be still more increased, the
quantity of supporting materials must be mul-
tiplied in a like proportion. It is absurd to
talk of all becoming cqually refined, polished,
and civilized. How can you dine in state, if
there be none to wait at your table? And if
we increase your refinement, state, and splen-
dor, must not your attendants continue to be
multiplied proportionably? Now, if we follow
this train of thought, we shall be able to prove,
by a chain of incontestable arguments, that,
when civilization is carried to its acme, there
will be one man polished into a god, and all the
rest of the species will be slaves, parasites, and
(to be continued.)


Acquisition of Wealth.


"Wist ye not that such a man as I can certainly, powwow?"

Our violent desire to know what the world had said and were saying about our Savage induced us to have recourse to means for gratifying our curiosity which we never resort to unless on extraordinary occasions.

We once studied the science of powwowing under the celebrated Kaioka. Kaioka was a He could predict the approach of comets, and great man: a priest, a prophet, and magician. the time when our warriors would return from their predatory excursions. He could prevent the rivers from overflowing their banks, and the moles from destroying the corn. He could foretel the event of a war, and interpret the the moon with a circle, and multiply the He could surround meaning of dreams. number of suns. He could charm away the most malignant spirit, and stop the ravages of the most alarming disease. He formed a treaty of friendship with serpents, and cher. shed the rattlesnake in his bosom. He could bring on darkness at midday, and call down rain from heaven by his powerful incantations. He acquired an absolute ascendancy over the spirits that manage the clouds and those that assist the operations of rivers. The genii of the caves and the inhabitants of the abyss were subjected to his power.

We took a few lessons from this wonderful man, which enables us on extraordinary occa sions to dip a little into the invisible world. We can "start a ghost" or rouse a goblin, when there happens to be any necessity for such an exertion; but we generally are content with having recourse to dreams, after having made the necessary preparations.

It appears to us nearly as hard for him who devotes his time to the acquisition of riches, to be perfectly upright and honorable through the whole course of a long life, as for a "camel to go through the eye of a needle." The man who receives a fortune by inheritance has every opportunity to cultivate and cherish his virtuous inclinations; but the man who sets out in life without wealth, is beset by temptations oll every side that urge him on to the acquisition of money, by means both illicit and unwarrantable. He sces that property procures pleasure, attention, and respect. He wishes for pleasure: he wishes for a distinguished situation among his specics: and in order to obtain things so desirable, he immediately sets about the busin' ss of accumulation. If he be able to subdue his love of pleasure, and think proper to take the plain beaten path of industry, he may get rich; but his temper and disposi We fasted and prayed. We took an emetic, tion will be changed. He acquires his wealth and performed the necessary ablutions in the with difficulty; and we always love the pro- Schuylkill: and then, having burned a few duct of our attention and labor. He is now a leaves of tobacco to propitiate the spirits of the rich man; but the finer feelings and nobler air, we lay down and slept. In our dream, a sentiments of his mind are absolutely cradi. terrific form made its appearance. We cannot cated: that generous disregard of self, and that undertake to satisfy the curiosity of the public,

By this last method we made some highly interesting discoveries concerning our Savage, as will be seen in the sequel.

as to the being that we saw in our dream; for of that we are ignorant. We at first supposed it to be the devil of the civilized world, as he certainly wore on his head something that had the semblance of horns: but, upon the closest inspection, we could perceive nothing that had the appearance of a cloven foot. Upon the whole, we are led to conclude that it must have been some benignant spirit; as no evil one would, we believe, venture to approach us in our purified state. He stalked up with the greatest dignity. His countenance bore the impression of profound wisdom, but mixed with something that had the appearance of contempt for every thing earthly.

We demanded what the literati of the age thought of our Savage.

The literati of the age! repeated he, smiling; not many of them have yet had the pleasure of becoming acquainted with your Savage; and but few of them ever will. Can they whose heads are above the clouds observe the motions of an ant upon a hillock? But there are several other descriptions of readers who are not a little out of humor with the beginning you have made.

I will give you some account of them, and the reception your Savage is likely to meet with from them.

Old Jonathan Longhead, the other day, took up your duodecimo and read a few minutes. He then laid it down, lighted a segar, and leaned back upon his chair immersed in deep thought. After remaining in this attitude for five minutes, he drew the segar from his mouth, and blowing forth the smoke with the greatest deliberation, he uttered the following oracle, "Atheistical and deistical." Should they raise the cry of mad dog against you, you had better be a dog in reality.

Billy Bluster and a few of his associates were mightily taken with the title of your papcr. "The Savage! Damn me, Tom! this will be a hell of a thundering paper, hey? Then we shall have for a frontispiece a bloody savage with a ferocious countenance, brandishing his tomahawk and scalping knife-ah! a devil of a fine thing! Then, it will be filled with drinking songs and hellish fine stories. We'll laugh like damnation, hey O!"

"Do you not suppose, Piomingo, that these brave boys were sadly disappointed by the appearance of your sweetly moving peaceable Savage? Were you capable of producing picces of the most finished composition, do you suppose that they would be relished by these children of Comus? Do you suppose that your delicate irony or classical allusions can excite a roar of laughter over the bowl, or call forth the plaudits of the groundlings? Sooner will you charm the deaf adder: sooner will the beasts of the forest-dance to your music, or cities ascend to the sound of your lyre! No, no, Piomingo, if yon be disposed to please these jovial souls, you must have recourse to Joc Miller's Jest-book and the adventures of Fanny

Hill. Would you select some entertaining stories from the last mentioned work, for the edification of your aunt Jenny, I have no doubt but she would procure, for your paper, a hundred subscribers.

Could you hire an enterprising genius to skulk about the city, and see what married men frequent the houses of pollution-what heads of families have been known to kiss pretty chambermaids-what modish ladies have been surprised in delicate situationswhat rosy misses have retired to the country on account of indisposition-what old men have young wives-who were seen abroad at unseasonable hours, or in equivocal places, &c. &c. I say, if you procure an agent to collect anecdotes of this description, and inix them up with sly hints and double entendres, ornamented with a sufficiency of A.s, Z.s, dashes, stars, italics, and double pica, take my word for it, there is no paper in the United States will have so extensive a circulation as yours.

As soon as the welcome carrier throws in the Savage, the scandal loving dame, with watering teeth, will hasten to draw down her spectacles from her withered forehead, adjust them on her sharp-pointed nose,and devour the luscious intelligence with more avidity than Amelia Wilhelmina Carolina did the contents of the last novel. And all the little tattling teadrinking misses will crowd round the old lady's chair on their knees, and stretch their pretty necks, open their love-inspiring eyes and kisscourting mouths, to catch-some, a part of a line, and others, a broken end of a sentence:while the old gentleman hangs over their shoulders grinning a smile of complacency."

What, can a savage stoop to such baseness? Shall a headman and warrior of the Muscogulgee confederacy construct and keep in repair a public sewer to convey into the world all the abomination, corruption, and filth, of a populous city? Shall he become common pimp to all the base propensities of human na ture? When he shall act thus,

"Be ready Gods, with all your thunderbolts, Dash him to pieces!"

We are sorry that the infancy of our Savage has been offensive to Solomon Simple. Solomon should recollect that every thing must have a beginning. If we speak of a child, we must not put in his month the words of learning or wisdom: such words, for example, as Solomon makes use of when he talks of the military abilities of the archduke Charles, and the con sequences of the embargo and non-importation act. If we speak to a child, we must not pour out those sesquipedalia which Solomon is wont to utter when he delivers his sentiments on the law of nations concerning neutrals and bellige rehts. There is an old hook, which Solomon ought to have some knowledge of, which says, that when one is a child one must "speak as a child, understand as a child, and think as a child." We hope that our Savage, when arriv

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