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[blocks in formation]

etly with her into her bed-room; and how the matter ended, I never found out.

As she got up from her chair, I fell on the floor, and might have staid there till this time, if I had not been picked up by a careful woman, who came in a few minutes after to sweep the chamber.

I remained for some time stuck in a pincushion suspended by the side of my industrious and careful mistress, Peggy. I followed her round the house, and learnt many lessons of neatness and attention from the manner in which she discharged her duties; and I soon came to the conclusion, that it is no matter in what part of the house or the world our duties lie, provided we discharge them faithfully and cheerfully. I became quite attached to Peggy, and while I remained with her, had frequent opportunities to see the young ladies, and my old friend, Mrs. Dormer, and was happy to find that, under her judicious care, Jane gradually lost her obstinate habits, and advanced so far in her studies as to be able to spell her column of ABS and EBS, without the aid of a pin.

Peggy received some articles of dress from Mrs. Dormer, which she did not want to use, but which she thought best to sell to a dealer in old clothes. She accordingly rolled them

up in a bundle, which she took me to hold together, and, to my great regret, carried me off, and sold me in the bundle to Mrs. Good


Mrs. Goodasnew, when she had leisure from the business of her shop, endeavored to teach her son Billy the letters of the alphabet; and, for this purpose, she one day drew me from her pincushion, where she had placed me when she unrolled Peggy's bundle, took down the Spelling-Book, and called in Billy, who was engaged in sailing a shingle boat in the gutter, which was filled by a late shower, and which passed near his mother's door. Billy, not being pleased to leave his sport, did not pay great attention to his lesson; and though I did all that a pin, long engaged in teaching youth, could do, he would call A, B; and when his mother would say, "What is that, Billy?" and my point would glitter directly beside a letter, he would only drawl out, in the most lazy manner, "DON'T KNOW

having his eye

CAN'T TELL;" and, at last, turned toward the door, he saw one of the boys in the street seizing upon his dear shingle, darted away from the side of his mother, and rushed into the street. She made an attempt to overtake him, and bring him back,

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