Imágenes de páginas

State tax,...

Chippewa county,

joint resolution relative to the claim of Michigan against, for

Chippewa Portage Company,

joint resolution authorizing Commissioner of St. Mary's Falls


Ship Canal to locate track of,....


[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

act to provide for the transfer of causes,..

to have concurrent jurisdiction with justices of the peace, . . . . . . . 18

[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]






..273 to 275

[ocr errors]

Gas Light Company, act of incorporation amended, 420, '21

[blocks in formation]

against State, for supplies furnished Legislature, joint resolution
authorizing Board of Auditors to allow,.


Auditor General's Office, appropriation for salary of, 1855 and
1856, ..


.34, '5

State Land Office, appropriation for salary of, 1855 and '6,...34, '5
Attorney Gen'ls

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors]

time for collection of taxes in township of, extended,..

[blocks in formation]

...34, '5






to take census of Saginaw county,.

Board of Water, of Detroit, anthorized to loan money,



to control improvement of Grand River Rapids,.
to establish certain road in Montcalm county,.



to establish seat of justice, Isabella

[blocks in formation]

to expend appropriation for road, Watrousville to Lower Sagi-

naw, .



to superintend building, &c., House of Correction,


to exhibition of industry, N. Y., 1853, joint resolution relative
to claim of,..


of St. Mary's Falls Ship Canal, joint resolution authorizing, to lo-
cate track of Chippewa Portage Company,.....


Commissioner of State Land Office,

authorized to issue new certificate to S. B. Spencer and Marvil

authorized to issue a new certificate to Isaac Turner, -

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

Auditor General authorized to issue a land warrant upon, for

benefit of Luke H. Parsons,


-34, '5


appropriation for salary of, 1855 and '6,...
act to confirm certain sales of land made by,.
certain accounts and charges for incidental expenses of Land
Office, to be allowed by Board of Auditors, upon certifi-
cate of,.....


certain papers required to be filed with, relative to purchasers of
and settlers on swamp lands, - -
duty of, relative to joint resolution for relief of the heirs of
Beaumont Clark, ...



relative to the right of way under general railroad law,..168
a piece of land in the village of Jackson, be-
longing to the State,...

directed to issue certificates to Alexander R. Tiffany and Joel W.
Ranger, assignee, for certain Primary Sch'l lands,.
directed to issue certificate to James Waters,.




certificates to contractors, Grand Rapids Canal,..234
allow James D. Turk, W. Hunter, C. Koffman, H.
Gillmore, G. Bush, J. Hughes, and B. Powers, to
purchase certain lands,..
reserve certain Internal Improvement lands for the im-
provement of a road in Tuscola and Saginaw coun-
.264 to 266

234, '5

to restore certain rights to Oliver M. Hyde, forfeited
in consequence of non-payment of interest on
school lands,.


no official bond required by,...




penal sums of bonds of county treasurers to be fixed by,......350
required to transmit blank books to county treasurers, -
statements showing classes of lands sold, &c.,


to county treasurers, - -

State Treasurer authorized to receive moneys, principal and in-
terest upon certificates of W. Oliver, and A. V. Stebbins,
issued by,-


County of,

Gratiot, organized,.


Midland, act to organize amended,..


Manitue, organized,.


Gladwin, attached to Midland for judicial purposes, &c.,

[blocks in formation]
[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors]

townships of Little Traverse, La Croix, Old Fort Mack-
inac, Bear Creek and Charlevoix, organized in,.


Mason and Oceana organized,

County Auditors, Wayne county,
act to provide for the election of,.

County and Town Agricultural Societies,
act relative to formation of,...

Croton township,

name of Newaygo township changed to,

[blocks in formation]

to be executed by Auditor General, of land sold for taxes,.....230


village of, incorporated,.....

Detroit city,

.199 to 209

common council of, authorized to refund taxes in certain cases,..132
time for the collection of taxes in, extended,.

charter amended,..

209 to 227

act ceding jurisdiction over certain lands in, to United States, 263, '4
Gas Light Company, act of incorporation amended, -
Water Commissioners, authorized to loan money,..


420, 'L


Romeo and Port Huron R. R. Company, act to amend charter


-297 to 300

305 to 308

and Pontiac, and Oakland and Ottawa R. R. Companies author-
ized to consolidate,..

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

of certain township officers, law relative to, amended, .

special, authorized in Cheboygan county,..

..309 to 311

.237, '8



...87 to 97






of county auditors in Wayne county, act to provide for,.....152, '3

Emmet county,

act to re-organize,


time for the collection of taxes in township of, extended, .

township organization of, legalized,


incidental, of Legislature,....

False statement,

[blocks in formation]

of person purchasing intoxicating liquor, how punished,........22

Falls of Niagara,

joint resolution relative to Ship Canal around,..



of witnesses and jurors need not be allowed in certain cases,


First Presbyterian Society of Grass Lake, Jackson county,

act to change the name of,...


First Wesleyan Methodist Church in Lansing,

act to grant certain lots to,....

First Presbyterian Society of Lansing,

joint resolution relative to an exchange of lots with,

First Baptist Church and Society of Lansing,

joint resolution relative to an exchange of lots with,....

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

law relative to furnishing, for school districts, amended,....................134

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]
[ocr errors]
[ocr errors]


First Baptist Church and Society
in Lansing,..

by and with the advice and consent of Senate, to ap-
point Superintendent of St. Mary's Falls Ship Ca-


to appoint a Commissioner to select lands appropriated
for improving road, Watrousville to Lower Saginaw, 264
authority of, to appoint Commissioners to fix price, time, &c.,
for transporting mails on railroads in certain cases,
under General R. R. Law,..


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