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The relative weight given to the several obligatory subjects in making up the average standings in Schedule B shall be as follows:

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The process of ascertaining the absolute standing of each competitor shall be as follows:


Result of Examination of Adam Roberts.

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The standing of each of the optional subjects in which any competitor is examined shall be marked on a scale of 100, and shall be recorded in the preceding form as there shown. A similar form shall be used in stating the result of examination for appointment to positions under Schedules C, D, E and F.

At competitive examinations held for the position of Clerk, a separate eligible list will be made up having handwriting as its basis; and, where a requisition is made calling for good handwriting rather than proficiency in the other required subjects, certification will be made from such eligible list. Public notice of this rule will be given before each examination.


Firemen and Park Policemen.


All applications for appointment to any position in Schedule C shall be made upon blanks furnished by the Secretary of the Civil Service Commission and Examining Boards, and the same shall be filed in the office of the said Secretary. For all positions in said schedule, the first of said blanks, to be presented by the applicant in person, shall be substantially as follows:



To the Board of Civil Service Commissioners of the City of New York:

The undersigned states that he is

spectfully asks an appointment as

years of age, re

in the ..


Department, City of New York, and refers you to the following testimonials:

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Each of the undersigned respectfully represents to the Commissioners of ... City of New York, that he can and does hereby testify that he knows the above applicant personally, and that he is a man of goed moral character, of sober and industrious habits, that he has never known him to be guilty or convicted


any criminal act or disorderly conduct, and each of the undersigned further says that he is not a keeper of a liquor saloon; that he consents that this certificate may be made public, and is willing to furnish any other information respecting the applicant which may possess.


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The second, which must be filled out and signed in the presence of the Secretary or of a Clerk of the Civil Service Commission, who shall also sign as witness, shall be as follows:

(N. B.-This statement of applicant must be filled out and signed in the presence of the Secretary or of a Clerk of the Civil Service Commission, who shall also sign as witness.)

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Where do you live (street and number)? ..

How long have you lived in New York City?

If not born in the United States, have you been naturalized?



Are you married, or single, or widower?

What family have you? ...


Have you been complained of, indicted for or convicted of any

criminal offense?

And if so, when and where?

What is your regular occupation?

What has been the nature of your occupation for the last five years?.

Have you ever been a Policeman (or Fireman, as the case may

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Have you paid, or promised to pay, or given any money or other consideration, to any person, directly or indirectly, for any aid or influence towards procuring your appointment?.

(a) Have you been in the army or navy of the United States?

If so, when? Witness

In what capacity?

Signature of Applicant.

(a) If the applicant has been in the military or naval service of the United States, he should furnish the name and address of one or more of his surviving officers if practicable. In any case, he shall give satisfactory evidence of honorable discharge.

City and County of New York, ss.:

being duly sworn, doth depose and say: I

signed the above statement, and the same is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.

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Every applicant for position in Schedule C shall present to the Examining Board a statement in reference to his physical qualifications, in which he shall answer in writing the following questions: Applicant's Statement.

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What diseases have you had during the last seven years?.

Do you know of any hereditary disease in your family?.

If your parents, brothers or sisters, or any of them, are dead, of

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Have you ever had any fracture or dislocation?.

Have you ever received any injury to the head or spine?.

Are you subject to piles?


you been vaccinated?

Have you ever had rheumatism?


The Medical and Physical Examiners of the Civil Service Boards shall examine the applicant in reference to the matters designated in the following schedule, and fill up and certify the same in accordance with the result of such examination:

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