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state of religious statistics in Eastern India. 'T'hat the work will be conducted on the most catholic principles will best appear from the fact, that the list of contributors includes ministers and laymen of all denominations.'

of the world of a truly interesting a desideratum in the present description will be overlooked. And for the accomplishment of this object, an extensive correspondence will be maintained. But it is to the EAST that our attention will, in an especial manner be directed—and most of all, the PRESIDENCY OF BENGAL and its dependant provinces; our object being to supply as much local information as can be compressed within reasonable limits; and, in this way, to supply

Applications for the work to be made to MESSRS. THACKER & Co., St. Andrew's Library, Calcutta.


THE TYPHON :-or as Horsburgh spells it tyfoong:-better tyfung, for the etymology is, we believe, Chinese; and not, as a late writer would have it, Greek. However, a Chinese tyfoong is almost as frightful, and certainly much more destructive, than the fabled giant Typhon.

The tempest to which we allude, occurred on the 3d inst. The preceding evening gave indications of its approach; the wind was from the northward; the thermometer stood at 92, and the barometer began to fall from about 29.60 or .70. However, the night of the 2d passed away without much wind. At day. light on the 3d. the breeze was fresher; the barometer kept falling till it descended, by some instruments, to 28.10 and by others to 27.90;— the lowest that we ever remember to have seen or heard of it in China.

In 1809, when the True Briton was lost, with all her officers, passengers and crew, the barometer fell to only 28.30. The gale on this occasion. at this and other places more inland, was far more severe than that of August, 1831; it hung unusually long to the northward, and at Macao did great mischief to the

shipping and native craft, in the Inner Harbor. Within the narrow limits of that place, it is said, as many as a hundred dead bodies have been washed on shore. Many European ships near the mouth of Canton river, were either partially or totally dismasted; and one Dutch vessel sunk entirely, almost within sight of Lintin and Macao. The Spartan, which was herself driven out to sea, was the happy instrument of saving about forty of the crew.

This tyfung, from north to south, appears to have extended fully two hundred miles, and has destroyed not only shipping and boats; but has also greatly injured native temples, dwelling houses, cottages, and mat sheds by the river side. The foliage of the trees, and leaves of plants, and the very grass on the ground,all sorts of vegetation near the sea, has been blighted or burnt up. Above Canton, at Sanshwuy discrict, a party of men on their way to governor Le, to assist against the rebel mountaineers, were overtaken by the tempest, and upwards of thirty of them drowned. Great numbers of the abodes of public women, on the banks of the river at Canton, were


blown down, and their wretched inmates killed. Junks from Hainan, Siam, and Singapore, in the neigh borhood of Lintin and Macao, were caught in the gale, and dismasted or lost. In some instances, they threw overboard a great part of their cargo, and notwithstanding were lost. junk of 12,000 peculs, bound for Amoy was driven on shore near Cabreta point, the cargo plundered and the vessel lost. Several war junks were lost, and both officers and men in some of them were drowned. An officer of considerable rank named Pwan Gan, was among the number. We have heard of many passage boats that were lost, and great numbers of persons drowned in them. On shore at Canton, Macao, and other places, many persons were killed or wounded by falling walls, tiles, &c.

A native heathen correspondent calls this tyfung, a tempest-angel. sent from heaven, in anger: for the ancient books have said,

Jin tso shen, Teën keäng ke tseäng;
Tso puh shen, Teën keäng ke yang.

If men do what is virtuous,

Heaven sends down prosperity; If they do what is not virtuous,

Heaven sends down calamity.

He describes the tiles of houses as ying without wings; the walls fallng, however strong; trees felled without the application of an axe; and man dying without disease ;what crime, he exclaims, had these men committed that Heaven should inflict such punishment!

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That the Almighty Creator of the universe regulates all its physical agencies, and causes them to operate either for "correction or for mercy to human beings, is abundantly taught by divine revelation. There is a fulness and clearness of expression, on this subject in the Holy Scriptures, which is in general, too much disregarded. Our Savior has indeed taught us, not to point the bolts of the Almighty, nor to imagine that those who actually suffer in the midst of general calamities, are sinners above others who are spared. But he has at the same time taught us, that we are all sinners, and unless we repent we also shall perish.

The unknown writer of Ps cvi has

beautifully painted the situation and the feelings of the mariner, when God “commandeth and raiseth the stormy wind,-which "fulfills his word. To disregard the "operation of His hand," and look only at second causes, is an impiety to which the scepticism of the present age is lamentably prone. It is not superstition, but true religion, to have a constant regard to Divine Providence, even when there is nothing unusual in the course of events; this is the Christian's duty and his happiness. But when sword, pestilence, or famine, walk the earth; or when the earthquake or the tempest shake the solid globe, or convulse the surrounding atmosphere"whoso is wise will observe these things; even they shall understand the lovingkindness of the Lord," and stand in awe of his "terrible majesty."

The prophets of the Old Testament are very copious on the dispensations of Divine Providence in respect to physical occurrences, to the end that, when God's "judgments are abroad in the earth, the inhabitants thereof should learn righteousness." But the prophets also lament the blindness of understanding, and the hardness of heart, of many in their day; some of whom simply disregarded, others scoffed at, and some even defied the judgments of the Almighty; till the day of their repentance was past, and God rained upon them "fire and brimstone, and an horrible tempest."-This was the portion of their cup; and this will be the portion of all those who "forget God."

Having said so much on this subject, we will only once more remonstrate against the idea of deferring religion till a fortune is accumulated, and the individual shall return in affluence to his home. We have known some who have avowedly acted on this principle; than which, it is difficult to conceive one more fallacious. It is like the resolution which is formed in many a mind, to sin on, and repent afterwards. One might say much on the unreasonableness, ingratitude, impiety, and mockery implied in such a course ;-but at present. from passing occurrences, we notice only the futility of it, in respect to the very thing aimed atthe accumulation of property


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a man be as assiduous as he pleases ; rise up early, sit up late-what does it all avail, if as the prophet says, The Lord blow upon it."if he raise a tempest and sink the ship,-if after "much has been sown, he stay the heaven from dew, and the earth from fruit,"-if he "call for a drought upon the land," the corn, the grape, the oil,-upon men, and upon cattle, and upon all their labor;

what does the assiduity of the merchant or the husbandman amount to? Simply to this,-He that earneth wages," or makes large profits, only does so to "put them into a bag with holes."

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Thoughts similar to these were dictated to the prophet Haggai more than two thousand years ago, when every one attended to the grandeur of his own house, and let the house of God lie waste:" and they are equally applicable now, we believe, to those, who defer religion till they have accumulated a fortune. We say this is our belief, for which, we think we have sufficient reason; that is, we deem the probabilities, on this side of the question, greatly preponderate. Our belief is a matter of choice, as well as conviction. Those who choose to disbelieve a Providence may demand of us mathematical demonstration, for the truth of these our opinions; but we candidly profess our inability to give it. And we are sure they cannot give us mathematical proof of their opinions. They choose to believe the other way. Therefore, as we have said before, they and we are both responsible to the Deity for our belief. We put the reason in other words; the babits and wishes of a man whether virtuous or vicious, pious or impious, influence at all times his moral and religious belief. This sort of belief is not at all analogous to the assent the mind gives to a mathematical demonstration, a problem about lines, angles, &c., which being demonstrated, there is neither belief nor disbelief. If it be truly demonstrated, it is equal to an axiom; and all who understand the subject assent to its truth and vice versa. An individual may be ignoraut, or stupid enough not to perceive the demonstration: but he incurs no moral responsibility: he does not sin, although be is convicted of being incompetent

to the discernment of mathematical truth. On moral subjects, the case is perfectly different.—a man's will influences his tastes and wishes; and these again his belief. A man in whose heart there is enmity against God, would rather believe the less probability against religion, than the greater for it.

While we maintain that we are all responsible to God for our religious belief; we maintain with equal firmness that no man has a right to persecute another, on account of his religious opinions; and that every man has a right to vindicate by statement, explanation and argument the religious opinions he holds to be true. It is on this principle we have given our opinion in favor of a special regard to Divine Providence, even in the physical phenomena of our atmosphere.

REBELLION.-What is to be the issue of the rebellion, it is not easy to conjecture. Though a small number of marines have returned, the governor still continues to increase his force-a small detachment left Canton for Leënchow on the 28th inst. The whole number of government troops now in the field is said to be 15,000 fighting men.

The latest accounts state, that 13,000 of these troops have been ordered to enter the enemy's territory. It is supposed by some, that governor Le is resolved on extreme measures-to gain victory or death. His situation is certainly most critical.

The dispatches of the governor, detailing the repulse of the imperial troops on the 20th June, were noticed in our last. We have seen the emperor's reply. His majesty goes over the whole of his excellency's report. The first impression on the mind of the sovereign was "full-hearted, bounding anger." The second was contempt for the military tactics of the governor. The "words that burn "—

lies, faulty, nonsense," all come in succession, red-hot, from the pencil of the autocrat. The state document closes with threats addressed to our worthy governor, that if he does not speedily root out every sprout of mountaineer radicalism, let him look to the consequences-the "heavy guilt" which he will incur. The closing sentences are phrased in the strongest expression of governmental displeas

ure, bidding the cabinet minister be tremblingly attentive.

OPIUM. It is commonly reported that when governor Le visited Peking last year, his son took with him a quantity of opium, some thousands of dollars' worth, to give away to the great men about the court. As a governor's baggage is not searched there was no fear of detection. The opium dealer who supplied his excellency's son with the drug, cheated him by putting up one half of it of a very bad quality. On the governor's return, it was his intention to punish the offender, not for putting up bad opium, but for dealing in it at all. However, the culprit heard what was coming, and absconded with the fruit of his fraud.

Whether this story be true or false, it is believed by many. But under such circumstances, what respect can the people have for laws and edicts, emanating from those who so flagrantly violate the rules which they make for others!

REVENUE.-The emperor has issued a rather severe edict, addressed to the governors of provinces, requiring them to look more sharply af ter the revenue. His majesty says, that the superintendent of the reve nue has reported to him, that within the last year and a half, the disbursements have exceeded the receipts to the amount of above twenty-eight millions of taels. There is yet enough for the present, says his majesty ;but this system cannot last long.

One million of taels has been deposited in the treasury of Kansuh province, for immediate use in the event of disturbances on the western frontier.

STRANGULATION.-A recent Gazette announces the sentence of strangulation against a wife, for killing her nusband by mischance, whilst resisting an adulterer, introduced by the husband.

PIRACY is said to be very preva lent in some parts of Canton province. A new class of boats, carry. ing sixty or seventy men, has been set agoing. There are twenty of these boats in conjunction with each other; they sometimes carry off

wealthy individuals in the country, and then demand a ransom for them. There has long been a class of boats called crab boats; these new ones are called muscle-shell boats.

FAMINE.-The heŏ-tae or literary chancellor has lately returned from a circuit through the eastern districts of this province. When in the department of Hwuychow foo superintending the literary examination there, he was affected by the famine which prevailed around him; and set on foot a subscription, to which he himself gave 800 taels. The wealthy inhabitants of the place followed up his example, and subscribed among them above 22,000 dollars. Chancellor LE did more: he persuaded the chief magistrates to open the public granaries; offering to bear the expense of refunding, in case the measure was objected to by the governor. Le Taekeaou is considered by the Chinese of noble family, his ancestors for several generations having held office.

CHINESE JUSTICE.-The gentry of Heängshan have petitioned the fooyuen against their magistrate Paou, his remissness having suffered numbers of associated banditti and pirates to infest the island and rivers. The magistrate has therefore been required to bring five hundred of these persons to trial, within two months; and the people plundered by them are set at work to catch them, at their own expense.

SLAVERY. By the Peking Gazette, we learn that an officer of rank, who has been accused, by the governor of Hoonan and Hoopih, of coming too late against the rebels, has been consigned to the pillory and perpetual slavery.

IMPERIAL JOURNEY. His majesty went early in the year to visit the tombs of his ancestors in Leaoutung. On the day fixed for his return to Peking, the greater number of the lords and high officers about court, were directed to appear in half dress only, and to meet the imperial carriage at a much less distance from the city than is usual on such occasions. Others were to go, the day previously to the usual place of meeting

WASTE LAND.-There are in the province of Chihle, 80.000 king, or 8,000,000 Chinese acres of waste land: which the underlings of office continue to turn to their own advantage; aud thereby hinder its being cultivated for the benefit of the people. The governor of Chihle is ordered, by the emperor to set honestly to work, and remedy the existing evils.

THE COACHMEN who bring their masters to the public court at Peking have of late, become very troublesome. They are probably most of them hackney coachmen, as they have recourse to violence to enforce their exactions. It has moreover been represented to the emperor, that they have a good deal of intercourse with the servants of officers, and the numerous body of writers in the various courts. This intercourse his majesty has strictly interdicted for the future.

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EAST TURKESTAN.—At Yarkand, or Yerkiang,(the latter is the more correct pronunciation of the same), 12,600 sacks, to be made of Mohammedar cloth, are ordered for the use of the army there. It should be remem. bered. that Yerkiang is now the capital of Turkestan, in place of Cashgar.

A DARK PICTURE.-Woo Yungchaou, has suffered death for the murder of his wife, a daughter about the age of fifteen, and a neighbor's daughter whom he found in his house. The illicit intercourse of his wife with an adulterer, who made his escape, led to this catastrophe.

Had he murdered his wife only, he would probably have escaped punishment; but he killed the two young women also, and then accused a neighbor, named Amei, of robbery and murder. Amei was tortured till be confessed that of which he was entirely innocent; and, at the dictation of the police, mentioned the name of a wealthy neighbor as an accomplice. The rich man paid money to arrest proceedings; and Amei passed through the court of Shinning district, and the Kwangchow foo's office as a murderer. Providence, however, did not let him suffer death. The Nanhae magistrate discovered the fact; liberated Amei, and brought Woo Yungchaou to his deserved fate.

THE MURDER OF A PRIEST.-This affair took place on the 27th inst. at one of the temples, situated without the western gates of the city, and not far from the foreign factories. The murderer, as well as the murdered man, was a priest of Budha. The only circumstances of the case which we have heard are, that the quarrel originated in a dispute about some money, and that the parties fought with knives.

Postscript.-Ching Gantsib and Hing Fuhshan, literary examiners from Peking arrived in the neighborbood of Canton a few days ago; on the 1st of the 8th moon (the 26th inst.) they came to the provincial city, and yestesday visited the Kung-yuen—a hall for the reception of literary graduates at the usual examination.

More than six thousand candidates we are informed, have already arrived in the city, of whom only seventy-two can receive degrees. The examination is to commence on the 8th of the 8th moon (Sept. 2d) and continue nine days.

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