Imágenes de páginas

B. C.

324. Demosthenes, accused of having received a bribe from Harpalus, is condemned to pay a fine of fifty talents. He withdraws to Trozen and Ægina.

823. Death of Alexander at Babylon, in June, after a reign of twelve years and eight months.

Division of the satrapies among Alexander's generals.

The Greek states make war against Macedonia, usually called the Lamian war. Leosthenes, the Athenian general, defeats Antipater, and besieges Lamia, in which Antipater had taken refuge. Death of Leosthenes.

Demosthenes returns to Athens.

822. Leonnatus comes to the assistance of Antipater, but is defeated and slain. Craterus comes to the assistance of Antipater. Defeat of the confederates at the battle of Crannon on the 7th of August. End of the Lamian war. Munychia occupied by the Macedonians.

Death of Demosthenes on the 14th of October.

Death of Aristotle, æt. 63, at Chalcis, whither he had withdrawn from Athens a few months before.

321. Perdiccas invades Egypt, where he is slain by his own troops. Partition of the provinces at Triparadisus.

Menander, æt. 20, exhibits his first comedy.

818. Death of Antipater, after appointing Polysperchon regent, and his son Cassander chiliarch.

317. War between Cassander and Polysperchon in Greece. The Athenians put Phocion to death. Athens is conquered by Cassander, who places it under the government of Demetrius Phalereus.

817. Death of Philip Arrhidæus and Eurydice.

Olympias returns to Macedonia, and is besieged by Cassander at Pydna.

316. Antigonus becomes master of Asia. Cassander takes Pydna, and puts Olympias to death. He rebuilds Thebes.

815. Coalition of Seleucus, Ptolemy, Cassander, and Lysimachus against Antigonus. First year of the war.

Polemon succeeds Xenocrates at the Academy.

314. Second year of the war against Antigonus.

Death of the orator Eschines, æt. 75.

313. Third year of the war against Antigonus.

312. Fourth year of the war against Antigonus.

311. General peace. Murder of Roxana and Alexander IV. by Cassander.

310. Ptolemy appears as liberator of the Greeks. Renewal of hostilities between him and Antigonus.

308. Ptolemy's expedition to Greece.

307. Demetrius, the son of Antigonus, becomes master of Athens. Demetrius Phalereus leaves the city.

306. Demetrius recalled from Athens. He defeats Ptolemy in a great sea-fight off Salamis in Cyprus. After that battle Antigonus assumes the title of king, and his example is followed by Ptolemy, Seleucus, and Cassander.

Epicurus settles at Athens, where he teaches about thirty-six years.

305. Rhodes besieged by Demetrius.

304. Demetrius makes peace with the Rhodians, and returns to Athens.

303. Demetrius carries on the war in Greece with success against Cassander. 302. War continued in Greece between Demetrius and Cassander.

301. Demetrius crosses over to Asia.

Battle of Ipsus in Phrygia, about the month of August, in which Lysimachus and Seleucus defeat Antigonus and Demetrius. Antigonus, æt. 81, falls in the battle.

297. Demetrius returns to Greece, and makes an attempt upon Athens, but is repulsed. Death of Cassander and accession of his son Philip IV.

295. Death of Philip IV. and accession of his brother Antipater.

Demetrius takes Athens.

B. C.

295. Civil war in Macedonia between the two brothers, Antipater and Alexander.

Demetrius becomes king of Macedonia.

291. Death of Menander, æt. 52.

290. Demetrius takes Thebes a second time.


He celebrates the Pythian games at

287. Coalition against Demetrius. He is driven out of Macedonia, and his dominions divided between Lysimachus and Pyrrhus.

Demetrius sails to Asia.

Pyrrhus driven out of Macedonia by Lysimachus, after seven months' possession.

286. Demetrius surrenders himself to Seleucus, who keeps him in captivity.

285. Ptolemy II. Philadelphus is associated in the kingdom by his father.

283. Demetrius, æt. 54, dies in captivity at Apamea in Syria.

Death of Ptolemy Soter, æt. 84.

281. Lysimachus is defeated and slain by Seleucus, at the battle of Corupedion.

280. Seleucus murdered by Ptolemy Ceraunus seven months after the death of Lysimachus. Antiochus I., the son of Seleucus, becomes king of Asia, Ptolemy Ceraunus king of Thrace and Macedonia.

Irruption of the Gauls and death of Ptolemy Ceraunus.

Rise of the Achæan league.

279. The Gauls under Brennus invade Greece, but Brennus and a great part of his army are destroyed at Delphi.

278. Antigonus Gonatas becomes king of Macedonia.

273. Pyrrhus invades Macedonia, and expels Antigonus Gonatas.

272. Pyrrhus invades Peloponnesus, and perishes in an attack on Argos. Antigonus regains Macedonia.

262. Death of Philemon, the comic poet, æt. 97.

251. Aratus delivers Sicyon, and unites it to the Achæan League.

243. Aratus, a second time general of the Achæan League, delivers Corinth from the Mace donians.

241. Agis IV., king of Sparta, put to death in consequence of his attempts to reform the


239. Death of Antigonus, and accession of his son, Demetrius II.

236. Cleomenes III. becomes king of Sparta.

229. Death of Demetrius II., and accession of Antigonus Doson, who was left by Demetrius guardian of his son Philip.

227. Cleomenes commences war against the Achæan League.

226. Cleomenes carries on the war with success against Aratus, who is again the general of the Achæan League.

225. Reforms of Cleomenes at Sparta.

224. The Achæans call in the assistance of Antigonus Doson against Cleomenes.

221. Antigonus defeats Cleomenes at Sellasia, and obtains possession of Sparta. Cleomenes sails to Egypt, where he dies. Extinction of the royal line of the Heracleidæ at Sparta. 220. Death of Antigonus Doson, and accession of Philip V., æt. 17.

The Achæans and Aratus are defeated by the Ætolians. The Achæans apply for assistance to Philip, who espouses their cause. Commencement of the Social War.

217. Third and last year of the Social War. Peace concluded.

216. Philip concludes a treaty with Hannibal.

213. Philip removes Aratus by poison.

211. Treaty between Rome and the Etolians against Philip.

208. Philip marches into Peloponnesus to assist the Achæans.

Philopomen is elected general of the Achæan League, and effects important reforms in

the army.

207. Philopomen defeats and slays Machanidas, tyrant of Lacedæmon, at the battle of


205. The Etolians make peace with Philip. Philip's treaty with Rome.

200. War between Philip and Rome.

197. Philip defeated at the battle of Cynoscephalæ.

B. C.

196. Greece declared free by Flamininus at the Isthmian games.

192. Lacedæmon is added by Philopomen to the Achæan League.

Antiochus comes into Greece to assist the Etolians against the Romans. He winters at Chalcis.

191. Antiochus and the Etolians defeated by the Romans at the battle of Thermopyla. 189. The Romans besiege Ambracia, and grant peace to the Etolians.

188. Philopomen, again general of the Achæan League, subjugates Sparta, and abrogates the laws of Lycurgus.

183. The Messenians revolt from the Achæan League. They capture and put to death


179. Death of Philip and accession of Perseus.

171. War between Perseus and Rome.

168. Defeat and capture of Perseus by Æmilius Paulus.

Divisions of Macedonia.

167. One thousand of the principal Achæans are sent to Rome. Polybius is among the Achæan exiles.

151. Embassy of the three philosophers to Rome. Return of the Achæan exiles.

147. War between Rome and the Achæans.

146. Destruction of Corinth by Mummius. Greece becomes a Roman province.


Colonial Coin of Corinth. On the obverse, the head of Antoninus Pius; on the reverse, the port of Cenchres. The letters C. L. I. COR. stand for Colonia Laus Julia Corinthus, the name given to the city when Julius Cæsar founded a colony there in B. C. 46.


B. C.

87. Sylla lays siege to Athens.

A. D.

117-138. Hadrian embellishes Athens.

267. The Goths appear in Greece.

830. Constantinople built.

361. The Emperor Julian ascends the throne.

-364. Division between the Eastern and Western Empires.

447. Walls of Constantinople rebuilt.

476. Western Empire terminates, at the close of the reign of Romulus Augustulus.

527. Justinian's reign commences.

717. Accession of Leo the Isaurian.

746. The pestilence depopulates the East.

1081. Robert Guiscard passes from Brindisi to Corfou.

1146. Invasion of Greece by Roger of Sicily.

1203. Fourth Crusade.

1204. Constantinople taken by the Crusaders.

1205. The Dukedom of Athens established.

1360. Adrianople taken by the Turks.

A. D.

1452. The Emperor Constantine unites himself to the Catholic Church.

1453. Ottoman army leaves Adrianople. Constantinople besieged and taken in May. 1458. The Sultan makes a campaign in the Peloponnesus.

1460. Conquest of Greece completed.

1461. Conquest of Trebizond by the Turks.

1478. Armistice between the Venetians and the Turks.

1670. Crete conquered from the Turks by the Venetians.

1680. Conquests of Morosini.

1687. Athens taken by the Venetians, under Morosini. 1699. Peace of Carlowitz.

1715. The Peloponnesus invaded by Achmet III.

1718. Peace of Passarowitz.

1768. War between Turkey and Russia.

1769. The Russian fleet, under Orloff, appears on the coast of the Peloponnesus.

1787. War renewed between Russia and Turkey.

1792. Peace concluded between Russia and Turkey.

1803. The Souliotes make terms with Ali Pacha.

1821. The insurrection breaks out in Greece. Prince Ypselantēs raises the standard of revolt in Moldavia, and is defeated at Dragaschan. Bloody scenes at Constantinople. Tripolitza taken.

1822. National Assembly at Epidaurus. Proclamation of Independence. First National Constitution. Massacre of Scio.

1823. National Assembly at Astros. Death of Marcos Botzarēs. Loan negotiated by Louriottēs. Lord Byron sails for Greece.

1824. Lord Byron arrives at Mesolongi. His last illness and death.

1825. Ibrahim Pacha arrives in Greece. Mesolongi besieged and taken.

1826. Athens taken. Karaiskakēs killed.

1827. National Assembly at Trozene. Capo D'Istrias chosen President. Treaty of London, 6th of July. Battle of Navarino.

1828. Arrival in Greece of President Capo D'Istrias. Departure of Ibrahim Pacha.

1829. Protocol of March 22. Peace between Russia and Turkey. Cessation of hostilities between the Greeks and the Turks.

1830. Independence of Greece decided on by England, France, and Russia. Leopold selected as Sovereign Prince. He abdicates.

1831. Assassination of the President, and subsequent disturbances.

1882. Prince Otho of Bavaria is selected as King of Greece. He is formally proclaimed by the Assembly at Pronca. The territory of Greece includes Acarnania, Ætolia, Phocis, Locris, Boeotia, Attica, Peloponnesus, Euboea, with the adjacent islands and the Cyclades.

1833. The King arrives in Greece, with a Regency and a Bavarian army.

1835. The Government is transferred from Nauplia to Athens.

1836. Marriage of King Otho and the Princess Amelia of Oldenburg. The University of Athens organized.

1843. Political revolution. Constitutional Assembly. Formation of the Constitution. 1844. The Constitution accepted by the King, and a Constitutional Monarchy finally es

tablished in Greece.

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Horologium of Andronicus Cyrrhestes at Athens. (See p. 544.)

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