Imágenes de páginas

Navies are stranded when, 493.

Navigators, winds and waves on the side

of the ablest, 430.

Navy, load would sink a, 99.

of England, royal, 392.

Nay he shall have, 9.

Needle in a bottle of hay, 670.
points faithfully, the, 524.
to the pole, true as the, 306.
true, like the, 389.

Needle's eye, postern of a, 82.
Needless alexandrine, 324.

woman's, doth stand for naught, 163. Needy hollow-eyed sharp-looking, 50.

Nazareth, good thing out of, 842.

Ne supra crepidam, 721.

Neæra's hair, tangles of, 657.

Near, he comes too, 193, 350.

he seems so, 633.

is God to man, so, GOO.

to be thought so, will go, 53.

to kerke the, from God more farre, 29.
Nearer my God to thee, 606.
Neat not gaudy, 510.

repast light and choice, 252.

still to be, still to be drest, 178.
Neat's leather, ever trod on, 110.
leather, shoe of, 213.
Neat-handed Phillis, 248.

Nebulous star we call the sun, 630.
Necessary being, God a, 266.
end, death a, 112.
harmless cat, 64.
to invent God, 800.
Necessitatem in virtutem, 3.
Necessite, maken vertue of, 3.
Necessity beautiful, 640.

has no law, 773.

is the argument of tyrants, 453.
knows no law, 711.
nature must obey, 115.
never refuses anything, 711.
of mortal passions, 740.

proper parent of an art, 441.

the gods cannot strive against, 758.
the mother of invention, 305.

the tyrant's plea, 232.

to make virtue of, 3, 192.

turns to glorious gain, 476.
villains by, 146.

we give the praise of virtue to, 721.
Necessity's sharp pinch, 146.
Neck, driveth o'er a soldier's, 105.

millstone hanged about his, 842.
Necks to gripe of noose, 440.

walk with stretched-forth, 833.
Nectar on a lip, 442.

water, and the rocks pure gold, 44.

Nectarean juice, 577.

Nectared sweets, feast of, 245.
Need, deserted at his utmost, 271.
ever but in times of, 273.

friend in, 701.

good turn at, 782.

many things I do not, 759.

of a remoter charm, 467.

of blessing, I had most, 119.

of milk not strong meat, 848.

Needs go that the devil drives, 18, 73.

only to be seen, 269.
Needed by each one, all are, 598.
Needful, one thing is, 842.
Needle and thread, hinders, 585.
and thread, plying her, 585.
eye of a, go through the, 840.

Neglect may breed mischief, 360.
such sweet, 178.

wise and salutary, 408.

Neglecting worldly ends, 42.
Negligences, his noble, 288.
Negotiate for itself, every eye, 51.
Neighbour, hate your, 591.
love of your, 720.

love your, as thyself, 813, 838, 840.
says, looks not to what his, 751.
that he might rob a, 592.
to wrangle with a, 776.
Neighbours, do good to our, 691.
Neighbour's corn, acre of, 472.

creed, argument to thy, 598.
heart, in conjecture of a, 749.
shame, publishing our, 670.
wife, love your, 591.

Neighbouring eyes, cynosure of, 248.
Neighe as ever he can, 2.

Neighing steed, farewell the, 154.
Neighs, high and boastful, 92.
Neither here nor there, 156.

Nelly, none so fine as, 285.
Nemean lion's nerve, 131.
Neptune, would not flatter, 103.
Neptune's ocean, all great, 120.
Nerve, strength of, 482.
stretch every, 359.

the Nemean lion's, 131.
the visual, 240.

Nerves and finer fibres brace, 357.

shall never tremble, 122.
Nessus, shirt of, is upon me, 158.
Nest, byrd that fyleth his owne, 8, 18.
birds in last year's, no, 613.

this delicious, 357.

Nests, birds of this year in the, of the

last, 792.

birds in their little, agree, 302.
birds of the air have, 839.

in order ranged, 242.

Nest-eggs to make clients lay, 215.
Nestor swear, though, 59.

Net, all is fish that cometh to, 15.

Nets, ladies spend their time making,


Nether millstone, hard as, 818.

Nettle danger, out of this, 84.

tender-handed stroke a, 313.

Neutral, loyal and, in a moment, 120.
Neutrality of an impartial judge, 411.

Never alone appear the Immortals, 502.

better late than, 13.

comes to pass, 454.

elated, never dejected, 320.

ending still beginning, 272.
less alone, 431, 455.

loved sae blindly, had we, 452.
mention her, no we, 581.

met or never parted, had we, 452.

Never never can forget, 580.

says a foolish thing, 279.
tell a lie, 757.

to hope again, 99.

was seen nor never shall be, 182.
would lay down my arms, 364.
Never-ending flight of days, 227.
Never-failing friends, 506.

vice of fools, pride the, 323.
Nevermore be officer of mine, 152.
quoth the raven, 640.
shall be lifted, 640.

New broom sweeps clean, 16.
cost little less than, 296.
departure, 858.

ever charming ever, 358.
fashion, the world's, 54.
is not valuable, what is, 532.
laws, new lords and, 200.
look amaist as weel's the, 447.
or old, ale enough whether, 23.
or old, alike fantastic if too, 324.
see this is, it may be said, 830.
Testament, blessing of the, 164.
thing under the sun, no, 830.
things succeed, 203.

transcends the old, the, 618.
what is valuable is not, 532.
what was, was false, 374.
world into existence, 464.
Zealand, traveller from, 591.

News, bringer of unwelcome, 88.
evil, rides post, 242.
from a far country, 828.
good, baits, 242.

much older than their ale, 397.
on the Rialto, what, 61.
swallowing a tailor's, 80.
New-born babe, pity like a, 118.
babe, sinews of the, 139.
child, a naked, 478.

New England, I sing, 655.

lights her fire in every prairie, 655.

Newest kind of ways, 90.

New-fangled mirth, May's, 54.

New-fledged offspring, 396.

[blocks in formation]

Nick of time, 257.

our old, 215.

Niggardly rich man, 761.

Nigh is grandeur to our dust, 600.
Night, a cap by, 397, 401.

across the day beyond the, 627.

an atheist half believes a God by, 308.
and storm and darkness, 544.

as darker grows the, 399.
attention still as, 227.

azure robe of, the, 573.

bed by, chest of drawers by day, 397.

before Christmas, 't was the, 527.
black it stood as, 228.

borrower of the, 120.

breathed the long long, 639.
breathing through the, 583.
calm and silent, 642.
candles of the, 66.
chaos and old, 224.

cheek of, hangs upon the, 105.
closed his eyes in endless, 382.
cometh when no man can work, 843.
danger's troubled, 515.

darkens the streets, 224.

day brought back my, 252.

day of woe the watchful, 508.

deep of, is crept upon our talk, 115.
descending, 331.

doomed to walk the, 131.
eldest, and chaos, 229.
empty-vaulted, 244.

except I be by Sylvia in the, 44.
fair regent of the, 426.
follows the day, 130.

for the morrow, desire of the, 567.
from busy day the peaceful, 387.

gloomy as, he stands, 345.

golden lamps in a green, 262.

good, and joy be wi' you, 458.

good night good, 106.

had withdrawn her sable veil, 786.

has a thousand eyes, 669.
hideous, makes, 331.

hideous, making, 131.

how beautiful is, 507.

imagining some fear in the, 59.

in love with, 107.

in Russia, this will last out a, 47.
in the dead of, 88.

infant crying in the, 632.
infinite day excludes the, 303.
innumerable as the stars of, 235.
is but the daylight sick, 66.

is long that never finds the day, 124.
is the time to weep, 497.

joint labourer with the day, 126.
last in the train of, 235.

light will repay the wrongs of, 203.
lightning in the collied, 57.
listening ear of, 640.

lovely as a Lapland, 475.
lovers' tongues by, 106.
many a dreadful, 356.

meaner beauties of the, 174.

mid the cheerless hours of, 568.
motions of his spirit are dull as, 66.
my native land good, 540.

Night, nature's laws lay hid in, 330.
naughty, to swim in, 147.

no evil thing walks by, 244.
nor the moon by, 824.
O day and, 133.

of cloudless climes, 551.

of memories and of sighs, 511.
of sorrow, a fore-spent, 258.
of the grave, 428.

of waking, morn of toil, 491.
oft in the stilly, 523.
oft in the tranquil, 587.
passed a miserable, 96.
pillar of fire by, 813.
pilot 't is a fearful, 581.
regent of the, 426.

sable goddess, 306.

say not good, 433.

shades of, 234.

shadow of a starless, 564.

shall be filled with music, 614.
silver lining on the, 243.
singeth all, 127.

so full of ghastly dreams, 96.
so late into the, 553.

soft stillness and the, 65.

son of the sable, 39.

sound of revelry by, 542.

stars in empty, 496.

steal a few hours from the, 521.

sung from morn till, 427.

Sylvia in the, except I be by, 44.

that makes me or fordoes me, 156.
that first we met, 581.

that slepen alle, 1.

till it be morrow, 106.

to bloom for sons of, 520.

to each a fair good, 490.

toiling upward in the, 616.

[blocks in formation]

Night's blue arch adorn, 424.
candles are burnt out, 108.
dull ear, piercing the, 92.
Night-cap decked his brow, 401.
Night-flower sees but one moon, 521.
Nightingale dies for shame if another
bird sings, 188.

man who imitated the, 726.
no music in the, 44.
roar an 't were any, 57.
the wakeful, 233.

to act the part of a, 743.
was mute, the, 589.
Nightingale's high note, 551.

song in the grove, 428.
Nightly pitch my moving tent, 497.

to the listening earth, 300.
Nil tam difficilest, 203.

Nile, allegory on the banks of the, 440.
dam up the waters of the, 596.
dogs drinking from the, 715, 719.
outvenoms all the worms of, 160.
show me the fountain of the, 602.
where is my serpent of old, 157.
Nilotic isle, 240.

Nimble and airy servitors, 253.

and full of subtle flame, 196.

Nimbly and sweetly recommends itself,

capers, in a lady's chamber, 95.
Nine days' wonder, 6, 16.

lives like a cat, 16, 691.
moons wasted, 149.

Ninety-eight, to speak of, 681.

Ninny, Handel's but a, 351.

Ninth part of a hair, I'll cavil on, 85.
Niobe, like, all tears, 128.

[blocks in formation]

Noble in reason, 134.

living and the noble dead, 476.
mind o'erthrown, 136.
negligences, teach his, 288.
of nature's own creating, 358.
origin, gift of, 474.

thoughts, never alone with, 34.
to be good, 't is only, 624.
to be, we 'll be good, 406.
too, for the world, 103.
Nobles and heralds, 288.

by the right of an earlier creation,

Nobleman writes a book, when a, 374.
Noblemen of the garden, 597.
Nobleness in other men, 656.
Nobler growth, man is the, 433.

in the mind to suffer, 135.
loves and cares, 477.

Noblest, feels the, acts the best, 654.
mind the best contentment has, 27.
Roman of them all, 115.

thing, earth's, 656.

things, sweetness and light the two,

work of God, an honest man, 319, 447.
Nobly born must nobly meet his fate,

die for their country, 102.
planned, perfect woman, 475.
Nobody at home, there 's, 336.
I care for, 427.
Nobody's business, 207.
Nod, affects to, 271.

an esteemed person's, 728.
ready with every, to tumble, 97.
shakes his curls and gives the, 337.

Nods and becks, 248.

Homer sometimes, 706.
nor is it Homer, 323.

Nodded at the helin, Palinurus, 332.
Noddin, nid nid, 458.
Nodding horror, 243.

violet grows, 58.
Nodosities of the oak, 412.

Noise, dire was the, of conflict, 236.
like of a hidden brook, 499.

no, over a good deed, 753.
of endless wars, 229.

of folly, shunn'st the, 249.
of many waters, 822.

of waters in mine ears, 96.
they that govern make least, 196.
Noiseless fabric sprung, 535.

falls the foot of time, 464.

foot of time, inaudible and, 74.
tenor of their way, 385.
Noll for shortness called, 388.
Nomen alias quære, 175.
Nominated in the bond, 65.
Nomination of this gentleman, 145.

to office, 410.

Non amo te, Sabidi, 286.
None are so desolate, 541.

but himself his parallel, 352.

but the brave deserves the fair, 271.
ever loved but at first sight, 35.
knew thee but to love thee, 562.

None on earth above her, 455.
resign, few die and, 435.

so blind that will not see, 283, 293.
so deaf that will not hear, 19, 283.
so poor to do him reverence, 113.
think the great unhappy but the great,

to praise, maid with, 469.
unhappy but the great, 301.
who dares do more is, 118.
without hope e'er loved, 377.
Nonsense and sense, through, 269.
now and then, a little, 389.
the corner of, 505.

Nook for me, an obscure, 643.

seat in some poetic, 536.
Nooks to lie and read in, 536.
Noon, blaze of, 241.

heaven's immortal, 566.
no sun no moon no, 586.
of thought, 433.

sailing athwart the, 501.
sun has not attained his, 202.
to dewy eve, from, 225.
Noonday, clearer than the, 816.
light, truth and, 654.
that wasteth at, 822.
Noontide air, summer's, 227.
Noose, necks to gripe of, 440.
Noosing a bursting purse, 449.
Norman blood, 624.

North, Ariosto of the, 545.
ask where 's the, 318.

fair weather out of the, 817.
hills of the stormy, 570.

no East no West no, 517.

to southeast to west, 781.
unripened beauties of the, 298.
Northern main, to the, 333.

thought is slow, 648.
North-wind's breath, 570.
Norval, my name is, 392.
Norwegian hills, hewn on, 224.
Nor'-wester is blowing, a strong, 510.
Nose, any, may ravage a rose, 643.
down his innocent, 67.

entuned in hire, 1.

his own, would not assert his, 415.
into other men's porridge, 787.
jolly red nose, 683.

look so blue, why does thy, 673.
of Cleopatra, 799.

on a man's face, 44, 192, 785.
paying through the, 858.
sharp as a pen, 91.

spectacles on, and pouch on side, 69.
that's his precious, 585.

to the grindstone, 360.
wipe a bloody, 349.

Noses, and pleasant scents the, 655.
athwart men's, 104.

to the grindstone, 11, 172, 191.
Nosegay of culled flowers, 779.
Nostril, that ever offended, 46.
upturned his, 239.
Nostrils, breath is in his, 833.
Not a drum was heard, 563.

dead but gone before, 455.

Not if I know myself at all, 509.
in the vein, I am, 97.

in toys we spent them, 260.
lost but gone before, 283.

of an age but for all time, 179.
that I loved Cæsar less, 113.
to know me, 234.

to speak it profanely, 137.
what we wish, 390.

with me is against me, 842.
Notches on the blade, 811.
Note, deed of dreadful, 121.
deserving, 201.

it in a book, 834.

of him take no, 52.

of praise, swells the, 384.

of preparation, give dreadful, 92.

of time, we take no, 306.

of, when found make a, 652.

take note take, O world, 154.

that means to be of, 158.
that swells the gale, 386.
which Cupid strikes, 218.
youth that means to be of, 158.
Notes, all the compass of the, 271.
by distance made more sweet, 390.
chiel's amang ye takin', 449.
of woe, the deepest, 452.
thick-warbled, 241.

thy liquid, 251.

thy once loved poet sung, 335.
with many a winding bout, 249.

Note-book, set in a. 115.

Nothing, a thing cannot go back to, 751.

becomes him ill, 55.

before and nothing behind, 503.

blessed is he who expects, 347.

but that, might ever do, 78.

but vain fantasy, begot of, 105.

but well and fair, 242.

but what hath been said before, 185,

can be well done hastily, 711.
can bring back the hour, 478.

can come out of nothing, 751.
can cover his high fame, 198.
can need a lie, 205.

can touch him further, 121.

can we call our own but death, 82.
comes amiss so money comes, 72.
comes to the new or strange, 625.
common did or mean, 263.
condition of doing, 748.
created something of, 222.
death in itself is, 276.

dies but something mourns, 558.
earthly could surpass her, 555.
either good or bad, 134.

else but to be mended, 211.

emboldens sin so much as mercy, 109.

except a battle lost, 463.

extenuate, 156.

for thee is too early, 752.

Nothing, I have everything yet have, 702.

I owe much, I have, 770.

I want nothing and I possess, 702.

if not critical, 151.

ill can dwell in such a temple, 43.
in excess, 757.

in his life became him, 117.
infinite deal of, speaks an, GO.

is but what is not, 116.

is changed in France, 809.

is good or fair alone, 598.

is impossible, 11.

is here for tears, 242.

is law that is not reason, 278.

is so hard but search will find it out,


is there to come, 261.

is unnatural, 441.

learned nothing and forgotten, 811.

like being used to a thing, 441.
little is better than, 710.

long, everything by starts and, 268.
must be done too late, 720.

new except what is forgotten, 811.
of him that doth fade, 42.
passages that lead to, 386.

profits more than self-esteem, 238.
risks nothing gains, 21.

says, when nothing to say, 374.
secretly, do, 697.

settled in manners, there is, 602.

so becomes a man as modest stillness,

so difficult but it may be found out,


[blocks in formation]

pass into, 574.

Noticeable man, 472.

Notion, blunder and foolish, 448.
Notions, fudge we call old, 661.

full of sound and fury signifying, 125. Notorious by base fraud, 715.

gives to airy, 59.

half so sweet in life, 521.

having, yet hath all, 174.

hid from the heat thereof, 819.

Nought is everything, 517.

shall make us rue, 80.

so vile that on the earth, 106.
Nourish all the world, 56.

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