Imágenes de páginas

Debt, a national, is a national blessing, | Deed, first in every graceful, 337.


no, with so much prejudice put off as

that of justice, 740.

to nature 's quickly paid, 204. Debts, he that dies pays all, 43. Debtor to his profession, 164. Decalogue, can hear the, 468.

Decay, fretted the pigmy body to, 267.
gradations of, 367.

hastes to swift, 367.
majestic in, 347.

melts in unperceived, 365.
muddy vesture of, 65.

wealth accumulates and men, 396. Decays, age unconscious of, 341. glimmering and, 264.

Decay's effacing fingers, 548.
Deceased, he first, 175.
he is indeed, 62.

spirit of every day, 307. Deceit, hug the dear, 362. in gorgeous palace, 107. men favour the, 276.

Deceitful, appearances are, 766. favour is, 829.

shine deceitful flow, 524.

woman damnable, 280.

Deceive when first we practise to, 490.
Deceived, true way to be, 795,

trust all and be, 641.

Deceiver, to deceive the, 797.
Deceivers ever, men were, 51, 405.
December, in a drear-nighted, 576.

mirth of its, 595.
seek roses in, 539.

snow, wallow naked in, 81.
when men wed, 71.

Decencies content to dwell in, 321.
those thousand, 238.
Decency, die with, 280.

right meet of, 380.

want of, is want of sense, 278. Decently and in order, 846. Decide, moment to, 657.

when doctors disagree who shall, 322. Decider of dusty and old titles, 199. Decision, in the valley of, 836. Deck, boy stood on the burning, 570. Decked, thy bride-bed to have, 144. Declined into the vale of years, 153. Decoy, fashion's brightest arts, 398. Decrease, life is in, 309.

Decree, curst by heaven's, 398.

doom of fates, 29.

Decrees, a mighty state's, 633.
Dedes, gentil, to do the, 4.

Dedicate his beauty to the sun, 104.
Dedicated to closeness, 42.

Dedis, gentil that doth gentil, 4.
Dee, across the sands o', 664.

lived on the river, 427.
rises o'er the source of, 673.

Deed, applaud the, 121.
attempt and not the, 119.
better day the better, 172.
better day the worse, 282.
dignified by the doer's, 73.

friend in, 16.

go with it, unless the, 123.
in every eye, blow the, 118.
kind of good, to say well, 98.
no noise over a good, 753.
of dreadful note, 121.
of mischief, every, 430.
of shame, each, 616.
purpose is equal to the, 307.
put your creed in your, 600.
shall blow the horrid, 118.
so shines a good, GG.
tells of a nameless, 456.
will for the, 292, 297, 772, 782.
without a name, 123.

Deeds are men, 206.

are the sons of heaven, 368.
be not careless in good, 755.
blessings wait on virtuous, 294.
done in their clime, 549.
excused his devilish, 232.
foul, will rise, 129.
fruitful of golden, 230.
inimitable his, 36.
in, not years, 542.
is known by gentle, 29.
kind, with coldness, 466.
life measured by, 443.
matter for virtuous, 36.

means to do ill, make deeds ill done, 80.
not words, 185.

of kindness, little, 642.

of men, looks quite through the, 111.
of mercy, teach us to render, 65.
power shall fall short in, 644.
unlucky, relate, 156.

we live in, not years, 654.
which make up life, 644.
words are no, 98.

Deep and dark blue ocean, 547.
and gloomy wood, 467.
are dumb, 25.

as a well, 't is not so, 107.

as death, silence, 515.

as first love, 630.

beauty of the world skin, 262.

bosom of the ocean, 95.

bottom of the, dive into the, 84.
calleth unto deep, 820.
curses not loud but, 124.
damnation of his taking off, 118.
damp vault, 308.
danger on the, 581.

deep sea, under the, 583.
drink, or taste not, 323.
embosomed in the, 395.
fishes that tipple in the, 259.
for his hearers, too, 399.
healths five fathom, 105.
home is on the, 514.
home on the rolling, 679.
in the lowest, a lower, 231.
malice to conceal, 232.

of night is crept upon our talk, 115.
on his front engraven, 227.
philosophy, search of, 260.
plough the watery, 337.

Deep, potations pottle, 152.

rocked in the cradle of the, 676.
sleep falleth on men, 816.
spirits from the vasty, 85.
thoughts too, for tears, 478.
to boil like a pot, 818.
versed in books, 241.
where the brook is, 93.
yet clear, 257.

Deep-contemplative, fools so, 68.
Deeper than all speech, 653.

than plummet sounded, 43.
Deepest consequence, 116.
Deeply beautifully blue, 507, 559.
Deep-mouthed welcome, 556.
Deer, a-chasing the, 450.

a shade, hunter and the, 443, 514.
let the stricken, go weep, 138.
mice and such small, 147.
Defamed by every charlatan, 633.
Defeats more triumphant than victories,


Defect arise, so may a glory from, 650.
cause of this, 133.

caused by any natural, 168.
fine by, 321.

Defective comes by cause, 133.
Defence against lightning, 713.
at one gate, to make, 242.

immodest words admit of no, 278.
in war a weak, 273.

millions for, 673.

of nations, cheap, 410.

Defend me from my friends, 808.
your departed friend, 270.
Defensive as a moat, 81.
Defer, madness to, 306.

not till to-morrow, 295.

Deferred, hope, 826.

Defiance, bid the tyrants, 516.

in their eye, 395.

Deficiencies of the present day, 368.

Definitions of prose and poetry, 505.
Deformed, I know that, 52.
unfinished, 95.

Deformity which beggars mimicked, 590.
Defunct bodies, ghosts of, 210.
Defy the devil, 76.

the tooth of time, 311.

Degenerate days, in these, 337.
sons, earth's, 341.

Degenerates from the sire, the son, 337.
Degree, all in the, 318.

curs of low, 400.

is preserved, unless, 714.
men of low and high, 821.

of woe, bliss must gain by, 377.
wight of low, 406.

Degrees, fine by, 287.

ill habits gather by unseen, 274.
it grows up by, 197.

of kin, prohibited, 215.
scorning the base, 111.
take but, away, 102.
virtue has its, 197.

Deified by our own spirits, 470.
Deity, half dust half, 554.
offended, for, 448.

Deity, omnipresent like the, 534.
Dejected never, never elated, 320.

thing of fortune, the most, 148.
Dejection do we sink as low, 470.
Delay, above all low, 524.

always breeds, 787.

Mecca saddens at the long, 356.
reluctant amorous, 232.
reproved each dull, 396.

the law's, 135.

Delays are dangerous, 276.

have dangerous ends, 93.
Delectable mountains, 266.
Deliberates, woman that, 298.
Deliberation sat, on his front, 227.
Delicate creatures, call these, 154.
Delicately weak, 321.

Delicious bed O bed O bed, 584.

land, done for this, 540.

Delight and dole, in equal scale, 127.
faints with its own, 549.
go to it with, 158.
he drank, 444.
heirs of pure, 477.
in, a sight to, 506.
in, labour we, 120.

in love, if there 's, 294.

in others' misfortunes, 407.
in sorrowing soul, 346.
into a sacrifice, 204.

land of pure, there is a, 303.
lap me in, 564.

life seemed one pure, 587.
mounted in, 470.

my ever new, 235.

my private hours, 241.

over-payment of, 508.

paint the meadows with, 56.
plaything gives his youth, 318.
she 's my, 279.

she was a phantom of, 474.
the wonder of our stage, 179.
to do the things I ought, 535.
to pass away the time, 96.
we all quote by, 603.

with liberty, to enjoy, 30.
Delights, all passions all, 501.
not me, man, 134.

that witchingly instil, 357.
to scorn, 247.

violent, have violent ends, 107.
Delightful measures, to, 95.

studies, still air of, 253.
task, 355.

Deliverance, day of, 429.

Dell, wandering down the shady, 587.
Delphian vales, the, 562.

Delphic oracle, sayings of the, 736.
Delphos, steep of, 251.

Deluge, after me the, 807.

showers, the rain a, 453.

Delusion a mockery and a snare, a, 527.

of youth, 608.

[blocks in formation]


[blocks in formation]

and Pythias, 728.

chance to fall below, 459.

with pebbles in his mouth, 728.
De mortuis nil nisi bonum, 758.
Den, beard the lion in his, 490.
Denied the faith, he hath, 847.
who comes to be, 193.
Denizen, the world's tired, 541.
Denmark, it may be so in, 132.
ne'er a villain in all, 132.
something is rotten in, 131.
Deny, heart would fain, 124.
Depart come like shadows, so, 123.
loth to, 288.

Departed worth, relic of, 541.
Departing friend, tolling a, 88.
Deplore thee, we will not, 535.
Deploring, a damsel lay, 347.
Depressed by poverty, 366.
with cares, 348.

Depth, far beyond my, 99.
in philosophy, 166.

in whose calm, 577.

of some divine despair, 630.

of the soul, gods approve the, 481.

Depths and shoals of honour, 100. chasms and watery, 504.

dark blue, 507.

of hell, guests are in the, 825.
of life, piercing the, 542.

of the ocean, 674.

sinks into thy, 547.

Deputed sword, nor the, 47.
Derangement of epitaphs, 440.

Derby dilly with three insides, 464.
Descant amorous, 233.
Descended from above, 23.

Descending, never ending always, 506.
Descent and fall is adverse, 226.

claims of long, 624.
to Hades, 759.

Describe the undescribable, 545.
Description, beggared all, 157.
Desdemona would incline, 150.
Desert air, sweetness on the, 385.
blossom as the rose, 834.
fountain in the, 552.

in the wide, 583.

of a thousand lines, 329.

of the mind, the leafless, 549.
of the sea, 833.

or water but the, 546.
use every man after his, 134.
water but the, 546.

were my dwelling-place, 547.
where no life is found, 583.
wildernesses, 243.

Deserts full of wild beasts, 722. his, are small, 257.

idle and antres vast, 150. Deserted at his utmost need, 271. Deserve better of mankind, 290.


Ус такой

Deserve, we'll do more we 'll, 297.
Deserving, honour without, 35.
Design, things difficult to, 368.
Designs close in like effects, 646.
Desire, bloom of young, 382.

every man has business and, 132.
fierce, liveth not in, 488.
hope thou nurse of young, 427.
is a perpetual rack, 188.
kindle soft, 272.

lift from earth our low, 549.
more love, I shall, 66.

of glory, 747.

of knowledge in excess, 165.
of power in excess, 165.

of receiving greater benefits, 796.
of the moth for the star, 567.
shall fail, 831,

the soul's sincere, 497.
this fond, 298.

vision of unfilled, 768. Desires of the mind, 169.

sordid hopes and vain, 534. your hearts, be with you, 66. Desired, it is that which I, 837. no more to be, 788.

Desk's dead wood, 509.

Desolate, no one so utterly, 613.
none are so, 541.

Desolation, abomination of, 841.
Despair, black, 564.

conscience wakes, 231.
depth of some divine, 630.
fiercer by, 226.

from hope and from, 340. hurried question of, 550. nympholepsy of some fond, 516. of getting out, 180. our final hope is flat, 226. shall I wasting in, 199. that slumbered, 231. the message of, 513. where reason would, 377. where seraphs might, 540. wrath and infinite, 231. Despaires, comfortlesse, 30. Despairing, sweeter for thee, 452. Despatch is the soul of business, 353. that business quickly, 810. Despatchful looks, 235.

Desperate appliance, relieved by, 141.
disease, desperate cure for, 775.
diseases grown, 141.
steps, beware of, 423.
Despise me, ay do, 428.
Despised, I like to be, 428.

weak and, old man, 147.
Despond, slough of, 265.
Despondency and madness, 470.
Destined page, 456.
Destinies, fates and, 62.

Destiny, hanging and wiving go by, 63.
in shady leaves of, 258.
man's genius is a, 742.
marriage and hanging go by, 192.
one country, one, 531.
wedding is, 10.

Destroy his fib or sophistry, 327.

[blocks in formation]

pride goeth before, 826.
startles at, 298.

that wasteth at noonday, 822.
Destructive man, smiling, 281.

woman, damnable deceitful, 280.
Desuetude, innocuous, 669.
Desultory man, 417.

Detect, lose it the moment you, 320.
Detector of the heart, 307.
Detest the offence, 336.
Detraction at your heels, 76.

will not suffer it, 87.

Deviates into sense, never, 269.

Device, banner with the strange, 614.
Devices still are overthrown, 138.
Devil a monk was he, 772.

as a roaring lion, 849.
at everything, 787.
author of lies, 193.

bane of all that dread the, 466.
brooked the eternal, 110.

builds a chapel, 192, 196, 206, 286.
can cite Scripture, 61.
defy the, 76.

did grin, the, 501.

don't let him go to the, 372.

drives, when the, 18, 73, 772, 787.
drove them, as if the, 772.

eat with the, 18.

every man was god or, 268.
fears a painted, 120.

for all, 191.

go poor, get thee gone, 378.

go to the, 372.

God or, every man was, 268.

has the largest congregation, 286.
hath power to assume, 135.

his due, give the, 83.

how the, they got there, 327.

hunting for one fair female, 272.
in all his quiver, 560.

18 gone, a-walking the, 508.

is in, the place the, 218.
laughing, in his sneer, 551
let us call thee, 152.

livery to serve the, 588.

of habits, is angel yet in this, 141.

renounce the, 850.

resist the, 849.

sends cooks, 20, 388.

stood abashed, 234.

sugar o'er the, himself, 135.

synonyme for the, 590.

take the hindmost, 211.

tell truth and shame the, 85, 772.

the ingredient is a,

to pay, 519.

to serve the, 588.

was sick, 772.


wear black, let the, 138.

Devil, when most I play the, 96.
when thou wast made a, 183.
with devil damned, 227.
world flesh and the, 850.
would build a chapel, 770.
Devils at Worms, 770.

must print, 520.

Devil's back, got over the, 773.
Devil-in-all to pay, 787.

Devilish deeds, excused his, 232.

sly, tough and, 652.

Devine, wel she sange the service, 1.
Devise wit write pen, 55.

Devised by the enemy, 98.

Devotion, ignorance mother of, 193, 275.
object of universal, 536.
solemn acts of, by, 429.
the still prayer of, 524.
to something afar, 567.
Devotion's visage, 135.

Devour, seeking whom he may, 849.
thy heart, do not, 765.
Devouring hand, time's, 352.
Devoutly to be wished, 135.
Dew, as sunlight drinketh, 623
besprent with April, 180.
chaste as morning, 308.
diamonds in their infant, 275.
drop of ink falling like, 558.
exhaled as the morning, 270.
faded like the morning, 513.
from the heath-flower, 491.
glistering with, 233.

her eye dissolved in, 427.
like a silent, 202.

of sleep, timely, 233.

of slumber, honey-heavy, 111.
of thy birth, 851.

of thy youth, 823.

ot yon high eastward hill, 127.

of youth, morn and liquid, 129.

on his thin robe, 515.

on the mountain, like the, 491.
thaw and resolve itself into a, 127.
upon a thought, like, 558.

walks o'er the, 127.

washed with morning, 491.
wombe of morning, 28.

Dews, brushing away the, 386.

his wrath allay, no twilight, 493.
morn the mother of, 355.

of summer nights, 426.

of the evening, 353.

twilight, are falling fast, 524.

Dewdrop clinging to the rose, 611.
daisy protects the, 486.

from the lion's mane, 102.
there's a woman like a, 644.

Dewdrops which the sun impearls, 235.
Dewy eve, from noon to, 225.

freshness fills the silent air, 507.
Diabolical knowledge, 440.
Diadem of snow, 553.

precious, stole, 140.

Dial from his poke, drew a, 68.
hour by his, 68.

not in figures on a, 654.

to the sun, true as, 215, 306.

Dial, usefulness of a, 764
Dialect, a Babylonish, 210.
Dialogism, a problematical, 401.
Diamond, cut diamond, 670.
form, of, 420.

great rough, 353.

ine no diamonds, 861.

pen with point of a, 835.
Diamonds, bright as young, 275.
Dian's temple, hangs on, 103.
Diana, burnt the temple of, 219.

of the Ephesians, great is, 843.
Diana's foresters, 82.

Diapason closing full in man, 271.
Dice of Zeus, 697.

were human bones, whose, 555.
Dicers' oaths, false as, 140.
Dickens, what the, 46.
Dictionaries are like watches, 375
Dictynna goodman Dull, 55.
Did it, thou canst not say I, 122.
Die a bachelor, I would, 51.

a dry death, I would fain, 42.

all shall, 89.

all that lives must, 127.

all alone we, 569.

and endow a college, 322.

and go we know not where, 48.
and there an end, 122.

as much beauty as could, 178.
aspiring, immortality to, 37.
at the top like that tree, 294.
bear to live or dare to, 318.
because a woman's fair, 199.
before I wake, if I, 687.
better, how can man, 593.
but first I have possessed, 519.
but fools they cannot, 308.
but once, a man can, 90.

but once, we can, 298.

by inches, 283.

[blocks in formation]

Die, nature broke the, 552.
nor all of death to, 496.
not born to, 562.

not willingly let it, 253.

O last regret regret can, 633.
of a rose in aromatic pain, 316.
or unknown, 333.

since I needs must, 25.

taught them how to, 314.
taught us how to, 313.
teach him how to, 314.
teach men to, 774.

there let me sing and, 558.
thoughts that shall not, 481.
to, is gain, 847.

to-morrow we shall, 833.
to save charges, 188.
to, to sleep no more, 135.
unlamented let me, 334.
wandering on as loth to, 484.
when beggars, 112.

when brains were out, 122.
who tell us love can, 508.
with decency, 280.

with harness on our back, 123.
without or this or that, 322.

without thee I dare not, 569.
young, whom the gods love, 558.
Dies a wave along the shore, so, 434.
alas how soon he, 366.
an honest fellow, 184.
and makes no sign, 94.
but never surrenders, 810.
good man never, 496.
he that, pays all debts, 43.
hurra for the next that, 641.
in single blessedness, 57.
nothing, but something mourns, 558.
Died as if overcome with sleep, 693.
as one that had been studied, 117.
away in hollow murmurs, 390.
had no poet and they, 330.

heroes as great have, 340.

if I had thought thou couldst have, 563.
liked it not and, 175.

of no blast he, 276.

since Cleopatra, 158.

the dog it was that, 400.

Diet, be sober in your, 350.

doctor quiet and doctor, 293, 686.
me with, the gods will, 160.

Dieu mésure le froid, 379.
Differ, agreed to, 506.

though all things, all agree, 333.
Difference, distinction without a, 364.
strange all this, should be, 351.
to me, but oh the, 469.

wear your rue with a, 142.
Different, like but oh how, 476.
Difficile, Latin was no more, 210.
Difficult, best things most, 729.
to design things, 368.
to know one's self, 757.
Difficulties, choice of, 673.
knowledge under, 528.

show what men are, 744.
Difficulty and labour hard, 230.
Diffused good abundant grows, 415.

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