Imágenes de páginas

Empire, my mind to me an, 22.
of habit is powerful, 709.
of land to the French, 577.
of the air to Germany, 577.

of the heavens bright, 29.

of the sea to the English, 577.

sun never sets on the immense, 495.

survey our, 550.

swayed the rod of, 384.
thy dread, chaos, 332.
trade's proud, 367.

westward the course of, 312.
westward the star of, 312.
will be dreadful, their, 550.
Empires, whose game was, 555.
Employ, teach heaven's, 649.
Employment, chase brave, 205.
hand of little, 143.

Employments, how various his, 420.
of idle time, 207.

prevents melancholy, 373.

wishing is the worst of all, 308.
Empress, sovereign law sits, 438.
Emprise and floure of floures, G.
Emptiness, smiles betray his, 328.
Empty boxes, beggarly account of, 108.
bubble, honour but an empty, 272.
heads, tall men have, 170.
louder but as, quite, 318.
often the cockloft is, 222.
praise, pudding against, 330.
thanks, words are but, 296.
Empty-vaulted night, 244.
Enamelled eyes, quaint, 247.

stones, sweet music with, 44.
Enamoured, hung over her, 235.
Enchant thine ear, 161.
Enchanting ravishment, 243.
Enchantment, distance lends, 512.
Enchants the world, 356.
Encounter, free and open, 255.

of our wits, keen, 96.
Encourage no vice, 398.
Encreasing, youth waneth by, 24.
Encumbers him with help, 370.
Encyclopedic mind, 593.

End and aim, but being's, 318.
at my finger's, 12.

at their wit's, 12, 823.
attempt the, 203.

badder, gladly to the, 4.
be well all is well, 802.
beginning and the, 849.

beginning of our, the true, 59.
beginning of the, 808.
bitter, 853.

born to disastrous, 30.
crowns all, 102.

death a necessary, 112.
die and there an, 122.

do not forsake me at my, 278.

each particular hair stands an, 131.
good beginning, good, 13.
guide original and, 367.
happiness our being's, 318.
hope to the, 849.

in wandering mazes, found no, 228.
is not yet, the, 841.

End, life's great, 309.
make me to know mine, 820.
me no ends, 861.
means unto an, 654.

most sweet, to make the, 80.
must justify the means, 287.
my last, be like his, 813.
of a fray, latter, 87.

of a shot, 19.

of fame, what is the, 556.
of it, there is an, 788.

of language, nature's, 310.
of reckoning, 49.

of returning, 49.
of the chapter, 773.

of this day's business, 115.
one must consider the, 797.
original and, 367.

prophetic of her, 306.
remember Milo's, 278.
remember the, 837.

served no private, 326.

set gray life and apathetic. 625.
swan-like, fading in music, 63.
the sooner to make an, 171.
to all things, 654.

try the man, 89.

End-all, might be the, 118.
Endearing elegance, 368.

wile, children with, 397.
Endearment, each fond, 396.
Endeavour, riven with vain, 473.
too painful an, 321.

with useless, 617.

Ended, his cares are now all, 90.
Ending, a good, 11.

always descending, never, 506.
on the rustling leaves, 250.
still beginning, never, 272.
Endite, songes make and well, 1.
Endless error, in, 317.

night closed his eyes in, 382.
Endow a college or a cat, 322.
Ends, at my fingers', 74.

delays have dangerous, 93.
divinity that shapes our, 145.
good in everything, 197.

human, ultimately answered, 530.
neglecting worldly, 42.

of the earth, 827.

of verse, cheered with, 212.

old odd, of holy writ, 96.

this strange eventful history, 69.
thou aimest at, 100.

violent, violent delights, 107.
well, all is well that, 13.

whose, will make him greatest, 37.
Endurance, foresight, 475.

is the crowning quality, 656.
victory born of, 573.
Endure, human hearts, 367.
the like himself, 53.

the toothache patiently, 53.
we first, then pity, 317.

Endured, tolerable and not to be, 52.

what can't be cured must be, 190, 773.
Endures no tie, love, 272.

Enduring as marble, 792.

Enemies, fallen amongst, 734.

naked to mine, 100.

of nations, mountains make, 418.
of truth, 217.

shall lick the dust, 821.

unhappy lot which finds no, 710.

Enemy dies, no tears are shed when an,

hate thine, 838.

he who has one, 767.
hunger, if thine, 844.
in their mouths, 152.
nearest and dearest, 174.
thing devised by the, 98.
to life, care 's an, 74.
to mankind, 76.

we have met the, 676.

weak invention of the, 296.
you are now my, 361.
Enemy's dog, mine, 148.

Energy divine, march and, 329.
Enforced ceremony, 114.

Engine, two-handed, 247.

Enginer hoist with his own petar, 141.

Engines, great, mc re slowly, 170.

you mortal, 154.

[blocks in formation]

Ensample, this noble, 2.
Ensanguined hearts, 420.

England, best thing between France and, Ense petit placidam, 264.


be what she will, 413.

expects every man to do his duty, 446.
hath need of thee, 472.
high-road that leads to, 370.

history of, written with knowledge,


martial airs of, 533.

men of light and leading in, 410.
meteor flag of, 515.

never shall lie at the proud foot of a
conqueror, 80.

not three good men unhanged in, 84.
old, on the lee, 537.

old, is our home, 605.

roast beef of, 363.

royal navy of, 392.

slaves cannot breathe in, 418.
stately homes of, 569.

this realm, this, 81.

to his Italy, linking our, 651.
true to itself, 80.

with all her faults, 413.

with all thy faults, I love thee, 418.

wooden walls of, 861.

world or in France or in, 93.

ye gentlemen of, 176.

ye mariners of, 514.

England's greatest son, 628.

English, abusing the king's, 45.

air, sweet as, 629.

ballad-singer's joy, 473.

dead, close the wall up with our, 91.

empire of the sea to the, 577.

Ensign, beauty's, is crimson, 109.
imperial, high advanced, 224.
tear her tattered, down, 635.
Enskyed and sainted, a thing, 47.
Entangling alliances, 435.
Enterprise, heroic, is gone, 410.
life-blood of our, 86.
Enterprises, impediments to, 165.
of great pith and moment, 136.
Entertain strangers, to, 848.
Entertained angels unawares, 848.
Entertains the harmless day, 174.
Enthroned in the hearts of kings, 64.
Enthusiasm, nothing achieved without,

Entice thee, if sinners, 824.
Entire affection hateth, 27.

and perfect chrysolite, 156.

Entity and quiddity, 210.

Entrails spin, spiders from their, 274.
Entrancing our senses, 677.

Entrance to a quarrel, beware of, 130.
wisdom at one, 230.

Entrances and exits, have their, 69.
Entuned in hire nose, 1.

Envious people, disposition of, 762.

tongues, to silence, 100.
worm, bit with an, 104.

Envy hatred and malice, 850.
of less happier lands, 81.

of the world, 408.

time transported with, 406.
will merit pursue, 324.

withers at another's joy, 355.

Epaminondas, witty saying of, 735.

Ephemeral is fame, 752.

gun, who never lost an, 628.

legs, one pair of, 91.

nation, trick of our, 88.

style, to attain an, 369.

undefyled, well of, 28.

Englishman says nothing if he has noth- Ephraim, grapes of, 814.

ing to say, 374.

[blocks in formation]

Epic's stately rhyme, 618.

Epicure would say, the, 461.
Epicurean cooks, 157.

Epicurus' sty, fattest hog in, 393, 706.
Epicycle, cycle and, 237.
Epimenides, the sleep of, 759.

Epitaph, believe a woman or an, 539.
better a bad, 134.

no man write my, 675.
not remembered in thy, 87.
Epitaphs, derangement of, 440.
let's talk of, 81.

Epitome, all mankind's, 268.
Epocha in history of America, 429.
Epochs, actions are our, 554.
Equal, all men created, 434.

and exact justice, 435.
to all things, 399.

Equator, speak disrespectfully of the,


Equity is a roguish thing, 194.

is according to conscience, 194.

Equipage, conduct and, 285.

senseless, 438.

Equivocate, I will not, 605.
Equivocation of the fiend, 125.
will undo us, 143.
Era of good feeling, 855.

Erant quibus appetentior famæ, 247.
Ercles' vein, this is, 57.

Ere I was old, 503.

sin could blight, 500.

Erebus, dark as, his affections are, 66.
Erect, unless above himself he can him-
self, 39.

Erected look, with, 269.

spirit, the least, 225.

Erection, we rate the cost of, 88.
Eremites and friars, 231.
Erin, a poor exile of, 515.
Err, art may, 272.

in opinion, human to, 742.
to, is human, 325.

Errand, sleeveless, 612.
Erring reason's spite, 316.
rod to check the, 475.
sister's shame, 548.

spirit hies to his confine, 126.
Error hurled, in endless, 317.
lies in pride, our, 315.

love truth but pardon, 801.

of opinion may be tolerated, 434.
wounded, writhes with pain, 573.

Errors like straws, 275.

seem, stratagems which, 323.
some female, 325.

Eruption, bodes some strange, 126.

Eruptions, breaks forth in strange, 85.
Esau, the hands of, 813.

Escape calumny, shalt not, 136.

Eschewed evil, 816.

Essay, to make a short, 273.

Essence, glassy, 48.

of a thing, look to the, 755.
of good and evil, 744.
Essential liberty, 359.

Estate, fallen from his high, 271.
flies of, and sunneshine, 204.
greatest, gained easy, 741.

Estate of man, fleeting is the, 753.
relief of man's, 169.

that man's, owns him, 761.
Esteem, they give to get, 395.

to know, to love, to, 502.
Estranged, providence seeming, 586.
Estridges, all plumed like, 86.
Et spes inanes, 288.
Et tu, Brute! 112.
Eternal anarchy, 229.
beadroll, fame's, 28.
blazon must not be, 131.
devil, brooked the, 110.
doom of fate, 29.

fitness of things, 364.
friendship, swear an, 462, 798.
frost, that skirts the, 501.
home, near to their, 221.
hope springs, 315.

joy and everlasting love, 280.
new romances, 387.

now does always last, 261.
Providence I may assert, 223.
sabbath of his rest, 277.
smiles emptiness betray, 328.
summer gilds them yet, 557.
summer shall not fade, 161.
sunshine settles on its head, 397.
vigilance, price of liberty, 855.
year, heaven's, 270.

years of God are hers, 573.
Eterne, nature's copy is not, 121.
Eternities, past and future, two, 525.

time between two, 580.
Eternity, flattering dust with, 554.
hath triumphed over time, 26.
in bondage, worth a whole, 298.
intimates, to man, 299.
mighty ages of, 642.

mourns that, 594.

opes the palace of, 243.

passing through nature to, 127.
pilgrim of, 565.

portions of, great souls are, 656.
shall tell, 683.

silence is deep as, 579.

thou pleasing dreadful thought, 299.
time is the image of, 760.

wander through, 227.
wanderers o'er, 543.
white radiance of, 565.

Ether, ampler, 482.

the holy, knows what love is, 756.
through the clear, silently, 576.
Ethereal mildness, come, 355.
mould incapable of stain, 226.
sky, the blue, 300.
warmth, soft, 228.

Ethics from Byron's poetry, 591.
Ethiope's ear, jewel in an, 105.
Ethiopian change his skin, 835.

Etrurian shades, 224.

Eunuchs guardians of the fair, 310.

Euphrasy and rue, 240.

Eureka, the cry of Archimedes, 738.

Europe, better fifty years of, 626.

he sauntered, round, 332.

rings, of which all, 252.

Europe's violets, 570.

Euxine, dangerous breakers of the, 559.
Eve ate apples, since, 560.

close at the ear of, 234.
fairest of her daughters, 232.
from noon to dewy, 225.
grandmother, a female, 54.
one summer's, 589.
son of Adam and, 288.
span and Adamn dolve, 685.
Eve's daughters, 46.

Eveleen's bower, when to, 520.
Even, gray-hooded, 243.

star that ushers in the, 163.
such is time, 26.

sweet approach of, 230.
tenor of their way, 385.
ushers in the, 163.

Even-handed justice, 118.

Evening air, fairer than the, 41.
bells, those, 523.

chime, faintly tolls the, 518.
come in the, 680.

dews of the, carefully shun, 353.
dragon came, an, 242.

exhalation in the, 99.
flowers at shut of, 239.

grateful, mild, 233.

never morning wore to, 631.

now came still, on, 233.

shades of, close, 677.

shades prevail, soon as the, 300.

sun shine sweetly, 428.

twilight of the heart, 562.

welcome peaceful, 420.

when it is, 840.

yet, was never, 651.

Evening's calm and happy hour, 488.
close, at, 386.

Even-song, ringeth to, 19.

Event, faculties to bear every, 742.
far-off divine, 634.

one, happeneth to all, 830.
say not small, 643.

Events, coming, 514.

confused, 120.

course of human, 434.

not to lead but follow, 746.

of fate's remote decrees, 343.
repeat themselves, 726.
river of passing, 752.
spirits of great, 504.

Eventful history, this strange, €9.
Ever and a day, for, 71.

charming ever new, 358.
do nothing but that, 78.

fair and ever young, 271.
his time is for, 200.

of thee I'm dreaming, 586.
thus from childhood's hour, 526.
Ever-during dark surrounds me, 230.
gates, opened wide her, 236.
Evergreen tree of knowledge, 440.
Everlasting fame, damned to, 319.
fixed his canon, 127.
flint, wear out the, 107.
love and eternal joy, 280.
now, 261.

Everlasting, preordained from, 756.
redemption, condemned into, 53.
yawn confess, thy, 332.
Everlastingness, shoots of, 263.
Evermore thanks, 81.

Every clime adored, in, 334.
fool will be meddling, 827.
inch a king, 148.

man for himself, 20, 787.

man has business and desire, 132.
man's work, 845.

one as heaven made him, 788.
one can master a grief, 51.

one that asketh, 839.
one that hath, unto, 841.
sweet its sour, 404.

virtue under heaven, 329.

why hath a wherefore, 50, 210.
woe a tear can claim, 548.
Everybody's business, 207.
Everything advantageous to life, 43.
by starts and nothing long, 268.
comes if man will wait, 609.
custom reconciles to, 407.
devil at, 787.

find a tale in, 466.

good in, 67.

handsome about him, 53.

has two handles, 746.

is made of one hidden stuff, 601.

is nought, 517.

result of change, 752.

sans taste sans, 69.

that pretty is, 159.

that's old, I love, 171.

there is a season to, 830.

they that are above have ends in, 197.
time tries the troth in, 18.

Everywhere be bold, 28.
his place, 260.

the gods see, 615.

the sun shines, 76.

Evidence of things not seen, 848.
Evident, things true and, 746.

Evil, be ignorant in foreboding, 695.
be not overcome of, 844.
be thou my good, 231.
bent on doing, 710.
communications, 846.

days, though fallen on, 236.
death is not the worst, 696.
essence of good and, 744.
feared God and eschewed, 816.
for himself, man work, 693.
for his good repay, 346.
fruit of a bad man, 693.
good and good evil, 833.
good from seeming, 357.
goodness in things, 92.
ignorance is the one only, 760.
is null, is nought, the, 649.

is wrought by want of thought, 584.
keep thy tongue from, 819.

love of money is the root of all, 848.
manners live in brass, 100.

moral, and of good, 466.
new and untried, 778.

news rides post, 242.

Evil, obscures the show of, 63.

of that purpose, I knew the, 698.
of the dead, speak not, 758.
oldest and best known, 778.
out of good find means of, 223.
partial, universal good, 316.
recompense to no man evil for, 844.
report and good report, 846.

root of all, love of money is the, 848.
submit to the present, 715.

that men do lives after them, 113.
thereof, sufficient unto the day is the,

thing that walks by night, 244.
tongue an unruly, 849.
universal good all partial, 316.
vice itself lost half its, 410.
wealth excludes but one, 373.
which I would not I do, 844.
Evils, less of two, 7.

philosophy triumphs over past, 794.
the school of mankind, 411.
two weak, €9.

Exactness, with, grinds he all, 793.
Exalted sat, Satan, 226.

Example from the lives of men, 705.
joy of past, 346.

profit by their, 429.

results of your own, 716.

salutary influence of, 369.

thy stream my great, 257.

to deter, as an, 688.

you with thievery, 109.

Examples for the instruction of youth,


more efficacious than precept, 368.
philosophy teaching by, 304.

Exceeding fair she was not, 35.
tall men, 166.

wise, fair-spoken, 101.
Exceedingly beautiful, 499.
well read, 86.

Excel, 't is useless to, 377.

unstable thou shalt not, 813.
Excellence, fair divided, 78.
in a wondrous, 163.

it cannot reach, hates that, 355.
smallest scruple of her, 46.

to maturity, 713.

Excellent dumb discourse, 43.
in neither, 163.

knowledge of what is, 727.
thing in woman, 149.

to have a giant's strength, 48.
Excelling nature, pattern of, 156.
Excels all earthly bliss, 22.

another, one man, 702.

the quirks of blazoning pens, 151.
Exception prove the rule, 187.
Excess, desire of knowledge in, 165.
desire of power in, 165.

nothing in, 757.

[blocks in formation]

Excess, wasteful and ridiculous, 79.
Exchequer of the poor, 81.

rob me the, 86.
Excise our brains, 413.
Excitement, be not hurried by, 746.
Excrement, general, 109.
Excuse, fault worse by the, 80.

for being, beauty is its own, 599.
for the glass, she 'll prove, 442.
I will not, 605.

in her face, came prologue, 239.
Excused his devilish deeds, 232.
Excusing a fault makes it worse, 80.
Execrable shape, what art thou, 229.
Execute the villany you teach me, 63.
their airy purposes, 224.

Executes a freeman's will, 538.
Exemplary, lives in acts, 36.
Exempt from public haunt, 67.
Exercise, for cure depend on, 270.
strength of mind, 317.

the principle of health, 358.
the sad mechanic, 631.
Exhalation, like a bright, 99.
rose like an, 225.

Exhalations of the dawn, 504.

Exhaled and went to heaven, 308.

he was, 270.

Exhausted worlds, 366.

Exhilarate the spirit, 417.

Exile from home, 568.

of Erin, poor, 515.

Exiles feed on hope, 695.

Existence, I called the new world into,


love is woman's sole, 556.

soul secured in her, 299.
struggle for, 622.

Exit, called to make our, 436.
Exits and their entrances, 69.
Expatiate free o'er all this, 314.
Expatiates in a life to come, 315.
Expectancy and rose of the state, 136.
Expectation, better bettered, 50.
fails, oft, 73.

makes a blessing dear, 256.
rise, bids, 398.

to bury them, merely in, 222.
Expects nothing, blessed who, 347.
Expediency, a principle not, 609.

party honesty is party, 669.
Expedient to forget sometimes, 709.
Expedients with such a king, 352.
Expensive, gratitude is, 430.
Experience be a jewel, 45.
from home, 568.
gained my, 70.

ignorant in spite of, 376.
keeps a dear school, 360.
lamp of, 429.

made him sage, long, 348.
old, do attain, 250.
sharp mordant of, 663.
tells in every soil, 395.

to make me sad, 71.

of wealth is cause of covetousness, 41. Experiment, full tide of successful, 435.

our own prodigal, 483.

Explain a thing till all doubt, 332.

to be blamed, 195.

spoil it by trying to, 441.

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