Imágenes de páginas


Land, ocean leans against the, 395.
o'er all the pleasant, 569.

of bondage, out of the, 493.
of brown heath, 489.

of Calvin and oat-cakes, 459.
of darkness, 816.

of drowsyhed it was, 357.
of liberty, sweet, 619.

of lost gods and godlike men, 541.
of palm and southern pine, 628.
of palm, of orange blossom, 628.
of pure delight, 303.

of scholars nurse of arms, 395.
of the cypress and myrtle, 549.
of the free, 516, 517.

of the leal, in the, 458.

of the living, 817.

of the mountain, 489.

of the pilgrims' pride, 619.
or water, travel by, 293.
plenty o'er a smiling, 385.
rare bird in the, 770.
rent with civil feuds, 533.
set out to plant a wood, 289.
shakes the turrets of the, 636.
speed and post o'er, 252.
stranger in a strange, 813.
sung through every, 302.
sunshine to the sunless, 486.
they love their, 563.
this delightful, 233.

to fight for such a, 489.
violet of his native, 632.
what heaven hath done for this, 540.
where my fathers died, 619.

where sorrow is unknown, 417.
where the lemon-trees bloom, 803.
Lands forlorn, in faery, 575.

less happier, 81.

lord of himself though not of, 174.
roamed o'er many, 582.
Landing on some silent shore, 295.
Landlady and Tam, 451.

grew gracious, the, 451.
Landlord's laugh, the, 451.
Landmark, ancient, 828.
Land-rats and water-rats, 61.
Land-thieves and water-thieves, 61.
Landscape, darkened, 227.

love is like a, 181.
tire the view, 358.
Landsmen, list ye, all, 672.

Lane of beams athwart the sea, 625.
straight down the crooked, 584.
Language, Chatham's, 419.

is plain, my, 669.

nature speaks a various, 572.

nature's end of, 310.

no, but a cry, 632.

O that those lips had, 423.

of the nation, don't confound the,


quaint and olden, 613.

under the tropic is our, spoke, 220.

Languages, have been at a feast of, 56.

especially the dead, 556.

Languor smile, make, 328.
Lank and brown, thou art, 498.

Lap, drop into thy mother's, 239.
in my mother's, 240.

it in Elysium, 244.

low in glory's, they lie, 496.

me in delight, 564.

me in soft Lydian airs, 249.
of earth, his head upon the, 386.
of legends old, asleep in, 575.
of May, chills the, 394.

of Thetis, sun in the, 213.
the lot is cast, into the, 827.
Lapidary inscriptions, 372.
Lapland night, lovely as a, 475.
Lapse of murmuring streams, 237.
Lapsing waves on quiet shores, 619.
Larch has hung his tassels, 571.
Lards the lean earth as he walks, 84.
Large elements in order brought, 634.
so rudely and so, 2.
was his bounty, 386.
Large-brained woman, 621.
Large-hearted man, 621.

Lark at heaven's gate sings, 159.
no, more blithe than he, 427.
rise with the, 33, 454.

Larks, to catch, 771.

when the skie falth, catch, 11.
Lascivious pleasing of a lute, 95.
Lash the rascals naked, 155.

the sounding shore, 324.
Lashes, teary round the, 659.
Lass, drink to the, 442.

is good and a glass is good, 673.
penniless, wi' a lang pedigree, 458.
Lasses, then she made the, 446.
Last, after, returns the First, 650.
although the, not least, 146.
at his cross, 676.
best gift, heaven's, 235.
brightening to the, 396.
comes at the, 82.
drop in the well, 553.

each day a critic on the, 325.
embrace, take your, 109.
eyes look your, 109.
first and the, 849.

in fight first in banquets, 337.
in the train of night, 235.

is best, he that comes, 185.
legs, on his, 172.

link is broken, 682.
long sleep, 438.

love thyself, 100.

not least in love, 113.

of all the Romans fare thee well, 115

of earth, this is the, 459.

out a night in Russia, 47.

pleased to the, 315.

reader reads no more, 636.
rose of summer, 521.

scene of all, 69.

sex to the, 273.

still loveliest, 545.

syllable of recorded time, 125.
taste of sweets is sweetest, 81.
the daintiest, 80.

't is his at, who says it best, GGO.
to lay the old aside, 324.

Last words Narcissa spoke, 321.

words of Marmion, 490.
Lasting rest, to their, 80.

sweet not, 129.

Late, better, than never, 13, 284, 713.
choosing and beginning, 238.
into the night, so, 553.
known too, 105.

nothing must be done too, 720.
too, I stayed, 464.

too, who goes too fast, 712.

Lated traveller, now spurs the, 121.
Lately bathed, having, 86.
Later star of dawn, 485.

times are more aged, 169.
Latin and Greek, speaks, 210.
names, all their botany, 599.

or in Greek, must come in, 220.
small, and less Greek, 179.
soft bastard, 554.

was no more difficile, 210.
Latter end of a fray, 19, 87.

former times shake hands with, 212.
Laud than gilt o'erdusted, 102.
L'audace encore de l'audace, 28.
Lauded in song, many once, 751.
Laudem virtutis, 3.

Laugh a siege to scorn,

an atheist's, 448.
and be fat, 670.


at any mortal thing, 558.
for hope I, 655.

in bed we, 794.

make the unskilful, 137.
not granted man to, 718.
of the vacant mind, 396.
proper to the man to, 770.
sans intermission, 68.
that I may not weep, 558.
that win, they, 155.
the children, 637.
thee to scorn, 837.

to make the weeper, 163.

to scorn, 71.

was ready chorus, the landlord's, 451.
where we must, 315.

who but must, 327.
world's dread, 356.

Laughable, swear the jest be, 59.
Laughed and danced, 676.
consumedly, 395.

full well they, 397.

his word to scorn, 415.
Laugher weep, to make the, 163.
Laughing devil in his sneer, 551.
quaffing and unthinking, 272.
soil, paint the, 535.

wild amid severest woe, 381.
you hear that boy, 637.
Laughing-stock, yourself a, 790.
Laughs at lovers' perjury, 106, 272.
fair, the morn, 383.

louder than the giant, 637.
with a harvest, earth, 597.
Laughter for a month, 84.
for all time, 620.

holding both his sides, 248.
mirth and, 557.

Laughter of a fool, 830.

shakes the skies, 337.
Launched a thousand ships, 41.
Laura lay, grave where, 26.

Laurel and myrtle, groves are of, 803.
bough, Apollo's, 41.
Lavinia, she is, 104.

Law and the prophets, 839.
and to the testimony, 833.
as adversaries do in, 72.
but is this, 143.
Cantilena of the, 527.
crowner's quest, 143.
eleven points in the, 296.
ends where tyranny begins, 364.
fulfilling of the, 845.
good opinion of the, 440.

higher than the constitution, 595.
ignorance of the, 195.

in calmness made, keeps the, 476.
is a sort of hocus-pocus, 350.

is good, the, 847.

is nothing else but reason, 24.
is open, the, 843.

is perfection of reason, 24.

it has honoured us, the, 532.

last result of human wisdom, 375.

law hath not been dead, the, 48.
lawless science of our, 627.

measure for, 194.
murder by the, 311.
nature's kindly, 318.

necessity has no, 773.

not to be heard in war, 725.

nothing is, that is not reason, 278.
of beauty and utility, 644.

of kindness, 829.

of life, progress is the, 643.

of the Medes and Persians, 835.
offends no, 36.

old father antic the, 82.

one element one God one, 634.

one principle of Being and one, 754.
possession the strongest tenure of the,


preserves the earth a sphere, 456.
reason is the life of the, 24.
rich men rule the, 395.

rigorous, is rigorous injustice, 704.
seat of, is the bosom of God, 31.
seven hours to, 438.

sovereign, sits empress, 438.

the, is good, 847.

the ultimate angels', 650.

these nice sharp quillets of the, 93.
thought of the people shall be, 283.
truly kept the, 255.
unchanging, of God, 639.
we have a measure for, 194.
wedded love mysterious, 234.
what plea so tainted in, 63.
which moulds a tear, 456.
who to himself is, 36.
windy side of the, 76.

world's, is not thy friend, 108.
written and unwritten, 760.

Laws and learning, 680.

are with us, the, 506.

Laws, better none than too many, 779.
breathing household, 472.
curse on all, 333.

facts and the, judges of the, 671.
for the blood, 61.

gives his little senate, 327, 336.
grind the poor, 395.
impartial, 313.

like cobwebs, 757.
love knoweth no, 32.
may give us new, 200.

nature's, lay hid in night, 330.
new lords give us new, 200.
of a nation, 281.

of behaviour, the, 602.

of conscience, 774.

of nature, 434.

of servitude began, 275.

or kings can cause or cure, 367.
repeal of bad, 664.

true friendship's, 346.

Law's delay, the, 135.

grave study, 24.

Lawful for me to do what I will with

mine own, 840.

Lawn, rivulets hurrying through the, 630.
saint in, 320.

sprinkled the dewy, 338.
sun upon the upland, 386.
with rosy lustre, 342.

Lawns, happy fair with orchard, 629.
Lawyer, the skull of a, 143.

without literature a mechanic, 493.
Lawyers are met, the, 348.

Cantilena of, 527.
wrangling, 186.

Lawrie, but all sang Annie, 666.
Lax in their gaiters, 510.
Lay, go forth my simple, 437.
her in the earth, 144.

his weary bones among ye, 100.
like a warrior, 563.
Llewellyn's, 383.

me down to sleep, now I, 687.
no wagers, 398.

not that flattering unction, 141.
on Macduff, 126.

on that day, as she, 453.

your golden cushion down, 677.
Lays, delight by heavenly, 477.
Le véritable Amphitryon, 277.
Lea, standing on this pleasant, 476.
the sun has left the, 494.
winds slowly o'er the, 384.
Lead me whither thou wilt, 745.
Leadeth me beside the still waters, 819.
Leading, men of light and, 410.
Leads to bewilder, 428.

Leaf, all do fade as a, 835.

also shall not wither, 819.

falls with the, 184.

impearls on every, and flower, 235.
is lost, not a beam or, 544.

is on the tree, the, 611.

my days are in the yellow, 555.

of pity writ, 109.

perished in the green, 633.
right as an aspen, 5.

Leaf, sere the yellow, 124.
shall not wither, his, 818.
turn over a new, 174, 182.
upon the stream, vain as the, 491.
was darkish and had prickles, 245.
Leafless desert of the mind, 549.
Leafy month of June, 499.
Leal, in the land o' the, 458.
Lean and hungry look, 111.
and low ability, 77.

and slippered pantaloon, 69.
books, lard their, 185.

earth, lards the, 84.

fellow beats all conquerors, 181.
Leaned to virtue's side, 396.
Lean-faced villain, hungry, 50.
Leap into the dark, 770.

into this angry flood, 110.
look before you, 9, 214.
to pluck bright honour, 84.
Leaps the live thunder, 544.
Leapt to life a god, 564.
Learn and inwardly digest, 850.
craft so long to, 6.
gladly would he, 2.

late than never, better, 713.
live and, 790.

not so old but she may, 64.
of the little nautilus, 318.
to labour and to wait, 612.
to read slow, 265.

what is necessary for boys to, 760.
Learned and all drunk, 420.

and authentic fellows, 73.
and conned by rote, 115.

and fair and good as she, 179.
and wise, Babylon, 483.
Chaucer, 179.

doctors' spite, 564.
dust, much, 419.

length, words of, 397.

lumber in his head, 325.

reflect on what they knew, 325.

roast an egg, the, 330.
smile, make the, 324.
sock, Jonson's, 249.

to dance, who have, 324.

Learning, become mad out of too much,

branches of, 62.

breast where, lies, 336.
cast into the mire, 410.
dote on scraps of, 310.
find time to be, 749.
fraught with all, 399.
has its value, 797.

hath gained most by those books which
printers have lost, 222.

in the freshness of its youth, 695.

is but an adjunct to ourself, 55.

is it a time to be, 761.

laws and, die, 680.

little, is a dangerous thing, 323.
love he bore to, 397.

men of polite, 284.

no man wiser for his, 195.
progeny of, 440.

somewhat good, 749.

[blocks in formation]

not a rack behind, 43.

often took, 288.

thee, must I thus, 239.

to speak, losers must have, 297.
what with his toil he won, 267.
Leaven, a little, leaveneth, 846.
earth's bitter, 473.

Leaves and roses, month of, 653.
do cover with, 181.

do fall, falls as the, 184.
do hang, when yellow, 162.
ending on the rustling, 250.
from the book of life, 617.
getteth short of, 585.

have their time to fall, 570.
low stir of, 619.

no man has aught of what he, 145.

of destiny, in shady, 258.

of hopes, puts forth the tender, 99.

of memory, the, 615.

of the judgment book, 666.

on trees, like, 338.

shatter your, 246.

spread his sweet, to the air, 104.
thick as autumnal, 224, 337.
words are like, 323.
Leaving no tract behind, 109.

nothing in his life became him like the,
it, 117.

Lebanon, like a cedar in, 822.
Led by my hand, 332.
Leda, a swan to enjoy, 32.

Leer, assent with civil, 327.

Lees, the mere, is left, 120.

Left a name behind them, 837.
an aching void, 422.
blooming alone, 521.

free the human will, 334.
hand know, let not thy, 838.

to be finished by such as she, 78.
undone those things, 850.
what we, we lost, 802.

Leg, can honour set to a, 87.

every goose can stand on one, 738.

Legs, biggest rascal on two, 748.

in rhyme, making, 387.

march wide betwixt the, 87.

of time, break the, 635.

on his last, 172.

three Frenchmen on one pair of Eng-
lish, 91.

[blocks in formation]

never less at, 75.
repent at, 295.
retired, 249.

to contrive, 407.

to die, so much, 735.

wooed in haste to wed at, 72.
Leke, mouses wit not worth a, 4.
Lemon, in the squeezing of a, 401.
Lemonade, black eyes and, 519.
Lemon-trees bloom, where the, 803.
Lend a hand, 681.

lend your wings, 335.

me your ears, 113.

or to spend or to give, 279.

you something out of my lean and
low ability, 77.

Lender, borrower is servant to the, 828.
nor borrower be, 130.
Lendeth unto the Lord, 827.
Length, drags its slow, 324.
folly's at full, 312.

words of learned, 397.
Lengthened sage advices, 451.
Lengthening chain, 394.
shadows, the, 268.
Leopard change his spots, 835.
lie down with the kid, 833.

Less alone, I was never, 431.

alone than when alone, never, 455.
beautifully, 287.

happier lands, 81.

of earth in them than heaven, 491.

of harmes two, the, 5.

of two evils, 7.

rather than be, 226.

than a span, 170.

than archangel ruined, 225.

than kind, more than kin, 127.
Lessened by another's anguish, 104.
Lesson, Caution's, scorning, 447.

still harder, 425.

this, seems to carry, 417.
time has taught us a, 723.

to the head, heart give a, 422.
Lessons, time teaches many, 695.
Let dearly or let alone, 204.

down the curtain, 770.
for life or years, 204.

head to be, unfurnished, 210.
her down the wind, 153.

him go abroad, 372.

him go to the devil, don't, 372.

him now speak, 850.

him that thinketh, 845.

in the foe, 242.

it be let it pass, 808.
knowledge grow, 631.
me hide myself in thee, 432.
Newton be, God said, 330.
no guilty man escape, 664.
no such man be trusted, 66.

Let not the heavens hear, 97.
not your heart be troubled, 843.
others hail the rising sun, 387.
the end try the man, 89.
the toast pass, 442.

the world slide, 9, 72, 198.
there be light, 812.
there be no strife, 812.
those love now, 306.
thy words be few, 830.
us all to meditation, 94.
us be merry, 199.

us call thee devil, 152.

us consider the reason, 278.
us do or die, 183, 450.
us eat and drink, 833.

us have peace, 664.

us sit upon the ground, 82.

us talk of graves of worms, 82.
us worship God he says, 447.
who will be clever, 664.
your loins be girded, 842.

Lets in new light through chinks, 221.
me, I'll make a ghost of him that,

Lethe wharf, fat weed on, 131.
Letter, preferment goes by, 149.
the, killeth, 846.

Letters Cadmus gave, the, 558.
heaven first taught, 333.

man of, 591.

man of the world among men of, 591.
republic of, 364.

Letting I dare not, 118.
Level at, his eye doth, 161.

So sways she, 75.

Levellers wish to level down, 370.
Lever han at his beddes hed, 1.

of all things, mind is the, 530.
Leviathan, canst thou draw out, 818.
Levy, malice domestic foreign, 121.
Lewd fellows of the baser sort, 843.
Lexicography, lost in, 368.

Lexicon of youth, in the, 608.
Lexington and Bunker Hill, there is,


Liar, doubt truth to be a, 133.

of the first magnitude, 294.

Liars, all men are, 823.

ought to have good memories, 264,
721, 774.

Libanus, like a cedar in, 822.
Liberal education, men of, 284.

of good natural parts and of a, 786.
soul shall be made fat, 826.
to love her was a, 297.
Libertas et natale solum, 290.
Liberties, people never give up, 411.
Libertine, puffed and reckless, 129.
the air a chartered, 91.

Liberty and glory of his country, 529.
and union now and forever, 533.
angels alone enjoy such, 260.
cradle of American, 534.
crimes in the name of, 804.

crust of bread and, 328.
enjoy delight with, 30.
essential, 359.

Liberty, eternal vigilance is the price of,

exists in wholesome restraint, 531.
fountain of human, 530.

God gave us at the same time, 434.
hour of virtuous, 298.

I must have withal, 68.

is in every blow, 450.

mountain nymph sweet, 248.

my spirit felt thee, 501.

one of the most valuable blessings, 792.
or death, give me, 430.
price of, 855.

principles of human, 530.

spirit of, 408.

sweet land of, 619.

to that only which is good, 670.
tree of, 804.

when they cry, 252.

Liberty's tree, garden of, 516.
unclouded blaze, 564.

war, first touch of, 525.

Library, books from mine own, 42.
circulating, 440.

turn over half a, 372.

was dukedom large enough, 42.
Libyan fable, in a, 696.
License they mean, 252.
Lick absurd pomp, 137.

the dust, enemies shall, 821.
Licks the dust, pride that, 328.

the hand just raised, 315.
Lid, hang upon his penthouse, 116.
Lids, drops his blue-fringed, 501.
of Juno's eyes, 77.

Lie, children and fools cannot, 15.
direct, the, 72.

give the world the, 25.
lightly, gentle earth, 197.
most civil sort of, 567.

much makes life itself a, 554.
never lives to be old, 697.
never tell a, 757:

nothing can need a, 205.

spit in my face if I tell a, 84.
still and slumber, 302.
ten nights awake, 51.
to credit his own, 42.

under a mistake, you, 292, 567.
was dead and damned, the, 645.
was thy dream a shadowy, 654.
what is a, after all, 560.
which is all a, 628.
which is half a truth, 628.
with circumstance, 72.
with me, who loves to, 67.
Lies, devil author of, 193.
down to pleasant dreams, 572.
in his bed, 79.

like a hedgehog, 584.
like truth, fiend that, 125.
some books are, 446.

to hide it makes it two, 301.
what is gained by telling, 761.
Lief not be as live to be, 110.
Liege of all loiterers, 55.
Life a galling load, 448.

a little gleam of time, 580.

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