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jesty left his palace, accompa-
nied by his august spouse and
the fafantas, attended by his
suite, in state coaches.

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"The Cortes, at a less enlightened period, but of great and sublime virtues, preserved the fundamental laws of the On reaching the hall of the kingdom, the glory and splenCortes they were received by dour of the throne, and the natwo grand deputations of the tional prosperity; but that wise. national representaives. One, institution which united the consisting of 22 members, ae-King and the nation by the companied the Queen to the great and noble sentiments of tribune which had been pre-affection and loyalty, gradually pared for her, that she might, declined, fell, at last into obliin company, with the Infantas, vion, and the nation became the enjoy the spectacle of so solemn theatre of ambition, and the a ceremony, The other depu-King an instrument of bad pastation, consisting of 32 mem- sions. But the day of your Mabers, including two of the secre-jesty's birth was the Aurora of taries, was appointed to attend the restoration of Spain; and on the King.

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more than twenty millions of When his Majesty entered, all inhabitants view in their young the members stood up, as well Prince the worthy successor of as the diplomatic corps in the St. Ferdinand. They were contribune on the right of, the gratulating themselves with throne. The councillors of state; these flattering hopes, when, at generals, and magistrates, ocen the same time that the sacrilepied the other tribunes; the im-gious project of extinguishing mense, multitude which filled your sacred rights was conthe galleries could not restrain ceived in the bosom of the nathemselves from bursting into tion, a vile impostor perfidiously loud acclamations and Vivas! introduced his hostile legions, The King took his seat on a and wrested from the arms of magnificent throne, on the sides the faithful Spaniards their beof which were displayed the loved monarch, at the very moroyal insignia. As soon as the ment when he had just been King had seated himself, the In- placed on the throne of his glofantas, the President of the rious progenitors. The Spanish Cortes, and all the Deputies, lion was then roused, and a gealso sat down. After a short neral and uniform cry gave spipause the President rose, and, rit and vigour to the valorous with the Secretaries, proceeded sons of Pelayo; and while the to receive the King's oath, which brave warriors advanced with was taken in the manner pre- their breasts of bronze, and exscribed by the Constitution. pelled the tyrant's hosts from Don Joseph Espiga, Arch- their native land, the fathers of bishop Elect of Seville, as Pre-the country, who had been callsident of the Cortes, then ad-ed upon by the general voice of dressing himself to the King, de- the provinces, re-established the livered the following speech: constitution of the Spanish mo

narchy, which, by solemnly de-Spain had descended to break claring the person of the King the chains imposed by tyranny. sacred and inviolable, has more Such were their generous senfirmly fixed the Crown on your timents when sordid Interest, Majesty's royal head, has se- crafty Ambition, atrocious Cacured you against the artifices of lumny, and insatiable Vengeany favourite, and thus enables ance, after meditating in obscuyour Majesty to act more freely [rity their detestable plots, dared for the benefit of your people, to approach the throne, and and the welfare of the state. sacrilegiously profane the sanc"The worthy sons of the tuary of majesty. But, Sire, let country conceived that they us spread a veil over those mecould not make a better return lancholy proofs of huniań weakto the confidence with whichness. the provinces honoured them, At length the happy day arnor offer to their King a more rived when a bright star arose acceptable tribute, than to con- on the Spanishi horizon, which solidate a vacillating throne, by dissipated the thick clouds forplacing it on the broad basis of med by intrigue and malevolence, a fundamental law, which, and sacred truth shone forth being the legacy of our ances- with a brilliancy which excited tors, and the expression of wis- the admiration of some, the redom, justice, and the public will,spect of others, the confusion of closed the door equally against many, and the conviction of all. vile flattery and unjust aggres-Happy Spain again sees assion. It secured the administra-sembled those Cortes which tion of justice, established a just rendered the names of her Alsystem of public economy, and phonsos and her Ferdinands so sanctioned the respect, obedi-glorious; and the most virtuous ence, and veneration, due to the of nations-forgetting wrongs, laws and the royal authority. pardoning injuries-is solely emThus felt the representatives of ployed in re-establishing a conthe nation in Cadiz. I saw stitutional government, in prethem, Sire, send up deep sighs serving the purity of her holy to Heaven for the cruel captivity religion, and in giving testimoof their King: I saw them, like nies of gratitude and veneration orphans, shedding tears of sor- to her King, now seated on his row and anguish, and, humbled august throne amidst the nationbefore the Lamb of God, pray-ál congress, after having taken ing for the return of so amiable a solemn oath, by which he is a father to his numerous and made greater than the son of disconsolate family. I saw them, Philip was by the conquest of overwhelmed with joy and de- Oriental kingdoms. O magnanilight, give vent to their oppress-mous King! the noble and loyal ed hearts when they learned Spaniards are sensible of the that the Almighty had listened numerous evils from which you to their fervent supplications, have saved them by this geneand that the tutelary angel of rous act, by which the genius of

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"Gentlemen Deputies,

Evil, prepared to light up the | becoming his character, the folflame of discord among us, is lowing speech:— crushed. All hope that every pernicious germ will be extin- "At length has arrived the guished, and that eternal peace day, the object of my ardent and concord will take root in wishes, on which I see myself their stead. Let the fears, jea- surrounded by the representalousies, and distrusts, which tives of the heroic and genecriminal souls have excited in rous Spanish nation, and in the heart of the best of Kings, which a solemn oath has comfor ever disappear, and all unite pletely identified my interests in surrounding the throne with and those of my family, with the that fraternal alliance which interests of my people. secures order, produces plenty, "When excess of evils promaintains justice, and preserves duced the clear manifestation of peace. And permit me, Sire, the voice of the nation, formerly the faithful organ of this con- obscured by lamentable circumgress, and of the nation it re-stances which ought to be presents, to present to you the erased from our memories, I imdue homage of its fidelity, and mediately determined to emof the honourable sentiments by brace the desired system, and to which it is animated. take the oath to the political "As our illustrious ancestors constitution of the monarchy always were the firmest support sanctioned by the general and of the throne and the monarch, extraordinary Cortes in the year so the same Spain, always ready of 1812. Then did the Crown to give brilliant testimonies of as well as the nation receive its loyalty and love to her Kings, legitimate rights, my resolution solemnly promises you that her being no less spontaneous and sons, who have displayed in war free than conformable to my more sanguinary examples of own interests and those of the fidelity than were known to past Spanish people, whose happigenerations, will make sacrifices ness has never ceased to be the worthy of Spanish heroes, and object of my sincerest wishes. the admiration of future ages." My heart thus undissolubly His Majesty replied in the united with the hearts of my subfollowing terms:jects, who are also my children, "I accept the expressions and the future presents to me' only sentiments of love and loyalty agreeable images of confidence, which the Cortes manifest to-love, and prosperity.

wards me through the organ of "With what satisfaction must its President; and I hope, the grand spectacle be conthrough its assistance, to see the templated, hitherto unexampled nation I have the glory to in history, of a magnanimous nagovern free and happy.' tion, which has passed from one Immediately after his Majesty political state to another withread with a clear intelligible out convulsion or violence, subvoice, and with all the dignity jecting her enthusiasm to the

guidance of reason, under cir-ment, and will excite the zeal of cumstances which have covered the Cortes to seek and select, with mourning, and inundated among the resources still poswith tears, other less fortunate sessed by the nation, those best countries! suited for meeting the engage

"The general attention of ments and indispensable charges Europe is now directed to the of the state. This inquiry will proceedings of the Congress serve more and more to confirm which represents this highly-the opinion, that it is essential favoured nation. From it are and urgent to establish public expected prudent indulgence for credit on the immutable bases the past, and enlightened firm- of justice and good faith, and ness for the future, and that at the scrupulous observance and the moment which confirms the fulfilment of all engagements happiness of the present and which give satisfaction and transucceeding generations, the quillity to creditors and capierrors of the preceding epoch talists, native and foreign, and may be buried in oblivion. It is relief to the treasury. I fulfil also hoped that multiplied ex- one of the most sacred duties amples will be displayed of jus-which the royal dignity and the tice, beneficence, and genero- love of my people impose on sity-virtues which always dis-me in earnestly recommending tinguished Spaniards--which the this important object to the seConstitution recommends, and rious consideration of the Cortes. which, having been religiously "The administration of jusobserved during the efferves- tice, without which no society cence among the people, ought can exist, has hitherto depended to be still more strictly practised almost exclusively on the honour in the Congress of their repre- and probity of the judges; but, sentatives, invested with the cir-now made subject to known cumspect and tranquil charac-and established principles, it af-ter of legislators. fords to the citizens new and

"It is now time to undertake stronger grounds of security; the examination of the state of and still greater improvements the nation, and to commence are to be expected when our those labours indispensable for codes, carefully improved, shall the application of remedies suit-attain that simplicity and perable to the evils produced by fection which the knowledge ancient causes, and augmented and experience of the age in both by the invasion of the which we live are capable of enemy, and by the erroneous giving. system of the succeeding period. "In the interior administra"The account of the public tion difficulties are experienced revenue, which the Secretary of which proceed from old abuses, State to whom that department aggravated during these latter belongs will present, will shew times. The persevering appliits diminution and embarrass-cation of the government, and

the zeal with which its agetns this object, to the, oblivious of and the provincial authorities, aast evils, and will draw closer labour to establish the simple pll Spaniards around my throue and beneficent municipal system-sacrificing to the love of their adopted by the constitution, are common country all the recollessening the obstacles, and will, lections which might break or in time, perfect a department of weaken those fraternal ties by the state, which has an essential which they ought to be united. influence over the public wel fare and prosperity.


In our relations with foreign countries the most perfect harmony in general prevails, with the exception of some few dif

The army and the navy call more particularly for my attention and solicitude. It will beferences, which, though they one of my first cares to promote have not disturbed the existing their organization, and establish peace, have given rise to discusthem in the manner most conve- sions which cannot be terminient for the nation, as far as nated without the concurrence possible, the advantages of forces and intervention of the Cortes so important with that economy of the kingdom. Such are the which is indispensable, and re- différences pending with the lying on the patriotism and good United States of America re: will of the people, and the wis- specting the Floridas, and the dom of their representatives, to marking out the boundaries of? whom I shall always have re-Louisiana. Contests likewise course with entire confidence. exist, occasioned by the occupa "It is to be expected that tion of Monte-Video, and other the re-establishment of the con- Spanish possessions on the left stitutional system, and the flat-bank of the river Plata; but tering prospect which that event though a complication of various presents for the future, may, by circumstances has hitherto preremoving the pretexts of which vented the adjustment of these malignity has been able to take differences, I hope that the jusadvantage in the ultra-marine tice and moderation of the jirinprovinces, smooth, the path to ciples which guide our diplo the pacification of those which matie operations, will produce a are in a state of agitation or dis-result suitable to the nation, and turbance, and render unuecesconformable to the pacific sys-I sary the employment of any em, the preservation of which other means. The examples of is now the general and decided moderation and the love of order maxim of European policy. The given by peninsular Spain, the Regency of Algiers has given indications of a wish to renew just pride belonging to SO worthy and generous a nation, its old system of restlessness and and the wise laws which are aggression. To avoid the conpromulgated conformable to the sequences which may arise from constitution, will contribute to this want of respect to existing


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