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AUGUST 5, 1820.


have been bad politicians. There | well as in their words; compulare a thousand reasons why they sion is their motto, and when

should be so in all cases, and particularly in a case where po

that fails them, they drop as in an apoplexy.

In a case like that of the

litical power is a contingent prize of their pursuit. England Queen they were the most unhas been brought to it's present fit of all mankind to give advice. state by the constant prevalence In this case every thing dependof Lawyers, whose very habits ed upon feeling. The people are hostile to freedom. Their cared not a straw about techniremedies are always of the coer-calities and forms. Substantial cive sort. They never depend justice was what was wanted; in the smallest degree upon the and, in such a case, a grain of love of the people. Positive common sense was worth all the commands they tender, and obe- disquisition in the world. Who dience is to find its reward, with did not see that if the Queen them, only in the absence of punishment. They are alike unfit to call forth energy and to prevent disaffection. They are fit for nothing but to punish; it is not for me to judge very deand all their schemes of policy, cidedly of the motives of those rest upon the extent to which whose policy would have sent they are able to carry punish- her back to the continent; and, ment. There are exceptions I do not say that the same peramongst them as amongst all other classes; but, for the far

greater part they are in their

politics destitute of all feeling;

had gone from this country she was ruined for ever, and that the advisers of her ruin would have been enormously rewarded? Yet

sons would not ably defend her as lawyers; but, I must say and repeat, that I am happy to perceive that her Majesty's affairs

they are hard in their acts as are no longer under the exclu

sive management of lawyers. " the smallest degree, less hoTo the advice of lawyers we "nest, and they must necessahave to ascribe every unwise" rily be more acute and disstep that she has taken, at any "criminating than the mass of time of her life; and certain it" men. But with full as much is that at every stage here-" honesty as other men, and tofore, her advisers have risen" with greater faculties of judgin precisely the same degree" ing rightly, than fall to the that she has fallen. In 1813," lot of men in general, they that critical period of her Ma-" are by no means to be prejesty's life, I entertained the "ferred where politics, or politisame opinion, with regard to her" cal power, may intermix themhaving lawyers for her advisers, "selves with the matter in questhat I entertain now; and in "tion. Other men are exposed to speaking of the danger to which" but the one old, vulgar species she was then exposed, and which" of temptation, the yielding to danger was anticipated by me "which becomes visible at once with but too much correctness," to all eyes; but, the Devil has, I made use of the following" in this country, such a choice words, which I now repeat in" of baits, when fishing for a the hope that they still may be lawyer; he has them of so of some use to her Majesty:-"1" many sizes, adapted to such "cannot refrain from expressing" a variety of swallows and of

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my hope, that the Princess" tastes, and has, in every case, "will not resort to lawyers as" such ready means of neatly "advisers. Her case is too " hiding his hook, that, when

plain to require, or to admit" he chooses to set in earnest "of the use of, subtlety. I am" about it, I am much afraid, "far from supposing, that the" that very few of these gen"gentlemen of the bar are, in" tlemen escape him."

I shall conclude by observing, to be the Queen's Lawyer has that I by no means suppose that given him more fame and more Lawyers are not wanted in her profit than it was in the power Majesty's case; that I perceive of you and your colleagues to with great pleasure that she has give him, by any titles or disa very zealous as well as able tinctions that you had it in your advocate in Dr. Lushington; power to bestow. We find that and that I have no doubt that, as ladies travelled many miles far as law goes, all her Lawyers from home to see the Lawyer will do their duty like men of of the Queen. What would honour, and with that great they do if her Majesty herself ability which some of them, at were to take a tour, as I hope least, are well known to pos- she will, through the kingdom? sess; to which I will just add, Leaving you and your colthat your Lordship and your leagues to answer this question, colleagues must be blind as at your next grand cabinet dinmoles, if you look at the North-ner, I remain without further ern Circuit and derive no use- ceremony,

ful lesson from the fact, that Mr. Brougham's being known




heroic conduct a sufficient proof

that your Queen will do her

I perceive that obstacles duty towards you. They may

banish me for blasphemy, if they will; but I declare distinctly that I believe that God Almighty has sent her here

are thrown in the way in many of the towns and cities where the people wish to address the Queen. The Six Acts forbid you to meet out of doors; but expressly for our good, and you may draw up addresses; that we ought to pray for her sign them from house to house life and health with all poson sheets of paper, which may sible sincerity and fervency. at last be tacked on to each Great are the deeds which other, and forwarded to the have been performed by woQueen, through the hands of men; but I am greatly deceived any friend in London. If you if any deed ever surpassed the wait till Magistrates, Sheriffs, deeds that have been and will Lord Lieutenants, or Parsons, be performed by her Majesty. call you together, you may wait long enough. You need not consult Members of Parlia

ment, or waste your time in
letters to them.
Any of you
can forward an address to some
trusty person in London; or to
Mr. Alderman Wood himself,
and it would be sure to be pre-


I do not think it prudent to say any thing upon this subject, though it is become very interesting.

sented. If it should be regard- PLATE FOR THE QUEEN.

ed as seditious or blasphemous,

to draw up or sign an address

There is a letter of a Lady,

to the Queen, it may be dan- in the Times Newspaper, progerous; but you have the com-posing to raise, by subscription, fort to know, that you cannot money to buy a Service of Plate be banished for the first offence. for the Queen. This is a most However, I advise you to write laudable proposition. The Woand sign and send addresses. men ought to take it in hand; Do you your duty to your and, if they do, I will engage Queen; and you have in her for its success.

personal convenience, or the

THE BASE AND INSOLENT | views of his party, are not af


fected. No one not labouring

under the most deplorable im


becility of mind, will now give

this forsaken party any credit for

Newcastle upon Tyne, either public. virtue or public

July 20, 1820.


The Whig party, in point of This characteristic want of numbers, energy, and influence, feeling and honesty has been is nearly extinct. This conse-eminently displayed by the quence necessarily results from North Country Whigs. When the accelerated progress of po- the horrid and appalling butelelitical knowledge. It is impos-ry of a peaceable and legal assible that an enlightened people sembly at Manchester, aroused should.continue the dupes of a the indignation of every unfew proud, selfish, arrogant corrupted and unhardened. Engmen, whose only aim is personal lishman, the people of Newaggrandisement. Yes, the delu- castle and the neighbourhood, sion has been dissipated; and waited, with inexpressible surevery rational man's risibility is prise and impatience, six long. now provoked when the since-weeks, hoping that the Whigs, rity of a Whig is mentioned. those respectable monopolizers The people have detected the of. intelligence and virtue, hollowness of their pretensions. would congregates and give They are disgusted with their vent to the general feeling; but cant about expediency, and de- they waited in vain. Disapspise their mean evasions of fun-pointed, though not discouraged, damental principles. English- the people met without their remen have shewn that they can spectable sanotion, and upwards think without their instructions, of. SEVENTY. THOUSAND, men and act without their assist-expressed their abhorrence of ance. They are firmly convinced the unprecedented outrage, with that a Whig cares not a straw a decorum and ability never how far the principles of huma- surpassed by any county meetnity and justice may be vio-ing of the "nobility, clergy, lated, provided that his own gentry and freeholders." This

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