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public attention aside from the causes of the public suffering.

sures which produce such effects! You and your colleagues have Before the arrival of her Ma-said much about the bad advice, jesty, the tables. of parliament which the Queen has received, were loaded with the bitter and of this I will speak more complaints of farmers,merchants, fully by and bye; but what sort manufacturers and every class of of advice is it that has brought people, save and except those the nation into this state? You who live and thrive on taxation. are not to tell us, that you did Projects were on foot and open-not wish it, that you did not inly avowed for dividing the real tend it, and the like. These property of the country between excuses avail men nothing when the present owners and the they are arraigned for what are fund-holders. The distress was called radical offences. We are so great in many parts as to be in such cases told, that we are approaching to starvation. Ca- to judge of the intention from pital was, as it still is, removing the act. And we are to judge from the country, in all direc-you in the same way to be sure. tions. All was misery and wretchedness; and all is still misery and wretchedness.

But, at any rate, such is the state into which you have brought this nation; and, it seems to me, that, under such circumstances, you ought to be cautious how you throw out jeers and taunts

her to pursue that line of conduct, which has placed you and your colleagues in your present miserable situation.

To this state the country has come under measures adopted by you and your colleagues. You have never been thwarted. on the advisers of the Queen, You have done just what you those, I mean who have advised pleased with the persons and purses of the nation. There has been no power to controul you; and those who have remonstrated strongly with you have been It becomes you indeed to ripunished: they have been pro-dicule the Queen's advisers! secuted with the utmost rigour; you, who have brought yourand ruin has been their mildest selves into such difficulties that fate. Surely it is meant that you know not which way to there should be some real re-turn! You are a pretty person sponsibility attached to mea- to support the dignity of the

Crown truly! Can you look at voted with your majority, that, Westminster Hall and West-to open the green bags, be the minster Abbey; can you look result what it might, must be at the scaffolding, the lodges, derogatory from the dignity of the innumerable benches, the the Crown and injurious to the temporary kitchens in and about best interests of the country; Westminster Hall; can you look you, who, after this, approved of at these, and not feel some lit-the opening of these same bags! tle doubt, whether you be the This is a pretty specimen of wisest man, and the best sup-your ability to support the dig porter of the dignity of the nity of the Crown and to proCrown that ever existed in the mote the interests of the counworld? The sight of these try! This is a fine specimen of would be quite enough as a lesyour "statesman-like" wisson of modest behaviour to any dom! It makes one sick to think other man in the world in your of such a man being in any pub-” situation. I should make but a lic office at all; much more of very poor minister; for nothing his being the principal adviser upon earth would have kept me of a king, that king being the in my place long enough to ad-sovereign of a great country. vise the king to issue the pro-1 But, look at the whole of the clamation that was issued on pickle that you are got into. Saturday last. If I had said, on Look at the fact of fifty thousand pounds a-year, a yacht, or the Monday night, that it was a ship of war to go abroad with, absolutely necessary to have the an official introduction as Queen Coronation on the first of Au-of England to a foreign court, all offered to a person, who is now proclaimed to the world by you and your colleagues, as a licentious woman and an adulteress, though only a few days before a deputation from the Honourable House had kneeled down before her, and had been graciously permitted to kiss her royal hand! Look at this, and learn modesty when you are talking of the want of wisdom in the advisers, of the Queen. deavour to brave the matter You may, for a little while, en

gust, no earthly power should have made me avoid a motion, three days afterwards, for putting it off, by saying that I had

advised the King to do precisely the contrary of that which I had said it was absolutely necessary to do.

You, truly, are a fit person to talk about mean and foolish ad

visers! You, who, after having

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out; but there must come a day,
and that day may not be dis-
tant, when you will be called
upon to give an account of hav-
ing advised the opening of the
Green Bags after you had voted,
that to open them must be de-
rogatory from the dignity of the
Crown and injurious to the best
interests of the country.

were to open his lips upon any subject; or, at least, just as if he were to make no motion, without previously informing the ministers of it! This would be reducing members of Parliament to a pretty situation indeed. If gout or any thing else keep you away from your seat, what is that to other members? You are a pretty person in-It is quite shocking to see how deed to affect the Statesman; regularly they wait for your arto put on the airs of acknow- rival, and to those who are not ledged superiority of judgment; up to the heighth of the cirto flout at the understanding of cumstances, the thing appears the Queen's advisers, and to wholly unaccountable. Dr. Lushhold forth the notion that you are the Prince of wisdom, prudence, and correctness; you, who flounder and blunder at every step; and who, in your struggles to make yourself understood, only expose your plentiful lack of every thing, to the possession of which you put for-your good pleasure. ward such pretensions.

ington brought the matter forward as he ought to bring it forward. It was nothing to him where you were; and to all the other indignities offered to the Queen, he did not suffer her to endure that of making a complaint of her Majesty wait upon

As to the merits of the case, As to Dr. Lushington, he is what does your defence amount as much your superior in point to? Why this; that the plate of understanding and talent as was not giren by the late King, he is in another requisite, which but lent; that it was not the I shall not, because I need not, King's property to give; and mention. The public, of which that it had not been delivered you speak, and long have spo-to the Queen now merely beken, in a sort of language, that cause the King had not ordered that public pays you back with it to be delivered to her. How interest, well know what value does this mend the matter? to set upon the assertions made We know very well that, if it use of, with regard to the plate, had been a pure gift, it could given by the late king for the not be the Princess's property, use of her Majesty, But, in the because, being a married wofirst place, what right had you man, that which was given to to complain of the conduct of her was, in law, given to her Dr. Lushington in bringing this husband, We, therefore, knew matter of the plate forward, very well, and nobody knew when you were not in the it better than Dr. Lushington, House? Just as if you were any that, in point of law, the promore than a member of Parlia-perty was the King's, in case it ment! Just as if no member was a present from the late

However, there was one reason which you gave for not giv

King, and in case it was some. In short, your explanation thing that he had a right to give only tended to make the matter away. But, the situation of her worse. It only shewed that Majesty, by her becoming Queen, you were ready to seize hold of is very different from that of every little occasion of doing other married women, in respect those things which Dr. Lushof the possession of property; ington so justly described, and for a Queen, though married, in describing which, he spoke can possess property of her own precisely what every body, exindependent of her husband. A cept the tax-eaters, think. His married Queen, her Majesty, for bringing the matter forward has instance, can purchase and hold done a great deal of good; for lands; convey them away; and, it has shewn to what extent in short, do all manner of things, things are intended to be carwith regard to property, that ried; and it has given a new any other woman, unmarried, and strong motive to the peocan do. And, here, I fancy, we ple, to be upon the watch. are to find the true cause of the plate not being given up to her! For, if given up to her now, ex-ing the plate, which I must parcept with written conditions, it ticularly notice. I shall take is her own! And why should it the passage entire; and I shall not be her own? Why should take it from the COURIER, who she not have plate given her by points it out, as worthy of parthe public? You say that it did ticular attention. He calls it not belong to the King, because Lord Castlereagh's manly, enerit was bought out of the Civil getic, and unanswerable appeal List money. But how many to the country. Here it is then! hundreds of thousands upon I am sure the feeling and hundreds of thousands of pounds"good sense of the country will have been given away in bear me out, when I say, that plate and other things, out of" IF her Majesty had conducted the Civil List money? And why "herself with that feeling which is this gift to the Queen, and" became her sex, and that digthis gift alone, to be called in" nity which belonged to her question? You are become ex- station, his Majesty's minitremely economical and careful" sters would be most anxious all of a sudden. If the plate" to afford every consolation, was not the property of the last" which a Queen, under such King, it is not the property of this" circumstances, can expect. King. If it be the property of" But when her Majesty condeneither, it is the property of the " scends to listen to the meanest nation; and does the nation wish advisers, when she suffers herthat it should be kept locked [" self to become an instrument up, or used by somebody else," in the hands of the basest rather than that the Queen populace of the country, who should have it? "have presumed to insult the

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streets, are the basest of this

palace of her Sovereign and her husband, as I had person- populace! ally an opportunity of witnessing, I have no hesitation to declare, in defiance of every "taunt that the honourable and "learned gentleman may throw out in this House, that I should "abandon the duty which I owe "to the dignity and honour of "the Crown, were I to advise "the Sovereign to become the dupe of such artifices. If her "Majesty's present residence in "town is not suitable, I am persuaded that no difficulty will be thrown in the way of an "arrangement by which her Majesty may find herself a suitable residence."

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This is very pretty language to be made use of by a minister of the King, and at a time, too, when he is saying that he is urged to speak in order to support the dignity of the crown! What do you mean by populace? You must mean the labouring classes; you must mean these; for of what else are numerous assemblies composed? You must mean these; and then let us see what they do. In the first place, out of the fruit of their labour comes five parts out of six of the whole of the revenue of the country. I mean to say, that the labouring classes, actually pay five This is an unanswerable ap- parts out of six of the whole of peal to the country, is it? This the taxes. This is one mode of is your way; your "statesman upholding a state: another mode "like" way of appealing to the is the bearing of arms, and the country. This is your dignified fighting, if necessary, in defence manner of speaking of your So- of the state. And who do we vereign's wife, and of that in- find here again, who have dustrious and laborious people fought the battles by sea and that cheerfully maintain the by land? Certainly amongst splendour of that Sovereign! The those who won the battles of Roman tyrant made a distinc-Trafalgar and Waterloo, there tion between the people and the were some few men, that did not populace; but even he made no belong to those whom you call attempt to describe a set of the populace; but is it not nocreatures as being an inferior torious that Sailors and Soldiers sort of populace. This was do, necessarily, come from something left to be done by amongst those whom you stighim who is well known to the matise by bestowing on them nation under the name of Cas- this degrading appellation? Who tlereagh!" The basest popu- is it that fill the ranks of the "lace of the country!" So, then, militia, the local militia? Who according to this description, all is it that is compelled to fill these the populace; that is to say, ranks? Why, for the far greater those whose labour feed the part, those who gain their daily Treasury, and whose arms de- bread by the daily sweat of fend the country; the whole of their brow; those who have no these are base, but those who property in any thing but their cheer her Majesty through the labour; those who have no

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