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The Lobelia

This is a most charming plant for a basket. L. erinus compacta has rich blue flowers, small, it is true, but borne in such profusion that the plant seems covered with a summer cloud. L. erinus alba is similar in habit, but pure white in color. If these two are grown together the effect is very fine. I know of no more delicate flowering plant for basket use than this. It blooms during the greater part of the season if sown in May. For winter use, sow in November. Prevent the formation of seed as much as possible, if you would have the greatest possible number of flowers. Shower well daily, to keep the red spider down. Give a shady place.

The Othonna

Othonna crassifolia is one of those cheerful looking plants which always win your friendship as well as your admiration. It has thick, round foliage, which, from its peculiar shape, has given it the name of Pickle Plant in some sections of the country. It is a dense grower, completely covering the basket with its drooping stems in a short time. It has bright yellow flowers, very much like a small, single Dandelion, and quite as cheerful in appearance. In order to secure these flowers in profusion you must give the plant plenty of sunshine. This furnished, there will be a score of them out every day. Indeed the plant will seem to be covered with little stars. It is one of the easiest of all plants to grow. Any little piece of vine will take root,

and soon become a thrifty plant. On account of the succulent nature of its foliage it is able to withstand quite a drouth. But because it can stand a good deal of neglect as regards watering, don't test its capacities in this direction.

The Tradescantia

The Tradescantia, or Wandering Jew, is quite a popular basket plant. It will stand more abuse and look cheerful and even happy under it, than any other plant I know of. It is rather a straggling grower if left to follow out its own inclinations. Therefore, in order to make it satisfactory for basket use it must be pinched back severely at first to force it to branch freely. Pinch it in, and keep it pinched in, until there are branches enough to furnish plenty of foliage ta cover whatever it grows in. It must not be given a rich soil, for that favors the production of stalks with long joints between the leaves. In a poorer soil the joints will be close together and the foliage quite as satisfactory. T. zebrina has dark green leaves with a metallic luster and silvery bands running down them. T.multicolor has foliage of a lighter green, striped with white and pink. Break off a piece of the vine and throw it down where it can come in contact with the soil and it will be sure to grow.

The Saxifrage (Saxifraga sarmentosa)

This is a very pretty basket plant (Fig 44). It has leaves shaped something like those of the zonale Geranium, of a reddish-olive color, veined with white. There will be a tuft of foliage at the end of a vine, much after the style of growth of a Strawberry plant with runners; at this tuft other runners will be sent out, each of which will terminate in a tuft of foliage, and in this manner the plant keeps on enlarging until

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it covers a basket with its thread-like vines and pretty clusters of leaves. Give it ordinary soil, moderate amount of water, and shade.

The Vinca

The Vinca is a fine drooping plant, having rich, smooth foliage of a bright, shining green. V. Harrisonii has a leaf blotched with white and pale green in the center. V. major variegata has a leaf edged with white. All varieties have a pretty, light blue flower.

Sweet Alyssum

This is a pretty annual, having a great profusion of small white flowers, which are very fragrant. It is an excellent basket plant for winter, if sown late in the season. It is very fine for cutting.

The Linaria

Linaria cymbalaria, known in some localities as Kenilworth Ivy and in others as Coliseum Ivy, is a pretty basket plant, sending out a great profusion of slender branches, thickly set with small foliage. Of easiest cultivation.



This is a well-known old basket plant, having pretty green foliage and bright yellow flowers. sends out many branches, which make a growth of two or three feet. It is a good plant, of very easy culture.

The Oxalis

This, in its several varieties, is one of the best flowering plants we can grow for winter use (Fig 13),

It should be potted in fall, several roots in a pot, and given a sunny place. It blooms profusely and constantly during the entire season.

The Trailing Lantana

This is a charming basket plant because of its free flowering qualities. Its flowers are similar in shape and size to those of the shrubby Lantana. In color they are a rosy mauve. They are produced with such profusion that the entire plant seems enveloped in a cloud of dainty bloom which hides the foliage almost completely. It can be cut back from time to time, and made to become very bushy and compact. It blooms during the greater part of the year, if allowed to have its own way. Plants for winter use, however, ought to be cut back sharply in August, and made to produce an entire new growth of branches for winter.

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