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and Theodore F. Hagenow.

Theo. Gottlob, Jr., was well known in St. Louis during his college days. He received his diploma in 1906.

He is now sole proprietor of business at

a prosperous Flat River, Mo.

Dr. B. L. Bickford, of Seattle, arrived in St. Louis just eighteen years to a day from the time he bid his classmates good-bye after being graduated by the Missouri Medical College. The doctor will spend a few weeks in the city taking post graduate work and then visit Europe.


G. V. Gruenewald, is now employed at Robert's Pharmacy, Collinsville and St. Clair Avenues, East St. Louis.

The Executive Board Alumni Association of the St. Louis College of Pharmacy held their regular meeting March 3, and officially appointed the various committees to serve through the year. One of the most important changes was the appointment of Henry Huegel, retiring president, as Chairman of the Entertainment Committee, which office has been held by W. H. Lamont for a number of years. Mr. Huegel has selected an able body of assistants and proposes to establish a new record for the Committee. The Library Committee, which has been a Joke Committee in the past, was given to W. H. Lamont who has taken the matter seriously and intends to create interest in that department among the students who attend the College of Pharmacy.



University of Southern California School
of Pharmacy.

Graduating exercises will be held in July.

The officers of the senior class are as follows: President, E. E. Carter; Vice-president, J. F. Rodgers; secretary and treasurer, Maud A. Cuff.

Miss Maud A. Cuff and George P. Kruger will enter Los Angeles pharmacies after they graduate.

Paul T. Lewis and Ralph W. Sahffer will take a post graduate course in chemistry and assaying.

Frank Arrigo will, after graduation, return to his home in Naples, Italy.

Harry E. Valentine and J. T. Rodgers will take the civil service examination with the idea of entering the navy as hospital stewards.

The school is located at Los Angeles.

John C. Speers, Ph. G., '96, is established in the drug business at Des Moines, Ia.

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Pegging Away.

Men seldom mount at a single bound

To the ladder's very top;

They must slowly climb it, round by round,
With many a start and stop.

And the winner is sure to be the man

Who labors day by day;

For the world has found that the safest plan
Is to keep on pegging away.

You have read, of course, about the hare
And the tortoise-the tale is old-

How they ran the race-it counts not where-
And the tortoise won, we're told.

The hare was sure he had time to pause
And browse about and play;

So the tortoise won the race because
He just kept pegging away.

-[F. H. SWEET IN Retail Clerk's International Advocate.


Pennsylvania Examination for Registered Qualified Assistant Pharmacist Certificate.

A.-1. Name an official tincture made by the process of maceration. (a) By percolation. (b) By macerating the drug in hot water and subsequent percolation. (c) By dissolving an extract in a mixture of alcohol and water. (d) By diluting a chemical solution with alcohol. (e) By diluting a tincture and fluidextract with diluted alcohol.

2. Name an official tincture made with a menstruum of glycerin, alcohol and water. (a) With Aromatic Spirit of Ammonia. 3. Name five official tinctures of vegetable poisons.

4. Name an official simple tincture containing a volatile chemical substance dissolved in alcohol.

B-Give common name or names for each of the following: (Carefully number each answer to correspond with the number preceding each name in this question.)

1. Hydrargyrum.

2. Hydrarg. Submur. 3. Hydrarg. Protoiod. 4. Hydrarg. Ammoniat. 5. Mercuric Chloride.

6. Mercuric Iodide.

7. Mercurous Iodide.

8. Mercurous Chloride.

9. Mercuric Oxide (Red).

10. Ung. Hydrarg. Nit. C.-Opium.

1. What is the difference between Powdered Opium and Granulated Opium?

2. Give the U.S. P. alkaloidal standard for each of them. 3. What preparation of Opium is used to make Tincture of Opium, and how much would be required to make 1000 Cc?

4. Name four U. S. P. salts prepared from alkaloids obtained from Opium.

5. Give the average dose of the following and name the poisonous ingredient in each: Tully's Powder, Paregoric, Compound Powder of Ipecac and Black Drop.

6. State the Morphine strength of Extract of Opium and give its average dose.

7. Name the official salts of Codeine.

8. If a prescription called for sixteen grains of Codeine (alk) and two fluidounces of Syrup of Tolu to be made into a solution, how would you prepare it?

9. Is there any difference between Morphine Hydrochloride and Apomorphine Hydrochloride?

10. What are the requirements of the Poison Law for the sale of Morphine salts and Laudanum?

D.-Give the official Latin name of each of the following drugs and name the U. S. P. alkaloid which each yields.


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Belladonna Root.

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Rub the ingredients separately to a fine powder and mix them thoroughly.

1. What is the Latin or English name for the above powder? 2. State in grains the average dose.

8. Write the equivalent of the dose you give in metric weight. 4. Write the equivalent of the quantity of each of the ingredients in Apothecaries weight.

5. What would an avoirdupois ounce of it cost at ten cents per hundred grams?

6. How many 0.035 powders could be made from one scruple of this powder?

7. How many five grain tablets could be made from one thousand deci-grams of it?

8. What is Caffeine obtained from?


Name an official preparation containing about fifty per cent. of Caffeine.

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2. What is Trinitrin?

3. How would you obtain one-fourth of a grain of it?

4. If you did not have scales or weights suitable for weighing one-sixth of a grain of Hyoscine Hydrobromide, how could you determine the desired quantity?

5. Would you dispense this prescription? If so, how would you prepare it?

6. What does "aa" mean, and to which ingredients does it apply in this prescription?

7. What does "M. S. A." mean?

8. Translate the abbreviated Latin directions into English words.

9. When should a "poison" label be used in dispensing a prescription?

10. Give an example of a prescription that you would consider proper to filter.

1.-1. Give Latin name of waters and solutions and state how official Waters and Solutions differ.

2. Give the official Latin name for an aqueous solution of Hydrogen Peroxide.

3. If great pressure is manifested upon removing the stopper from a bottle of Solution of Hydrogen Peroxide, what does it indicate? (a) How may deterioration of an opened bottle of it be retarded?

How is Chloroform Water made?

5. How much gaseous ammonia does Stronger Ammonia Water, U. S. P., contain?

5. Give Latin names, strength and average dose of two U. S. P. Solutions made from Arsenic Trioxide (Acidum Arsenosum, Pharm. 1890.)

7. Give the names of the chemical liquids in the official formula for Basham's Mixture. (a) State in what order they should be mixed. (b) If the finished product is cloudy or throws down a precipitate, what is the probable cause? (c) What precaution must be taken to ensure a clear and perfect solution?

K.-1. State in English words the chemical composition of Sugar of Lead.

2. Describe it, giving appearance, odor and taste.
3. What two common solvent liquids is it soluble in?

4. Why should it be kept in well stoppered bottles?
5. What is Lithage?

6. What official preparation is made by adding a hot solution of Sugar of Lead to Litharge, with occasional stirring and boil. .ing for half an hour?

7. Why does the Pharmacopoeia direct the Distilled Water to be previously boiled and cooled in making Lead Water?

8. What is the difference in strength of Lead Water and Goul. ard's Extract?

9. How would you prepare an ointment containing one fluidrachm of Goulard's Extract, one dram of Wool-Fat and six drams of Petrolatum?

10. What is the best antidote against poisoning by Sugar of Lead?

L. Apply these questions to each of the following prescriptions: 1. Criticise it.

2. State if you would compound and dispense it as written. 3. If you would not compound it as written, state what change could be made by which the evident intention of the prescriber could be complied with, and the prescription compounded and dispensed with safety.


R-Potass. Permangan. Glycerin q. s. M. Sig. Apply as directed. (b) R-Cocain. Mur...... 01. Olivae.. Ft. Sol.

1.5 Gm. 30. Gm.

.fl. oz. j. Sig. for external use. 30 Cc.

gr. xl.

(c) R-Acid Nitromur.... Sig. Fifteen drops in half a glass of water three times a day. M.-1. Give the official Latin name for Hive Syrup.

2. What poisonous chemical salt does it contain? (a) What is the antidote for this poison? (b) State approximately how much of it is contained in the fluidounce of this Syrup. (c) What effect might be expected from a tablespoonful of Hive Syrup given to a child five years old, and why?

N.-1. From what official drug is Cocaine obtained?

2. What is the average dose of Cocaine Hydrochloride?

3. Would you refill a prescription containing Cocaine or a Cocaine salt? (State the reason for your answer.)

4. Give the names of the ingredients and quantity of each that you would use to make two fluidounces of a two per cent. solution of Cocaine oil.

O.-1. Give official Latin name for volatile Oil of Almond. (a) What poisonous principle does it contain?

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3. What is the Latin or English name of an official preparation used as an antidote against arsenic poisoning?

4. How can you tell if Syrup of Ferrous Iodide has decomposed and is therefore unfit for dispensing?

5. What would you use to make one grain of Silver Nitrate into twelve pills?

6. How should prescriptions of solutions of Silver Nitrate be dispensed?

7. If eight fluidounces of a solution contain one-half grain of Strychnine Sulphate, how much would be contained in one tablespoonful of it?

8. Give common trade name for Phenylis Salicylas.

9. What would you dispense on a prescription for "Terebene"?

Utah Narcotic Law.-Section 1. Unlawful to Sell Certain Medicines. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to sell or otherwise dispose of any patent or proprietary medicine containing opium or any of its derivatives, alpha or beta-eucaine, chloral hydrate or alcohol, or preparations containing acetanilid or any of its derivatives; or preparations containing antipyrine; unless the bottle or package and the outside package containing such medicines branded in plain English letters, "This medicine contains opium, or chloral hydrate or alcohol; or preparations containing acetanilid, or its derivatives; or preparations containing antipyrine," as the case may be; and if the medicine contains opium, or chloral hydrate, stating the amount of such drug contained therein; or if it contains alcohol, stating what percentage of the medicine is alcohol.


Section 2.-Does Not Apply, When.-Nothing in this act shall apply or be construed to apply to the filling of any written prescription by a regular licensed physician, and kept on file by the druggist compounding or filling such prescriptions as required by law, or as to such preparations specified and recognized by the United States Pharmacopoeia or National Formulary.

Section 3.-ID. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to sell or otherwise dispose of cocaine, or any preparation wherein it is an ingredient, except upon the prescription of a practicing physician, dental surgeon, or veterinary surgeon, and said prescription shall not be refilled, "And provided further, that the above provisions shall not apply to sales at wholesale by jobbers, wholesalers and manufacturers to retail druggists, nor to sales at retail by retail druggists to regular practitioners of medicine, dentistry or veterinary medicine, nor to sales made to manufacturers of proprietary or pharmaceutical preparations for use in the manufacture of such preparations, nor the sales to hospitals, colleges, scientific or public institutions."

Section 4.-Penalty. Any person, firm or corporation violating any provision of this act shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and be fined in any sum not less than twenty-five dollars nor more than one hundred dollars.

Section 5.-This Act shall take effect January 1, 1908. (Chap. 149, Laws of Utah, 1907.)

C. V. D. A.

The Chicago Veteran Druggists' Association is composed of members with sufficient years of experience to be entitled to that name. They are not, however, too old to be jovial and social. One of their members, John Blocki, the corresponding secretary, recently left for an extended tour to Europe and Asia. The fellow members present at the last gathering, before he departed, signed the following document.

Bill of Lading and Passport.

To all crowned heads of Europe and Minor Asia, to all sheriffs, night mayors and night watchmen.


Bearer is entitled to your most solicitious care. Here is his make-up.

Name-Giovanni Blockini. Size five feet eight and one-half


Occupation-Corresponding secretary and janitor C. V. D. A. Color-Brunette, naturally; carmine, sometimes.

Temperament-Has no superior and few equals for equanimity and placidity.

Age-None of your business. One year younger today than last year this date and so on.

Temperature-That depends upon before or after.
Liver-Good liver, let liver, long liver.

Heart-Now you are talking-a symposium of smiles preserved in high proof spirits.

Nose-Knows more about the perfumes of both Indias than any real Indian.

Weight-Depends upon how dry: In the dry state 150. MoistIt's courtesy to keep that a state secret!

Education-Expert in the Science of Hybology.
Special Training-A good mixer.

Hat-Depends upon whose hat is left when the C. V. D. Ass'n adjourns.

Clothes-Wrapped in perennial smiles and in severe weather in Jauncey's overcoat.

Feet-Never cold-his main feature.

Thirst-O ye Greek and Roman philosophers! All your rot about Scylla and Charybdis is kindergarden talk alongside this life sized reality. Don't you ever challenge him on that scorehe will skin you and land you high and dry any day of the yearFriday's his busy day.

Eyes-Burn an eternal light of warm friendship.

Hands-His hand shake would make a tramp feel at home on the throne of Empire.

Attested-Wilhelm Bodemann, recording secretary.

O. F. Fuller, President.
Fred. J. Schroeter,
Wm. G. Baxter,
Andrew Scherer,
Otto G. Hottinger,
J. F. McDonald,
Thos. Braun,
Theophilus Schmid,
H. S. Maynard,

J. C. Borcherdt,

A. B. Hunt,
A. S. Hibb ard,
T. N. Jamieson,
Wm. K. Forsyth,
L. Woltersdorf,
C. A. Storer,
Herman Weber,
Geo. P. Engelhard.

Camphorated Oil.-Would you have ever mistrusted that the following odd order received by Jos. J. Ligman, 647 Maplewood Avenue, Chicago, Ill., was intended to call for ten cents worth of camphorated oil?

kenfer oil forten szent


Are You a Mo. Ph. A. or M. P. G. A. Member? It is with pleasure that we publish this message from C. M. Coon, Post Royal Potentate of the Ancient Order of Turks:

Let all Good Turks remove their hats and repeat the oath and smile as you recall the Barber Shop.

The St. Louis Drug Clerks Society elected officers at the annual meeting held Thursday night March 19, at Bowman's Hall Eleventh and Locust Streets. The officers are:

Eugene H. Kurtz, president; William J. Easly, first vice-president; E. J. Helwig, second vice-president; Theo. H. Elleman, secretary; Arthur F. Kolkman, treasurer; J. G. Gibson, chairman entertainment committee, and D. P. Wright, chief of employment bureau.

Thirteen a Lucky Number.-Just to demonstrate their immunity against hard luck and to show their disregard for superstition, the South Side Mortar and Pestle Club called their March meeting on Friday the thirteenth at Seegars Hall, Allen and Jefferson Ave

nues. The meeting was well attended and forty-seven

members answered roll call. The Cigar Committee made a favorable report and the Grievance Committee, consisting of Messrs. Otto Trauble chairman, Theo. F. Hagenow and Wm. G. Graul, was appointed to look into and adjust all complaints.

Dr. Robert Luedeking Resolutions have been adopted by the Board of Trustees of the St. Louis College of Pharmacy on report of a special committee consisting of Dr. O. A. Wall, Prof. Francis Hemm and Theodore F. Hagenow.

WHEREAS, Death has removed from our midst Dr. Robert Luedeking, dean of the medical department of the Washington University, a man who has done much to further medical education, and to cultivate cordial relations between the physicians and the pharmacists of the city of St. Louis, therefore be it

Resolved, That the St. Louis College of Pharmacy feels that his passing away is not only a loss to the medical profession and to the institution which he so ably served as dean and teacher, but that his loss is also keenly felt by the pharmacists who came in contact with him in professional relations.

Resolved, That the College of Pharmacy join in the grief expressed by the medical profession at the death of one who contributed so much to the higher professional standards and aspirations of physicians and pharmacists; and be it further

Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be sent to the family of the deceased, and to the faculty of the medical department of the Washington University.

The Employes of the Meyer Brothers Drug Co. gave their annual entertainment March 3, under the auspices of the Meyer Brothers Employes' Mutual Aid Association, as announced by the full program on pages 92 and 93 of the Meyer Brothers Druggist for March. The occasion was a success from beginning to end and from every point of view. Each number was well rendered and enthusiastically received by an audience of over 2,000, which crowded the capacity of the large hall to its utmost. An entertaining and instructive address by Mr. Theodore F. Meyer we give in full elsewhere in this issue. The

living pictures were, indeed, works of art, as shown by the flash-light photograph, which we reproduce in this number of the Meyer Brothers Druggist. The originality exhibited in the sketch, together with the skill with which each participant carried out his part, has attracted the attention of other pharmaceutical organizations and it is not unlikely that the sketch will be remodeled for presentation at other pharmaceutical gatherings. The financial returns were such that a handsome balance is on hand.

John Ramer, is now with R. T. Hill Euclid and Easton Avenues.

Chas. C. Borchers, Ph. G., '83, has organized the Zeno Chemical Co., with offices at 3428 Shenandoah Street. Chas. Oehler, formerly with F. C. Coombs will open a new store in Lansdowne, Ill., about April 15. Edward R. Drace, Prescriptionist for L. A. Seitz, has embarked in the brokerage business with offices in the Granite Block, Fourth and Market Streets.

James B. Hicks, proprietor of the

drug store at Eighteenth and Olive Streets, has purchased the Terminal Pharmacy in the Western end of the

Union Station.


Russell Riley, the veteran Pharmacist at Fourteenth and Olive Streets, died March 17. The store will be continued under the able management of E. H. Wheeler who has been with Mr. Riley about ten years. Carl A. Emig, manager of the Noll-Collins Drug Store,


Minerva and Hamilton Avenues, underwent an operation for appendicitis at St. Luke's Hospital March 11. Dr. Hill who performed the operation is gratified with the patient's condition and promises his speedy



Williams & Spencer, have purchased the Grove Pharmacy in Webster Groves, Mo.

E. F. Liebe, who has been with L. A. Seitz, 736 South Fourth Street, for the past year, has been compelled to leave the business temporarily on account of his health failing him.

Gilbert Brady, of London, England, has associated himself with Robert Thebus, Jefferson and Lafayette Avenues. Mr. Brady comes well recommended by J. B. Hay who conducts an American Pharmacy on Carpenter Street, in London, with whom he was employed a number of years. Mr. Brady has made quite an impression upon the neighborhood trade by his courteous and affable manner and pleases Mr. Thebus because he has the "Get the business idea."



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John Boss, is pleasantly located as head clerk in the Lindell Pharmacy, Sarah Street and St. Louis Avenue.

Radioactivity was the subject of a paper by R. F. Weber, at the march meeting of the St. Louis Chemical Society.

H. A. Spreckelmeyer is now prescription clerk at Fienup's Pharmacy, Broadway and Park Avenue. The store is owned by Dr. Fienup, a graduate of the St. Louis College of Pharmacy.

William C. Bolm, of the class of 1875, was master of ceremonies and toast-master at the installation and banquet of the Alumni Association of the St. Louis College of PharH. A. SPRECKELMEYER. macy which followed the recent annual meeting.

W. E. Reimen, a member of the senior class of the St. Louis College of Pharmacy has accepted a position with L. A. Seitz.

Miss Katharyn O'Keefe, Ph. B., '04, is the pharmacist in charge of the dispensary at St. John's Hospital.



Dr. Robert E. Schlueter, Ph. G., announces the removal of his office from South Fourth Street to the Metropolitan Building, Grand Avenue and Olive Street. The doctor is now limiting his practice entirely to surgery.

Ewd. G. Binz, representing EucaMul Binz, of Los Angeles, Cal., has been in St. Louis some time in the interest of that specialty.

H. E. Klosterman, Ph. G., was a popular student and is now a popular proprietor, on the corner of Elliot and St. Louis Avenues, St. Louis.


William W. Butts, in the real estate business with an office in the

F. C. Pauley Jr., is engaged in business for himself Lincoln Trust Building, is a phar

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