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The Missouri Board of Pharmacy held a regular meeting in the Hall of Philosophy at Pertle Springs, June 8, 1908. Forty-seven applicants for registration took the examination. Of this number the following passed:

Vincent Benicasca, St. Louis; C. S. Berkeley, Marshall; Mrs. C. W. Bowen, Brunswick; Claude R. Brown, Independence; Doran R. Carter, Holden; M. D. Finch, Excelsior Springs; John A. Guthrie, Neosho; Henry Huback, St. Louis; Linwood U. Kinder, Kansas City; James W. Miller, Nevada; D. L. Mumpower, Doniphan; Roger H. Nelson, Kansas City; John Ramer, St Louis; Otto D. Russell, Trenton; C. H. Sevier, Liberty; H. M Springer, Leavenworth, Kan.; Walter Ernest Williams, Webster Groves.

The Examination was partially written, but the recognition of specimens caused the most failures. Each candidate was given five drugs, five chemicals and five galenicals for recognition. The written part was as follows:


(1) How many grains in an avoirdupois ounce? (2) How many grains in a troy ounce? (3) How many grains in a fluidounce of water, wine measure? (4) How many grains in a fluidounce of water, imperial measure?


(1) What is meant by comminution? (2) What is the object of it? (3) How are the different degrees of fineness of powders designated? (4) How measured?


(1) What is a prescription? (2) What is meant by chemical incompatibility? (3) What is meant by therupeutic incompatibility? (4) What is meant by pharmaceutical incompatibility?


(1) What is chemical affinity? (2) What is meant by synthetic reactions? (3) What is the difference between a chlorate and chloride? (4) What is the difference between an acid and normal salt? E

(1) What change, if any, occurs when bichlo mercury is dissolved in nitric sulphuric or hydrochloric acid? (2) Why should not pepsin be used in alcoholic solution? (3) Why should not bi carb. potash and tr. hyascymus be used in combination? (4) Why should not iodide potash be used in combination with alkaloids?


(1) How can a solid be obtained without chemical change from solution? (2) What is the difference between a sulphate, sulphite and sulphide? (3) Give test to distinguish calomel from corrosive sublimate. Give common name for what is formed. (4) Complete the following equation: Ag. NO 3 ÷ NACL.


(1) What is solution? How many kinds? What are they? (2) Explain the difference. (3) What is the most universal solvent? (4) How are the different degrees of solvency designated?


(1) From what natural sources are our remedial agents produced? (2) Name the sciences that treat of them. (3) Name one drug from each. (4) Give medicinal properties and dose of each.


(1) Why is sulph. acid used in prep. syr. rose? (2) What is Easton's syrup? (3) What is oxymel? (4) Name an aleo resin made by treating the drug with alcohol.


(1) Name a typical emulsion. (2) Name two emulsifying agents. (3) Name an official emulsion. (4) Give process for preparing it.


(1) Name three med. waters made by treating the medicinal

substance with distributing agent. (2) Name two made by distillation. (3) Name two made by simply agitating with water. (4) Name two made by passing gas through water.


(1) What are spirits? (2) What are liquors? (3) What are mixtures? (4) What are tinctures? M

(1) Give chemical test to distinguish morphine from quinine. (2) Iodide potash from bromide potash. (3) How is boracic acid made? (4) Write names of following symbols: KHNO4, Ag. NO3, NH4CL, LI2CO3, CHCL3.


Name ingredients and give officine title of the following: (1) Cox's hive syrup. (2) Fowler's solution. (3) Donovan's solution. (4) Comp. licorice powder.

(1) Name ingredients of liq. plumbi sub. acet. (2) What per cent of sub. acet. lead does it contain? (3) Name ingredients of liq. magn. citratis. (4) Why is the bi carb. potash added last?

We have corrected some of the typographical errors but leave the chemical formulas, abbreviations and construction of sentences just as given in the examination sheets.

The Annual Report of the board was submitted to the Mo. Ph. A. as follows:

Pertle Springs, Mo., June 8, 1908. To the Honorable President and Members of the Missouri Pharmaceutical Association: Gentlemen-We take great pleasure in submitting to you, for your information and kind consideration, a synopsis of the work done by the Board of Pharmacy during the past year, beginning June 25, 1907, and ending June 8, 1908.

In addition to our regular meetings, a special meeting was held at Springfield, Mo., December 9, 1907. Certificates of registration were granted as follows: By examination...

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Meeting held October 14, 1907, there appeared 62 candidates; 27 passed, 35 failed.

Meeting held December 9, 1907, there appeared 44 candidates; 22 passed, 22 failed.

Meeting held January 18, 1908, there appeared 28 candidates; 11 passed, 14 failed.

Meeting held April 13, 1908, there appeared 68 candidates; 28 passed, 40 failed.

Meeting held June 8, 1908, there appeared 47 candidates; 17 passed, 30 failed. From the above number 58 appeared for re-examination. With great respects,

W. L. TURNER, President. CHAS. GIETNER, Secretary.

Detection of Albumin in Urin.-The following reagent is recommended for the rapid and certain detection of albuminoid substances in urine, as well as for their differentiation:-Ammonium molybdate, 1.0; tartaric acid, 4.0; distilled water, 400. If a precipitate is formed on the addition of the reagent to the urine, the mixture is heated. If the precipitate dissolves and then reappears on cooling, globulin or peptone is present; in the case of albumin, however, the precipitate does not dissolve.-[R. CORSO (Gazet. Med. del Sud Espan.; Rev. Pharm., March 1908, 82).

A. PH. A.

Headquarters, Meeting Place and Hotel Rates.The Arlington Hotel has been selected as the headquarters for the A. Ph. A. meeting at Hot Springs, Ark., September 7 to 12, 1908. It is central and situated upon the United States Government reservation in the most beautiful and convenient part of the city of Hot Springs and is accessible from the depots by car lines direct as well as by carriages and busses.

The registration of members and bureau of imformation will be opened at the Arlington Hotel and all members are requested to go to that hotel direct from the trains and register. If they do not wish to remain at the Arlington they can get the necessary information there for the other hotels.

The meeting place of the convention will be at the Eastman Hotel about two blocks down the government promenade from the Arlington. This hotel is not open in September, so the whole lower floor has been secured for the meetings of the convention and sections. This will doubtless be the most complete meeting place the association has ever had. The convention hall and large rooms for the various sections will all be under one roof and on the same floor and the convention will be entirely to itself and will not be disturbed or molested in the slightest degree.

One great advantage at Hot Springs will be in the matter of hotel rates which are of such a range as to be suited to every member of the association.

At the Arlington the basing rate will be $3 per day for plain room with two in a room, same room for one, $4 per day. Room with toilet $5 per day single, $4.50 per day double. Room with bath $6 per day single, $5 per day double. This hotel is on the American plan and can accommodate 500.

The rates at the Majestic Hotel for the meeting will be $2.50 per day, two in plain room; same room single $3 per day; $3.50 per day for rooms with baths. This hotel is also on the American plan and can take care of 500.

The Waverly, Waukesha, Pullman, Milwaukee, Great Northern and Rockafellow will make rates of $2 per day on the American plan and they are of the same grade as $2 hotels elsewhere.

The Eddy and Navarre will make rates of $1 per day for rooms on the European plan and members can get their meals wherever they choose from 25 cents up.

All of these hotels are within a radius of three blocks of the headquarters and the meeting place.

Entertainment to be given the A. Ph. A. at Hot Springs, Ark., by the Arkansas State Association, local druggists and the citizens of Hot Springs, and points of interest and amusement in the valley of vapors:

On the opening night September 7, there will be a reception by the citizens of Hot Springs and a grand ball at the Arlington Hotel in honor of the members of the A. Ph. A. and their ladies. Cooling punches

and light refreshments will be served during the evening.

On one afternoon during the convention the ladies accompanying the members will be given a tally-ho ride over the beautiful mountain drives on the United States Government Reservation. This will be an event never to be forgotten by those who participate in it. From the highest points of these drives, 700 feet above the city, one-hundred miles square of the beautiful Ozark regon of Arkansas can be seen.

Along toward the latter part of the meeting a smoker will be given the men at one of the hotels after the evening session. This will be the social feature of the occasion for them.

There will be card parties and receptions for the ladies during the meeting.

There are a great many points of interest at Hot Springs to entertain and instruct, especially for those who have never visited there. It is unlike any other city or resort in the country. It is most picturesquely built between two mountains belonging to the United States Government, that is the business part. The residences climb up on the foothills and the mountain sides or spread out in the broad valley of the Ouachita river.

The great natural curiosity, of course, are the hot springs, the only really hot springs of note or size in the country. There are forty-four of these flowing a million gallons of water per day at a temperature running as high as 155 degrees Fahrenheit, but averaging about 140 degrees. The most of these springs have been enclosed by the government and the water taken to reservoirs from which it is distributed to the bath

houses, but a half dozen of the most prominent ones have been left open for the inspection of visitors.

Next to the hot waters in interest are the United States Government mountain drives. The government has about fifteen miles of these splendidly constructed drives on three of the mountains included in the reservation and they are a great source of amusement and pleasure to visitors. On top of thehot springs mountain an observatory has been erected. It is 165 feet in hight, built of steel with an electric elevator to the top platform from which vast stretches of the beautiful Ozarks can be seen.

The "Bath House Row", known in every community in the United States, the great United States Army and Navy general hospital, the Ostrich farm of several hundred birds, the Alligator farm of over 1,000 alligators, the Airdome and Whittington Park summer theatres where high class attractions are on every night, and lastly the government reservation of 1,000 acres beautifully parked and improved afford a week of sightseeing and recreation.

It should be said on behalf of the Hot Springs citizens that there will be nothing in the way of "charges" on the members such as have been complained of on other occasions. The entertainment is absolutely free and all the members will have to pay is their hotel bills and whatever they want to buy as individuals.


The twenty-ninth annual meeting of the Illinois Pharmaceutical Association held at Peoria, June 9-11, was one of the most successful meetings both as regards attendance, work accomplished and enjoyable entertainment features, that the association has ever


The weather was delightful throughout and the entertainment committee composed of local druggists and salesmen did splendidly.

The members assembled in the Council Chamber of the City Hall at two o'clock and listened to the address of welcome by Mayor O'Connor, of Peoria, President Boehm of the association, and Mr. Schwalbe of the Travelers, responding. A noteworthy feature of the first day's session was the president's address.

President Boehm produced an address of much originality and force. He dwelt especially on the evils of the nostrum traffic both as regards the public and the pharmaceutical profession. He referred to the strength of the new movement in favor of the preparations of the United States Pharmacopoeia and National Formulary and referred to the work of the Council of Pharmacy and Chemistry of the A. M. A. as well as the efforts of that association in general. He reminded the pharmacists that the medical colleges are rapidly raising their requirements and strengthening their courses and if pharmacists are to keep pace with physicians they must have higher standards for qualification.

Taking up then the business topics he spoke of the successful efforts of the druggists in combating the parcels post bill and the itinerant vendor bill. He commended the Pure Food and Drugs Act saying that though it was not received by the drug trade with much enthusiasm pharmacists now appreciate its salutary effect. He spoke of the subsidence of the cut-rate evil. Commenting upon association work he urged the necessity of pharmacists belonging to the local, state and national associations and made a strong plea for the American Pharmaceutical Association. He recommended that a vote of thanks be given by the Illinois Pharmaceutical Association to the Council of Pharmacy and Chemistry of the A. M. A. for their energetic efforts in behalf of more ethical medical practice and that a special vote of thanks be awarded Prof. C. S. N. Hallberg for his untiring efforts in behalf of pharmacy.

In regard to state legislation, President Boehm recommended the doing away of the registration of apprentices, increasing the powers of registered assistants and requiring college graduation before granting a license for full registration.

President Boehm came out strongly against pharmacists who break the local option laws and recommended that such pharmacists should have their licenses revoked. He strongly favored compelling patent and proprietary medicine manufacturers to print their

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The report of the secretary, Mr. W. B. Day showed the association to be in a flourishing condition and included a list of eighty-four new members who were presented for election. The treasurer's report showed a balance on hand of $1,542.91, and slight increase of receipts over expenditures for the current year.

Prof. C. S. N. Hallberg who had been invited to address the association, gave a most interesting talk along the line of the propaganda movement for interesting the physicians in the preparations of the Pharmacopoeia and National Formulary. His speech was received with much favor.

The interest in the second session centered upon the report of the legislative committee which was read by Mr. J. H. Wells, chairman. The legislative committee made three recommendations, that the registration of apprentices be done away with; that the powers granted the registered assistant be extended; that graduation from a recognized college or school of pharmacy be required before granting a registered pharmacist license. The time being rather short and as it became necessary to adjourn for the noon recess the report of the legislative committee was tabled by close vote after a limited discussion.

In the afternoon the committee on President's Address consisting of Messrs. Ladish, Yoemans, McDougal, Simpson and Porter, brought up these same features in connection with the president's recommendations. The members had opportunity to talk the matter over in the meantime and it was evident that there was a change in sentiment regarding the prerequisite features. The report of the committee on President's Address was adopted and recommendations against apprentice registration and for college graduation for registered pharmacists were referred to the legislative committee. As these features comprise all that was included in the legislative committee report, that report was not taken from the table.

Chairman Bodemann read a very interesting report of the committee on Trade Interests.

Mr. F. Lueder reported for the committee on Board of Pharmacy Records.

A letter from Chairman Sandkoetter of the U. S. P. and N. F. propaganda was read referring to the rapid

progress of the propaganda work and giving samples of letters mailed to pharmacists throughout the state.

In connection with the report of the National Association of Retail Druggists, Secretary Wooten caused the sensation of the afternoon by announcing that in October he would terminate his duties as secretary of the N. A. R. D. and become secretary of the Northwestern University School of Pharmacy.

Mr. C. H. Avery read the report of the State Board of Pharmacy. The committee on prize essays announced that the first prize had been awarded to George Eisele, Quincy, and the second prize to R. E. Doreland, of Williamsfield.

Secretary Day reported upon the returns of the voting and the following three members were recommended to Governor Deneen for appointment of one upon the State Board of Pharmacy: C. H. Avery, C. A. Storer and I. M. Light, and recommended to the president of the University of Illinois the following three members for the appointment of one upon the Advisory Board of the University of Illinois School of Pharmacy: Herman Fry, S. C. Yeomans and Albert


An amendment to the constitution and by-laws offered by Mr. Oglesby and broadening the field for membership so as to allow other than registered phar

macists to become members of the association was voted down. It seemed to be the sentiment that only registered pharmacists should have a voice in amendment of the pharmacy law.

The following officers were elected:
President J. E. Huber, Peoria.

First Vice-president-W. D. Duncan, Ottawa.

Second Vice-president-Geo. C. Lescher, Galesburg.

were held in which the members participated at Glen Oak Park.

The Chicago contingent, about one hundred strong, had a special train going Tuesday morning and returning Thursday evening.

Notes of the Convention.

The Big Event was the masquerade ball.

All Aboard for the Soldiers Home (Quincy) 1908. The River Trips and tally-ho rides were enjoyed by all. The Travelers may be fans, but they can't play the game, twelve to three in three innings.

The Druggists Pulled like an old-time porus plaster in the tug-of-war against the salesmen, using them for a road-drag.

W. B. Stout, of Johnson & Johnson, and E. A. Pickard, of F. Stearns & Co., were among the hard working

salesmen at the convention.

Familiar Convention Faces.-R. N. Dodds, Paul G. Shuh, W. Bodemann, C. S. N. Hallberg, Oscar Oldberg, Thos. V. Wooten, J. C. Singer, George C.


Christen Garver, of Bloomington, on account of illness, was among those not present, and when the convenand adopted expressing deep regret at his illness and tion learned of his illness, a resolution was presented the hope of a speedy recovery.


Evans-Priboth.-William J. Evans, of Iola, Kan., and Miss Caroline Wilhemina Priboth were married, May, 6.

Pickrel-Streeter.-Fred B. Pickrel, of Allen's drug store, Wichita, Kan., and Miss Ferne Streeter, of

Third Vice-president-C. H. Achelpohl, Sulphur, Okla., were married in June.


Secretary-W. B. Day, Chicago. Treasurer-Geo. C. Bartells, Camp


and the meeting adjourned.


Among the many entertainment features were a reception to the visiting ladies and a card party in the parlors of the National Hotel on Tuesday afternoon and a moon-light excursion on Peoria Lake with music and dancing on Tuesday evening.

A carriage ride for the ladies, and a luncheon and musicale at the Peoria Country Club on Wednesday afternoon, a masquerade ball at the Coliseum on Wednesday evening. Thursday morning there was a baseball game between the druggists and salesmen which was won by the former.


In the afternoon many field and athletic contests

Porter-Richardson.-A. L. Porter, a popular representative of the Coca-Cola Co., and Miss Richardson, of Wichita, Kan., were married last May.

Varvel-Small.-A. J. Varvel, of Oklahoma City and Miss Small were married while attending the Oklahoma State Pharmaceutical Association convention at Sulphur. This was a pleasant surprise to their relatives and friends and loudly are ringing the wedding bells.

Druehl-Stahl.-Louis A. Druehl and Miss Amanda W. Stahl, of Chicago, were married, June 3, and will be at home after September 1, at 524 Garfield Avenue, Chicago. The bride is a graduate in pharmacy, well known in pharmaceutical circles and for a few years past quite active in Chicago pharmaceutical affairs.

Huger-Ratermann.-Bernard Charles Huger and Miss Katherine Margeret Ratermann were married June 4, and will be at home after July 15, 5634 Chamberlain Avenue, St. Louis, Mo. Mr. Huger is a graduate in pharmacy, a prominent business man and active in the local organization. The couple are now enjoying the wonderful scenery of the National Yellow Stone Park.


Last Meeting of Season. Members of Queen City Chapter, W. O. N. A. R. D., held their last meeting of the season Wednesday, June 24, at the home of their president, Mrs. A. O. Zwick. A literary program was the feature of the afternoon, Mrs. Henry Wagner reading a paper on "The Politics of Holland," which was enjoyed. This completes the study of Holland, which has been the main literary effort of the members the past year. No more meetings of the chapter will be held until the fall, on account of the excessive heat of summer. The members say they will find occasion to meet one another during the summer, however, to renew old friendships and discuss plans for the fall and winter.

Looking Forward to Picnic.-As the time approaches for the annual picnic and outing of the Ohio Valley Druggists' Association, July 23, at Highland Grove, the druggists and their families are showing unmistakable signs of interest in the happy event. The druggists' picnic is the gala day of the summer season, and scores of druggists and their families and friends always take occasion of the day for an outing in the country. The committee on arrangements assures the druggists that this year's outing will be up to the standard, and that some new features have been arranged to make them enjoy themselves. The nature of the fun-features are being kept secret, however, which increases the interest in the day's outing. One of the most exciting events promises to be a baseball game between the wholesalers and retailers, each team declaring it will shut out the other. Several good amateur players are lined up on either side, and some good plays are expected.

Scientist Makes Strange Journey.-One of the most remarkable trips ever undertaken by any family in this section of the country, was begun Sunday, June 21, by Prof. John Uri Lloyd, his wife and his two daughters, Annie and Dorothy. Although their immediate destination is the convention of the National Eclectic Medical Association at Kansas City, a year will probably elapse before they return. Prof. Lloyd, who is widely known as a chemist, author and scientist, is a member of the firm of Lloyd Bros., who recently opened the splendid Lloyd Pharmaceutical Library and Museum to the scientific world. He will take his family to the ancient homes of the extinct cliffdwellers, and endeavor to penetrate the mystery of their disappearance from the face of the earth, for they numbered millions at one time. The first stage of the journey will bring them to the town of Gallup, a small frontier settlement on the borders of New Mexico and Arizona; here they will be joined by two famous scientists, Dr.Munk and Dr. Wellburn, of Los Angeles, Cal. These three men planned this trip six years ago, and Prof. Lloyd has kept the arrangements secret from even his intimate friends. It is known, however, that he will

investigate the symbolism of that mysterious hieroglyphic, known as the "swastika,” a sign which the cliffdwellers have used, like all other primitive races. It is cut into the walls of their dwellings. Many theories have been advanced as to the meaning of this strange symbol, but there is no positive information. Prof. Lloyd has a different theory and hopes to be able to confirm it. Until he secures further data, he will not make his idea public. To reach the Canyon de Chelly, one of the most wonderful of the regions formerly occupied by the cliff-dwellers, a dangerous trip is necessary. The party will travel in wagons as far as they can go, then they will set out on horse-back through the Navajo desert. Their first day's journey from Gallup will be fifty miles to the only running water that they will see for days. From that point they must carry fresh water.


University of Cincinnati to Acquire College of Pharmacy. The Ohio Valley Druggists' Association proposes to make the Cincinnati College of Pharmacy a part of the Cincinnati University and recently appointed the following committee to bring this about: Dr. A. O. Zwick, Theo. D. Wetterstroem, Frank H. Freericks, Fred W. Kisker and Edward H. Thiesing. The committee called upon Prof. C. P. T. Fennel, Dean of the College of Pharmacy, and a consultation was held, in which it was decided to discuss the matter at the meeting of the association in the Palace Hotel. Dr. Zwick stated that the only way to perpetuate the college is to make it a part of the university, that in as much as Prof. Fennel has devoted a life-time of work and has made many sacrifices toward the upbuilding of the college, the future of the school would be in doubt when the professor's activities cease. Fennel replied that the college has been in existence for fifty-six years and more than fifty thousand dollars have been expended for equipment, so it is now rated the third best equipped college of pharmacy in the United States. Dr. Fennel agreed with Dr. Zwick that the future of the college is in doubt under the present arrangement, and for that reason he is willing to have it merged with the university. The committee reported that it had a conference with Dr. Dabney, president of the university, and he had promised to provide a suitable building, if the druggists will raise the funds to acquire the equipment. After further discussion by the members of the association, the committee was instructed to ascertain how much money will be required to carry the project through, and to devise ways and means to raise the necessary sum. The chairman was given power to add new members to the committee, and Dr. John C. Otis and Harry F. Freking were named at once, and others will be appointed from time to time.

If you and I and ewe and eye

And yew and aye (dear me!) Were all to be spelled u and i, How mixed up we should be! -[Harvard Lampoon.

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