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The American Druggists' Fire Insurance Company was represented by Frank H. De Cou, of Kansas City, who spoke in an able manner relative to the merits of that firm.

C. C. Phillips, proprietor of the Opera House Drug Store, of Maitland, was unable to attend the meeting but sent in his application and will be elected by the council.

Ambrose Mueller demonstrated before the association the points made in his paper on "Prescription Counter Experience." Demonstrations add to the interest in a paper.

P. H. Franklin, of Marshall, accompanied by his wife, was among the well known members present. Dr. Franklin has been a member of the association for thirty years.

Memorial Hour was observed as usual. F. R. Dimmitt, of Kansas City, called attention to the active life and good work of the late George J. Eyssell and H. W. Evans.

President Dan Liddy and Founder Ed. G. Orear, of the Missouri Pharmaceutical Travelers' Association.

That Chump would not talk to me, said a criticising candidate for registration when referring to his neighbor at the examination. The "chump" passed but the speaker did not.

A Lucky Unlucky Day was the title of a one act farce comedy by H. O. A. Huegel. The author showed talent as a playwright, and also a technical knowledge of farce comedies.

All Short Cuts to health, wealth, happiness, or Paradise, may, as Elbert Hubbard says, be frauds, but a week at a Mo. Ph. A. convention is a wonderful health giving experience.

It Was a Busy Day for Chas. Gietner, secretary of the board of pharmacy when he found the Hall of Phil

osophy full of applicants for registration waiting for his official attention.

Charles E. Meyer, Ph. G., of St. Charles, graduated in 1883 and is a druggist of the "pharmaceutical" type. He is a new and will become a valuable member of the Mo. Ph. A.

Murt J. Hackett, representing the Vicente Portuondo Co., of Philadelphia, makers of the "V-P" cigars was back again this year. He is a live wire, and makes friends wherever he goes.

L. M. Smith, president of the C. D. Smith Drug Co., St. Joseph, Mo., was a delegate from the N. W. D. A. but, owing to a recent attack of rheumatism, was unable to attend the meeting.

One Negro applied for the board examination but could not comply with all of the requirements of the affidavit. Quite a number of negroes are registered as pharmacists in Missouri.

Paul L. Hess, of Kansas City, missed the meeting through no fault of his own. Business complications on account of difficulty in renewing a lease demanded his attention in Kansas City.

H. J. Nie, of Kansas City, representing the Douglass Candy Co., of St. Joseph, was a very popular attendant. He presented each lady at the banquet with a package of Douglass' fine chocolates.

The Attendance Saturday, Sunday and Monday was not quite up to the average number of early comers, but Tuesday brought a crowd and the record compares favorably with previous years.

Politics Plays but a minor part in the Mo. Ph. A. Perhaps this explains the sentiment which prevented candidates for state offices from receiving an invitation to address the association.

Last Year ninety new members were elected; this year twenty-two. The difference is due to the unfortunate conditions which prevented the committee on membership from being active this year.

Never Before in the history of the Mo. Ph. A. has the Committee on Time and Place of Meeting encountered such a difficult and perplexing problem, as that of selecting a place of meeting for 1909.

I Would Like to See the Mo. Ph. A. take some steps towards having the legislature pass a law to make the medicine vending wagons pay a heavy license, thus wrote R. G. McGibbon, of Wellsville.

W. S. Amos, chemist for the McPike Drug Co., of Kansas City, was present for the first time this year. He took an active part in the discussion and contributed to the success of the meeting.

William Leach returned after an absence of several years. He is a prominent salesman and this year contributed to the entertainment by introducing the violin soloist, Miss Marie Schneeweiss.

The Reinstated Members of the Mo. Ph. A. this year are as follows: A. H. Koch, 2401 North Jefferson Avenue, St. Louis, C. R. Judge, St. Louis, and C. E. Zinn, 300 West Ninth Street, Kansas City.



Missouri Pharmaceutical Association, Pertle Springs,
June 9 to 12, 1908.

Spray From Pertle Springs.

"Extra Live," looked peculiar in the proof of an article read at the Pertle Springs meeting until the author discovered that the printer had thus translated his manuscript for the word "extractive."

Colonel J. H. Christopher, proprietor of Pertle Springs, is a wonderful host, and admired by all who know him. In his big hearted way he wishes the Mo. Ph. A. success, no matter where it meets in 1909.

Chadwick Brandenberger was announced on the entertainment program as the sweet child singer. We might add that he is talented and attracted the attention of all who met him during the convention.

A. Brandenberger, Ph. G., moves around the room during examinations quietly looking after the board of pharmacy work like the old veteran that he is for he is the senior board member in point of service.

Ed. Hunter, of Kansas City, represents the Rothenberg & Schloss Cigar Co. He also represents a successful type of salesmen. He has recently enlarged his territory and now visits a portion of Arkansas.

Three Years Behind with annual dues places a member on the suspension list. The association regrets to see any one resign, but feels that when a member gives up the association he should first pay his dues to date.

Charles Wagner thanked his lucky stars that he left his bride at home when he heard the band strike up a lively air and the entire assemblage joined in the chorus as a bridal couple entered the crowded dining


President J. V. Murray demonstrated to the satisfaction of everyone that he was the right man in the right place. His influence and effective work toward making the meeting a great success was felt everywhere.

Dr. C. N. McAllister, of the state normal, delivered the welcome address to the visitors and his timely remarks and hearty welcome to hundreds of visitors present was received by everyone with generous applause.

Charles L. Wright says he missed the wisdom and the pleasure of the convention. Having lost three of his clerks recently, he is busy breaking in new ones. Such is the fate of a man with a large and prosperous business.

Physician to the Convention, was Otto F. Claus, who was prompt in attention and skilled in service. Dr. Claus says that it would add to the pleasure of the practice of medicine if he could always have a convention on hand.

Martin J. Noll is a detective of fame who caught a man robbing the mail box. His son, Raymond, is a

chip of the old block and, while still of tender years, took an active part in all of the entertainment which he could enter.

The Badges this year were particularly attractive and suggestive of the calling of the prescription pharmacist and the salesman. The Mo. Ph. A. badge bore a pill tile, while the Mo. Ph. T. A. badge had an order book attached.

F. R. Dimmitt is entitled to the distinction of being called the father of the Mo. Ph. A. He originated the idea and issued postal cards which brought together a conference at Columbia, which resulted in the organization.

The Business and Scientific Sessions are held daily, from 10 to 12 a. m., and 2 to 4 p. m. No entertainments take place during those hours. Thus, the two features of the meeting run on scheduled time without interfering with each other.


Chas. Wagoner and J. C. Thumser receiving instructions from Chairman W. H. Lamont, of the Entertainment Committee.

Henry O. A. Huegel, chairman of the Entertainment Committee, submitted an interesting written report, but the proof of the pudding was in the eating, and it was the enjoyment of the entertainment which the members present most appreciated.

It Seldom Happens that any one is elected to office unless present at the meeting, thus, it is a particular honor for William K. Ilhardt to become first vicepresident, and Anton Burvenich second vice-president, as neither were able to attend the meeting.

George R. Parsons is an automatic story teller. When his wife is present, the cherry story is out of sight, but when Mrs. Parsons remains at home, that cherry tree is to blame for it. We wonder if this George is related to the other George who had a cherry tree.

Prof. Francis Hemm responded on the behalf of the association to the address of welcome by Dr. McAllister. Vice-President D. V. Whitney occupied the chair

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as President Murray delivered his address. Prof. Whitney was simply getting in practice for the work before him next year as president.

Theodore F-Hagenow, chairman of the entertainment committee last year, was unable to be present on account of the demands upon his time by the political fences in St. Louis. As announced in the MEYER BROTHERS DRUGGIST for June, Mr. Hagenow is a candidate for the state legislature.

The Second Week in June is the most popular week of the year for conventions. The State Pharmaceutical Associations, meeting at that time, this year, were: Alabama, Florida, Illinois, Missouri, Mississippi and West Virginia. The Missouri Association sent telegrams of greeting to each one of the sister organizations.

Ironkola was represented by a new face and a new figure at the convention. It did not take Charles W. Smith long to let you know that he represents the St. Louis Crystal Water Co. and his efforts to present the many merits of Ironkola made him a prominent figure in the large convention.

weiser, ham, cheese and tongue sandwiches, Bayle's salted peanuts, Douglas' chocolates, Lowney chocolates, Colgan's taffy tolu, and cigars by Stickney and Rothenberg & Schloss.

F. C. Whitman, of Warrensburg, won the A. McCourt Label Cabinet containing 30,000 labels, presented by J. Frank Groman, southwestern manager of Atoha, Oklahoma. It was given for guessing the nearest number of labels on a roll containing 330 labels. Mr. Whitman's guess was 327. The award was made by 3 lady judges, wives of traveling men.

Charles L. Wright, of Webb City, chairman of the Committee on Legislation, reported that he had carefully studied the pharmacy laws of Ohio, Wisconsin, Michigan, North Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Minnesota, Iowa, Tennessee, Illinois, Kansas, Nebraska and Arkansas. He finds that the Beal Model Pharmacy Law is the best model of all for Missouri to follow.

Wagner's Country Skule was a success at the outdoor entertainment. C. W. Wagner was acting professor of a country school. Among his students were Henry O. A. Huegel, L. A. Seitz, C. M. Coon, Murt Hackett, Henry Stolle and a number of other grown-ups, appropriately dressed in early day style. It was a startling picture and everyone acted well the part of a foolish school boy or girl.

The Prizes Were Pretty Well Scattered among the members this year. Such would not have been the case had Oscar F. Heitmeyer, wife and son been present, for that family always causes the prizes to bunch in one locality. Mr. Heitmeyer explains that his son graduated with honors at the McKinley High School convention week, and, of course, he was excused from attendance at Pertle Springs.

Linking the Past With the Present is the pleasant effect of the attendance at the meeting of some of those who have been present and continued their interest in the Mo. Ph. A. for almost a generation. At the 1908 meeting were F. R. Dimmitt and P. H. Franklin, both of whom helped organize the association thirty years ago. Dr. H. M. Pettit stepped in the year following.


Uhlich and H. M. Whelpley in 1883, so that a dozen or more of those present at Pertle Springs this year have been continuously active for more than a quarter

A Shot Which Was Heard around the world was fired J. F. Llewellyn joined in 1881. Francis Hemm, F. A.
at the opening of the revolutionary war. We are re-
minded of this when we realize the far-reaching effect
of Prof. Francis Hemm's paper on the "Influence of
Location of Meeting Upon the Membership of the Mo.
Ph. A." The effect of the paper startled even the

Times Have Changed in the Mo. Ph. A. since the days when the association work and entertainment were in the hands of A. T. Fleischmann, John S. Moffitt, Dr. C. O. Curtman, Dan Y. Wheeler, Taylor Blow, Dr. A. H. Ahlbrandt, F. W. Sennewald, Dr. F. L. James, and a few others all of whom are now recorded in the list of deceased members.

Everybody Voted "Budweiser Night" a most delightful event in the history of the association. The following menu was served: Ironkola, Orangeade, Bud

of a century.

W. H. Lamont and C. W. Wagner Remembered.-During the outdoor evening entertainment Judge W. T. Bland, of the McPike Drug Co., took the platform and made a very interesting and entertaining talk and very highly complimented the committees having in charge the season's entertainment. He closed his remarks by presenting Chas. Wagner, the newly married individual and German comedian, with a fine bedroom set and W. H. Lamont with a fine watch and chain for their efforts to please everyone and as a token of the high regard in which they are held by the two associations. Both gentlemen responded in their usual happy manner.


Missouri Pharmaceutical Association, Pertle Springs, June 9 to 12, 1908.

The Convention as Seen by Some of Those Who Were There.

Dr. E. L. Rhodes, Lincoln, Mo.-My son, C. C. Rhodes and I are both members of the Mo. Ph. A. and enjoyed the Pertle Springs meeting. It was a successful occasion in every particular.

Walter G. Slusher, Kansas City.-I attended the meeting and found it very profitable to me in a business way as well as from a social stand point. My advice to all druggists of Missouri is to join the association, get away from business once a year and have one good time. I suggest Carthage as the meeting place for 1909.

W. C. Bender, St. Joseph.-As an investment, attending the Mo. Ph. A. is a good one. Any druggist who attends the meet will receive a good 10% on what he learns on N. F. and U. S. P. products, besides having a royal good time. You will find that the M. T. P. A. are a fine lot of fellows. I am in favor of moving the place of meeting and trying to increase the membership, but personally I like Pertle Springs.

R. B. Tilley, Columbia, Mo.-I became a member of the Mo. Ph. A. in 1907, and attended the meeting that year for the first time. I enjoyed the meeting very much, my wife was with me and spoke very highly of the entertainment furnished by the ladies of the Association. The meeting of '08 seemed to me to be as full of enthusiasm as the meeting of '07, if not a little more so. The papers were very interesting indeed, and taking it all in all, I believe that I enjoyed the meeting of '08 more than I did last year.

I consider Pertle Springs an ideal resort so far as location goes. I believe the committee having the location in charge will not make any mistake in making a change next year, and see what the result will be; it might increase the membership, as the druggist's in other localities might become interested in the Association, who now take no interest in it at all. I think Maryville in the extreme north-western part of the state or Carthage in the extreme south-western part of the state, would be good locations for the next meeting, so you may count me for Maryville first and Carthage second.

Jean Jantzen, St Louis.-Having been to the last threemeetings at Pertle Springs, I must say that each time it made such an impression upon me that before leaving, I actually promised to be at the next.

If some of the druggists old or young that have never attended, would pick up and go to one of the conventions, they would never get through talking about it, for there is something doing every minute and they surely would get a great many more interested. The

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meetings alone are very interesting. I don't think they will ever find a place where so much out of door enjoyment can be had as at Pertle Springs, there are plenty of hills to climb, the large lake for some to go fishing, and the others to take the young ladies, of which there is always a nice crowd, boating. One amusing instance was one night when after the show, six couples walked up to the root beer stand and asked Mr. P. who was behind the bar for a root beer. One of the young ladies asked if they couldn't have a mug to take home. He said, "Certainly not." "Well,” she said, "If we can't before you leave this place you will get soused in the lake." You ought to have seen him his open and eyes say, "Come back the last afternoon and get one." The young ladies did not forget to come back.

H. W. Servant, Sedalia.-The convention seemed to me, as it has seemed for many years, one of the not overly many good things that the Missouri state druggists have the privilege and opportunity of enjoying. This year's convention was one of the most profitable of all and one bringing out in its sessions many good things that should and will prove valuable to those in attendance. The nice talks and good papers read, were worth the trip and the time taken to attend the convention, to say nothing of the excellent entertainment afforded, or the beautiful and substantial prizes offered and given.

Our Warrensburg friends (the druggists especially, and the people and the town in general) were exceedingly nice to us during the convention. They have helped to make our Pertle Springs meetings the pleasant events they have been. Also the Warrensburg papers have been quite clever to us. The Star especially, with Mr. McBride taking notes, has shown us in print in a very courteous way. The June, 1908, convention at Pertle was like every year's convention at Pertle. It was full of fun, full of happiness— made up of good people who were glad they were there, and who will, I'm sure, gladly meet together year after year for years to come.

About the meeting place for 1909 I have talked to several druggists and almost every one were hopeful of the convention meeting at least one more year before changing. It certainly is an excellent place for our members to gather. It is just the right distance from a good town. The druggists go to the Springs and stay there till they feel they must go home. They are more concentrated than they would be in any other probable meeting place offering any thing like as good accomodations. Lets shake hands again next year at Pertle with each other and with the Messrs. Christopher and with Julian V. Murray and Frank W. Robinson and Tom B. Montgomery and John E. Chark and Fred F. Miller and Fred C. Whitman and all the other druggists, druggists' wives, daughters and sons and clerks, and with "Texas," all of whom have aided in our pleasure several days in each year for many years, and all of whom like us, and like to have us with them.

Wm. Mittelbach, Boonville, Mo.-For the past nine years our association has met at Pertle Springs, and those in attendance have very much enjoyed the beautiful surroundings of that beautiful spot in our state. It has really been a vacation in the strict sense of the word to us all while there these many years, and were this annual gathering of the pharmacists of the state primarily intended for an outing, I would say let us make it the permanent home of the association. The objects of our association, however, are not for pleasure alone. The prime object, as I understand it, is to have a strong organization of the pharmacists of Missouri, composed of the best and most active men in the business in all parts of the state, and thus be in a position to make the wants and needs of our vocation known and be able to secure such legislation and the enforcement of pharmacy laws as will benefit our business most. This being the case our membership should be distributed all over the state. The northern and the southern sections of the state are barely represented at all. Here and there a member, but not what we can reasonably expect. It is the duty of the association to reach out for a larger and stronger membership, and to bring this about, it is the opinion of the writer that we should meet in those sections of the state where we have never met before. Let us move about and go after those men in the business that have never taken part in our work. I believe by going to them we will not only be welcome, but will enroll a large number of them, and thus interest the whole state in our work. The association, in delegating its authority to

a committee to receive invitations from other places before locating the 1909 meeting, did a wise thing, and I expect to see a general awakening all over the state in the interests of the association. The recent drummers' meeting at Mexico, proves the wisdom in a state organization moving about from one section to another. Hardly had it been decided that their 1909 meeting would be at Clinton, south of the river, when their membership was increased by 200 of those traveling men living in the southwestern part of the state. A spirited contest is being waged every year for these meetings of the drummers, and I believe the same thing will occur when it is once known that the Missouri Pharmaceutical Association is going to move about from place to place. The committee on place of meeting is ready to receive invitations for the 1909 meeting. So get busy.

Last of the Pen Makers.-By the death of Mr. Joseph Gillott which occurred last year, the last survivor of a famous pen-making family has been removed. His father was the inventor of steel pens, and the first to introduce their manufacture into Birmingham. Coming into Birmingham from Sheffield in 1822, Mr. Gillott, Sr., obtained employment as a buckle maker, and saving a little money he commenced operations on his own account in a small garret in Bread Street. The idea of making steel pens is said to have been conveyed to him by his sweetheart, Miss Mitchell, whose brothers were making experiments in this direction. The story goes that he finished and sold for £7 4s. a gross of pens on the morning of his marriage.


Fred R. Dimmitt, Kansas City, the first secretary of the Mo. Ph. A., P. H. Franklin, Marshall, the first treasurer, and Dr. H. M. Pettit, Carrollton, one of the first members of the Mo. Ph. A., are represented in the above picture, taken at Pertle Springs meeting, June, 1508.-[Photo by Stone, Warrensburg.

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