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Situations Supplied by the St. Louis Drug Clerks' Employment Bureau, D. P. Wright, Manager, care of the Hoeffken Laboratory, 412 South Sixth Street.

His Home Address.-Members of the graduating class of the St. Louis College of Pharmacy, spring of 1908, are invited by one of their classmates to visit his home. We give the address, as follows: Gabriel Hanna Zaki, Hanna Yousef, Kafr-el-Gameh, Zagazig, Egypt.

The Meyer Brothers Cocked Hat Bowling League is in some respects a uniqe organization. It is confined entirely to employes of the Meyer Brothers Drug Co. During the past season, the regular bowlers and the substitutes numbered forty-three men engaged in the season tournament. The members look upon it as a permanent organization, and new officers will be elected for the ensuing year which season begins in September.

The South Side Mortar and Pestle Club held their regular monthly meeting at Schoenlau's Grove Tuesday, June 16, at 8 p. m. All members and their families after a short business meeting sat down to one of those "delicious Schoenlau chicken dinners." This was, without a doubt, the most successful and appreciated of all the meetings of the progressive South Side organization. During the meal the members were called upon to make a few remarks, and among those who responded were L. C. Swinnen, Dr. W. D. Aufderheide, E. A. Sennewald, Otto Ude, and B. J. Otto.

The St. Louis R. D. A. under the direction of a committee headed by L. A. Seitz carried out the program of a steamboat excursion, June 22, the party consisting of about 100 druggists, many salesmen and their families. The trip was made very interesting on account of the flooded condition of the country. The boat excursion was exceptional in character, as the entire party was confined to the pharmacists and their immediate personal friends. It was not a crowded affair, with the vast majority strangers, as is the case with the usual evening boat excursions. The boat stopped for a couple of hours at Chautauqua where a number of field contests were decided and prizes distributed. Returning, the boat reached St. Louis at 7 p. m. It was such a pleasant affair that the committee was petitioned to give another excursion in September. The following is a list of the retail druggists present:

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F. H. Fabra will open a new store at Grand Avenue and North Market Street.

L. R. Hoffman has purchased the Jungbluth Pharmacy, Eleventh and Lami Streets.

Arthur Knippenberg is now with C. W. Booker, Vandeventer and Finney Avenues.

A. N. Collins has sold his Academy Pharmacy to Carl Ergenbrodt formerly with M. J. Noll.

William Freise, manager of Hahn's Olive Street Drug Store, will spend his vacation in Colorado.

The Uhrig's Cave Pharmacy will be opened in the new building, Olive and Ewing, about August 1. Cliff Meyer, of St. Charles, Mo., is now employed in Hecker's Pharmacy, 1300 South Compton Avenue. R. & F. Schweickhardt have opened a new store at the southwest corner of Skinker Road and Delmar Avenue. Joe Johnson, with the J. S. Merrell Drug Co., will spend his vacation at his club house on the Gasconade river.

E. M. Jungbluth, who recently disposed of his drug store, is now soliciting business for the Pockel's Drug & Paint Co.

Geo. Soupenrosky has returned to East St. Louis after an absence of several months, and is engaged in doing relief work.

John O'Connell, of the St. Louis College of Pharmacy, '08 class, having passed the Illinois board is going to Chicago, Ill.

Dr. Joseph L. Boehm, Ph. G., is active in St. Louis politics, and was a delegate to the National Republican Convention.

Theo. Foster will open a drug store at 2800 Olive Street, the corner recently vacated by the Schweickhardt Drug Co.

Albert Kopf is now manager of Schuster's Pharmacy, Mr. Schuster leaving the store in his charge while he is touring Europe.

Miss Katharyn O'Keefe, Ph. G., is the pharmacist in

charge of the dispensary at the St. Louis Jewish Hospital, 5400 Delmar Avenue.

Carl A. Emig, Ph. G., is much pleased with his new position in the prescription department of the Judge & Dolph Drug Co., 515 Olive Street.

Joe Opperman has accepted a position with the GraulRudi Pharmacy, Shenandoah and Compton Avenues. Wm. F. Ittner has purchased the A. M. Finke store, Grand and Cleveland Ave


nues, and placed George Brandt in charge.

Henry Antle is now manager of the National Drug Co., Eighteenth Street and Washington Avenue.

George Stiehl, manager of Enderle's Eighth Street Store, is spending his vacation in Chicago.

John Boss, formerly with the Lindell Pharmacy, is now with the Enderle Drug Co., Sixth and Chestnut Streets.

R. B. Carrsow has left the employ of H. F. Griesbach, 3300 Easton Avenue, and accepted a position with the San Antonio Drug Co., San Antonio, Tex.

George Steyh, one of the '08 honor men, has accepted a position with a prominent Chicago pharmacist and will leave in a few days to assume his duties.

Fred Weis, for nineteen years an efficient clerk for Theodore Wurmb at the Water Tower Pharmacy is seriously ill at the City Asylum and not expected to


R. T. Hill has joined the Prosperity Club and installed a handsome set of new store fixtures in the storeroom, Euclid and Easton, which he has occupied for several years.

Mrs. Theodore F. Hagenow is treasurer of the W. O. N. A. R. D., which was organized in St. Louis, April 1. This officer will look after the funds of the organization in the same careful and efficient manner that she is raising an interesting family and taking part in various social and educational lines of work.

G. Supernowski, of East St. Louis, was among the fortunate members of the class taking the recent examination for registration as pharmacist.


As an Excursion Manager, L. A. Seitz is as much at home and successful as he is in other walks of life. He was chairman of the committee which arranged for the steamboat excursion given by the St. Louis R. D. A., June 22. It was a wonderful success.

Leonard Emmet Hoffman, Ph. G., '08, after a few days' recreation following his graduation, has accepted a position at Jungbluth's Pharmacy, Eleventh and Lami Streets.

C. P. W. Steinmetz, Ph. G., who was for some time with the Swift Drug Co., is now with the J. P. Huhn Drug Co. at the Humbold Pharmacy, Grand and Washington Avenues.

Barney Katsky has leased the store room under Beers Hotel, at the northwest corner Olive and Grand Avenue, and will install one of the handsomest drug stores in that section.

The Louis F. Soldan School is the name given to the new school building at Union and Kensington Avenues. This tribute to the late superintendent of the public schools of St. Louis is a very just one.

E. F. Eigenbrodt is now manager of the Noll-Collins

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macy at Jefferson and Park Avenues.

Gottlieb Schmidt, the pcpular city salesman, reports the arrival of a daughter at his home, June 26. This is the fourteenth child and the score now stands eight to six in favor of the boys. Mr. Schmidt is looking for further orders.

W. E. Derris, Ph. G., can handle a revolver as well as a microscope and he drew blood on the burglar who attempted to break into Geo. H. Sommers' Pharmacy, Laclede and Boyle Avenues. It is a notable fact that St. Louis pharmacists do not hesitate to shoot when they see a burglar faced their way.

St. Louis Has a Medical Library located at 3522 Pine Street, and owned by the St. Louis Medical Library Association. It consists of about 11,000 volumes, and during the past year was used by nearly 200 physicians. We hope the time will come when pharmacists will have access to a library of equal importance and value in their work.

June Witnessed the Passing of the Fricke-Hahn Drug Co., the famous St. Louis corporation owning ten stores. A majority of the stores have been sold to the managers while F. H. Fricke has retained the Nineteenth and Madison and Fourteenth and Monroe, and Chas. Hahn, the secretary and treasurer of the company, keeps the Twenty-third and Salisbury, and Olive and Newstead




The Pall That Impended Over the Business of this country is steadily and surely vanishing into thin air and the commercial atmosphere is clearing and in view of the following facts why shouldn't it? The Department of Agriculture reports a better crop outlook on the whole than ever before at this time of year.

It estimates that the value of the country's farm products of 1908 will reach the $8,000,000,000 mark. This will leave all records far behind. It will be more than double the value of the farm yield of 1900, which was $3,764,000,000. Big crops have always heretofore meant good times for the country, and they will mean the same this year.

Bank clearings and railroad earnings are below those of a year ago, but the gap is steadily narrowing. There are fewer idle cars than there were at the beginning of June. The July interest and dividend payments this year in New York, will be $177,000,000, as compared with $184,000,000 in July, 1907. Thus the falling off is far less than had been expected. About $46,000,000 of gold has been exported since the present outward movement began in the middle of April, but as we gained over $100,000,000 of gold in November and December last, and as we can get as much as we need from Europe at any time we may need it, this movement disturbs no one. The rates for money are about the same as they are in midsummer of normal years, in fact call money is ruling lower.

"Re-employment" days are becoming general. St. Louis had one on June 1, when 15,000 idle persons were put to work. On a far larger scale the Pittsburg district will have one on July 6, when every plant of the United States Steel Corporation, the largest concern in the world in its field, will resume operations, and the remainder of the shops of that corporation, all over the country, it is expected, will all be running by August 1. All the independent steel concerns in the Pittsburg district, it is announced, will be at work with a full force by the first week in August. Chicago reports that the same conditions prevail there, the Illinois Central Railroad alone re-employing 5,500 workmen.

Prices on many items have been on a steady downturn for months and are doubtless near the bottom, in fact, there is a reaction toward higher figures.

We set forth below the items on which prices have changed since our last issue, also the current local values thereon:

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Olive, Malaga,


Rose, Geranium,

Sandalwood, German,

Potassium Ferricyanide, Com'l,
Seed, Quince,

Sodium, Salicylate, from Oil,

Sodium Benzoate,


Quinine.-Dull and unchanged; an advance seems improbable. Local quotations are: P. & W., on the basis of 100-oz. cans, 17c; M. B., 16дc; 25-oz. cans, 19c; 5-oz. cans, 23c; 1-oz. vials, 28c.

Opium.—Materially higher and prices are very firm at the advanced figures of over one dollar. Gum, qur table at $5.95; Powd., M. B., $6.55; P. & W., $7.25. Morphine. In sympathy with the higher level of prices on opium advanced 20c per oz. Quotable in oz. vials, 24-oz. boxes at $3.20; oz. vials, 20c per oz. less.

Alcohol, Grain, 188°.-Unchanged; bbls., $2.75; bbls., $2.78; 10-gal. cans, $2.95; 5-gal. cans, $2.99, containers inclusive, with the usual allowance of 10c per gallon for cash in 10 days.

U. S. P, 190° is being offered in this market at an advance of 5c over the above.

Denatured.-Unchanged; quotable in bbls., 40c; §bbls., 44c; 4-gal. cans, 62c, containers inclusive.

Wood, 95%.-Bbls., 42c; 4-bbls., 47c; 10-gal. cans, 57c; 5-gal. cans, 62c, containers, inclusive.

Acid, Formic, Conc.-Advanced 5c; quotable at $1.30. Phosphoric Syrupy.-U. S. P., 85% advanced; quotable in 10-lb., G. S. B., inclusive 31 to 40c as to quantity. Salicylic, from Oil Wintergreen.-Declined to $4.55 to $9 as to quantity, make and packing. Aloin. Declined to $1.29; oz. 16c.

Beans, Vanilla, Mexican.-Advanced; 7 to 8 in. $5.25 to $6.00; 65 to 80c per oz.

Blue Vitriol.-Declined; quotable in bbls., at 5 to 8 to 10c in a small way.

Castile Soap, Conti's.-Mottled advanced; quotable in box lots 12 to 15c as wanted.

Codeine.—Quotably higher; alkaloid, $4.90 to $5.05; Hydrochloride Nitrate and Sulphate, $4.65 to $4.80; Phosphate, $4.40 to $4.55.

Cocoa Butter.-Declined; M. B., -lb. cakes, 12-lb. boxes, 45 to 53c; fingers, oz. 69 to 78c as to quantity. Camphor Monobromated.-Declined to $1.75; oz.


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Citronella.-Advanced; drums, 33 to 46 to 65c in

small lots.

Linseed.-Advanced 1c; raw, bbls., 41c; boiled, 42c. Lemon.-M. B. Reina, advanced, 25-lb. coppers quotable at $1.10; 1-lb. coppers, $1.30.

Mustard.-Artificial, declined to $4.00 per lb., and 40c per oz.

Orange.-Sweet, Reina, quotably lower; 25-lb. coppers, $2.40 to $3.10 to $3.25, in a small way.

Olive, Malaga.-Declined; bbl. 72 and 92c, as wanted. Pennyroyal.-Advanced $3.45 to $3.70.

Peppermint.-Declined; M. B., pure, $1.75 to $2.00; M. B., re-distilled, $2.30 to $2.55; Hotchkiss, $3.15 to $3.65.

Rose, Geranium, African,-Quotably lower; $6.50 per lb. to 75 to 80c per oz.

Sandalwood, German.-Declined to $2.25 to $2.75, as to quantity.

Pearl Ash.-Advanced; quotable in 400-lb. bbls., at 5 to 8 to 10c, as wanted.

Potassium, Ferricyanide, Commercial.-Declined to 42 to 60c, as to quantity.

Saffron, American.-Advanced; quotable in mats at 29 to 39 to 45c, in small lots.

Seed, Quince.-Declined to $1.25.

Silver Nitrate.-Quotably higher; P. & W. in lb. bottles, $6.36; M. B., $5.92; oz. 48c.

Shellac.-Advanced; V. S. O. case lots, 564 to 67c; T. N. 314 to 42c; Bleached, bbls., 31 to 45c.

Sodium, Salicylate from Oil Wintergreen.-Declined; quotable at $4.55 to $7.20, as to quantity, make and packing.

Benzoate.-Declined; bbls. 37 to 51c; granular, lc


Vanillin.-Advanced to 55 to 60c, These prices may be shaded in large quantities.

White Lead.-Advanced c; 100, 250 and 500-lb. kegs, 7c; 25 and 50-lb. kegs, 71c; 124-1b. kegs, 7c; 25lb. tin pails, 7c; 12-1b. tin pails, 84c.

Glassware. Quotable discounts unchanged; Pearl ovals, case lots, 75%; 5-case lots, 75 and 5%; larger quantities, 75 and 10%; Baltimore ovals, brandy finish, 75 and 10%; 5-case lots, 75, 10 and 5%; larger quantities, 80%; Comet ovals, 80 and 15%; 25-case lots, 85%; 50case lots, 85 and 5%.

Window Glass.—Unchanged; quotable in this market, all single, 90 and 35%; all double, 90 and 40%.

Turpentine.-Quotably lower, there being a net decline of 4c; quotable in bbls., 46c; in 10-gal. cans, 57c; in 5-gal. cans, 61c, packages inclusive.

Pharmacologists at a Salary of $3000.00 per year are wanted by the Bureau of Chemistry, Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. A civil service examination takes place, July 15. If interested, apply at once to the United States Civil Service Commission, Washington, D. C., and ask for application form 304 and special form.



Read at the thirtieth annual meeting of the Missouri Pharmaceutical Association, June 9-12, 1908.

The action of the last pharmacopoeial committee in placing the official tinctures of potent drugs on a ten per cent basis was a step in the right direction, and is universally approved. It is in harmony with the metric system of weights and measures toward which we are slowly but surely going. The committee should have gone one step further, and placed all the tinctures on that basis. This can be done with but one exception; and that is the camphorated tincture of opium. This preparation can be placed with the elixirs, which it resembles more than a tincture anyway. There is no good reason why the tinctures of arnica, asafoetida, bitter orange, benzoin, benzoin comp., calendula, calumba, cardamom, cardamom comp., cimicifuga, cinchona, cinchona comp., cinnamon, galla, guaiac, guaiac, Am., hydrastis, Krameria myrrh, pyrethrum, quassia, quellaya, rhei, rhei aromat., serpentaria tolu, valerian, valerian, am., and ginger should not be ten per cent in strength also. The drift of the modern practitioner of medicine is towards smaller doses, and in consequence a ten per cent tincture will be just as acceptable as those of a higher strength. Even the four fifty per cent tinctures could be reduced to a ten per cent basis. The tinctures of gambir comp., iodine, ipecac and opium, kino, lavender comp., and iron chloride, containing irregular percentages of those respective medicines, can also be so modified as to bring them to a ten per cent basis. Tincture of musk I would eliminate entirely from the list of official preparations. It seems to be of so little use that none of our journals quote a price on it. The source of musk is ground enough for its dismissal as a medicine.

Tr. belladonna should be made from the root, for reasons which are obvious. The compound tinctures containing two or more active medicines should contain ten per cent in all-should there be an aromatic or corrective in the preparation, this could be in addition to the ten per cent active ingredient. Tincture of ipecac and opium would conform more closely to Dover's powder, if made direct from the drugs.

These suggestions may seem a little radical to our committee on revision, and in advance of our time; still I think we are working that way, and will in time come to it. When the ten per cent basis is once

established, it will remain so; and a tincture will at once indicate a ten per cent preparation, just as a fluidextract means a one hundred per cent preparation. Foreign countries will soon fall into line with us, and a universal standard of medicines will result.

Directions Wanted.-Send me ten cents worth of

The Highest Boiling Point for metal is that of Iodeine, and tell "Do thir have to be Dultrated to molybdenum..

Paint on a Boil."


Kansas City, Kan.-C. W. Adamson, Twelfth and Osage, will move his stock and fixtures to Thirteenth and Wood.

Kansas City, Mo.-The city salesmen of Kansas City held a meeting at 610 Walnut, June 17, and organized the Kansas City Salesmen's Club, and elected the following officers:

E. C. Himburg, president.

Geo. Mosely, first vice-president.
Ben Welch, second vice-president.
W. R. Adelsperger, treasurer.
W. B. Poinsett, secretary.

The next meeting will be held at the Coates House, July 1. The club's object is good fellowship.

The American Institute of Homeopathy opened their sixty-fourth annual session at the Willis Wood Theater, June 22, and reported a large attendance.

Dr. C. H. Brown has purchased the Auditorium Pharmacy at Ninth and Holmes. Dr. Brown owns a store at 218 N. James which was flooded during the recent overflow of the rivers.

R. S. Stevens will open a new store in the building now occupied by Bath & Jack at 900 Southwest Boulevard. Bath & Jack will move to a new building erected for them, at Twenty-third and Summit.

On the night of June 13, the store of L. E. Swearingen, 4231 Independence Avenue, was entered and robbed of 250 cigars and $4.00 in postage stamps, while $3.50 was taken from a telephone box.

J. F. Harrison, Fifteenth and Campbell, has sold his store to J. B. Burchett.

The R. C. Bailey Pharmacy, 1300 Grand Avenue, has been sold and is now known as the Diers Phar


The Dickey Bros., who own a prosperous store at 700 East Fifth, in the section, known as "Little Italy," have purchased the Argyle Pharmacy, in the Argyle Building, corner Twelfth and McGee.

The Owl Drug Stores Co., have sold their store No. 4, Eighth and Walnut, to Frank O'Reilly, who is a brother of the president of the company.

D. E. McGaughey has purchased the store, corner Thirty-eighth and Woodland, from J. R. Brinkley.

The Flood.-On June 7, the United States government sent out a flood warning to the residents along the valleys of the Kansas and the Missouri rivers. The rivers rose rapidly for a few days, but began to fall as rapidly again, with every indication of a secession of the flood. The towns of Argentine and Armourdale, Kan., were practically covered by water, but as the rivers fell rapidly a great number of people who had moved out, on account of their homes being flooded, were preparing to move in again. About June 11 the rivers again overflowed, reaching a heighth, June 15, of thirty feet on the Missouri and 29.7 feet on the Kansas (Kaw). This was within seven feet of the flood heighth of May, 1903, and for some time, owing to

heavy rain falls, it looked as though even the 1903 record was to be outdone.

A great number of druggists were compelled to either move entirely out or to move stock and show cases to upper floors. The following is a list of those affected in Armourdale, Kan.:

C. R. West, Fourth and Kansas.
Tom Lilly, Fifth and Kansas.
Crystal Pharmacy, 603 Kansas.

Red Cross Pharmacy, Packard and Kansas.
Wm. Wildman, Tenth and Kansas.
Wilson & Crosson, Twelfth and Kansas.

Rose & Gordon, Osage and Mill.

C. W. Adamson, Twelfth and Osage.

In Argentine, Kan.:

Santa Fe Pharmacy, Spear and Strong Avenues.
Rowles & Co., Spear and Strong Avenues.

In Kansas City, Mo., the west bottoms were flooded up to the Union Station, but the water did not enter. Union Avenue, in front of the Union Station, was covered by an average depth of two feet of water. The guests of the Blossom House, the hotel on Union Avenue, directly across from the station, were taken to and fro in boats. The following stores were flooded in the above district:

The Brown Drug Co., 218 North James.
Ed. McLaughlin, 8 North James.

H. H. Gregory, James and Central Avenues.
Fred Eyssell, 1062 Union Avenue.

George Eyssell, Union Avenue, across the street from Union Station.

New Century Drug Co., Ninth and Mulberry.
Dr. Otterman, 1 James Street.

By June 18, the rivers had fallen several feet, but heavy rains have caused a third rise of about eighteen inches.


Denver Mud Manufacturers appreciate the value of the MEYER BROTHERS DRUGGIST as an advertising medium and are making use of the fourth page cover of this pharmaceutical journal with an advertisement which adds to the artistic appearance of the publication. The retail pharmacist who handles the goods, as well as the Denver Mud Manufacturers, adds profit to his volume of business and pleases his customers.

When You Look Over the Goods on Your Shelves you see very few indeed that are "money-doubling" propositions.

But Shac is one of them, and better than it is advertised at an expense of thousands of dollars a month, in the streetcars of the principal cities and several hundred of the smaller towns of the United States.

That being the case it would pay you to concentrate your sales for headache remedies on this item. When people ask for Shac, give them Shac. When they ask for "something for a headache," give them Šach. You make more money that way. You tie up to a live selling proposition. No other advertised headache remedy is so well known, no other pays you so good a profit. Treat yourself right, push Shac.

Sigh and the world sighs with you,
Laugh and you laugh alone,

For its mostly the rule that each durned fool,
Can't see any joke but his own.

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