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A. C. P. F.

of the syllabus committee which was considered at length. The report was one of progress.

The following was presented by H. M. Whelpley and the resolution adopted:

Modern Pharmaceutical Nomenclature.

The members of this Conference realize the advantages of uni

The ninth annual meeting of the American Conference of Pharmaceutical Faculties held two sessions at Hot Springs during the week of the A. Ph. A., Sep. tember 7-12. Dr. J. T. McGill, of Vanderbilt Uniformity in nomenclature and in their teaching and writing conversity presided, and in the absence of the secretarytreasurer, J. O. Schlotterbeck, of the University of Michigan, J. A. Koch, of the Pittsburg College of Pharmacy, served as secretary pro tem.


form to Pharmacopoeial and National Formulary standards. The students who come to our colleges of pharmacy direct from the public schools escape tutorage in ancient and vulgar pharmaceutical nomenclature, but the vast majority of those who elect to enter pharmacy labor industriously to learn pharmaceutical names and synonyms which they must unlearn before graduating in pharmacy.

This condition leads me to suggest that we elicit the cooperation of the boards of pharmacy, the manufacturers, the jobbers and the publishers of price lists in an effort to make correct pharmaceutical nomenclature, the nomenclature of the retail pharmacist, I therefore offer the following:

Resolved, That the American Conference of Pharmaceutical Faculties urge the boards of pharmacy to follow Pharmacopoeial and National Formulary nomenclature in their examination questions. That drug manufacturers, jobbers and others using drug labels or issuing price lists be requested to consult the legal standards of the federal food and drugs act and give prominence to the correct titles on their labels and to correct names in the price lists.

I move the adoption of the above resolution and that the secretary of the Conference be instructed to send a copy of the above resolution to the secretary of each board of pharmacy and the editor of each drug journal in the United States.

The following officers were unanimously elected: President, H. P. Hynson, Baltimore; vice-president, A. B. Stevens, Ann Arbor; secretary-treasurer, George C. Diekman, New York; chairman of executive committee, J. A. Koch, Pittsburg; members of the executive committee, C. W. Johnson Seattle; F. J. Wulling, Minneapolis.

Colleges Represented at the A. C. P. F.

The roll call by Acting Secretary Koch showed that the following twenty-one institutions were represented:

University of Buffalo, Department of Pharmacy, Buffalo, N. Y.; California College of Pharmacy, Department of University of California, San Francisco, Cal.; Cleveland School of Pharmacy, Cleveland, Ohio; University of Iowa College of Pharmacy, Iowa City, Iowa; University of Kansas School of Pharmacy, Lawrence, Kan.; Louisville College of Pharmacy, Louisville, Ky.; Uni-, versity of Maryland College of Pharmacy, Baltimore, Md.; Massa. chusetts College of Pharmacy, Boston, Mass.; University of Michigan School of Pharmacy, Ann Arbor, Mich.; National Col


The president's address was referred to a committee consisting of J. H. Beal, C. E. Caspari and George C. Diekman. The committee did not concur with the president's recommendation to abolish the differential requirements for admission of students to schools of pharmacy, but the committee did approve of the establishment of a committee on general educational facilities of the various states, the committee to report to the executive committee of the Conference and lege of Pharmacy, Washington, D. C.; New Orleans College of

to investigate the schools of pharmacy in the United States. This committee will also report at the annual meeting of the Conference, specifying the names of all schools which are considered qualified for membership in the Conference and is expected to notify the other schools of the manner in which they lack qualifications.

W. A. Puckner, chairman of the executive committee, presented a report, and several applicants for membership were voted upon in executive session. As there were not a sufficient number of colleges repre sented at Hot Springs to secure an election, the colleges not represented will be called upon to vote by mail upon the applicants recommended by the executive committee. The result of this election will be announced later.

Willis G. Gregory, of Buffalo, presented the report

Pharmacy, New Orleans, La.; New York College of Pharmacy,
Department of Columbia University, New York, N. Y.; North-
western University School of Pharmacy, Chicago, Ill.; Ohio State
University College of Pharmacy, Columbus, Ohio; University of
Oklahoma, Department of Pharmacy, Norman, Okla.; Philadel-
phia College of Pharmacy, Philadelphia, Pa.; Pittsburgh College
of Pharmacy, Department of Western University of Pennsyl-

vania, Pittsburgh, Pa.; St. Louis College of Pharmacy, St. Louis,
Mo.; Vanderbilt University Department of Pharmacy, Nashville,
Tenn.; University of Washington School of Pharmacy, Seattle,
Wash.; University of Wisconsin School of Pharmacy, Madison,

[blocks in formation]


Los Angeles, Cal., May Capture the 1909 Convention.

The Fifty-sixth Annual Meeting of the A. Ph. A. at Hot Springs, September 7-12, Registered 185 Actual Members, Representing Thirty-six States and Territories from Maine to California

and Washington to Florida. Many Visiting Pharmacists

and Ladies were also in Attendance.

The Condemnation of Saloon Drug Stores was an Important and Somewhat Sensational Feature of the Convention. Resolutions Were Adopted Urging Pharmacists Everywhere to Maintain a Professional and Ethical Standing. The Prohibition Movement Gives Opportunity for Many Dram-Shops to Adopt the Guise of Drug Stores

and Cast Discredit Upon the Calling of Pharmacy.

Many Practical Papers and Discussions Characterized the Convention. Retail Pharmacists Were Much in Evidence. Two
Hundred and Sixty-five New Members Were Elected. Re-Organization was Discussed at Length, But
Action Postponed for at Least Another Year. Three of the So-called "Permanent Offices"
Were Made Vacant by Resignations, and a New Treasurer, a New Chairman
and a New Secretary of the Council Elected.

First General Session.

HOT SPRINGS, ARK.-The first general session of the fifty-sixth annual meeting of the American Pharmaceutical Association, held at Hot Springs, Ark., was called to order at 3:30 p. m., on Monday, September 7, 1908, in the dining hall of the Hotel Eastman, with President W. M. Searby, of San Francisco, in the chair.


Addresses of Welcome and Responses. In the absence of the mayor of Hot Springs, Hon. W. H. Martin, of Hot Springs, extended a hearty and felicitous welcome to the Association in behalf of the municipality. Francis G. Schachleiter, of Hot Springs, president of the State Association, and member of the local committee of arrangements followed with a cordial address of welcome on behalf of the Arkansas Association of Pharmacists and the druggists of the state.

At request of the president, Prof. Henry P. Hynson,

of Baltimore, responded to the address of welcome on behalf of the municipality, and Dr. C. S. N. Hallberg, of Chicago, to that on behalf of the Arkansas druggists.

Local Secretary Martin A. Eisele introduced Miss Mary A. Fein, secretary and treasurer of the Arkansas State Association of Pharmacists, who, in brief but graceful words, presented the president with a wreath of beautiful white roses, fifty-six in number, symbolic of the fifty-six years of the life of the Association, and extended the glad hand of welcome on behalf of the Arkansas State Association to this picturesque little valley in the mountains. This pleasant innovation brought forth a rising vote of thanks to the fair sponsor, as well as a happy little speech of personal appreciation by the president.

Reception of Delegates.-At request of the chair, Alrik Hammar addressed the Association as the accredited representative of the United States Navy, and A. M. Roehrig as the representative of the Public Health and Marine Hospital Service. Lyman F. Kebler, chief of the drug laboratory in the department of agriculture, charged with the enforcement of the new pure food aud drugs act, spoke for that arm of the government service.



F. M. Apple, of Philadelphia, addressed the Association as the representative of the N. A. R. D., and W. L. Dewoody, of Pine Bluff, Ark., as representing the National Association of Wholesale Druggists.

No one was present to represent the American Medical Association, but it was understood that when the

chairman of that delegation, who was expected, should arrive the Association would be glad to hear from him.

First Vice President Oscar Oldberg, of Chicago, was called to the chair, while the president read his address.

President W. M. Searby's Address.

This document exceeded in scope and interest the expectation of even the many warm admirers of President Searby, who have learned to realize his ability and his constant work for the betterment of pharmacy. It was a comprehensive document of greater length than any president's address since the one of the semi-centennial year at Philadelphia. The reading was listened to with intense interest, and frequent applause indicated how carefully the members followed the thoughts of the president.

The standard of education and the relation between trade and professional pharmacy was discussed at length and President Searby emphasized the fact that drug store experience is of prime importance and pointed out that many of the best pharmacists of this country never enjoyed the privilege of college training.

A new argument in favor of U. S. P. and N. F. propaganda was set forth when the president referred to prayer cures and various other forms of drugless therapy which are gaining ground on account of loss of confidence on the part of the public and physicians in unreliable materia medica which should be replaced

by U. S. P. and N. F. medicines.

The physicians and pharmacists of the United States' employ were not overlooked and the A. Ph. A. urged to continue its good work in behalf of such pharmacists.

The membership was carefully analyzed, attention called to the comparatively large number which now belong to the A. Ph. A. and the statement made that this is small compared to the number who should join. Shorter days of work for pharmacists and more rest on Sunday was advised. The honest label as set forth by the Food and Drugs Laws was commended. The hope was expressed that pharmacists would soon receive higher social and professional recognition and more adequate compensation for services.

The chair appointed as a committee on president's address, Messrs. J. W. England, of Philadelphia; Wm. Mittelbach, of Booneville, Mo.; Chas. W. Johnson, of Seattle; John B. Baird, of Little Rock, and H. V. Arny, of Cleveland.

The general secretary read a proposed amendment to the by-laws, chapter 7, article 3, making the editor of the Bulletin, an ex-officio member of the council. Also an amendment adding a new clause to article 7, authorizing the appointment of a committee of fifteen on revision of the National Formulary, said committee to report annually, or as often as required by the council.

The secretary read a telegram of greeting from Cuba, signed by some fifteen members of the Association, and a message from the Philippines, from the

Army pharmacists there. He was requested to make suitable acknowledgment.

The following were among those signing the tele


gram from Cuba: Gerado Fernandez Abreu, Jose P. Alacan, Jose Carpote, Julio Hernandez Cartaya, Antonio Gonzales Curquejo, Jose Guilermo Diaz, Francisco Remirez Estenoz, Manuel Johnson, Alfred Martinez, Celestino Garcia Morales, Carlos A. Moya. Prof. Diaz is the translator of the U. S. P. into Spanish.


A Testimonial to Retiring Treasurer Sheppard. Dr. H. M. Whelpley, of St. Louis, offerred a motion that the sec

retary be instructed to send a telegram of greeting on behalf of the Association to Treasurer S. A. D. Sheppard, of Boston, expressing regret that his health would not permit of his being present at this meeting, and the motion was carried by a unanimous rising vote. The secretary announced in this connection the receipt of a letpressing his deep regret at not ter from Mr. Sheppard, exbeing able to come to the meeting, and enclosing his check



for $1,000 as a contribution to the Sheppard-Beal endowment fund of the Association. He also read a letter to the president from the treasurer addressed also to the members of the Association, enclosing a letter from his physician peremtorily forbidding Mr. Sheppard's attendance at this meeting, giving in brief some views entertained by him upon the subject of reorganization of the Association. On motion of Prof. H. P. Hynson, the secretary was instructed to have an abstract of these views made and furnished the com

[graphic][subsumed][merged small]

mittee on reorganization. Prof. J. P. Remington, of Philadelphia, moved the adoption of a formal resolution expressive of the regret of the Association of the enforced withdrawal of Mr. Sheppard from its active affairs and his inability to to be present at this meeting, the same to be signed by each individual member present, as a personal expression of feeling on their part, the same to be forwarded to Mr. Sheppard and

entered of record in the minutes. This motion was adopted unanimously. Honorary President Candidus.-Dr. H. M. Whelpley read a communication received from Honorary President P. C. Candidus, of Mobile, conveying kindly greetings and expressing regret that his state of health would not permit of his attendance. On motion of J. L. Lemberger, the secretary


was instructed to make suitable acknowledgment, and that both communications be embodied in the minutes.

Dr. H. M. Whelpley, secretary of the council, gave a verbal abstract of the extended minutes of the third session of that body, held at the Arlington Hotel, Hot Springs this day.

Third Session of the Council.

The minutes of the council by correspondence from October 4. 1907, to August 21, 1908, were approved. The report of Council Chairman J. H. Beal on the savings account and bonds was approved. The report showed a total savings and invested fund of $21,670.46.

The report of Charles Caspari, Jr., chairman Committee on Publication, showed a net expense of $4,244.67 on 2,000 copies of the proceedings. This included salaries, tele grams, journals, illustrations, expressage and postage.

The report of the Committee on Publication also showed that 29,000 copies of the National Formulary had been printed. The expense of publishing, advertising and delivering the third edition amounted to $9,699.06.


J. W. England (chairman), E. G. Eberle and F. C. Godbold were named by Chairman Beal as a Committee on Credentials.

Louis Emanuel and Prof. J. A. Koch reported to the council as a committee appointed to audit the accounts of the treasurer which were found correct.

The secretary of the council reported fifteen council letters and thirty-nine motions by correspondence. Eighteen colleges and boards of pharmacy have taken advantage of the nomination for membership and one year's dues and a special certificate of membership

offered by the association to prize students and candidates for registration. Such parties are officially known as "Certificate Prize Members."

The council adopted a motion instructing the nominating committee to bring in names for two sets of officers, one for the present year and the other, next year. This was made necessary by the change in the constitution providing for each member of the association to vote by mail upon candidates for office.

It was decided to make October 1 the date of transfer of the books, cash, etc., from the old to the new



The A. Ph. A. Charter.-On motion by Dr. J. H. Beal, the general secretary was instructed to take the necessary legal steps for the renewal of the corporate existence of the A. Ph. A. for the greatest length of time permissable. He was also authorized to join with

himself in such action such other officials and mem

bers as may be necessary for compliance with the requirement of the law.

A. M. Roehrig, of the council, called attention to the by-law providing for a majority vote of the members of the association to elect new officers. He pointed out that it would be quite impossible to procure a majority vote. On his motion, the by-law was changed to "plurality of the votes cast."

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Committee on Standards of NonOfficial Drugs and Chemical Products. Dr. James H. Beal presented to the council the following communication and res


The resolution was seconded by Dr. H. M. Whelpley:

"The present nation-wide movement for certainty of qual-, ity and the honest labeling of products which by their nature are subject to adulteration and sophistication is not temporary

DR. JAMES H. BEAL. or spasmodic, but is the result of slow accumulation of sentiment during the past half century or more.

"Originally limited principally to foods and drugs, its scope has been widened so as to include numerous technical products which have no relation to diet or medicine, and it is not likely to reach high tide until practically every article used in the arts or in the daily life of the community has been provided with an appropriate standard, and bears a truthful label.

"The selection and determination of practicable standards of strength and purity, and the adoption of an appropriate nomenclature to correspond thereto, is therefore quite as important a matter as the prohibition of adulteration and misbranding itself, and is in fact an essential part of such prohibition, and one of the most important topics just now engaging the attention ot Food and Dairy officials.

"For the commonly used drugs and medicinal chemicals we have the United States Pharmacopoeia and the National Formulary, though both of these labor under


the disadvantage of having been prepared primarily as professional guides rather than as legal standards, and being afterwards adopted by the Federal Food and Drugs Act, do not always perfectly fit the task somewhat suddenly imposed upon them. So also there is a class of preparations that might be considered a third list of standards of medicinal chemicals, being those determined by Council of Pharmacy and Materia Medica of the American Medical Association.

"While these three authoritative works cover their respective fields in a fairly satisfactory manner, they leave uncovered the broader field which includes the substances used in the arts and technical industries, and also a large number of drugs and combinations which, though they have not attained the honor of recognition by any of the foregoing authorities, are yet important articles of daily drug commerce.

"For all of this large number of substances there must and will be standards adopted, and it is a matter of prime importance to the industries concerned that the source from which these standards emanate should be fully competent to deal with the subject.

"If their creation is left to the Federal and State departments which are charged with the enforcement of the labeling and anti-adulteration laws, they will be created piecemeal, as the exigencies of the departments require, will be as numerous as the authorities creating them, and will be brought into interstate uniformity only after a long and painful struggle. They will frequently be determined by men who, however competent in their own lines of work, will have no technical knowledge of the manufacture and use of the articles for which they undertake to set the limits of strength and purity, as was the case during the past year where a food and dairy chemist was called upon to establish, and did establish the standards which were subsequently enacted a part of a paint law.

"So also if these standards have political origin they will almost certainly, like the oleomargarine standards, be tinctured with politics, and will almost always be composed with one prime object in view, namely to convict the accused as easily and as speedily as possible.

"Another source for the creation and promulgation of such a body of standards would be some great national association of sufficient dignity and influence to be sure that its resolutions would be given respectful consideration by courts and law-making bodies.

"It should be an association whose membership embraces representatives of every interest concerned with the production, distribution and use either in a commercial or scientific way of the substances with which such a system of standards must deal. It should be an association in which political influence can not find place or support, and one which is wholly ethical in its purpose, but which follows practical rather than utopian ideals, ir short, the inauguration of a system of nomenclature for products not covered by the existing recognized standards, and for the setting of the limits of strength and purity for such products should

be under the auspices of such a body as the American Pharmaceutical Association.

"The fitness of this association to inaugurate such an undertaking, and the importance of the work itself, are so palpably evident that to enlarge upon these topics seems surperfluous.

"As a tentative scheme for the inauguration of such a work, the following is offered:"

Resolved: 1.-There shall be a standing committee of the Council to be known as the Committee on Standards of NonOfficial Drugs and Chemical Products, consisting of fifteen members elected by the Council, but the members of such committee need not be members of the Council.

Resolved: 2.-The first committee shall be constituted as follows: Two representatives from firms engaged in the manufacture of chemicals, two representatives from firms engaged in the manufacture of pharmaceuticals, two representatives from firms engaged in the wholesaling of drugs and chemicals, five retail druggists, and four representatives from the faculties of colleges of pharmacy.

Resolved: 3.-The committee shall prepare from existing sources of information, a tentative list, subject to revisión, correction and extenison by this association of the principal drugs, chemicals and medicinal preparations not recognized by the United States Pharmacopoeia, with a suitable system of nomenclature for the same, and shall adopt suitable limits of strength and purity therefor.

Resolved: 4.-The chairman of said committee shall be designated by the Council and the committee shall report progress annually.

Resolved: 5.-The committee first chosen shall serve for one year, and at the next annual meeting of the Council shall report upon a plan for the permanent organization of the committee, and also upon a plan for the permanent continuance of the work. On motion the Council adjourned to meet Tuesday, at 9 a. m.


A Group of A. Ph. A. Ladies in attendance at the Hot Springs meeting, September. 1908.

Third Row-Mesdames G. A. Gorgas, Harrisburg, Pa.; W. L. Dewoody, Pine Bluff, Ark.; A. M. Roehrig, New York City; A. V. Pease, Fairbury, Neb.

Second Row-Mesdames H. M. Whelpley, St. Louis, Mo.; J. G. Godding, Boston, Mass.; J. L. Lemberger, Lebanon, Pa.; F. C. Godbold, New Orleans, La.

Front Row-Miss Gorgas, Harrisburg, Pa.

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