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Chairs or no Chairs.—Is it best to have chairs in the store for the convenience of ladies and sick persons who have occasion to wait in your place of business? Please give us your experience in this matter.

The Right Kind of a Run.—A Brooklyn bank that was taken out of the hands of a receiver and resumed business was congratulated by a parade of depositors headed by a brass band. The St. Louis GlobeDemocrat says a demonstration of this kind is a long way ahead of a run.

fifteen years. The original law took effect March 5, 1885, but many failed to comply with its provisions and register at that time. The board of pharmacy refused to recognize the new law until upheld by the Supreme Court. This decision places on the list of registered pharmacists in Minnesota 193 new names.

Pre-historic Man in America has been sought far and wide as well as deep in the ground. On various occasions, scientists have announced the discovery of a skull supposed to have belonged to a pre-historic race of mankind on this continent. The most notable skulls are the Calaveras, the Lansing and the Nebraska. The Bureau of American Ethnology in Bulletin No. 33 announces that thus far no human bones of undispub-puted geological antiquity have been found in this continent.

The Oldest County Newspaper in Missouri lished continuously in the same family is the Spectator, at Palmyra. Frank H. and John M. Sosey are the publishers. It was established by their father over a century ago. The Columbia Statesman is one of the oldest newspapers in the state.

Publishing the Formulas of Patent Medicines may become the practice in Australia, for a law requiring such publication is now under consideration. The majority of patent medicine manufacturers in the United States would object to such a law, but some of the manufacturers of old and standard remedies have voluntarily published the formulas. It is evidently a question on which there is a difference of opinion.

Is Linseed Oil Ever Substituted for Olive Oil?The Diatetic and Hygienic Gazette, for July, 1907, says, "Olive oil may not be olive oil at all, but only linseed oil which does not rub in so well." The Journal of the American Medical Association publishes this quotation without question as to its correctness. Fine, indeed, must be the sample of linseed oil and ignorant to marked degree the person who will mistake it for olive oil.

Not a Fish Story but reads like one when we read hat the silver bottom or blue whale is the largest liv ing animal the world has ever known. It reaches a weight of at least sixty-five tons, while the Dinosaur brontosaurus which was the largest of the antedeluvian animals weighed only about thirty-eight tons. This cannot be a fish story, because it is based upon scientific investigation nor could it be a fish story for the whale is not a fish but a mammal.

Prohibition Work by Kansas Pharmacists.-The druggists of Topeka have conferred with the local authorities and will cooperate in carrying out the temperance laws. The druggist is most frequently given trouble by the man who buys liquors, making an affidavit that he needs it for himself and then sells it

to some one else. The authorities and the druggists will make an effort to place in safe keeping customers of this kind wherever they can be convicted.

The Minnesota Fifteen Year Law has been upheld by the Supreme Court of that state. It provided for the registration of those who had been in business

Ohio Pharmacists and the Dry Districts was a subject discussed at the December six meeting of the Northern Ohio Druggists' Association. Messrs. Benfield, Reed, Tielke, Voss and Hopp expressed their views. We can sum up the matter by saying that a United States Revenue Tax is demanded of all druggists selling even alcoholic tinctures; that in dry districts, every liquor sale or prescription for liquor must be registered and that druggists who are upright and who use judgement need not fear trouble.

Harmonious Oklahoma.-Those who are following the newspaper reports are led to believe that much strife and contention exist in the new State of Oklahoma. This may be true in a political way but it is not the condition in pharmaceutical circles. A prominent member of the profession writes us that the most notable feature of the meeting at Guthrie which organized the new state pharmaceutical association was the general good will and harmony that prevailed and the evident desire on the part of all present to raise the standard of pharmacy to a plane second to that in no other state.

The Western Commercial Travelers' Association held its thirtieth annual meeting in St. Louis last month. The following officers were elected:

Wm. E. Hess, president; Joseph Weber, first vice-president; W. E. Morgan, second vice-president; Walter P. Kennedy, third vice-president; R. B. Puckett, fourth vice-president; W. A. Goyer, fifth vice-president; Fred Woodcock, sixth vice-president; directors, P. A. Crawford, Edgar F. Shaw, Amedee Peting, Eugene Stern, Thos. D. Wilcox and Adam Joerder.

The report of the treasurer showed that during the thirty years the association had been in existence $3,500,000 has been paid to widows and orphans of members. There is a balance of $64,121.67, after paying out $145,000 in death benefits during the past year.

H. F. Wagenen in the Popular Science Monthly for Gold is the subject of a very interesting article by January. The following paragraph is of general interest: "So far as words and terms go, an ounce of fine gold has been worth among civilized people, and at any time during the last one hundred years, just $20.67, or its equivalent in English, German or French


money, and no less, though at times a little more.
other substance that the reader can mention has ac-
quired this characteristic. Violent fluctuations have
occurred in the price of every commodity or product.
Wheat has ranged from $1.00 to $3.00 per quarter,
wool from 4 cents to 20 cents per pound, copper from
$200 to $600 per ton, etc. Even diamonds have ranged
from $10 to $50 per carat."

H. C. Jeffries, representing John Wyeth & Bro., of
Philadelphia, is a popular
and familiar salesman in
Missouri. He is already
talking about the June meet-
ing of the Missouri Pharma-
ceutical Travelers' Associa-
tion which occurs at Pertle
Springs, during the Mo. Ph.
A. convention, the second
week in June.


The Chicago Chapter of the W. O. N. A. R. D. met December 3, and enjoyed an entertainment program. Then followed a paper by Mrs. Louise M. Berger, Ph., G., giving her experiences in the field of pharmacy: Mrs. Berger was the first woman student to matriculate in Northwestern University School of Pharmacy, and it required a brave heart and determined will to finish the course in the face of the open antagonism of most of the men who were her fellow students. The fact that Mrs. Berger finished the course in two years, while at the same time looking after her household interests and caring for her two wee children, speaks volumes in behalf of what may be accomplished when one is in earnest. Our chapter is proud to number such women among its members. This was followed by other discussions, and arrangements were made for an interesting program in 1908. Current Political History of the United States as recorded by the Pharmaceutical Journal of London is an example of the manner in which the English are giving information about certain affairs in this country. No doubt the press of the United States makes fully as amusing errors when recording English affairs. The above named journal for December 28, 1907, makes editorial mention of John Johnson, of Minnesota, who was at one time a drug clerk and has been mentioned among the many possible presidential candidates in 1908. This is very well and good, but our worthy exchange goes on to say that Mr. Johnson followed Mr. Roosevelt as governor of the state of Minnesota. This mixing of our states reminds us of a cablegram published by a London daily the morning after the great St. Louis cyclone. The head lines read somewhat as follows: "St. Louis, Mass., blown seven miles into the country." These mistakes, however, do not prevent Mr. Martin, Mr. Wellcome and other English friends from finding us when they visit this country.

Tincture of Cudbear, N. F., was discussed by Mr. Hankey at the Northern Ohio Branch of the A. Ph. A., December 20. He finds that the recipe of the National Formulary is impracticable; that percolation consumes a large amount of time; that maceration yields a product as highly colored as that obtained by percolation, while the process consumes much less time. He carried out the following experiments with a view of finding what menstruum was best adapted for extracting the tinctorial power of cudbear, macerating different batches of the same drug with water, 10 per cent alcohol, 20 per cent alcohol, 25 per cent alcohol, 33 per cent alcohol (the N. F. strength of menstruum), 50 per cent alcohol, 60 per cent alcohol, 75 per cent alcohol, 85 per cent alcohol and U. S. P. alcohol. He tested the tinctorial strength of each of these products, by mixing the same definite quantity of each tincture with the same quantity of water, these diluted watery preparations being exhibited at the meeting. From these dilutions, it was, clearly shown that 75 per cent alcohol (alcohol U. S. P., 75 Cc. water 25 Cc.) shows the maximum tinctorial power. All these tinctures experienced a decided change of color when acids were added to them.

The Compound Solution of Cresol was discussed at the Chicago Branch of the A. Ph. A., December 17. Mr. Nitardy said that his experiments show that volatile oils and glycerin added to the U. S. P. preparation will not make it more miscible with water, although alcohol will do so if enough is added. Twelve per cent alcohol added will make the solution miscible with an equal volume of water or with ten times its volume or more of water, but not with amounts of water between these proportions, while fifteen per cent alcohol will make the solution miscible with water in almost any proportion. Among the volatile oils and related substances which Mr. Nitardy had used in his experiments were Oil of Turpentine, Benzaldehyde, Eugenol and Eucalyptol. It is his experience that cotton seed oil was more difficult to saponify than linseed oil, though it produced a little lighter colored solution, but this is of no special advantage. He thought it not advisable to reduce the amount of soap in the solution as had been suggested by some as the effect is to render the solution more caustic. Professor Hallberg suggested the use of oleic acid to effect complete solution. Mr. Sass thought the pharmacopoeial preparation contained too much oil. Mr. Hager reported excellent results using the official formula.


Professor Clark

called attention to the fact that the commercial cresols differ greatly in antiseptic value according to the amounts of ortho-, meta-, and para-cresol present. He also suggested using a portion of an old preparation to bring about a more rapid saponification of the newly made solution. Mr. Becker said that there was apparently no relation between the colors of the cresols and the color of the finished product. He had known a dark colored cresol to make as light a finished solution as a much lighter colored cresol would give.

A. Ph. A., Hot Springs, Arkansas, September 7, 1908.


The Drug Division of the Bureau of Chemistry of the Department of Agriculture, at Washington, D. C., is the result of the growing importance in the work of examining drugs. This raising of the rank carries with it a promotion of its chief, Dr. Lyman F. Kebler. The division will, among other things, vigorously prosecute its work of cooperating with the Post-Office Department in cutting off fraudulent patent medicine firms that have been using the mails.

Pharmacists are Liberal when it comes to educational matters in Maryland. A pharmaceutical fund of about $1000.00 has been subscribed for use in securing pharmaceutical recognition in the new Medical and Chirurgical faculty building to be erected in the near future. When completed, the pharmaceutical bodies will have a room for their future meetings and maintain a permanent pharmaceutical exhibit somewhat similar to the one maintained by the St. Louis pharmacists in the auditorium of the St. Louis Medical Society.

A Display of Roots.-The following description, by J. F. Hostelley, tells the reader that the show window can advertise professional as well as commercial pharmacy:

"This is to be a display of medicinal roots. Let the floor of the window be covered with green sawdust. In the foreground place two baskets, one apparently filled with ginger root, the other with snake root. Between these baskets and at each side of them display roots on small wooden picnic plates, each kind labeled with common name and synonyms.

"In the rear lay one long or two short logs, on which lay wooden plates displaying roots. Stand a new shovel in one corner of the window, a hoe in the other.

"Support a frame of boards in the background, cov ered with white paper, on which fasten several dozen roots with pins or slender wire nails, the name of each root written beneath it on the background.

"Over the display swing a sign made by nailing roots to a smooth board painted white, to read, 'Roots.'"-[N. A. R. D. Notes.

Greek Hashish is the Subject of a very interesting report from Consul Nathan, of Patras. This strange drug, which has given our language the word assassin, and which is used by the Persians, Turks and Egyptians in a manner similar to the use of opium by the Chinese, is the product of a plant grown in large quantities in southern Greece. The plant grows to a height of about 4 feet and its branches are thickly covered with small leaves and studded with tiny seeds. The entire plant is cut and laid out in the sun to dry. The branches are then rubbed, to separate the seeds, and these in turn are ground to a fine powder, this being the drug. It is estimated that about 265,000 pounds of this drug, valued at $350,000,

are sent from Tripolitza alone each year. England, France, Austria and Italy take most of the Greek hashish.

This drug has the power of inducing sleep and producing pleasant and fantastic dreams, but continual use renders the devotee wild and restless, resulting in a complete wreck of the mind and body. Egypt, in which country are the greatest number of hashish slaves, endeavors to prohibit the importation of the drug.

S. D. State Price Mark.-At the annual meeting held in Canton, 1903, the secretary was instructed to prepare a price mark that might be used by our members in marking prescriptions and family recipes when copies are given, etc. Below is the word adopted, and you are urged to use the letters, that there may be a uniformity of price:

Price Mark


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 Repeater
The N. A. R. D. Price Word is

Schedule of Prices.-At the last annual meeting of the Association the secretary was instructed to prepare a schedule of pescription prices and mail to members for general use. These of course, do not apply to towns and cities in the Black Hills, nor are they arbitrary in any locality, but simply as a guide that prices may be uniform as far as possible. The secretary conferred with a number of leading prescription stores in the state, and the following are thought to be fair and just:

1 ounce mixture.. 2 ounce mixture..

3 ounce mixture. 4 ounce mixture.

6 ounce mixture.. 8 ounce mixture.. 12 ounce mixture....... 16 ounce mixture.......

.25c ,25c to 35c 35c to 40c ..50c to 60c



$1.00 to $1.25


[blocks in formation]



Pharmacopoeia Londinensis, MDCCXVI.

(Continued from page 9.)

2. Ungues, the Nails. In Pouder or Infusion they cause Vomiting, great Sickness at Stomach, and Giddiness in the Head; the Pouder laid to the Navel in Dropsies, is said to cure them.

R of the Pouder of the parings 3i. Wine a Pint, digest till it turn to Slime, filter, and add Spirit of Wine 3ii. of which give from 3i. to 3i. to the uses aforesaid.

Where note, that some to cure Consumptions, take the Hair and Nails of the Patient, cut them small, and put them in a Hole in the Root of a Cherry Tree, and then stop it with Clay: Others, to cure Quartans and the Gout, take the said Hair and Nails cut small, and either give them to Birds in a roasted Egg, or put them into a Hole bored into the Body of an Oak Tree or Plum Tree, stopping up the Hole with a Peg of the same Tree, or else mix them with Wax, and stitch it to a live Crab, casting it into the River again.

3. Saliva Sputum, Spittle, Fasting Spittle. Rubbed on oftentimes cures Pimples, and breakings out on the Skin, making the Skin clear, as also the Stinging of Serpents, and Biting of Mad Dogs.

4. Lac, Milk. It is emollient, and cools and cures red Eyes simply of itself; but a Grain or two of white Vitriol being dissolved in it, it is more effectual. Or thus,

R Womans Milk and White Vitriol; and draw off only the Flegm, for the purposes aforesaid, in a Glass Still in Balneo Mariae.

5. Menstrua, Sanguis Menstrualis, Menstrual Blood. Taken from Virgins and dried, given inwardly it is prevalent against the Falling-sickness and Stone; outwardly, a Clout dipt in the liquid Blood, with Vinegar and Rose Water, and applied, cures the Gout, cleanses the Skin from Deformities, is good against Carbuncles and Apostemes; and worn as an Amulet, is good against the Plague.

6. Secundina, the Secundine and the Navel String. A Drop or two of the Blood of the Navel String being first given to a new Born Child in a little Breast Milk, prevents the Falling-sickness, Convulsions and all other Fits; and very wonderfully revives it, if almost dead. Hartman says, it is very strong against the Cholick. The Secundine calcin'd and given in Southern-wood Water (but Experience commends Rosemary or Celandine Water for the better) every Day half an Ounce, while the Moon decreases in Light (and if possible in Motion too) wonderfully cures Struma's, or the Kings-Evil, and the falling-sickness. It causes also the dead Child to come away; as also Mola, or false conception.

7. Sperma, Semen, the Seed. Of this Parcelsus makes his Homunculus, or little Man. Experience has found it good against Witchcraft, and the Imbe

And some

cility of the Instruments of Generation: use it to make a magnetic Mummy of, to serve as a Philtron to cause Love.

8. Calculus, Stone taken from the Kidneys or Bladder. It dissolves and expels the Stone and Gravel from all Parts, and opens Obstructions, being given zi. at a time in Pouder. Sal Calculi Crystallinum, or the Crystal Salt. Calcine the stone, and boil it in Water; filter, evaporate, and you have a Salt: Calcine that Salt, dissolve it in hot Water, and set it to crystallize; but you may first calcine it with Sal Nitre, or Sulphur and Sal Nitre, or a double quantity of Beech Tree Coals. Sennertus first calcines with a circular Fire, then reverberates with Beech Tree Coals. Oleum Calculi per deliquium. It is made by Dissolution of the Salt in a moist Air; of either you may give in the cases aforesaid, from gr. v. to ss. Elixir Calculi Humani. Volatilize the Crystal Salt thereof with S. V. then with a gentle Heat draw off the Spirit, and there remains an Oil or Elixir. The Virtues, Use and Dose, are the same with the former.

9. Stercus, Dung. It is Emollient, Anodyne, and Maturative; it ripens Plague Sores being applied; and dried, poudred, and mixt with Honey, it cures inflamed Wounds, and the Quinsie: The Ashes given zii. at a time in Agues, cures them. Paracelsus calls it Carbon Humanum; and it is reported that it takes Pains away caused by Witchcraft. Aqua and Oleum Sterci Humani. Take Mans Dung; let it putrify till

it be full of small Animals, and be almost dry; distil it in a Retort with a gentle Fire, so have you both Water and Oil, the fetid Scent of which you may take away by often Rectifications, Cohobations and Digestions. The Water dropt into sore Eyes cures them, cures Baldness, corroding Ulcers and Fistula's. Inwardly given, it is found very profitable against the Stone and Gravel in the Reins and Bladder, Bitings of Mad Dogs, and other venomous Beasts. It helps Dropsies, and is very effectual in the Cure of the Falling-sickness. The Oil outwardly cures Scald Heads, Gouts, Cancers, Mortifications, and an ulcerated Erysipela's. Inwardly, Libavious says it cures the Jaundice. Zebethum Occidentale; Occidental Civet is made hereof, being nothing but the true essence of Mans Dung: It may be made so like the true Civet that it shall be difficult to discern the difference. See Agricola.

(To be continued.)

Trimming Corks.-It is very often necessary in a country drug store to trim corks, for under such circumstances, an elaborate supply is not always available. This is particularly true of the larger sizes. If this trimming is done with a knife the cork will have a haggled appearance suggestive of carelessness. But if the cut surface is given a few strokes over a piece of fine sandpaper the cork may be made to look as good as new. When it is necessary to cut a large cork in two in order to shorten it, the best method is to use a fine saw. [Bulletin of Pharmacy.


Read This Before You Ask a Question.

Many questions are thrown in the waste basket each month on account of the correspondents failing to give name and address. The editor has a large basket for such questions. Write questions on separate sheets and on but one side of the paper. No questions will be answered by mail. Spell out in full every word; never abbreviate the names of medicines.

Seneca Oil (11).-This is an old name for the petroleum found on the borders of Seneca Lake, N. Y.

Eremer's Elixir of Hydrastis (12).—This is a proprietary preparation of which we are unable to give

the formula.

The Corrections to the U. S. P. (13) can be obtained by sending a two cent stamp to the authorized agent, P. Blakiston's Sons & Company, 1012 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa.

Oil of Laudanum (14).—Judging from the other ingredients in the prescription this can be nothing else than tincture of opium. The prescription was evidently written by a non-professional.

Missouri Certificates Continue in Force (15).—If you registered in 1891, your certificate is evidently still in force and you are qualified to practice as a pharmacist in Missouri. This state does not have provision for re-registration.

Derby Cream (16) is prepared by agitating well in in a suitable vessel twelve ounces raw linseed oil and six ounces acetic acid. When a thorough emulsion has formed, add one ounce of antimony tri-chloride and six ounces of alcohol.

A Veterinarian is not a Prac'icing Physician (17) as we have pointed out on more occasions than one. The question is important at this time when many local option sections of the country require the prescription of a practicing physician in order to permit of the sale of intoxicating liquor.

Prizes for Work on Tuberculosis (18) have been offered by various organizations at different times. The international Congress of Tuberculosis to be held in Washington, D. C., September 21 to October 12, 1908, has offered such prizes. We suggest that you correspond with the secretary general, Dr. John S. Fulton, 714 Colorado Building, Washington, D. C.

White Ink For Leather (19).-I desire a formula for a durable white ink which can be used with a rubber stamp on the inside of shoes. The leather is black, so perhaps, a yellow ink would answer the purpose. We suggest that you experiment with some of the yellow aniline dyes which are soluble in glycerin. Ordinary rubber stamp ink is made by dissolving an aniline in whiskey.

White Vitriol (20).—I had a call for white vitriol. I thought that the customer meant sulphuric acid, but he tells me that it is a white powder. What is wanted?

Answer.-Zinc sulphate is ordinarily known as white vitriol, on account of being made by action of sulphuric acid, formerly known as oil of vitriol, and on account of its being of white color. Copper sulphate is blue vitriol and iron sulphate, green vitriol.

Blue Powder (21). We fail to see why there should be any question about dispensing powdered blue mass when blue powder is called for. The name "blue mass" and also that of "blue pill" certainly suggest blue powder even though the powder is not very blue. It is, however, as near blue as is mercury with chalk which you suggest may be wanted under the name of blue powder. Mercury with chalk is commonly known as gray powder, the name being sometimes spelled "grey" and at other times "gray." For further information about blue powder see the MEYER BROTHERS DRUGGIST for 1905, page 114.

P. & S. Licorice (22).-For what firm do these initials stand?

Answer. Although P. & S. is very familiar as a brand of licorice, we experience considerable difficulty in finding an explanation for the use of these letters. Fuller & Gallenkamp, of New York City, kindly contribute the following explanation:

"Regarding the brand (P. & S.) you refer to, a long story could be written about it, as the initials P. S. have been in use for nearly a century, and originally stood for 'Prince Starace', one of the old nobilities of Italy.

"After his death in the early 60's his estates passed into the hands of executors who turned the licorice product of the estate over to an old English banking house in Naples and they, for some reasons best known to themselves, changed the trade-mark P. S. to P. & S., by which it has since been known."

Perhaps some of the readers of the MEYER BROTHERS DRUGGIST can furnish further information on this subject.

Charcoal Black (23).—The best charcoal is that procured by subjecting wood, enclosed in a cast iron cylinder and wholly excluded from the action of the air, to a strong fire till the cylinder is red hot. The whole of the gaseous ingredients being then disengaged, the fire is extinguished, and the charcoal allowed to cool in the cylinder. The woods that furnish the best charcoal for painters are the beech and vine; the former yielding a black of a bluish, and the latter one of a grayish cast. Wine Lees, after being calcined, washed several times in boiling water, and ground to a fine powder, yield a fine velvety black, which, however, is chiefly used by copper-plate printers. Peach stones, burned in a close vessel, yield a charcoal which, after being ground, may be successfully used for that kind of black generally known by the name of raven gray. A very pure charcoal is also obtained by exposing white sugar candy to a red heat in an earthenware retort. When the charcoal obtained from any of these sources is employed in painting, it should be mixed with a very small portion of white lead, and made up for use with drying oil.

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