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two months ago. He also serves light lunches and hot Smith Drug Co., at Kansas City, Mo., about two years
drinks, which he added to the business.
ago, has returned to St. Louis to engage in the broker-
age business. He will be pleased to see all his old

A. N. Ritter, a graduate of the St. Louis College of Pharmacy, 1906, is manager of Wm. Kuhlmey's South Broadway store.


R. C. Ritter, the popular salesman for the J. S. Merrill Drug Co., in North St. Louis, spent a few days out fishing, last month.

Mr. Koeberlin, on Twentieth and Sidney Streets, takes great pleasure and delight in spinning through the parks and country with his automobile.

Dr. J. Robinson moved his store, the President Pharmacy, from 3562 South Broadway, to Gravois Avenue and Kingshighway.

J. F. Reuter, proprietor of the Lee Avenue Pharmacy, 4100 A Lee Avenue, always has an attractive and appropriate window display. At present, it consists of drugs, chemicals and chemical apparatus.

Henry Boardman is the new president of the St. Louis Oil, Paint and Drug Club. He is an experienced presiding officer and a man of exceptional executive ability, and the club will undoubtedly prosper under his direction.

H. R. Smarr opened his new store, at Sutton and Manchester Avenue, in Maplewood, on Friday, November 13. He does not believe it is a hoodoo, is not in any way suspicious, and says business has been very good since he opened up the store.

F. W. Grabenschroer, Tower Grove and Hunt Avenues, spent several days at Willow Springs, Mo., last month, huntting. He reports plenty of quail and rabbits.

Henry Schaefer, a graduate of the St. Louis College of Pharmacy, is now employed in the office of the Laclede Gas Light Co.


Christ Schaefer, 4230 Folsom Avenue, is slowly recovering from the operation which was performed on his eyes a few months ago.

R. Thebus, the druggist, at Jefferson and Lafayette avenues, has entered the theatrical business, and opened a nickelodeon with Dr. Pfaff, at 2703 Lafayette Avenue. He invites all his friends to his theater and promises them a refined and up-to-date show.

Thomas Layton has retired from the drug business on account of poor health. He has been confined to his home for about six months but is now able to be out again. His store is incorporated under the name of Layton Drug Co., and is looked after by his two sons. J. W. Hocken, with Meyer Brothers Drug Co. for eighteen years, accepted a position with the Evans,


Burglary. On November 19, the residence of C. W. Harrison, druggist, at 502 South Jackson Street, Belleville, Ill., was entered by burglars, while Mr. Harrison and family spent the evening in St. Louis with friends. When they returned home they found everything topsy-turvy.

H. H. Reuter has bought the drug store of Mr. Seegall, at 399 N. Euclid Avenue, about two months ago. It is one of the best equipped drug stores in the West End. He also has his old store on Easton Avenue, of which William Rudolph is manager. Mr. Reuter puts in his time at the Euclid Avenue store.

B. J. Herman, of 4700 Virginia Auenue, met with quite a serious accident last month. While cleaning show windows, he fell and fractured several ribs. He was confined to his bed for a few weeks but is now able to be up again.



L. A. Philibert, a graduate of the St. Louis College of Pharmacy, is now permanently located with William K. Ilhardt, Euclid and Delmar Avenues.

The St. Louis Medical History Club at its November meeting had the following program:

I. A Day in Leyden, by Dr. F. J. Lutz.

II. The Brunonian System, Dr. James Moore Ball. Jas. Garrett, Ph. G., St. Louis College Pharmacy, class '85, will open a new drug store soon, at the corner of Ewing and Olive Street.

Theodore F. Hagenow, Ph. G., '84, is, as predicted by the MEYER BROTHERS DRUGGIST, a member of the house of representatives from St. Louis. He is thoroughly in touch with pharmaceutical affairs, and will look particularly after the interests of his calling. His busy drug store, at Fifteenth and Chouteau Avenue, will remain in charge of competent hands while he is at Jefferson City.

Dr F. J. Lutz, on the evening of October 30, received an ivory cane, with his own signature engraved on the silver knob. It was presented by several doctors who were pupils under him at the college: Those present were: Dr. H. Kneedler, from Manila; Dr. Porter Williams, superintendent of the State Insane Asylum, Fulton; Dr. J. P. Hennerich; Dr. D. F. Hochdoerfer; Dr. O. L. Von der Au and Mike Arendes.

E. J. Shanley is the chemist in charge of the New Food and Drug Inspection Laboratory of the Bureau of Chemistry of the United States Government which has been opened on the eighteenth floor of the Wright Building. This is the twenty-sixth laboratory of the kind in the United States. Manufacturers of patent medicines are among the concerns to be particularly interested in the work of the laboratory.



It is Very Generally Reported Throughout the Central West that business is decidedly more satisfactory since the election, than it was during any previous months in the year. Then too, we are now making comparisons with the first months and very worst period of the panic of 1907 and these comparisons are not as odius as they were a year ago, for increases in sales are now noted, whereas, such was not the case during November and December, 1907.

We are approaching the holiday season and it is with predictions of better business, and normal conditions, that commercial interests await the turn of the year.

May the depression of 1907 never be repeated is the ardent wish of the MEYER BROTHERS DRUGGIST to its readers, to whom we also extend greetings, and best wishes for a very Merry Christmas and a happy and prosperous New Year.

Changes during the past month in the drug and chemical markets have been rather interesting, particularly the advances in glycerin, santonin, Malaga olive oil and linseed oil and the continued decline in opium and its weakness at the lower level, also declines on strychnine, fish oil, acetic acid and window glass. We set forth below a list of items chiefly affected since our last issue, together with current local quotations thereon.

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Quinine is in steady request but unchanged in price; P. & W., quotable in 100-oz. cans at 16c; M. B., 154c; 25-oz. cans, 18c; 5-oz. cans, 22c; 1-oz. vials, 27c.

Opium.-Tending downward and devoid of any particular strength we note lower quotation as follows: $4.40 powd., M. B., $5.35; powd., P. & W., $6.40.

Morphine.-Unchanged, quotable in -oz. vials, 24oz. boxes at $3.10; oz. vials, 20c per oz. less.

Alcohol, Grain, 1882.-Quotably unchanged; bbls., $2.79; 4-bbl., $2.82; 10-gal. cans, $2.99; 5-gal. cans, $3.03, containers inclusive, with the usual allowance of 10c per gallon for cash in ten days.

U. S. P., 190° is offered at an advance of 5c over the above.

Denatured. Quotably unchanged; bbls., 50c; 4-bbls., 54c; 44-gal. cans, 72c, containers inclusive.

Wood, 95°.-Unchanged; bbls., 50c; 4-bbls., 54c; 10gal. cans, 64c; 5-gal. cans, 69c, containers inclusive. Acid, Acetic.-Quotably lower.

Commercial, No. 8.-28%, bbls., $2.00 each, 2 to 5 to 7c in a small way; 56%, 5ğc; 70%, 6c. Re-distilled, No. 8.-28%, 3gc; 56%, 6c; 80%, 84c. Pure, No. 8.-30%, 4% to 10c.

U. S. P.-36%, 5 to 84 to 12c.

Glacial, U.S. P.-Carboys, 164c; 24 to 30c, as wanted. Arsenic, White.-Declined; kegs, 5 to 10 to 12c in small lots.

Camphor, Monobromated.-Declined to $1.85; ozs., 23c; powd., 5c higher.

Cinnamon, Ceylon.-Advanced; bales, 31 to 37 to 40c. Cocaine.-Advanced to $2.80 per oz.; $3.00 in s. Cocoa Butter.-Advanced; M. B., -lb. cakes, 12-1b. boxes, 43 to 50c; Fingers, 26 to lb., 12-lb. boxes 72 to 80c, as to quantity.

Copaiba, U. S. P.-Advanced to 69 to 75c as to quantity.

Formaldehyde.-Advanced; quotable in 90-lb. kegs at 15c; gal. jugs, 184c; 5-lb. bottles, 28c; 1-lb. bottles, 33c.

Gambir.-Advanced; bales, S to 14 to 16c in a small


Glycerin.-Materially higher. There is a scarcity and it is impossible to enter contracts. The firmness of the present market indicates higher prices. There has been an advance of 2c in local quotations and the present basis for 50-lb. cases is 18c.

Aloes, Cape. Declined to 16 to 20c.
Benzoin. Declined to 45 to 50c.
Guaiac. Declined to 30 to 35c.

Tragacanth.-Quotably lower; No. 1 Ribbon in flakes, $1.05 to $1.15; powd., U. S. P., 75 to 80c; sorts in case lots, 29 to 37 to 45c.

Iron by Hydrogen, 80 to 85%.-Advanced to 56c; 90% U. S. P., 63c.

Lodestone.-Materially higher; quotable at 55 to 65c. Menthol. Declined $2.95; ozs., 28c.

Mercury.-Advanced and firm at the higher market; flasks, 72c; 5-lb. lots, 83 to 87c.

Methyl Salicylate.-Declined; 61-lb. bottles, 45 to 55c, as wanted.

Oil, Betula. Declined to $2.60 to $2.85.

Oil Cake.-Advanced; ton lots, $33.00; -ton, $33.50; -ton, $34.00; 100-lb. bags, $1.75.

Cocoanut.-Declined; bbls., 94 to 15 to 20c in a small


Cubebs.-Advanced to $2.50 to $2.75.

Fish, Pure.-Declined 35 to 50c as wanted; No. 2, bbls., 294 to 45c, as wanted.

Linseed.-Materially higher. Note a net advance of 4c since our last issue; raw, bbls., 47c; boiled, 48c, with the usual advances for small lots.

Olive, Malaga.-Materially higher and tending upward; green, bbls., $1.15 to $1.40; yellow, bbls., $1.45 to $1.70.

Potassium, Chlorate.-Declined; crystals, kegs, 107 to 15c; powd., kegs, 11 to loc, as wanted.

Permanganate.-Advanced; small crystal, kegs, 134 to 18 to 22c, as wanted.

Quinidine, Alkaloid.-Declined to 60 to 85c, as to quantity and packing.

Root, Jalap.-Advanced 52 to 55c; powd., 5c higher. Santonin.-Advanced; supplies are not readily obtainable from the usual sources, and we note sharp advances, nominally $5.00; ozs., 42c; powd., 20c higher.

Seed, Quince.-Advanced. Supplies seem closely held and the high basis of $1.35 to $1.50 is maintained. Silver, Nitrate.-Advanced; P. & W., $7.26; M. B., $6.92; ozs., 50 and 48c, respectively.

Soap, Castile.-Advanced; in sympathy with the movement on olive oil following the failure of olive crops abroad all brands are higher. La Tosca white, in boxes (bars) 12 to 14 to 15c; powd., white, M. B., 34 to 40c; ordinary mottled, 8 to 10c.

Sodium, Bicarbonate. Natrona, quotably lower; kegs, 24 to 5c; Crown brand, kegs, $1.75 to 5c.

Strychnine. Declined; Alkaloid Crystals, $1.10; s, $1.30; Sulphate Crystals, ozs., $1.05; ts, $1.25.

Glassware.-High class ware is firmly held; Pearl prescription bottles in case lots, quotable at 75 & 5%; 5-case lots, 75 & 10%; 25-case lots, 75, 10 & 5%; Baltimore ovals, brandy finish, 80%; 5-case lots, 80 & 5%; 25-case lots, 80 & 10%; Comet ovals or flasks, 80 & 20%; 25-case lots, 85 & 10%; 50-case lots, 85 & 20%.

Window Glass has been very much unsettled and net prices are lower than they were thirty days ago, offered in this market on the basis of 90 & 30% for all single; 90 & 35% for all double.

Turpentine.-An advance of 4c is noted since our last issue; bbls., 46c; 10-gal. cans, 58c; 5-gal. cans, 62c, packages, inclusive.

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Reiff-Lee.-On October 25, L. Reiff, clerk at A. Mueller's store at Webster Groves, was married to Miss Blanche Lee, one of the belles of Webster Groves.

Rettberg-Fauser.-Anton Rettberg, of 1001 Hurlburt Street, Chicago, and Miss Elsia Fauser, also of Chicago, were married early in the fall and are now enjoying their home at 1508 First Avenue.

Layton-Manning.—Thomas A. Layton was married November 28, to Miss Theckla Manning. The marriage ceremony was performed at St. Teresa's Church, on Grand Avenue, St. Louis. Mr. and Mrs. Layton will reside at 2307 Benton Street.

McIntyre-Wheeler.-A. R. McIntyre, a graduate of the St. Louis College of Pharmacy, '05, formerly of Kirkwood, Mo., was married on November 25, to Miss Helen C. Wheeler, of St. Joseph, Mo. Mr. McIntyre is now proprietor of the Vadconis Pharmacy, one' of the largest stores in Ogden, Utah.

Hunt-Taylor.-Invitations are out to the wedding reception given by Mr. and Mrs. Hannis Taylor on the occasion of the marriage of their daughter, Mary Lillie, to Dr. Reid Hunt, Washington, D. C. Dr. Hunt is chief of the Hygienic Laboratory Department of the Marine Hospital and Public Health Service and is an active member of the A. Ph. A.

Hess-Dierks.-Paul L. Hess and Miss Rose Dierks, of Kansas City, were married November 18, and are now at home in that city. Mr. Hess is one of the prominent pharmacists of the west, and proprietor of two large stores in Kansas City. He served two terms as a member of the State Board of Pharmacy, and has a host of friends to extend congratulations.

Malone-Williams.-Mary Ola Williams, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Anderson Williams, of Waldron, Ark., was married October 27, to Mr. Freeman Malone, Jr., a prominent pharmacist. Mr. Malone graduated at the St. Louis College of Pharmacy and his classmates join his many friends in extending congratulations. The couple are now at home at


Chyenne, Wyo.

A. Ph. A. Officers for 1909-10 have been elected by ballot taken by mail. The result is annouced just as we go to press and is as follows:

Henry H. Rusby, of New York City, president; Clement B. Lowe, of Philadelphia, Pa., first vice-president; Charles W. Johnson, of Seattle, Wash., second vice-president; William B. Day, of Chicago, Ill., third vice-president; Oscar Oldberg, Chicago, Ill., George M. Beringer, of Camden, N. J., and Charles E. Caspari, of St. Louis, Mo., members of the council.

Jerry S. Dorsey, of the firm of Gilman & Dorsey, Columbia, Mo., died at St. Luke's Hospital, St. Louis, December 4, following an operation for gall stones. A sketch of Mr. Dorsey's life appeared on page 7 of the MEYER BROTHERS DRUGGIST for January, 1908.


Sunday Closing.-At a meeting of the students of the Northwestern University School of Pharmacy, held Thursday evening, November 19, 1908, at the University Building, Lake and Dearborn Streets, Chicago, there was organized under the most favorable auspices the Northwestern University Pharmaceutical Association. The meetings of the association are to be held, for the present at least, on the third evening in each month.

The meeting of Thursday evening was a largely attended, enthusiastic one, being participated in by a considerable portion of the student body. The main topic for discussion was the following resolution:

Resolved, that the highest welfare of the pharmaceutical profession and of the public demands that every drug store shall be closed all day on Sunday.

After an animated debate, in which a large number of students took part, a vote on the resolution was taken and resulted in its being adopted by a small majority, the two sides being quite evenly divided as to numbers.

Charles H. Davis is proprietor of the East Side Pharmacy Co., at Bangor, Me.

The Big Brick Drug Store is owned by Dr. F. M. Smith, of Holyoke, Colo.

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Charles L. Wright, of Webb City, has been confined to his bed, but only for a short time. He is not a man who enjoys being sick, or losing the opportunity of service in his busy drug store.

Henry S. Mayer, doing business at Marshalltown, Ia., recently passed the Missouri Board of Pharmacy. He was in St. Louis at the time and decided to try the ordeal and came out with flying colors.

The Mortar and Pestle Society, of the Department of Pharmacy, of the University of Iowa, at Iowa City, held an interesting meeting in October, in which Messrs. Palmer, Gibbs, Miss Harden and Dean Teeters took part.

S. G. Sager, who recently purchased a stock of drugs at Siloam Springs, Ark., will move the goods to

B. Larson & Co., 268 Grand Avenue, Chicago, Ill., Rogers, Ark., where he will again serve his old cushave given up the drug business.

Doing Business for Your Health, is the way that the Norris Drug Co., of Texas, expresses it.

M. H. Scrutchfield, Ph. G., formerly of Longmont, Colo., is now a resident of Wellsville, Mo.

James S. Hollopeter is a physician and surgeon at Houston, O., who is also interested in pharmacy.

Judge A. S. Kyle, of the Kansas City, Mo., Police Court, fined a druggist of that city $5,000 for selling cocaine.

Eisele & Hunt Drug Co. is one of the prosperous firms of Hot Springs, Ark., and is proprietor of the Arlington Pharmacy.

"He Puts Up the Prescription."-Thus announces H. C. Barnes, who is doing a retail and wholesale drug business at Roanoke, Va.

L. L. McGuire, proprietor of the Greenwood Pharmacy, at Greenwood, Mo., spent a week hunting and fishing near Texarkana, Ark.

The Pioneer Drug Store does a wholesale and retail business at San Angelo, Tex. The members of the firm are S. L. S. Smith and George Keene.

M. D. Simmons, after an absence of twelve months, spent in the west, has returned to Harrisburg, Ark., and has taken charge of the Simmons Drug Co.

Hutchings' Drug Store, at Bancroft, Mich., is a busy place, and the proprietor is a careful student of the pharmaceutical conditions throughout the country. Charles J. Clayton is proprietor of the Acme Phar

tomers, having formerly been engaged in the drug business in Rogers.

Dr. James H. Beal has been elected vice-dean of the Pittsburg College of Pharmacy. This is a new office recently created. Professor Beal is perfectly competent to fill any office, new or old, which can be tendered him in American pharmacy.

Ed. Hindberg, salesman for Eli-Lilly & Co., of Kansas City, is secretary of the Kansas City Salesmen's Association, which was organized by the salesmen of Kansas City who were calling on the druggists. It is for sociability and to get better acquainted with each other.

The Medical Library and Historical Journal, edited by Mr. Wilbert Tracy Huntington, and published at Brooklyn, N. Y., is sent on subscription at $2.00 per year. Those who are interested in the historical section of the A. Ph. A. will find much of interest in this periodical.

Henry Bordeaux, of Dermott, Ark., and first vice-president of the State Association, has leased the corner store in the new Capitol Hotel, at Little Rock, for a term of five years, and will open up about January 15 one of the most complete prescription drug stores in the state. Mr. Bordeaux has many friends throughout the state who will be pleased to hear of his new store. Mr. Bordeaux will have associated with him his brother Carl, who has been with F. W. McClukin for some time as prescription clerk. The new store will be known as the New Capitol Hotel Pharmacy, Bordeaux Brothers, proprietors.

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