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J. P. Huhn, of the J. P. Huhn Drug Co., Grand and Washington Avenue, is a graduate of the St. Louis College of Pharmacy, 1880. He reports business fair and prescriptions to which he caters occasionally, very good.

Carl Grotefend, clerk for Wm. K. Ilhardt, at 4836 Delmar Avenue, caught two boys, one evening last week, wrecking the slot machine in front of the store. After searching the boys and finding only fifty cents between them, he released them. Later, it was discovered that they had done damages amounting to more than $50.00 but, by that time, the boys had disappeared and could not be found.

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No. 1-Small size, Imt. Leather, 25c. No. 2-Large size, Leather, 50c.
No. 3-Special finish Grain Seal or Snake, packed
in individual white, enamel boxes...... ..$1.00.
Discounts to Trade
Dozen lots, any assortment, 30%. Gross lots, any assortment, 40%.
Three display easels packed with each gross lot. All express and
mailing charges prepaid on cash or C. O. D. orders..
For $5.00 we will send pre-

Our Special One-Time Cash Offer a dozen Imitation

Leather, a dozen Leather, 1-6 dozen Seal Grain and 1-6 dozen Snake Skin Pouches, with two handsome display cards. This is less than our gross discount price. If you are not handling these pouches we give you this unusual opportunity to test their wonderful selling power. The Self-Closing Pouch Company :: 532 :: Culver Way, St. Louis, Mo.

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Local Views Post Cards

We make them in lots of 1000 of
one view and up.

Beautifully lithographed in colors.
Quick delivery.

Write for samples and prices.

Beaty-Jaquith Company 325 Dearborn St., Dept. D.. Chicago, Ill.


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Golden Seal, Ginseng, Culver's, Blood, Pink, and other domestic Roots, Barks, Leaves, Flowers, Beeswax and honey direct from the growers, and are at all times pleased to offer them the highest market value for the best quality obtainable. Send us your inquiries.


Saint Louis.

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The charge for above copies is twenty-five cents each. E. Kinnett is a prosperous pharmacist at Pierce City, Mo.

Open All Night is the Capitol Pharmacy, at Houston, Tex.

J. W. Lauer is a thoroughly up-to-date pharmacist, at Winona, Minn.

J. H. Cole, formerly of Indianapolis, is now living at Ft. Wayne, Ind.

W. C. Bastin is a physician and surgeon interested in pharmacy at Mulkeytown, Ill.

W. W. Griffin is a chemist and druggist doing a prosperous business at Pelzer, S. C.

Waldo Keister, formerly of St. Johns, O., is now with the Bailey Drug Co., Zanesville, O.

A. W. Smith is a registered pharmacist well established in business at Wetunka, Okla.

B. A. Root is a dealer in drugs and medicines, paints, oils, glass and wall paper, at Murray, Neb.

W. S. Roberts, of Huntsville, Mo., is now in charge of prescription department of A. B. Young, Perry, Mo. The Denver Drug Co., located at Denver, Mo., is doing a prosperous business, with T. R. Burns as proprietor.

The Cassville Drug Co. is a prosperous firm at Cassville, Mo. The members are S. W. Chandler and G. R. McClure.

The Fry Hodge Drug Co. has a store at Marshall, Tex. It is one of the most up-to-date and prosperous drug stores in the state.

H. A. Littlefieid is now located with the Denver Drug Co., at Denver, Mo., where prescriptions are accurately compounded.

The University of Michigan School of Pharmacy has recently been incorporated into the university as a fullfledged department.

The Eagle Pass Drug Co. is a prosperous drug firm at Eagle Pass, Tex., with Charles F. Carson and R. F. Tarver as proprietors.

O. E. Bramblett is pleasantly located with W. W. Griffin, at Pelzer, S. C., and takes much interest in pharmaceutical affairs.

P. J. Garvin is a prescription druggist at Bethel, Conn., and gives special attention to that department of pharmaceutical work.

C. D. Kerlagon, Ph. G., '08, formerly of Farmington, Mo., is now pleasantly located with George H. Sommers, at 4900 Laclede Avenue, St. Louis.

The Texas Baptist Memorial Sanitarium, of Dallas, has received a handsome gift from Mrs. Ramsuer, of Paris, Tex. It consists of 9,000 acres of land and $15,000 in cash.

Threde's Pharmacy, on the northeast corner of Second and Market Streets, Alton, Ill., is a prosperous place of business with the motto, "It pleases us to please you."

Frank A. Druehl, of Salt Lake City, visited New York Sullivan Pharmacy succeeds Dr. T. B. Duemler at Sul- City recently, stopping over a few days at Chicago, livan, Mo. where he was in the drug business from 1867 to 1892. The Red Cross Pharmacy, of Leslie, Ark., is owned by Mr. Druehl, like other Salt Lake City pharmacists, is John R. Clay. anxious to see the A. Ph. A. visit the coast in 1909.


The Missouri Retail Merchants' Association now includes the St. Louis R. D. A., which has joined on a basis of fifty members. The state association has taken a decided stand against trading stamps, dishonest advertising and illegitimate proprietary goods.

bookkeeping, stenography and typewriting, algebra, geometry, physics, chemistry, United States history, general history, civil government, literature, Latin, French, German, Spanish.

Upon passing a satisfactory examination on any study, a student will be entitled to a credit for the same. Credits for three of the first four subjects named will entitle a student to a commercial diploma.

Students who have passed a satisfactory examination upon a sufficient number of the high school studies will be entitled to an evening high school diploma.

For admission to the evening high schools a certificate of

Political.-Among those present at the grand repub-graduation from the district evening schools or other evidence

lican love feast and banquet on November 14, at the new Coliseum, were noticeable a number of our retail druggists, especially Theodore F. Hagenow, L. A. Seitz, Mr. Bryant, Otto Ude, J. P. Methudy, Dr. J. L. Boehm, C. Stoermer, Robert Thebus and Chas. Renner. St. Louis Public Evening Schools.-In the MEYER BROTHERS DRUGGIST, for November, we called the attention of drug clerks to the public evening schools, and advised them to take advantage of this opportunity of preparing for the college of pharmacy. We have received a number of inquiries about the schools and are pleased to give the following information, furnished us by the superintendent of instruction, Ben Blewett.

The Board of Education maintains free public evening schools for the benefit of young men and women between the ages of fourteen and twenty, who follow some industrial calling and have no opportunity to avail themselves of the day schools.

A nominal tuition (one dollar for the session of twenty weeks) is charged for students who are twenty years of age and over. Any child who has been exempted from attendance in the day schools for the reason that his labor is absolutely necessary for the support of the family, is required to attend some evening school, unless exemption from such attendance is granted by the attendance officer.

To an earnest student the evening schools offer a good chance for obtaining a fair English education or for making up deficieneies of earlier school training. Many of the best teachers of the day schools teach in evening schools.

The Studies of the Evening Schools.-The full course of evening school training, which is open to the students, covers five years, namely, three years of elementary school instruction and two years high school work.


The studies of the elementary public evening schools are: Reading and writing the English language, arithmetic; the elements of geography and History of the United States. most of the evening schools there are classes in drawing for mechanics, and classes in bookkeeping. A class in cooking will When a sufficient be conducted at the Patrick Henry School. number of applicants present themselves, classes are formed for foreigners who desire instruction in the English language.

Drawing Classes.-Classes in drawing are maintained in those evening schools in which a sufficient number of qualified pupils apply for this branch of study.

The lessons in drawing include both free hand and mechanical, or instrumental drawing and architectural drawing, and the work has been so planned as to meet the needs of the workers in the various trades.

There are lessons in constructive design, such as the designing of articles in wrought and bent iron, furniture, etc.

Lessons in decorative designs will be given, and their application to various textiles and materials, such as leather, copper, brass, linens, etc.

Free hand drawing from objects and nature is also made a subject of instruction, and the lessons are so arranged as to be of practical use.

The Studies of the Evening High Schools.-Upon application of a sufficient number to form a class, the following studies will be taught: English language and composition, higher arithmetic,

of sufficient preparation is required.

Time of the Evening Schools.-The evening schools begin early in October and continue in session for twenty weeks, on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from seven to nine o'clock. Students can be admitted to an evening school at any time of the course by applying to the principal. Punctual attendance is required.

Location of Evening Schools.-The evening grammar schools are located in the following buildings:

Northern part of the city-Eliot School, 4250 Grove Street; Jackson School, Madison and Hogan Streets.

Southern part of the city-Blow School, Virginia and Loughborough Avenues; Lafayette School, Ann Avenue, near Ninth Street; Shepard School, Wisconsin Avenue and Potomac Street; some school near the McKinley, if a sufficient number apply at the McKinley High.

Central part of the city-Carr Lane School, Twenty-third and Carr Streets; Franklin School, 1633 Lucas Avenue; Patrick Henry School, Tenth and Biddle Streets; Dumas School (colored), 1413 Lucas Avenue.

Western part of the city-Marshall School, Lucky Street, between Newstead and Pendleton Avenues; L'Ouverture School (colored), 2612 Papin Street; Simmons School (colored), 4234 St. Louis Avenue.

Evening High Schools.-Public evening high schools are maintained in the Central High School Building, on Grand Avenue, near Finney Avenue, and in the McKinley High School, Missouri and Russell Avenues. In the McKinley High School,

in addition to the high school work, there will be classes of adult foreigners studying English, and classes in grammar school work with a view to opening a grammar school in the neighborhood.

Evening High School for Colored People.-Whenever as many as twenty pupils that are qualified by the completion of the elementary school course shall apply for instruction in high school studies, such as algebra, physics, modern language, bookkeeping or mechanical drawing, classes in such studies will be organized in the L'Ouverture evening school.

During the fall the St. Louis public evening schools conducted a series of illustrated science lectures covering chemistry by Chester B. Curtis, principal Central High School, and physics by W. M. Butler, assistant principal Yeatman High School. This series closed December 1, but new series will be opened and information about them can be obtained by addressing Mr. Blewett. We again suggest that proprietors as well as clerks take an interest in the evening school work and see to it that their clerks are competent to pass a preliminary examination before matriculating at the St. Louis College of Pharmacy. This institution found it necessary to return the fees to eleven students who had paid but were unable to come up to the requirements at the preliminary examination, last September.

P. A. Kuehnemann, formerly of Kansas City, Mo., is now with the Stegner Drug Co., Grand and Easton Avenues.


E. Kilgore is with C. H. Magruder, at 5001 Delmar Avenue.

Dr. B. J. Ludwig, 4143 Lee Avenue, reports business very good.

C. W. J. H. Hahn, 2301 Salisbury Street, says business is very good.

H. Kienker, with J. J. Mueller, 3901 Lee Avenue, says business is very good.

A. S. Ludwig, 2901 N. Newstead Avenue, reports business fair and increasing.

J. W. Schneider has quit the drug business and is now looking after life insurance.

A. Vogelsang, Glasgow and St. Louis Avenues, reports business fair and increasing.

H. S. Konetzy, 2300 Salisbury Street, reports business all right and is well satisfied.

J. H. Sewing, Twenty-Fifth Street and St. Louis Avenue, reports business good.

Geo. Burckhardt, formerly with C. W. Smith, is now permanently located with A. W. Pauley.

H. C. French and brother bought the store of J. R. Strite, 4201 Olive Street, about two months ago.

O. A. Grote, 4400 Natural Bridge Road, reports business fair and considerably better than it has been.

W. Reuter, formerly with the Chenoweth Drug Co., is now with H. S. Konetzky, Tenth and Wright Streets. C. E. Musick, 4267 Olive Street, is one of the St. Louis


druggists who is the owner of an automobile. He takes a spin through the county every time he can get away from the store.

J. J. Kane is with C. E. Musick. W. Friesz is manager of the C. W. J. H. Hahn drug store at 4401 Olive Street.

A. Hansen, with B. J. Ludwig, 918 N. Taylor Avenue, has been seriously ill, but is back in business again.

A. J. Hoenny, Grand Avenue and Natural Bridge Road, says business has been fair and it is increasing right along.

F. Rosenberg is now with H. S. Konetzky, at TwentyThird and Salisbury Streets. He was formerly with C. Stoermer.

A. Lieberstein, has been traveling the last few months through California, Arizona and New Mexico, on account of his health.

C. L. Jones had full charge of A. W. Pauley's store, Grand Avenue and Hebert Street, while Mr. Pauley was touring Yellowstone Park.

J. A. Sanger, proprietor of the Lindell Pharmacy, Sarah Street and St. Louis Avenue, reports business considerably better than it has been.

C. F. Miller, a graduate of the Albany (N. Y.) College of Pharmacy, is prescription clerk at Stoermer's Drug Store, King's Highway and Delmar Avenue.

Theodore Engelskind, a graduate of the St. Louis Col


lege of Pharmacy, 1900, finds business better than it was six months ago.

F. P. Schaum, with F. W. Barkhoefer, 4201 N.Eleventh Street, a graduate of the St. Louis College of Pharmacy, of 1905, reports business fair and increasing right along.

A. Ramer is now with F. A. Ulrich, Twentieth and Salisbury Streets, as prescription clerk. He was formerly with R. T. Hill.

A. W. Klosterman has charge of the store of his brother, W. J. A. Klosterman at Elliott and St. Louis Avenues, while the latter is away on his wedding trip.

Peter Eck, with J. A. Pfunder, 4701 St. Louis Avenue, is attending the St. Louis College of Physicians and Surgeons, Jefferson Avenue and Gamble Street.

Dr. L. C. Haagen, a graduate of the St. Louis College of Pharmacy, 1884, is always willing to help out his friend, J. B. Higgins. The doctor would like to hear from or meet some of his classmates of the St. Louis College of Pharmacy.

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The Course in Pharmacy Given by the Ohio Institute Pharmacy, Columbus, Ohio, will elevate the professional standard of any young man. Write for information.

Their Latest Production.-The Abbott Alkaloidal Co., Ravenswood Station, Chicago, Ills., have just completed a new and enlarged trade price-list, which contains a number of improved and distinctive features; also a valuable amount of useful information, and druggists will do well to cooperate with them by making requests for a copy of this new price-list.

The Best of All, and, for over sixty years, an old and well-tried remedy. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over sixty years by millions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays the pain, cures colic, and is the best remedy for diarrhoea. Sold by druggists in every part of the world.

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If You Have Never Handled Rudy's Pile Suppositories and desire to do so, it will pay you to write at once and send me the name of your jobbing house, and I will send to you in their care, free of all charges, two (2) boxes Rudy's Pile Suppositories, which retail at 50 cents each, with free samples, a neat metal sign, etc. They are now sold and recommended by over 5,000 druggists in this country, so you need not hesitate to place confidence in them. Manufactured by Martin Rudy (registered pharmacist), Lancaster, Pa.

Brown's Bronchial Troches do not contain opium or any injurious substance whatever, the use of which would require a special label on the package. Known throughout the world for fifty years as a preparation of superior merit. Dealers in medicines and proprietary goods can confidently recommend this article as an efficacious remedy for coughs, hoarseness, bronchial and lung troubles.

Imitations and inferior preparations represented to be the same as "Brown's Bronchial Troches" should be avoided.

Seems to Us That Zymole Trokeys ought to be a mighty good thing for druggists to turn their selling attention to. There is probably no other throat specialty now on the market that is so well known to the general public. and every live druggist should strive to pull to his store part of the constantly increasing demand for them.

But widely as Zymole Trokeys are known, knowledge of them is still being more extensively spread by the advertising in the street cars which is being carried on in all the principal cities of the United States and many of the smaller towns. Do not fail to put in a generous stock if you have not already done so, and keep a box prominently displayed on your show-case.

A New Industry That Will Rival Petroleum, is that of producing denatured alcohol for light, heat and power. Denatured alcohol is now being used by every navy in the world, nearly every city in France and Germany, and in few American cities. There are no speculative features, no prospecting for an unknown, for denatured alcohol is a necessity in every community on land and sea. The automobiles and the navies of the world consume millions of barrels of it. The market awaits the product.

The Continental Natural Gas Alcohol Co., whose advertisement appears elsewhere in this publication, are ready to negotiate with commercial associations or local individuals for this new manufacturing industry at your locality if near gas belt. If interested you will do well to write them.

The Bromo-Lithia Chemical Co., at present introducing their product in this city and state, now appear to have perfected a plan that will insure a proper distribution of the full cash paid shares of stock in their company to the five clerks who sell the most BromoLithia within three months of the receipt of the Introductory Quantity.

This they are enabled to do because of the serial number upon every bottle and the placing by the clerk of the number of the bottle on every coupon returned.

Only five clerks in each state can receive the shares of stock, but every clerk who enters the competition is promised a valuable remembrance or consolation prize, and as the Bromo-Lithia Company has built up an enviable reputation of doing exactly as they promise, we advise all who have an opportunity to enter this competition.

The New Usona Self-Closing Tobacco Pouch offers an opportunity to up-to-date retailers for the installation of a most unique and attractive as well as profitable holiday display feature. The pouch was designed to meet a long felt want of the pipe and cigarette smoker who has had to undergo the inconvience of a leaky pouch or bag which it was impossible to close without the use of both hands and the loss of much temper, time and tobacco. In this regard it seems to have fully met expectations as the improved pouch is rapidly coming into general use. It is guaranteed not to leak and its simple though ingenious automatic closing feature appeals at once to the smoker. The pouch is neatly and substantially made and on account of its possibilities as an appropriate and inexpensive gift is especially salable among all classes in the holiday season. The manufacturer is offering liberal discounts to the trade and is advertising extensively in the leading periodicals.

Every first class store will undoubtedly receive many inquiries as to this pouch, and it therefore seems that it should be given a leading place among the many interesting and useful novelties which are so essential to the Christmas trade.

The Eminent Lawyer.- My young friend, you should profit by advice.

The young lawyer-I might if I got as much for giving it as you do.-[Syracuse Herald.

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