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detachment; concluding that it had and to each commanding officer, our either retreated to Edko or bern country is under much obligation, defe:ted.

The gereral continued for they exerted themselves to the his route along the lake, when the utmost. They all deserve that better enemy, which had been kept off by fortune should have attended their the gallant and steady conduct of zealous endeavours. I have the ho. the 35th and 78th regiments, under nour to inclose a return of the killed, colonel Oswald, the former firing wounded, and missing, since the by its wings and platoons retiring, 19th inst. The missing imply the and the 78th with its front rank detachment at Hamet alone, none kneeling, as during the movements being missing from the main army. of a field-day, discontinued the I have the honour to be, &c. pursuit. Our casualties during this (Signed) W. STEWART, Brig. Gen. retreat did not exceed 50 killed and wounded, and noge were captured: Return of Killed, Wounded, and the loss of the enemy was consider

Missing, of the Army serring a. ably greater.

gainst Rosetta, from the 197h to By sop-set our troops reached the 21st of April, inclusive ; 1807. the depôt, where our wounded Royai arti lery battalion, 1 rank were embarked on-board the germs.

and file killed ; 1 serjeant, 5 rank The army, having refreshed, advan- and file, 1 horse, wounded ; 1 lieu. ced to Edko, and at two in the tenant, 19 rank and file, 12 horses, morning took up its former posi- missing. - Light infantry battalion, tion : in the afternoon of the 220, 1 rank and tile killed ; i lieutenant, the army advanced to the caravan. 3 Serjeants, 9 rank and file, wound. sera, and on the succeeding day ed; 2 captains, 2 lieutenants, 5 emba ked for Aboukir Wells. The serjeants, 3 drummers, 122 rank general observes, that he had heard and file, missing.–35th regiment, by report that colonel M.Leod's 1 rank and file killed; 2 lieute. detachment had been defeated in the nants, 4 serjeants, 58 rank and file, forenoon of the 21st, when many wounded ; 2 captains, 2 lieutenants, were made prisoners.]

7 serjeants, 2 drummers, 134 rank In closing this letter I am bound and file, missing.–78th regiment, i to state, that I have been abiy sup- rank and file killed ; 1 captaio, 2 ported by those who were under serjeants, !) rank and file, wound. my orders. To colonel Oswald [ ed ; 1 lieutenant colonel, 1 cap. owe every thing that a commander tain, 7 lieutenants, 1 ensign, 1 staff, can owe to his second in command. 10 serjeants, 4 drummers, 158 rank To lieutenant Tilly for his exertions and file, missing. -De Rolle's regi. on the lake, and to captain Nicholls ment, 1 rank and file killed ; i for his services at the caravansera,

rank and file wounded ; 2 majors, our army was indebted for its unin. 5 captains, 4 lieutenants, 3 ensigns, terrupted supply. Where-ever pa- 8 serjeants, 5 drummers, 282 rank val assistance has been required, it and file, missing.-2:)th light dra. has been given, under the able su. goons, 1 rank and file, 6 horses, perintendance of captain Hallowell, wounded ; 1 captain, 1 assistant. with a zal so pecuiiar to our naval surgeon, 1 trumpeter, 11 rank and operatious. In every department, file, 14 horses, missing. Total, 5 rank and ble killed ; 1 captain, my regiment, has this moment ar. 3 licutenants, 10 serjeants, 85 rank rived here from Cairo with a flag and file, 7 horses, wounded ; 1 of truce, brioging various letters lieutenant-colonel, 2 majors, 10 from the officers that were made captains, 15 lieutenants, 4 ensigns, prisoners at El Hamet.-The only 2 staff, 30 serjeants, 15 drummers, intelligence he brings is, that the 733 rank and file, 26 horses, Mamelukes have certainly made missing.

peace with the viceroy of Egypt. Names of Officer's wounded. - -Lieutenant Mathieson has been Light infantry battalion, lieutenant sent here with a view of being ex. Arthur, of the 35th.--35th regi. changed for some Albanians that ment, lieutenants Daily and Phil. we thonght it necessary to send lot.-78th regiment, captain R. H. away from this place. Dick.

I have the honour to be, &c. Names of Officers missing.--Royal (Signed) A. M. FRAZER, artillery, lieutenant Dunn.--20th

Major-general. light dragoons, captain J. Delancey; assistant-surgeon Gibson. - Light Return of Prisoners taken by the infantry battalion, captains Tarle. Enemy, transmitted by Major. ton (of the 35th) and Reinach (of General Fraser, the 20th of May, De Roll's regiment); lieutenants 1807. Westerman (of the 35th,) and Rosil- Alexandria, May 20, 1807. lon (of De Roll's regiment.)-1st Prisoners of War.-20th light 'battalion 35th regiment, captains dragoons, 1 captain, 1 assistant sur.

1 M'Allister and Pike; lieutenants geon, 3 rank and file.-Royal ar. Wilkinson and Walker.2d batta. tillery, 1 lieutenant and 7 rank and lion 71st regiment, lieutenant-co- file.-Gunner.drivers, 2 rank and lonel P. M.Leod; captain C.C.file1st battalion 31st regiment, Mackay ; lieutenants W. M. Dick, 12 rank and file.Ist battalion 35th J. Mathieson, Malcolm M Gregor, regiment, 1 captain, 6 serjeants, 2

, Christ. M.Kae, A. Gallie, P. Ryrie

drummers, and 84 rank and file. and Ard. Christie ; ensign J. Grc. -2d battalion 78th, tegiment, i

; gory; assistant-surgeon A. Leslie. captain, 4 lieutenants, 7 serjeants, De Rolle's regiment, major C. Vo. and 60 rank and file. -De Rolle's gelsang ; brevet-major Moher; cap- regiment, 2 majors, 4 captains, 3 tains Rhiner, Mohler, Barbier, and lieutenants, 11 serjeants, 4 drum. . Tucks; lieutenants Gouguelbery, mers, and 197 rank and file.--Chas. Frey, and Ledeguve; cosigns Stet. seurs Britanniques, 36 rank and file. ter, Muller, and Sonnenberg.

Prisoners of War not at Cairo. (Signed)

JAMES STEWART, --20th light dragoons, 3 rank and Captain and Major of the Brigade. file.-Royal artillery, 4 rank and Copy of a Letter from Major-Ge- file.--Ist battalion 35th regiment,

file.-Gunner-drivers, 3 rank and neral Fraser to the Right Hon. w. Windham ; dated Alexandria, giment, 1 ensign, 1 assistant-sur

1 lieutenant.--2d battalion 78th re. ; May 6, 1807.


geon, 1 serjeant, 2 drummers, and Sir,

47 rank and file.- De Rolle's regi. I have the honour to acquaint ment, 1 captain, and 2 ensigns. you, that lieutenant Mathicson, of 4


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RECAPITULATION. 20th light dragoons, 1 captain, 1 assistant-surgeon, 6 rank and file.-Royal ar. tillery, 1 lieutenant, 11 rank and file. Gunner-drivers, 5 rank and file.-1st battalion 31st regiment, 12 rank and file. - 1st battalion 35th regiment, 1 captain, 1 lieu tenant, 6 serjeants, 2 drummers, 84 rank and file.-2d battalion 78th regiment, 1 captain, 4 lieutenants, 1 ensign, 1 assistant-surgeon, 8 sergeants, 2 drummers, 107 rank and file.-De Rolle's regiment, 2 majors, 5 captains, 3 lieutenants, 2 ensigns, 11 sergeants, 4 drummers, 197 rank and file. Chasseurs Britanniques, 36 rank and file.-Total, 2 majors, 8 captains, 9 lieutenants, 3 ensigns, 2 assistant-surgeons, 25 sergeants, 8 drummers, 485 rank and file.

Officers, Prisoners of War.-Captain Delancey, of the 20th light dragoous; assistant-surgeon Gibson, of ditto; lieutenant Dunn, of the royal artillery; captain M'Allister, 35th regiment; captain Mac. kay, 2d battalion 78th regiment, severely wounded; lieutenant Ma. thieson, of ditto; lieutenant M'Gregor, of ditto; lieutenant Gallie, of ditto; lieutenant Ryrie, of ditto; major Vogelsang, of de Rolle's regiment; brevet-major Moher, of ditto; captain Remach, of ditto; captain Ryhmer, of ditto; captain Barbier, of ditto; captain Tucks, of ditto; lieutenant Gouguelberg, of ditto, severely wounded; lieutenant Frey, of ditto, severely wounded.

Officers Prisoners, but not at Cairo. -Lieutenant Walker of the 35th regiment; ensign Gregory, of the 78th regiment, wounded; assistantsurgeon Leslie, of ditto; captain Muhler, of de Rolle's regiment, se verely wounded; ensign Muller, of

ditto, severely wounded; ensign Setter, of ditto, severely wounded.

N. B. There are also prisoners of war at Cairo, lieutenants Tieuts, Tynmore, Love, and three privates of the royal marines, who were carried from the caravansera by the Bedouin Arabs; captain Vincenzo Taberna, of the guides; and Mr. Forbes of the commissariat department.-This is the most correct return we have been able to procure, but we cannot expect it to be very accurate. (Signed) GEORGE AIREY, Acting Deputy Adjutant General.

In the Gazette of August 8, a new uniform is appointed by his majesty to be worn by masters and pursers in the navy. The full dress is, blue cloth coat, with blue lappels, cuffs, and stand-up collar; three buttons on the pockets and cuffs, white lining :-white cloth waistcoat and breeches; plain hat. The undress coat has a fall-down collar; the buttons as at present. The blue lappels are to be worn by the gunners, boatswains, and carpenters only, and not by the subordinate classes of warrant officers.

Procedings before Copenhagen.

Extracts of a Letter from Lieutenantgeneral Lord Cathcart to Lord Castlereagh; dated Head-quarters, at Hellerup, before Copenhagen, August 22, 1807.

I have inclosed a journal of the operations of the army, from the 14th, in the morning, together with a return of the casualties, which have occurred, except those of the cavalry, which are not considerable, but have not been transmitted.


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Head-quarters, Hellerup, before Copenhagen, 22d Aug. 1807. Journal of the Army under the Command of Lieutenant-general Lord Cathcart, from the morning of the 14th of August, 1807.

Aug. 14th. The fleet between El. sineur and Helsingberg-Calms and contrary winds-Transports assembled by brigades, each under the charge of one of his majesty's ships. 15th. The fleet worked up to Vedbeck, the reserve anchoring nearest the shore, covered by the Surveillante, and by several gunbrigs and bombs. Major-general Spencer's brigade, under convoy of admiral Essington, with a division of the fleet, anchored higher up the Sound, to make a diversion. Coast reconnoitred, and disposition made for landing.

16th. The reserve landed at five in the morning, with the ordnance of a light brigade, and occupied the heights. The remainder of the infantry followed, with the ordnance of another light brigade. A squadron of the 1st light dragoons, hor. ses for the two brigades of artillery, and for the staff, were also disembarked. A flag of truce was received from major-general Peyman, commander-in-chief in Copenhagen, requesting passports for their highnesses the two princesses of Denmark, nieces to his Danish majesty, to go from Copenhagen to Col ding; which were granted.-In the evening, the army marched by their left in three columns by Nerun to Lyngbyl; the centre by Hermitage and Fortuna to Jagersborg, the left by the coast of Charlottenberg, and lay upon their arms.

17th. At day-break, the army marched by their right in three columns, to invest the town. The

left column established a post at Bagerne's-mill, and extended from Freborg to Emdrup. That from Jagersborg by Gladsacks and Vanloes to Fredericksberg, extending to the sea on the right, and towards Falconergard on the left. The reserve, from Lyngbyl, marched by Bangede and Emdrup, and occu pied the space between the two other divisions. Two brigades of the king's German legion remaining at Charlottenfurd to cover the disembarkation of the cavalry and park of artillery.-Major-general Spencer's brigade landed at Skores. hard, and marched into their post on the left of the line; all the division giving piquets to the rear, to prevent surprise from the country. Head-quarters established at Hellerup. Transports assembled at Skoreshard, where the cavalry commenced disembarking. Princesses of Denmark came out of the city on their route to Colding, and were received with the honours due to their rank by the brigade of guards, near the palace of Fredericksberg. The piquets of the left towards the town were attacked about noon: at the same time the enemy's gunboats rowed out of the harbour, and cannonaded the left of the line with grape' and round shot. The piquets drove in and pursued the enemy, and resumed their posts, part of the line having advanced to sustain them. His majesty's gun-brigs and bombs having been towed as near the harbour as they could, opened a fire at a considerable distance upon the enemy's gun-boats, which, after a long cannonade, retired into the har bour.

18th. At day-break, the gunboats renewed the attack upon the


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gun-brigs, trusting to the superior Crown Prince, who capitulated, weight of their guns, the latter ha. with 850 men and officers, with a ving, during the night, exchanged foundry and depôt of cannon and their carronades for 18-pounders ; powder. 'The king's household, the gun-boats retired, but advan- with part of his Danish majesty's ced again with increased numbers. wardrobe, plate, wine and books, A brigade of 9-pounders from the were suffered to come out of the Park having been brought to the town to follow his majesty (who mill, took them in flank, upon

has withdrawn to Colding), pass. which they turned their fire to the ports having been requested. Some lines, and, after cannonading for gentlemen residing in the district of some time, were driven in, together Copenhagen, and in the bailwicks with their field-pieces, which ad. towards Elsineur, having offered vanced upon the road.

their services to accept the office of Engineer tools, &c. &c. having magistrates and superintendants of been disembarked, a work was be- police in their respective districts, gun at the mill, and considerable under the commander of the forces, progress was made. The same day, an order was made for that purpose, the cavalry moved to their quarters and sent to be printed and publishat Charlottenberg, Jagersborg, and ed, and a commission was given, in Vanloes, with piquets in the country, reference to a proclamation printed and a chain of posts, supported by and published in German and Dathe first battalion of the king's Ger- nish, on the day of disembarkation. man legion, from Lorgenfree and 20th. Farther progress made in Collekolle, under the direction of the works. More ordnance land. brigadier-general V. D. Decken. ed and mounted. A patrole on

19th. The works carried on by the left having reported that a body parties of 600 men, relieved every of cavalry, with a corps of infan. four hours. The gun-boats, at- try in their rear, had been seen in tacked at day-break, but were dri-, front of Roeskildc, colonel Rodon ven off by the field-pieces, which sent a squadron to reconnoitre were now protected. Some of the them, which found them assembled pipes were discovered which convey near that place, and immediately fresh water to the town from Em. charged and put them to flight, lea. drup. The frigates and gun-brigs, ving 16 or 18 men killed, and taking having a favourable breeze, took 3 prisoners and 29 horses. The their station near the entrance of the dragoons pursued the enemy to the harbour, within reach of throwing gates of Roeskilde, where they shells into the town. Four 24. were received by a heavy fire of in. pounders were brought into the fantry, and returned to their quarbattery at the mill. Great progress ters. The admiral came to head. was made in the work at that place, quarters in the morning, and re. and in a howitzer battery in the turned to his ship. rear of it, with traverses and co- 21st. Lord Rosslyn's corps dis. ver for the men. Brigadier-general

Brigadier-general embarked in the north part of Decken surprised and took the Keoge bay, with two batteries of post of Frederickswork, commande artillery, sending round the remained by a major, aide-de-camp to the ing transports to Skoreshard. A


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