Imágenes de páginas
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,sever' imishsin سور المشسين ,sever' imishsiniz سور المشسكز

.sever imishler سور ايمشار

,sever mish سور ايش

(They say that) I used to love, (Perchance) I love . .

§ 337.

4. The Conditional Aorist.ão


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If I love, If thou lovest, etc.

pawjou sévméz'sém, -'séñ. If I do not love . . .

§ 338. Note. The Conditional Aorist is abbreviated sometimes by omitting the characteristic ré, and then resembles greatly the Suppositive tense § 378; as: sévsém, sévsén, sévsé.

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.gélir sédé gélmez sede whether he comes or not کلیر سه ده کلمز سه ده

§ 340. When two or more verbs follow one another in the same tense, number and person, the personal ending is generally omitted in all but the last:

projó é july yér, ichér vé gézérim for yérim, ichérim vé

gézérim. I eat, drink and promenade.

Pédér hér akh'sham sizé gidiyor ve yarî géjéyédék otourouyoroudou, for gidiyoroudou. My father used to go every night to your house and stay there till midnight.

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.yazin in the summer یازین !eoyle ya ! certainly اویله یا !

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خواجه افندی ساعت قاچده مکتبه تشريف ايدر - هركون الافرانقه ساعت طقوزده کلیبور ایدی ایسه ده ، بیلمم که : بوکون کلیر می کلمز می ? آونده بر مسافری وار ایمش ۲۰ اگر خواجه کز اول وقت کلیرسه ، کرم ایت شوکتابی کندیسنه وير . اما اكر كلمزسه ، تكرار بكا كوندر . - يك اعلا ! خواجه م كلير كلمز ، کتابکزی ويريرم . لكن كلمزسه سزه کونده ریرم . ۳ بن تركجه بیلیرم ؛ هم بازار هم او قورسه مده چاپوق سویله یه مم . سن هم صو كبى اوقويه بيلييور هم کوزل سویله یه بیلیيورسين . ٤ بن سنی اوچ یاشنده ایکن بیلیرم . هیچ طورماز آغلار چاغیریر، باغيرير ايدك . ه شو بهار موسمی نه کوزل بر موسمدر ! هر طرف کولر ، آغا جلر چیچکله نیر ؛ كللر ، سنبللر و بشقه چیچکلر آچیا بولو ، هر طرفه کوزل قوقولر صاچارلو ٦ چيفتجيلر بهارين و كوزين سور دار و اکولر . اگر سور مزار والمزلوسه ، يازين و قيشين اللرينه

بر شی کچمز ۷۰ «یاره یی آلماز دن کیسه کیسه یه مال ويرمز».

.48 Translation ترجمه ٤٨

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but if I see and

Well, Sir, if I can will pay. - 4. At I eat at 12 o'clock

1. I know Armenian. Thou knowest German. Does he know Greek? 2. Before you came here, you did not know us (assertive). 3. Before seeing the property (mal), I cannot give the money, approve, I will give the money. make you like it, then I hope you what o'clock do you go to bed? Turkish time, and lie down at 3 o'clock, in summer, but in winter I eat at one o'clock and go to bed at five. Sometimes, if I have guests, I sit up until six o'clock. 5. I do not do so! I eat early and I retire early. I rise early in the morning. While others are sleeping, I read and write my lesson. Sometimes in the fresh morning air I take a walk in the field. 6. Well done! my boy; you do well. 7. Can you ride on horseback? Yes, I can (ride), but you cannot ride. 8. What do they call this boy? They call him Néjib.

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alk. Conversation.

ایمش ? بو کویه بویاجی کویی دیرلر.

قوکشوكز حجازدن نه وقت کلیر اون كونه قالماز كلير ايش.

بو کویه نه دیرلر ؟

اون کوندن اول كلمز می ?

شو آتی قاچه صاته بیلیرلر ؟ چوجوقلر مکتبده نه یا پارلر ؟

كلمز دييورلر.

اون لیرادن اشاغنیه ویره مزلر

او قورار، يازارلر، درس ويريرلر

خدمتجى كلير كلمز بكا كونده رير بك الى افندم ! كونده ريرم.

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سز بو آوه کلمزدن نره ده اوطورور شو قارشیده کي اوده اوطور مقده ايدك .

.Reading Exercise تعليم قرائت

.Voices of Animals حيوانارك سسلرى

بوتون حيوانلرك كند يارينه مخصوصی سسلری وار در و اول سسی

كوسترمك ايچون ده برد تعبیرلری وار در : مثلا

آت کیشنر ، اشك آكيرير، اينك بوكورور ، ارسلان کوموردر ، آیو خوموردار ، قورد اولور ، كويك حاولار، تیلکی اینجه بر سسله سيكيلر ، قويون و کچی مه لر ، کدی میاولر ، خروس اوتر ، طاوق غیدا قلر، پیلیجلر و اوفاق قوشلر جیویلدر هند طاوغى غولوغولو ایدر ، پایاغان لاقیردی ایدر کوکوجین دم چکر ، بلبل شاقير ، اوردك واق

واق ايدر.

Hayvanlarîñ sésléri.

Bütün hayvanlarin kéndilériné makh'sous1 sesleri var dir, vé ol sési géostérmék ichin de birér ta'birléri2 var dir; Méséla.


At Kishnér, éshék anirir, inék béoyûrûr, arslan geomûrdér, ayi khomaurdars, gourd oulour, kéopék havlar10, tilki injé bir séslé siñilér11, qoyoun vé kéchi mélér12, kédi miyavlar13, khoros éôtér 14, tavouq gidaqlar 15, pilijlér vé oufaq qoushlar jivildér 16, hind tavoughou17 goulou goulou édér 18, papaghan1o laqirdi édér20, géoyérjin21 dém chékér22, búlbúl23 shaqîr.24, eòrdék vaq vaq édér25.

Words. 1. Especial. 2. term. 3. for instance. 4. Kishnémék to whinny. 5. añirmaq to bray. 6. beoyûrmék to moo. 7. géomûrdémék to roar. 8. Khomûrdamaq to growl. 9. ouloumaq to howl. 10. havlamaq to bark. 11. siñilémék to squeak. 12. mélémék to bleat. 13. miyavlamaq to mew. 14. éotmék to crow. 15. gîdaqlamaq to cackle. 16. jivildémék to chirp. 17. turkey (Indian) hen. 18. to gobble. 19. parrot. 20. to chatter. 21. pigeon. 22. to coo. 23. nightingale. 24. shaqîmaq to warble. 25. to quack.

.23 Lesson درس ۲۳

.The Past Tenses ماضيلر

§ 341.

There are two tenses denoting the Past.

§ 342. One is the Categorical Preterite called by the natives Maziyi shouhoudi eye-witness past', which depicts the speaker as having been present or as having witnessed something with his own eyes, so as to know it for certain without any doubt. Hence it corresponds

with the compound tense formed with the Past Participle and the auxiliary verb 'To have'. For instance yazdi, not only means he wrote (in the presence of the speaker), but also he has written.

It may also be translated by the English Past, formed with did; as: yazdi mi? Did he write? — yazdi, Ihe did write.

§ 343. The other is the Dubitative Past, Maziyi naqli implying or expressing doubt. The speaker is not sure about the matter, he may have heard it from others. This tense can be correctly used only when the truth of an assertion is not guaranteed, and when the speaker means to state that he believes what he says, but cannot vouch for it; as: yazmish he wrote (as others say) he has written (I believe), I am not sure about it. This tense is used in telling stories of the past or anecdotes which the speaker has heard from others or read in books.

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§ 344. The characteristic sign or suffix of the Past tense is ɔ -dî, -di in the third person. For the

first person plural it is -dik for the soft vowels and

-diq for the hard ones.

I wrote, I did write,
I have written.
I loved, etc.

,yazdim یازدم ,'sevdim سودم ,yazdan يازدك ,'sevdin سودك

,yazd يازدى ,'séodi سودی ,'yazdig یازدق ,'sevdak سودك ,sevdiniz سوديكن yazdani یازدیگر .sevdiler سودیار yazdilar يازديار

ماضي اقتداری .Potential Past

,'sévébildim سوه بلدم ,'sévébildik سوه ببلدك

,'sidebildiniz سوه ييلديكز

,'sévébildin سوه ببلدك

. 'sevébildiler سوه بیلديار

,'sévébildi سوه بیلدی

I was able

to love ...

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