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On Forty-eight large Sheets of Atlas Paper, each Sheet measuring
Two Feet Two Inches, by Two Feet Ten Inches.

MR. STOCKDALE takes the liberty refpectfully to inform
the Public, that he has for a confiderable time paft been pre-

A GRAND MAP OF IRELAND, on the most extensive scale
ever attempted; alfo

fimilar fcale.

The expense of the whole will not, it is conceived, amount to lefs than
20,000l. Should the patronage equal Mr. Stockdale's expectations, it is his
intention to prefent with the Map of Ireland, gratis, or at a small expense,
a Hiftory of the Union between the two Kingdoms, in one volume 4to.
For this purpofe Mr. Stockdale will confider himself obliged by being fa-
voured with a copy of every publication upon, or connected with this fubject,
whether for or against the measure.

The cost of the Map of Ireland to Subfcribers fhall not exceed Three
Guineas; Scotland, Two Guineas; and that of England and Wales, Four
Guineas; unless any unforeseen advance in the price of materials should take
place by act of parliament.

No money will be taken until the delivery of the Maps, &c. but they will
be confiderably advanced in price to Non-Subfcribers.

The above Maps will form one large Atlas, nearly double the thickness of
Chauchard's Maps.

The fubfcription is daily filling with rapidity, and will certainly foon ex-
ceed the numerous lift for the Maps by Chauchard, which was, by much,
the largest ever known in England.

The Publifher is confident that the Subfcribers' copies in the firft 2000
impreffions will, on the day of publication, be worth double the fubfcription
price, though no money is taken in advance.

A topographical Account of the United Kingdom will be published about
the fame time, in three large volumes, royal 4to. with plates,
A Lift of the Subfcribers will be printed.



His Royal Highness the PRINCE OF Wales.

His Royal Highnefs the DUKE OF YORK, Two Copies.

Her Royal Highness the DUTCHESS OF YORK.

His Royal Highness the DUKE of Kent.

His Royal Highness the DUKE OF CUMBERLAND.

His Royal Highness the DUKE OF CAMBRIDGE.

His Royal Highness the DUKE OF GLOUCESTER.

And upwards of Six Hundred of the Nobility, Geatry, &c.




Treaty of Peace between Auftria and France, concluded at Luneville,


February 9, 1801.

IS Majefty the Emperor and King of Hungary and Bohemia, and the First Conful of the French republic, in the name of the French people, having equally at heart to put an end to the miseries of war, have refolved to proceed to the conclufion of a definitive treaty of peace and amity.

His faid Imperial and Royal Majefty, not lefs anxiously defirous of making the Germanic Empire participate in the bleffings of peace, and the prefent conjuncture not allowing the time neceffary for the Empire to be confulted, and to take part by its deputies in the negotiation; his faid Majefty having, befides, regard to what has been agreed upon by the deputation of the Empire at the preceding Congrefs at Raftadt, has refolved, in conformity with the precedent of what has taken place in fimilar circumftances, to ftipulate in the name of the Germanic body.

In confequence of which, the contracting parties have appointed as their plenipotentiaries, to wit, his Imperial and Royal Majefty, the Sieur Louis Cobenzel, count of the Holy Roman Empire, &c. &c.—and the First Conful of the French republic, in the Fame of the French people, has appointed Citizen Jofeph Bonaparté, counsellor of ftate, who, after having exchanged their full powers, have agreed to the following articles:

Art. I. There fhall be henceforth and for ever, peace, amity, and good understanding, between his Majefty the Emperor, King of Hungary and Bohemia, ftipulating, as well in his own name. as in that of the Germanic Empire, and the French republic, his faid Majesty engaging to caufe the Empire to give ratification in good and due form to the prefent treaty. The greatest attention thall be paid on both fides to the maintenance of perfect harmony, VOL. XI.



to preventing all hoftilities by land and by fea, for whatever caufe, or on whatever pretence, and to carefully endeavour to maintain the union happily established. No affiftance nor protection shall be given, either directly or indirectly, to thofe who would do any thing to the prejudice of either of the contracting parties.

II. The ceffion of the ci-devant Belgic provinces to the French republic, ftipulated by the 3d article of the treaty of Campo Formio, is renewed here in the most formal manner, so that his Imperial and Royal Majefty, for himself and his fucceffors, as well in his own name as in that of the Germanic Empire, renounces all his right and title to the faid provinces, which fhall be poffeffed henceforth as their fovereign right and property, by the French republic, with all the territorial property dependant on it. There shall also be given up to the French republic by his Imperial and Royal Majefty, and with the formal confent of the Empire;

ift, The Comté of Falkenftein, with its dependencies.

2d, The Frickthal, and all belonging to the House of Auftria, on the left bank of the Rhine, between Zurzach and Bafle; the French republic referving to themselves the right of ceding the latter country to the Helvetic republic.

III. In the fame manner, in the renewal and confirmation of the 6th article of the treaty of Campo Formio, his Majesty the Emperor and King fhall poffefs in fovereignty, and as his right, the countries below enumerated, viz. Iftria, Dalmatia, and the Venetian ifles in the Adriatic, dependant upon thofe countries, the Bocca de Cattaro, the city of Venice, the canals and the country included between the hereditary ftates of his Majesty the Emperor and King; the Adriatic Sea, and the Adige, from its leaving the Tyrol to the mouth of the faid fea; the towing-path of the Adige ferving as the line of limitation. And as by this line the cities of Verona and of Porto Legnago will be divided, there shall be established on the middle of the bridges of the faid cities, drawbridges to mark the feparation.

IV. The 18th article of the treaty of Campo Formio is alfo renewed thus far, that his Majefty the Emperor and King binds himself to yield to the Duke of Modena, as an indemnity for the countries which this prince and his heirs had in Italy, the Brifgau, which he shall hold on the fame terms as thofe by virtue of which he poffeffes the Modenese.

V. It is moreover agreed, that his Royal Highnefs the Grand Duke of Tuscany fhall renounce, for himself and his fuccefforst having any right to it, the Grand Dutchy of Tufcany, and that part of the Jfle of Elba which is dependant upon it, as well as all right and title refulting from his rights on the faid ftates, which fhall be henceforth poffeffed in complete fovereignty, and as his own property, by his Royal Highnefs the Infant Duke of Parma.


The Grand Duke fhall obtain in Germany a full and complete indemnity for his Italian states. The Grand Duke fhall difpofe at pleasure of the goods and property which he poffeffes in Tuscany, either by perfonal acquifition, or by defcent from his late father, the Emperor Leopold II. or from his grandfather, the Emperor Francis I. It is alfo agreed, that the credits, eftablishments, and other property of the Grand Dutchy, as well as the debts fecured on the country, fhall pass to the new Grand Duke.

VI. His Majefty the Emperor and King, as well in his own name as in that of the Germanic Empire, confents that the French republic fhall poffefs henceforth in complete fovereignty, and as their property, the country and domains fituated on the left bank of the Rhine, and which formed part of the Germanic Empire: fo that in conformity with what had been expressly confented to at the Congress of Raftadt, by the deputation of the Empire, and approved by the Emperor, the towing-path of the Rhine will henceforth be the limit between the French republic and the Germanic Empire; that is to fay, from the place where the Rhine leaves the Helvetic territory, to that where it enters the Batavian territory.

In confequence of this, the French republic formally renounces all poffeffion whatever on the right bank of the Rhine, and confents to restore to thofe to whom it may belong, the fortreffes of Duffeldorff, Ehrenbreitftein, Philipfburg, the fort of Caffel, and other fortifications oppofite to Mentz, on the right bank, the fort of Kehl, and Old Brifach, on the exprefs condition that these places and fortreffes fhall continue and remain in the fame ftate in which they were at the time of their evacuation.

VII. And as, in consequence of the ceffion which the Empire makes to the French republic, feveral princes and states of the Empire will be difpoffeffed either altogether or in part, whom it is incumbent upon the Germanic Empire collectively to fupport, and compenfate for the loffes refulting from the ftipulations in the prefent treaty, it is agreed between his Majefty the Emperor and King, as well in his own name as in that of the Germanic Empire, and the French republic, that in conformity with the principles formally established at the Congress at Raftadt, the Empire shall be bound to give to the hereditary princes who fhall be difpoffeffed on the left bank of the Rhine, an indemnity which shall be taken from the whole of the Empire, according to arrangements which on these bafes fhall be ultimately determined upon.

VIII. In all the ceded countries, acquired or exchanged by the prefent treaty, it is agreed, as had already been done by the 4th and 1oth articles of the treaty of Campo Formio, that thofe to whom they shall belong, fhall take them, fubject to the debts charged on the said countries; but confidering the difficulties which have

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