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Who is the Enemy;
Anthony Comstock or you?


By Edwin C. Walker

There can be no defeat in freedom's cause
Save for the moment. Though its flag may fall,
yet it will rise again, and sweep in light;
For all our hope is in its glowing folds-
The hope of ages, the undying hope
That beamed on Marathon and Salamis,

And ever yet hath grown more sweet and great.

-Samuel P. Putnam.

As I stand aloof and look there is to me something pro=
foundly affecting in large masses of men following the
lead of those who do not believe in men.

-Walt Whitman.

New york, October 1, 1903
Published by Edwin C. Walker,

244 West 143rd Street, New York City

Price, 20 Cents

The Propaganda of
Free Discussion

The Propaganda of Free Discus= sion has these Objects:

1. Co make the friends of full human liberty acquainted with one another.

2. To create a fund for the printing and free distribution of leaflets, tracts, and pamphlets.

3. To systematically increase the circulation of the periodical publications devoted to the cause of sex rationalism and freedom.

4. To devise ways and means to reach the people through the ordinary papers, magazines, and reviews, and from the platform.

5. To establish, later, bureaus at Washington and the state capitals (a) to oppose further inva= sive "moral" and sexual, and press-censoring legislation, and (b) to agitate for the repeal or the judicial nullification of existing archaic and reactionary statutes.

We lay particular stress on the Second, Third, and Fourth Objects, although some members are most active in the bureau of correspondence. The membership fee is $1 a year, in each class, Active and Contributory.

Reports and other information sent on application. Eight stirring propa= ganda leaflets, six cents. Try them.

Address the Manager of the Propaganda, Edwin C. Walker, 244 West 143rd Street, New York City.

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