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these things so clear-ly, I hope you can see, too, that know-ledge, to be a good thing, must be right-ly applied. God's grace in the heart will ren-der the know-ledge of the head a bles-sing; but, with-out this, it may prove to us no better than a curse.

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"I see! I see! I see!" said the little man, "I see!"


Here are three dogs. How very dif-fer-ent they are from each oth-er. One is very large, an-oth-er is very ug-ly, and the oth-er is very small and pret-ty. Yet the ug-ly dog is by far the clev-er-est and the best. I am sure you will love him most when I tell you some more about him. The ug-ly dog is called a shep-herd's dog. He came from Scot-land, where there are large flocks of sheep fed among the hills, and he is very use-ful to the shep-herds. The large dog is called a wolf-dog; he comes from Ire-land; he is near-ly as large as a po-ny. Wolf-dogs have killed al-most all the wolves in Ire-land. The pretty little dog came from Mal-ta. It is a lap-dog. It is called a Mal-tese dog. Lap-dogs are gen-e-ral-ly fed too much, and they be-come la-zy, and i-dle, and un-hap-py. The shep-herd's dog is a far hap-pi-er creature, for he knows he is use-ful to his mas-ter. Let me tell you a short story about a Scotch shep-herd's dog. One day a shep-herd took his lit-tle boy with him, as well as his dog. The child was on-ly three years old. The fath-er left him a-lone, while he looked after some sheep, when sud-den-ly a thick fog came on. The poor man could not find his child. He hoped he had gone home; but when he in-quired, he found his wife had not seen him. Both fath-er and moth-er searched

a-round, but no child was to be seen. Next morn-ing they gave their dog a piece of bread for break-fast as u-su-al. As soon as the dog re-ceived it he ran off with it very quick-ly. The next day the dog did so a-gain. On the third day the shep-herd thought, "I will go and see what the dog does with his bread." He fol-lowed him down many a steep path, till at last he came to a wa-ter-fall. The shep-herd, step-ping from crag to crag, crossed the roar-ing stream. On the oth-er side, in a little hole of the rock, sat his little boy, eat-ing a piece of bread, while the dog lay be-side him, watch-ing his young mas-ter with love and plea-sure in his looks. O, how glad the shep-herd was to find his child! The poor dog had gone with-out his break-fast for two days. The lit-tle boy had been a-fraid of cros-sing the stream, and had not known how to get home. He would have been starved, if it had not been for the faith-ful dog.

Do you not love the shep-herd's dog, though his hair is coarse, and though his tail is short, and his ears stick up? You love him bet-ter than you do the lap-dog.— "Near Home."


Win-ter is a drear-y time,

Then we hear the howl-ing blast,
Then the trees are bare as hop-poles,
Rain and hail are fall-ing fast:
Win-ter is a so-cial sea-son,

Then we gather round the fire;
Books and mu-sic then de-light us,

Fun and frol-ic mirth in-spire.

Spring's a va-ri-a-ble sea-son;

First comes zeph-yr, mild and meek;
Then the east wind nips the blos-som,
Sun and shower play hide and seek.
Spring's a sweet and mer-ry sea-son;

Spring with gar-lands decks the thorn,
Fills the groves with songs of joy-ance;
Then the lamb and colt are born.

Sum-mer is a sul-try time,

Then the glare of light op-press-es,
Li-lacs fall, and gay la-bur-num

Parts with all her gold-en tres-ses.
Sum-mer's a de-light-ful sea-son,

Then we view the gor-ge-ous flowers;
Fra-grant scents are waft-ed o'er us,
While we sit in sha-dy bowers.

Au-tumn time is mel-an-chol-y;
Then the win-ter storms are nigh;
'Mid the gar-den's fa-ding rel-ics,
Mourn-ful gusts are heard to sigh.
Au-tumn's a lux-u-ri-ous sea-son,
Then the har-vest glads our sight;

Fruits grow ripe, and, glit-t'ring pheas-ants,
You must fall for our de-light.

Sara Coleridge.


The va-ri-ous things which God in His good-ness has cre-a-ted, are di-vi-ded into three clas-ses, which are called the three king-doms of na-ture the An-i-mal, the Veg-e-ta-ble, and the Min-e-ral king-doms.

The crea-tures be-long-ing to the an-i-mal king-dom

are a-live, can feel pleas-ure and pain, they can move from one place to an-oth-er, and are so made that they can feed them-selves, and can take care of their young.

The veg-e-ta-ble king-dom is al-so a-live; and veg-eta-bles are so made that they can feed them-selves, if food comes with-in their reach; but they can-not move a-bout in search of it, nor can they take care of the young plants. God has there-fore pro-vi-ded that the young plants, as soon as the seed be-gins to grow, should be able to take care of them-selves; or, rath-er, I should say, He takes care of them, by send-ing them rain from the clouds, and heat from the sun, to feed and warm them, and en-a-ble' them to grow.

Min-er-als nei-ther feel nor move, for they are not a-live: they there-fore want no nou-rish-ment themselves, and they have no young to take care of: but yet you have seen what use-ful things min-er-als are, and how dif-fi-cult it would be for ei-ther an-i-mals or veg-eta-bles to do with-out them. We must, there-fore, feel grat-i-tude towards the Al-migh-ty for hav-ing made all these ex-cel-lent things, but a-bove all for ma-king us su-pe-ri-or to all the rest of the cre-a-tion; for it is we a-lone whom He has made rea-son-a-ble crea-tures, so that we can learn to know God, to a-dore and love Him, and to be tru-ly thank-ful for all the good things He has giv-en us.-Mrs. Marcet.


Sup-pose you had lived while the chil-dren of Is-ra-el lived in E-gypt. And sup-pose you had walked out some pleas-ant day, in the eve-ning, down to-wards the

riv-er. Look now, and see what is be-fore you! Yonder is a clus-ter of tall trees, and just un-der them is a cot-tage or hov-el. They are poor folks who live there. See, the house is small and has no paint on it, no windows, noth-ing a-bout it that looks com-fort-a-ble. This hov-el is the home of slaves. The man and the wom-an are poor slaves. But just look in. What is that wom-an do-ing? See her weav-ing a lit-tle bas-ket with rush-es, which she has gath-ered from the banks of the riv-er. See! she weeps as she twists every flag; and, by the mov-ing of her lips, you see that she is pray-ing. She has fin-ished it. Now watch her. Do you see her go to the cor-ner of the room, and there kneel down, weep and pray over a beau-ti-ful lit-tle boy? See her em-brace and kiss him. Now she lays him in the lit-tle bas-ket; now she calls her lit-tle daugh-ter, and tells her to take her lit-tle broth-er, and car-ry him, and lay him down by the cold riv-er's side! There! now she takes the last look of her sweet babe; now she goes back weep-ing into the house, lift-ing her heart to God in prayer, while her daugh-ter goes and car-ries her dear boy, and leaves him on the bank of the river. What will be-come of him? Will the croc-o-diles eat him up ?-those great crea-tures which swim a-bout in the riv-er, and climb on the banks, and which have such dread-ful teeth; or will the wa-ters car-ry him off, and drown him? No, no. That poor moth-er has FAITH in God; and God will take care of her son. The king's daugh-ter will find him, and save him, and that lit-tle in-fant is to be Mo-ses, the lead-er of Is-ra-el, the proph-et of God, and the wri-ter of much of the Bi-ble. -Todd.

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