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ancient world, and on the defense of the Bible from critics of the same school. Dr. Hessey followed, in 1860, with the lectures above mentioned. The Observer thinks we may thank Dr. Hessey "for a clear historical account of the Sunday from the apostles' time to our own," and expresses its agreement with much that he says; but strongly dissents from some of his views, as smacking of neology.

On the history of the celebrated Jansenist Convent of Port Royal, on which we already have excellent works in German by Reuchlin, and in French by St. Beuve, the first thorough English work has been recently published by Beard, Port Royal: a Contribution to the History of Religion and Literature in France, (London, 1861.)

On the atonement, which has been for several years the subject of an animated theological discussion in England, as neological views concerning it have found many advocates both in the Church of England, and among Dissenters, a new extensive work has been

published by Robert S. Candlish, (The Atonement: its Reality, Completeness, and Extent, pp. 400, London, 1861.) The Christian Observer recommends two small treatises, published on the subject in 1860, by Wilson, (The True Doctrine of the Atonement Asserted and Vindicated,) and Bagot, (The Atonement: an Argument) as containing more of the results of patient thought upon this great doctrine than has been lately given within so small a compass.

Of Alford's Greek Testament, vol. 4, part ii, is announced, which completes

the work.

Among other new publications are the following: Maurice's Lectures on the Apocalypse; Hugh Miller, The Headship of Christ, and the Rights of the Christian People; Foulkes, A Synopsis of Hindu Systems and Sects; Palmer, Egyptian Chronicles, with a Harmony of Sacred and Egyptian Chronology.

Among the important works which are announced as forthcoming, are a new and improved edition of Kitto's Cyclopedia of Biblical Literature, by W. Lindsay Alexander, D.D.; a History of the Church of England, (from the death of Elizabeth to the present time, in 3 vols.,) by Rev. J. J. Perry; The Latitudinarians, by Rev. E. Churton, Archdeacon of Cleveland; Historical Memoirs

of the Archbishop of Armagh, by E. H. Todd, D.D.; The Churches of the East, by Rev. G. Williams, D.D., of whose recent travels in the East we have spoken in our department of Foreign Religious Intelligence.


An important contribution to the biblical literature of Germany is a new manual of "Introduction to the Holy Scriptures," by the late Professor Bleek, of Bonn. (Einleitung in die heil. Schrift. Berlin, 1860.) It was left nearly ready for publication by the deceased author, and only the necessary references to the literature published since the death of Bleek (1859) had to be added by the editors, T. F. Bleek and A. Kamphausen. The first volume contains the introduction to the Old Testament; the second volduring the present year. The work is inume, the New Testament, is to be issued troduced by a preface of the venerable Dr. Nitzsch. The great reputation of the distinguished author is a sufficient guaranty that this new manual will rank among the best of its kind.

"The Life and the Doctrines of John Scotus Erigena in their Relation to the Preceding and to Modern Philosophy and Theology, (Leben und Lehre des Joh. Scotus Erigena, Gotha, 1860,) is the title of a new work, by Rev. Th. Christlieb, the pastor of a German congregation in England. The work is introduced by a preface of Professor Landerer, of Tübingen, and is certainly a very seasonable one, for there is hardly one among the prominent theologians of the middle ages whose doctrines offer a better field for new investigation and elucidation, than Scotus Erigena. Simultaneously with the above work, another has been published by Dr. Kaulich on the speculative system of Scotus Erigena, (Das Speculative System des J. S. E. Prague, 1860.)

A collective work of great excellence was commenced a few years ago by a number of distinguished divines of the Reformed Church, (among them are Hagenbach, Baum, Schmidt, Sudhoff, and others,) under the title, "Lives and Writings of the Fathers and Founders of the Reformed Church." All the volumes hitherto published have met in the theological world with great applause, and are classed among the best works

of religious biography. Among them are the lives of Bucer, Bullinger, Myconius, and others. The last published volume contains the "Life and Select Writings of Calvin," by Stähelin. (Calvin's Leben und ausgewählte Schriften, Elberf., 1860.)

It is undoubtedly a merit of the Rationalistic Tübingen School to have given a new impetus to the study of the apostolic age. There is no section of history, sacred or profane, which has been of late explored in all its minutest details, with greater zeal than the history of the primitive Church. The literature on the subject is almost innumerable and most valuable, and has considerably increased our knowledge of that period. Hitherto nearly all the important works have been furnished by Protestant authors. Recently Dr. Döllinger, well known as one of the most learned and thorough historians the Roman Church has ever had, has published an able work on Christianity and the Church at the time of their foundation. (Christenthum und Kirche, etc. Regensb., 1860.)

Among other Roman Catholic publications in the department of Church history, is a work by Werner on Suarez and

Scholasticism, (Suarez und die Scholas tic, vol. i, Regensb., 1860,) and by Suing, on the Doctrine of Original Sin, (Das Dogma von der Erbsünde, Regensb., 1860.)

The recent exegetical literature comprises new volumes of the Bible Works of Bunsen and Lange; the second volume of the Commentary of Delitzsch on the Psalms, new editions of Tholuck's The Old Testament in the New Testament, (Das Alle Testament im N. T., 5th ed., Gotha, 1860,) and The Prophets and their Prophecies, (Die Propheten, etc., 2d ed., Gotha, 1860.) J. Volckmar, one of the few surviving representatives of the Tübingen School, has commenced an introductiou to the Apocrypha, (Einleitung in die Apocryphen, vol. i, part i, Tub., 1860.) The recent Roman Catholic literature comprises a work on the Messianic prophecies in Isaiah, by J. K. Mayer, and the fourth volume of Commentary to the Gospels, by Schegg.

Among the new volumes of sermons we mention those by Brückner, Professor at Leipsic, Dr. Liebner, of Dresden, and a second edition of those of Thomasius, Professor at Erlangen. extensive (Roman Catholic) Homiletic

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Dictionary, by Dr. Wiser, (Prediger Lex icon,) vol. xvii, part ii, has been recently published.

It is an important fact, though not generally known, that among the many journals of Germany devoted to scientific theology, Rationalism has only a single avowed representative, the Zeitschrift für wissenschaftliche Theologie, edited by Professor Hilgenfeld, of Jena. All the others are under the control of men connected with either the Evangelical or Lutheran parties. The principal organs of the former are: 1. The Studien und Kritiken, a quarterly, edited by Dr. Ullmann and Dr. Rothe; 2. The Jahrbücher für Deutsche Theologie, published by Dr. Liebner, Dr. Dorner, and others, also a quarterly; 3. Zeitschrift für histor. Theologie, quarterly, published by Dr. Niedner; 4. Repertorium für theologische Lit eratur, a monthly, published by Reuter; 5. Allgemeine Kirchliche Zeitschrift, by Dr. Schenkel, ten numbers a year; 6. Deutsche Zeitschrift für Christliche Wis senschaft, a weekly, by Dr. Hollenberg; 7. Theologisches Literaturblatt, a weekly. The Lutherans have the following important literary organs: 1. Zeitschrift für die gesammte Luther. Kirche, a quarterly, edited by Dr. Rudelbach and Dr. Guericke, (Old Lutheran;) 2. Zeitschrift für Prot estantismus und Kirche, a monthly, published by the Professors of Theology at Erlangen, (High Lutheran;) 3. The ologische Zeitschrift, published by Dr. Kliefoth and Dr. Dieckhoff, also a monthly, (High Lutheran.) There are besides two journals of Lutheran theology in the German provinces of Russia, a quarterly published by the Professors of Theology at Dorpat, and a bi-monthly published at Riga.


Our religious intelligence department of this number refers to the acknowledgment of the progress of Protestant literature on the part of the secular press. The number of new Protestant works, as well as their circulation, is steadily on the increase, and it is especially gratifying to see that among the new pub

lications there are not a few which are sure to be recognized as standard works, and will remain of permanent value.

Of the valuable History of the French Reformation, by Pastor Puaux, (Histoire de la Reformation Française,) vols. iii, iv. have been published. A fifth volume is

to complete the work, which the author intends soon to bring out in an English translation also.

On the reformatory movements in the Church of Rome, before the Reformation of the sixteenth century, France produced some years ago one of the best works on the subject, namely, Bonnechose, Reformers before the Reformation: Huss, Gerson and the Council of Constance. This work has now reached its third edition. Another Protestant book on this subject, recently issued, is Peyrat, The Reformers of France and Italy in the Twelfth Century, (Les Reformateurs de la France, etc., Paris, 1860.)

Among other important Protestant publications are the following:

Gaussen, Le Canon des Saintes écritures au double point de vue de la science et de la foi. (Lausanne, 1860, 2 vols.) An English translation of this work has already been announced.

Vinet, Histoire de la Predication parmi les reformés de France au xvii siecle. (Paris, 1860.)

Scherer, Mélanges de critique religieuse. (Paris, 1860.)

Of a French translation of the Church History of Hase, the first volume has appeared. (Paris, 1860.)

Among the last published volumes of Abbé Migne's Patrologia Cursus Completus, are the works of Johannes Damascenus, Johannes Scholasticus, Anastasius Sinaita, and others.

Abbé Bautain, who in point of talents has not many equals among the writers of the Roman Church, has published a new extensive work on Conscience as the Rule of Human Actions. (La Conscience, Paris, 1860.)

A new edition of the celebrated work of Hippolytus, which has now been for some ten years, and still is, the subject of so brisk a controversy in theological literature, has been issued by Abbé Cruice, (Philosophæmena, etc., Paris, 1860,) with an introduction which reviews the progress of the controversy up to 1860.

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American Quarterly Reviews.

SOUTHERN PRESBYTERIAN REVIEW, January, 1861.-1. National Sins: A Fast Day Sermon. 2. Vital Force. 3. The Manner of Altering our Doctrinal Standards. 4. The Princeton Review and Presbyterianism. 5. Presbyterian Authorities on Theories of the Eldership. 6. The State of the Country.

PRESBYTERIAN QUARTERLY REVIEW, January, 1861.-1. Paganism a Demon Worship. 2. Laurentius Valla. 3. The Inward Light. 4. The Hebrew Language and Literature. 5. Evangelism of the Eighteenth Century.

2. The Mar

NEW ENGLANDER, January, 1861.-1. China and the West. onites and the Druses. 3. Solar Phenomena. 4. The Design and Nature of Punishment under the Divine Government. 5. Does Science Tend to Materialism? 6. Latin Pronunciation. 7. Puritan History. 8. The Pulpit and the Crisis.

QUARTERLY REVIEW OF THE METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH, SOUTH, January, 1861.-1. Education for the Ministry. 2. Recent Anglican Philology. 3. Philosophic Import and Value of the First Chapter of Genesis in its Applications to Organic Nature. 4. Cleveland's TextBooks. 5. Philosophy of Representation. 6. Introduction of Children into the Church. 7. Apparitions of the Dead. 8. The Rev. Littleton Fowler.

MERCERSBURG REVIEW, January, 1861.-1. The Epistle to the Galatians Translated and Explained. 2. The Marvelous in Modern Times. 3. English Versions of the Heidelberg Catechism. 4. Our Alumni Association.

UNIVERSALIST QUARTERLY AND GENERAL REVIEW, January, 1861.-1. The Religion of Zoroaster. 2. Limitations of Human Nature as an Authority in Religious Doctrine. 3. A Preacher on Preaching. 4. Jephthah and his Daughter. 5. What shall we be? 6. Rawlinson's HerodotusThe Ancient Empires. 7. God's Presence, Psalm lxxxix.

BROWNSON'S QUARTERLY REVIEW, January, 1861.-1. Ward's Philosophic Introduction. 2. Catholic Education in the United States. 3. Separation of Church and State. 4. Seminaries and Seminarians. 5. Harmony of Faith and Reason.

THEOLOGICAL AND LITERARY JOURNAL, January, 1861.-1. Mr. Gascoyne's Theory of the Apocalypse. 2. Dr. Barth's Travels and Discoveries in Africa. 3. Reply to the Errors and Misrepresentations of J. R. Blake. 4. The Golden Image, Daniel iii. Nebuchadnezzar's Vision of the Tree, Daniel iv. 5. Designation and Exposition of the Figures in Isaiah, chapters lxi, lxii, lxiii.

UNITED PRESBYTERIAN QUARTERLY REVIEW, January, 1861.—1. Philosophical Theology. 2. Forbearance. 3. The Ruling Elder. 4. Tractarianism Traced to its Sources. 5. The Theology of Art. 6. The Settlement of the Reformed Churches in Western Pennsylvania. 7. Individual Effort. 8. The Second Assembly.

AMERICAN QUARTERLY CHURCH REVIEW AND ECCLESIASTICAL REGISTER, January, 1861.-1. Limits of Thought. 2. George S. Yerger. 3. Lord Macaulay and Bishop Burnet. 4. Spurgeon and his Sermons. 5. R. T. S. Lowell's Poems. 6. Laymen's Rights-Layman's Letter to the Editor. 7. The Position of Romanism in America. American Ecclesiastical History: Early Journals of General Conventions.

EVANGELICAL REVIEW, January, 1861.-1. The Laborer, the Artisan, and the Artist. 2. Chiliasm Critically Examined, etc. 3. The Ministerium. 4. Baccalaureate Address. 5. The Master's Call to His Church.

CHRISTIAN REVIEW, January, 1861.-1. Macaulay's Essays. 2. Infant Baptism: its Origin traceable to the Doctrine of Baptismal Regeneration. 3. The Sensibilities. 4. The Inspiration of the Apostles. 5. Conant's Matthew. 6. Roman Orthoepy. 7. Study of International Law. NORTH AMERICAN REVIEW, January, 1861.-1. Cotton and the Cotton Trade. 2. Giuseppe Garibaldi. 3. The Temporal Power of the Church. 4. Sir William Hamilton's Metaphysics. 5. Charles Robert Leslie. 6. Illuminating Gas. 7. Trübner's Guide to American Literature. 8. Hallam as a Historian. 9. The Oxford Clergymen's Attack on Christianity. 10. Recent French Literature. 11. Hunting in the Himalaya. 12. Tischendorf's Discoveries in the East.

UNIVERSITY QUARTERLY, January 1861.-1. The Dangers of the Student. 2. Scottish Song Writing. 3. The Life of Feeling. 4. Cambridge University, England. 5. The Library of Columbia College. 6. Skepticism in American Colleges. 7. Observations on Greenland, No. II.

8. Philosophy of Common Sense. 9. Mrs. Stowe and her Critics. 10. The Use of Books. 11. Music in College. News Articles: Amherst College, Bowdoin College, Columbia College Law School, Hamilton College, Harvard University, Marietta College, Oberlin College, Troy University, Union College, University of the City of New York, University of Vermont, Williams College, Yale College, Beloit College, Kenyon College, The University Quarterly Association.

BIBLIOTHECA SACRA AND BIBLICAL REPOSITORY, January, 1861.-1. Theodore Parker. 2. The Theology of Sophocles. 3. The Philosophy of Sir William Hamilton, and its recent Theological Applications. 4. The Christian Law of Self-sacrifice. 5. Review of Palfrey's History of New England.

BIBLICAL REPERTORY AND PRINCETON REVIEW, January, 1861.-1. The State of the Country. 2. Antiquity of the Book of Genesis. 3. The New Oxford School; or, Broad Church Liberalism. 4. The Fulfillment of Prophecy. 5. Liverpool Missionary Conference of 1860; or, Results of Missionary Experience. 6. The Alexandrine and Sinaitic Manu


The article on the State of the Country, attributed to the editor, Dr. Hodge, is remarkable not only for ability, but for an advance of an unexpected degree on the subject of American slavery. It is a cheering token that truth and freedom are invading the strongholds of pseudo-conservatism. Yet far ahead as the avowals are of Dr. Hodge's former utterances on the subject, the article is but a faint response to the voice of Christendom at the present crisis. But-quod faustum felixque sit-the world moves, and a few more of its revolutions may wheel even venerable Princeton into sympathy with the advancing feeling of the age.

AMERICAN THEOLOGICAL REVIEW, January, 1861.-1. Julian the Apostate. 2. The English Tongue a New Speech. 3. New England Theology: The Edwardean Period. 4. Isaac La Peyrere and his Book, the Preadamites. 5. Jourdain's Philosophy of Aquinas. 6. Olshausen on a New Probation after death. 7. Sir William Hamilton's Theory of Knowledge. 8. The Ante-Nicene Trinitarianism.

The American Theological Review exhibits manifest signs not only of permanence, but prosperity. It appears in an enlarged and improved form. The article by the editor on Sir William Hamilton is marked by a very complete mastery of the subject, and takes a very discriminating measurement of that eminent man.

Somewhat curious is the exhumation of Isaac La Peyrere in the fourth article; a random thinker in theology, who blundered into some notions that modern research has rather verified. He was born at Bourdeaux in 1594; was educated as a Calvinistic Protestant; became a Romanist of no very earnest type, and died in 1676. He first advocated on Scripture grounds the doctrines that the deluge

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