Imágenes de páginas

Nor do we despair of making it evident, even to the reviewer's own mind, that he is unconsciously engaged in an elaborate attempt to assign to our theology a false relative position, both in regard to the elder Calvinism and the younger or quasiCalvinism of his own school. What he is pleased to style our "sensitiveness," is simply a prompt determination on our part, that however the minds of the readers of the New Englander may be by him filled with erroneous impressions in regard to our relations, their mistaken views shall exist, not because their full exposure is not on record, but because it is not within their conscious reach.

English Reviews.

LONDON REVIEW, July, 1861.-1. Novels and Novelists. 2. The Benedictines in England. 3. Marnix de St. Aldegonde. 4. Dixon's Personal History of Bacon. 5. Recent Poetry. 6. The Elder Pliny. 7. Theology of the Ascension. 8. Froude's Henry VIII. 9. Popular Education. JOURNAL OF SACRED LITERATURE AND BIBLICAL RECORD, July, 1861.1. The Two Records of our Lord's Temptation-Character of their Inspiration. 2. On the Epistles of St. Peter. 3. The History of the World, as Foretold in the Book of Genesis. 4. The Genealogy of Christ. 5. New Translation of the Book of Job. 6. Correspondence-"Essays and Reviews."

CHRISTIAN REMEMBRANCER, April, 1861.-1. On Tammuz and the Worship of Men among the Ancient Babylonians. 2. Why should we Pray for Fair Weather? 3. Notes on Industrial Training in National Schools. 4. Bennett's Congregational Lectures. 5. Social Life of the Eighteenth Century-Mrs. Delany and Mrs. Piozzi. 6. The Codex Alexandrinus. 7. The Future of the Papacy and of Europe. 8. Biblical Cosmogony. 9. Oxford University Sermons. 10. Dogma in relation to " Essays and Reviews."-July.-1. Froude's History of England. 2. Joshua Watson. 3. The Patriarchs of the West, and the Princes of the Captivity. 4. Hook on the Early English Church. 5. Churton's Prize Essay on the Septuagint. 6. The Abbè Desgenettes: his Life and Works. 7. Professor Powell's Essay. 8. Owen on Dogmatic Theology. 9. Associated Religious Efforts. 10. Modern Studies of the Eastern Church. WESTMINSTER REVIEW, July, 1861.-1. The Life and Letters of Schleiermacher. 2. The Salmon Fisheries of England and Wales. 3. The Critical Theory and Writings of H. Taine. 4. Mr. Mill on Representative Government. 5. The Countess of Albany. 6. Equatorial Africa and its Inhabitants. 7. Mr. Buckle's History of Civilization in England. 8. Christian Creeds and their Defenders. 9. Cotemporary Literature. ECLECTIC REVIEW, July, 1861.-1. John Angell James. 2. Thomas Carlyle and his Critics. 3. The Doctrine of the Skull. 4. Kelly on the Covenants. 5. Congregational Chapel Extension. 6. Lays and Legends of Cromwell and the Nonconformist Heroes. 7. Church Fiction. 8. Notes of the Month.

EDINBURGH REVIEW, July, 1861.-1. Popular Education in England. 2. Literary Remains of Albert Durer. 3. Carthage. 4. The Novels of

6. The Countess of Al

Fernan Caballero. 5. Watson's Life of Porson. bany, the last Stuarts, and Alfieri. 7. Buckle's Civilization in Spain and Scotland. 8. Du Chaillu's Adventures in Equatorial Africa. 9. Church Reformation in Italy. 10. Count Cavour,

The following extracts give some idea of the tenor of the treatment of Mr. Buckle:

It must be confessed that Mr. Buckle is not a writer who gains upon us by a further acquaintance with his work. His first volume, published nearly five years ago, excited, and in some degree gratified, the curiosity of the public by a lively and perspicuous style, by a considerable display of reading, by great hardihood of dogmatical speculation, and by a lofty design to "create the science of history." It was received with a degree of interest due rather to the apparent courage and ability of the writer, whose name then first appeared in English literature, than to the results at which he had actually arrived.

But Mr. Buckle's aversion to the doctrines and institutions of Christianity is still more unphilosophical and unjust in a writer professing to trace the modern civilization of Europe from general causes. Be it for good or for evil, the modern world is what Christianity has made it. Mr. Buckle sees only the dark side of the picture-the shades of superstition, the fires of persecution, the excesses of enthusiasm; he does not perceive that the same power which he execrates and reviles for its occasional abuses is the dayspring of the nations, and that wherever the law of Christianity prevails human society rises immeasurably above the limits of the pagan, the heathen, or the Mohammedan world.

Stated in these general terms, there is some ingenuity and some truth in Mr. Buckle's sketch of the History of Scotland. It is scarcely possible to overrate the rude poverty of this kingdom in the Middle Ages. The royal burgh of Dunfermline was a poor village of wooden huts, and the entire population of Glasgow, as late as the middle of the fifteenth century, did not exceed 1500 persons; nay, the inhabitants of the capital, in the reign of Robert II., were about 16,000. Skilled labor was hardly known, and life and property were eminently insecure. Having drawn this gloomy, but probably true picture of the barbarous state of Scotland in the fifteenth century, it would have been no more than just to inquire what it was that, even in that age, gave Scotland a claim to rank among the civilized nations of Europe? We reply, without hesitation, that it was mainly her great ecclesiastical foundations. In those dreadful ages when law had no authority and wealth no protection but the sword, the monasteries and secular clergy kept alive the light of civilization and learning, and afforded the only asylum of order and peace. Mr. Buckle himself says that "the Church was the best avenue to wealth, so that it was entered by peaceful men for the purpose of security, and by ambitious men as the truest means of achieving distinction:" but he fails to perceive that such a body, protected from outrage by what he calls superstition, was in fact the guardian of civilization itself in a barbarous age. The more barbarous he makes out the country to have been, the more essential is the service rendered by the Church.

The Reviewer in the following extract deals with Mr. Buckle's copious extracts from the sermons of the Scotch preachers in a method to be expected from a Scotch moderate. He of course leaves us in doubt whether, like a Universalist, he disbelieves in a hell, or whether, like a high-bred gentlewoman, he believes hell exists, but is not fit to be mentioned "to ears polite." If the former, with what propriety is he an advocate of the Established Church? If the latter, how is his consistency, not to say his common sense, to be defended? Our own dealing with Mr. Buckle upon this point will be found in our notice of his book:

Mr. Buckle's blunder consists in quoting these works and these events as in a peculiar manner characteristic of Scotland; they belong to the history of religious enthusiasm all over the world; they are the very basis of the ascetic practices of the Romish Church, of the monastic orders, and of the celibacy of the clergy; they occur with peculiar force in every country where Calvinistic tenets have been strictly held; they manifested themselves with ridiculous violence in England during the Great Rebellion; they reached their acme in the theocratic commonwealths of New England; and they prevail at this very instant, in spite of the noonday sunshine of modern civilization and physical science, in the disgusting excesses of Mormonism and the Agapemone. Nay, they prevail not only in the frantic excitement of an American revival, but in the heart of London, in Exeter Hall, and in the practices of a considerable portion of English society. Any writer who may choose to misapply an industry equal to that of Mr. Buckle in ransacking the records of credulity and fanaticism throughout the world, would have no difficulty in accumulating a similar collection of the aberrations of faith from every nation under heaven. Fanaticism is of no country; it is an overgrowth of the human mind, but it may sometimes spring from the same root as the noblest and truest aspirations of human nature.

BRITISH QUARTERLY REVIEW, July, 1861.-1. The Vocation of the Church. 2. Schleswig-The Danish German Question. 3. Revolutions in English History. 4. Flower Life. 5. The Marriage Law of Great Britain. 6. Help's Spanish Conquest. 7. The Government Machine. 8. The Civil War in America. 9. National Education. 10. Count Cavour. 11. Our Epilogue on Affairs and Books.

The eighth article is a somewhat discursive review of American affairs, its apparent object being to defend the position assumed by Great Britain in relation to our national troubles. The writer, of course, finds much to condemn and little to approve among us. Our foreign ministers are, in his estimation, a sad set of bunglers; and our President, though "immeasurably superior to that feeble and false public character, the late President Buchanan,” is scarcely better, and what is deplorable, has "no man of leading ability or high repute in his cabinet." Though inclined to despair for the future of our country, the reviewer's English heart is evidently not overburdened with sorrow. His opinion as to our condition and prospects may be gathered from the following:

The Confederate States of the South, however, have been for more than six months in existence. They are acquiring fresh adhesions; they possess an army; they have vessels of war; they have an organization which they call a government, and which is obeyed; they have acquired force, consistency, and cohesion, and they are enabled not merely to plan operations but to carry on successful war, and under these circumstances we have no option but to acknowledge them as belliger


The Southern Confederation has now strength enough to oppose itself to nineteen millions of men in the Free States, and governments like England and France, with ships in the Atlantic, Gulf of Mexico, and Caribbean Sea must feel themselves constrained to acknowledge the belligerent rights of such a power. It may be that the people of the North may gain victories over the South, but it is not likely that they can subjugate it to their sway. It is much more likely that some ambitious and energetic general, or military dictator, may rise up after a period of violent or chronic anarchy, as we suggested in April, who will seek to establish a great Gulf Empire.

The following illustrates the reviewer's ample intelligence in regard to American affairs, and assists us in our estimate of his opinions:

Fort Pickens, which commands the entrance of the Gulf of Mexico, is also in possession of the Southern Confederation, which possesses Fort Monroe in Virginia, Forts M Henry and Washington in Maryland, a large fortress on the Delawure, and the Arsenal in New Albany and Kentucky.

The readers of the British Quarterly may soon learn that the confederates have possession of Boston, and are preparing to attack Massachusetts in the same state.

BRITISH AND FOREIGN EVANGELICAL REVIEW, July, 1861.-1. The Arrowheaded Inscriptions. 2. Aphorisms on the Style of Preaching adapted to the Times. 3. False Theories of the Atonement-M'Leod Campbell and Baldwin Brown. 4. System and Scripture-Dr. V. Hofmann. 5. Church Life Historically Viewed. 6. Schaffer's Future Prospects of Toleration. 7. Introduction to the Epistle to the Romans. 8. Scripture and Geology-Present State of the Question between them. 9. Calvin and Beza. 10. Foreign Theological Reviews.

French Reviews.

REVUE DES DEUX MONDES, Juin 1, 1861.-1. Valvèdre, derniere partie. 2. Louvois et Saint-Cyr. 3. Elpis Melena et Garibaldi. 4. Economie Rurale de la Belgique.-II.-La Campine et la Hesbaye. 5. Saint-Domingue et les Nouveaux Intérêts Maritimes de L'Espagne. 6. Un Sculpteur Contemporain et le Principe des Concours. 7. Des Crises Financières et de L'Organisation du Crédit en France. 8. Les Chemins de fer Espagnols et la Traversée des Pyrénées. 9. Revue Musicale.-Les Concerts de la Dernière Saison. 10. Chronique de la Quinzaine, Histoire Politique et Littéraire. 11. Essais et Notices.-Affaires du Danemark. 12. Bulletin Bibliographique. - Juin 15.-1. Le Prince Eugène. 2. L'Angleterre et la Vie Anglaise.-XI.-La Pantomime, la Comédie et les Acteurs dans le Théatre Anglais Contemporain. 3. La Peinture et la Sculpture au Salon de 1861. 4. Une Ame Chrétienne dans la Vie du Monde.-M. Swetchine. 5. Elsie Venner, Episode de la Vie Américaine, première partie. 6. Les Affaires de Syrie d'Après les Papiers AnglaisI.-La Convention du 5 Septembre 1860 et l'Expedition Francaise. 7. Chronique de la Quinzaine, Histoire Politique et Littéraire. 8. Revue Musicale. 9. Essais et Notices.--Curiosités Historiques et Littéraires. 10. Les Peintres Scandinaves a l'Exposition. 11. Bulletin Bibliographique. -Juillet 1.-1. L'Insurrection Chinoise, son Origine et ses Progrès.-I.-Les Sociétés Secrètes, les Premières Campagnes des Insurgés et les Deux Empereurs du Céleste Empire. 2. Les Assemblées Provinciales en France Avant 1789.-I.-Les Réformes de Turgot et de Necker. 3. Elsie Venner, Episode de la Vie Américaine, dernière partie. 4. Alexis de Tocqueville et la Science Politique au XIX Siècle. 5. Le Barreau Moderne, sa Constitution et ses Franchises. 6. Velasquez au Musée de Madrid. 7. Des Sociétés Foncières en France et de Leur Role dans les Travaux Publics. 8. De Quelques Erreurs du Gout Contemporain en Matière D'Art. 9. Chronique de la Quinzaine, Histoire Politique et Littéraire. 10. Affaires D'Espagne. 11. Essais et Notices -Progrès de la Domination Francaise au Sénégal. 12. Bulletin Bibliographique.- -Juillet 15, 1861.-1. Trop Menu le Fil Casse, Scènes de

la Vie Russe. 2. L'Italie, Notes de Voyage, première partie. 3. L'Insurrection Chinoise, Son Origine et Ses Progrès.-II.-Triomphe des Insurgés, le Nouveau Roi Céleste et sa Doctrine Religieuse, dernière partic. 4. Roger Bacon, sa Vie et son ŒŒuvre, d'Après des Documens Nouveaux. 5. Les Assemblées Provinciales en France avant 1789.-II.-Le Berri et la Haute-Guienne. 6. Lord Aberdeen, Souvenirs et Papiers Diplomatiques. 7. Une Princesse de Savoie a la Cour de Louis XIV. 8. Chronique de la Quinzaine, Histoire Politique et Littéraire. 9. Les Sopranistes.-I.-Velluti. 10. Essais et Notices. 11. Bulletin Bibliographique.

German Reviews.

JAHRBUCHER DER BIBLISCHEN WISSENSCHAFT. Elftes Jahrbuch, 1860– 1861.-70. Neue beiträge zur Hebräischen sprachforschung. 71. Ueber die zusammensezung des B. der Salomonischen Sprüche. 72. Ueber das Dramatische bei den Propheten, und Mikha c. 6 ff. 73. Ueber das schauen und sehen des Unsichtbaren nach der Bibel. 74. Die weissagungen Christus und die des Apokalyptikers. 75. Ueber taufe und beschneidung im Apostolischen zeitalter. 76. Das verhältnisz der Biblischen wissenschaft zu unsrer zeit, ihren verirrungen und ihren bedürfnissen. 77. Uebersicht der 1860-1861 erschienenen schriften zur Biblischen wissenschaft.

THEOLOGISCHE STUDIEN UND KRITIKEN, Jahrgang, 1861, zweites Heft.— Abhandlungen: 1. Bleek, Erklärung von Jesaja, 52, 13–53, 12; 2. Richter, die Kindertaufe, ihr Wesen und Recht. Gedanken und Bemerkungen: 1. Steitz der classische und der johanncische Gebrauch von Ekɛivos. 2. Gurlitt, kleine Beiträge zur Erklärung des Evangeliums Matthãi. Recensionen: 1. Pressel, Ambrosius Blaurers Leben und Schriften; rec. von Ullmann. 2. Maier, Commentar über den erften Brief Pauli an die Korinther; rec. von Holtzmann. Kirchliches: Mühlhäuszer, die Unionskatechismen. Miscellen: Programm der Haager Gesellschaft zur Bertheidigung der Christlichen Religion auf das Jahr 1860.-Jahrgang 1861 drittes Heft.-Abhandlungen: 1. Lübker, Propyläen zu einer Theologic des class. Ulterthums. 2. Piper, verschollene und aufgefundene Denkmäler und Handschriften. 3. Gerlach, die Gefangenschaft und Bekehrung Manasse's. Gedanken und Bemerkungen: 1. Ullmann, ein geistliches Lied Friedrich's III., Kurfürsten von der Pfalz. 2. Schneckenburger, Beiträge zur Erklärung des Hebräerbriefs, mitgetheilt von Riehm. Recensionen : 1. Bischer und Hagenbach, Schriften zur Geschichte der Universität Basel; angez, von Hagenbach. 2. Otto, die geschichtlichen Berhältnisse der Pastoralbriefe; rec. von Weisz.


Religion, Theology, and Biblical Literature.

Evenings with the Doctrines. By NEHEMIAH ADAMS, D. D. Boston: Gould & Lincoln. New York: Sheldon & Co. Cincinnati: George S. Blanchard. 12mo., pp. 415. 1861.

Whatever may be the south-side delinquencies of Dr. Adams's pen-and we think them valde deflenda-when the exposition of truth is his business, he performs it with clearness and force.

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