Imágenes de páginas

As when he drinkes out all the totall summe,
Gave it the stile of supernagullum;
And when he quaffing doth his entrailes wash,
"Tis call'd a hunch, a thrust, a whiffe, a flash;
And when carousing makes his wits to faile,
They say he hath a rattle at his taile.

Taylor's Workes, 1630. HUNGARIAN. A cant term, probably formed in double allusion to the freebooters of Hungary, that once infested the continent of Europe, and to the word hungry.

Away, I have knights and colonels at my house, and must tend the hungarians.

Merry Dev. of Edm., O. Pl., v, 267.

This is said by an innkeeper, who probably was meant to speak of hungry guests. Afterwards he gives

it us in the other sense:

Come, ye Hungarian pilchers, [for filchers] we are once more come under the zona torrida of the forest. Ibid., p. 285. The middle aile [of St Paul's] is much frequented at noon with a company of hungarians, not walking so much for recreation as need. Lupton's London, Harl. Misc., ix, 314. Hungarian is the reading of the folio edition of Shakespeare, where the original quarto has Gongarian. Merry Wives of Windsor, i, 3. The latter is thought to be the right reading. See GONGARIAN.

†To HUNGER. To starve.

At last the prince to Zeland came hymselfe To hunger Middleburgh, or make it yeeld. Gascoigne's Works, 1587. +HUNGERBANED. Bitten with hunger, starved.

Whereby it cometh to passe that the people depart out of church full of musicke and harmonie, but yet hungerband and fasting, as touching heavenly foode and doctrine.

Northbrooke, Treatise against Dicing, 1577. +HUNGER-BITTEN. Starved.

Here also be two verie notorious rivers, Oxus and
Maxera, which the tigres, when they bee hunger-bitten,
swim over sometimes, and at unwares do much mis-
chief in the parts bordering upon them.

Ammianus Marcellinus, 1609.
And this food failing, they were forc'd to eat
The crums and scraps of refuse bread and meat,
And with their hands to break (all hungerbit)
The sacred food, for other use more fit.

Virgil, by Vicars, 1632. +HUNGERLIN. A sort of short furred robe, so named from having been derived from Hungary.

A letter or epistle, should be short-coated, and closely
couchd; a hungerlin becomes a letter more hansonly
then a gown.
Howell's Familiar Letters, 1650.

+HUNKS. A term of contempt, applied especially to a miser.

I, I will peace it, if I catch the hunkes. Historie of Albino and Bellama, 1638. To HUNT COUNTER. To hunt the wrong way, to trace the scent backwards.

When the hounds or beagles hunt it by the heel, we say they hunt counter. Gentl. Recr., 8vo ed., p. 16. To hunt by the heel must be to go towards the heel instead of the toe of "To the game, i. e., backwards. hunt counter, retrò legere vestigia." Coles' Lat. Dict.

You mean to make a hoiden or a hare

O' me, t' hunt counter thus, and make these doubles. B. Jons. Tale of a Tub, ii, 6.

A hound that runs counter, and yet draws dry foot well. Com. of Err., iv, 2.

This is contradictory, as to hunting, for to draw dry foot, is to pursue rightly in one way; to hunt counter, is to go the wrong way; but it is a quibble upon a bailiff, as hunting for the Counter, or Compter prisou.

How cheerfully on the false trail they cry!

O, this is counter, you false Danish dogs. Haml., iv, 5. And trulie, answered Euphues, you are worse made for a hound than a hunter, for you mar your sent with carren, before you start your game, which maketh you hunt often counter. Euph. Engl., A a 1. It seems to be an error to join the two words into one, as if to make a name, in this passage:

You hunt-counter, hence! avaunt! Falstaff means rather to tell the man that he is on a wrong scent: "You are hunting counter;' "that is, the wrong way. In the old quartos the words are disjoined accordingly:

You hunt counter, hence! avaunt!

2 Hen. IV, i, 2.

We see, by the passage in Hamlet, that hunting counter was used with latitude for taking a false trail, and not strictly confined to going the wrong way.

A HUNT'S-UP. A noise made to rouse a person in a morning; originally a tune played to wake the sportsmen, and call them together, the purport of which was, The hunt is up! which was the subject of hunting ballads also.

In Puttenham's Art of English Poesy
it is said, that one Gray grew into
good estimation with Henry the Eighth
and the duke of Somerset, "for
making certaine merry ballades,
whereof one chiefly was, the hunte is
up, the hunte is up." D 2, b.
Such ballads are still extant.
Douce gives one, which, perhaps, is
the original. Illustr. of Sh., vol. ii,
p. 192. Another is very short, but
not very moral :


[blocks in formation]

was commou.

Since arm from arm that voice doth us affray, Hunting thee hence with hunts-up to the day. Rom. and Jul., iii, 5. I love no chamber-musick; but a drum To give me hunts-up. Four Prentices, O. Pl., vi, 472. Rowland, for shame, awake thy drowsy muse, Time plays the hunt's-up to thy sleepy head. 1392. Drayt. Ecl., iii, p. No sooner doth the earth her flowery bosom brave, At such time as the year brings on the pleasant spring, But hunts-up to the morn the feather'd sylvans sing. Drayt. Pol., xiii, p. 914. † HUNTER'S MASS. A short mass, said in great haste, for hunters who were eager to start for the chase; hence used as a phrase for any hurried proceeding.

A frier that was vesting himselfe to masse, a gentle-
man pray'd him to say a hunter's masse (meaning a
briefe masse); with that the frier tooke his missali and
turn'd it all over leafe by leafe, continuing so doing a
good while, which the gentleman thinking long, at
last said unto him, I pray you, father, dispatch;
methinkes you are very long a reg:string your missal?
Why, sir, answered the frier, you bespake a hunters'
masse, and in sooth I can finde no such masse in all
Copley's Wits, Fits, and Fancies, 1614.
my booke.
And this farre only I touch, that, when the conjured
spirit appeares, which will not be while after many
circumstances, long prayers, and much muttering and
murmurings of the conjurers, like a papist prieste
despatching a huntling masse-how soone, I say, he
K. James's Demonology.
+HUNT-SPEAR. A hunting spear.
Sister, see, see Ascanius in his pomp,
Bearing his hunt-spear bravely in his hand.
Dido Queen of Carthage, 1594.
HURDEN. Made of tow, or such coarse

What from the hurden smock, with lockram upper
bodies, and hempen sheets, to wear and sleep in
R. Brome's New Acad., iii, p. 47.
+Then hee [king Charles] returning to his chamber,
sitting down by the fier side, we pulled of his shoes
and stockings, and washed his feet, which were most
sadly galled, and then pulled of likewaies his apparell
and shirt, which was of hurden cloth, and put him one
of Mr. Huddleston's, and other apparell of ours.

Account of K. Charles's escape from Worcester.
+For she's as good a toothless dame,
As mumbleth on brown bread;
Where thou shalt lie in hurden sheets,
Upon a fresh straw bed.

King Alfred and the Shepherd.
HURDS. Another name for tow.

Now that part [of the flax] which is utmost, and next
to the pill or rind, is called tow or hurds,

Holland's Pliny, vol. ii, p.
+ For I have harde olde hauswyves saye, that better is
Marche hurdes, than Apryll flaxe, the reason appereth.
Fitzherbert's Husbandry.

+To HURKLE. To shrug.

Another sadly fixing his eies on the ground, and
hurcking with his head to his sholders, foolishly
imagind, that Atlas being faint, and weary of his
burthen, would shortly let the heavens fall upon his
head, and break his crag.

Optick Glasse of Humors, 1639.

†HURLEBAT. A weapon, apparently
a sort of dart or javelin.

Aclis, aclidis, a kynde of weapon, used in olde tyme,
Eliotes Dictionarie, 1559.
as it wer an hurlebatte.
Hurlebats having pikes of yron in the end, aclides.
Withals' Dictionarie, ed. 1608, p. 317.

Laying about him as if they had beene fighting at
Holland's Ammianus Marcel., 1609.

HURLEWIND. Whirlwind; possibly
the original word.

And as oft-times upon some fearfull clap

Of thunder, straight a hurlewind doth arise
And lift the waves aloft, from Thetys' lap
Ev'n in a moment up into the skyes.

Harringt. Ariost., xlv, 69.
Like scatter'd down by howling Eurus blown,
By rapid hurlwinds from his mansion thrown.

Sandys, cited by Todd.
HURLY. A noise, or tumult; from
hurler, French; also hurlu-burlu.
That with the hurly death itself awakes.
Methinks I see this hurly all on foot.

2 Hen. IV, iii, 1. John, iii, 4. Hurlu-burlu, which is not in the common French dictionaries, is in the latest editions of the dictionary of the Academy, both as substantive and adjective. Explained "étourdi."

he met.

+By happe if in this hurly burle with prince or king A. Hall's Homer, p. 18, 1581. +A hurly burly went through the house, and one comes and whispers the lady with the newes.

Armin, Nest of Ninnies, 1608.
+Well, they fall out, they go together by the eares, and
such a hurly burly is in the roome, that passes. Ibid.
To growl or snarl like a

R is the dog's letter, and hurreth in the sound.
B. Jons. Engl. Gr.
HURRICANO. Used for a water-spout.
Ouragan, French.

Not the dreadful spout

Which shipmen do the hurricano call,
Constring'd in mass by the almighty sun,
Shall dizzy with more clamour Neptune's ear
In his descent.

Tr. & Cr., v, 2.

Lear, iii, 2.

You cataracts, and hurricanos, spout
Till you have drench'd our steeples.
And down the show'r impetuously doth fall,
As that which men the hurricano call.


Drayt. Mooncalf, p. 494. Menage says that ouragan is Indian word.

I find it written herocane in one passage:

Such as would have made their party good against all assailants, had they not been dispersed and weakened by violent tempests; besides the unexpected herocane, which dashed all the endeavours of the best pilots. Lady Alimony, iv, 1. +HURRY-WHORE. A contemptuous name for a common prostitute.

And I doe wish with all my heart, that the superfluous number of all our hyreling hackney carryknaves, and hurry-whores, with their makers and maintainers, were there, where they might never want continuall imployment. Taylor's Workes, 1630. HURST. A wood. Saxon and low Latin. It occurs in many names of places, either singly or in composition,

[blocks in formation]

Now hurtling round, advantage for to take.
Spens. F. Q., IV. iv, 29.

Also actively, to brandish:

His harmfull club he gan to hurtle hye.

+HURTLE, s. A pimple?

reprinted in Hawkins's Origin of the English Drama, vol. i, p. 69. Hyckescorner is there represented "as a libertine returned from travel, who, agreeably to his name, scoffs at religion." Percy Anc. Ballads, i, p.132. But whether the term were taken from the drama, or the name of the play from a term already current, we find it used as a general name.

Zeno beeyng outright all together a stoique, used to call Socrates the scoffer or the Hicke-scorner of the citee of Athens. Udall's Apophth. of Erasmus, 1564, Preface, sign. xxv, b.

+Sophistrie dooeth no helpe, use, ne service to doings in publique affaires or bearing offices in a common weale, whiche publique offices who so is a suiter to have, it behoveth the same not to plaie Hicke skorner with insolubles and with idle knackes of sophisticacions, but rather to frame and facion himself to the maners and condicions of menne, and to bee of soche sort as other men be. Ibid.

I find hick used for a man, in cant language, in an old song:

That not one hick spares.

And again:


Ibid., II, vii, 42. A HYEN.

Upon whose palmes such warts and hurtells rise,
As may in poulder grate a nutmegge thick.

Silkewormes and their Flies, 1599. HUSBAND, for husbandman, farmer.

For husband's life is labourous and hard.

Spens. Moth. Hubb. Tale, 266. That feeds the husband's neat each winter's day. Browne, Brit. Past., I, 3, p. 61. Johnson has cited it from Dryden also, with whom many words lingered that are since obsolete.

HUSHER, or HUISHER. or gentleman usher. French.

An usher,
Huissier, I

A gentle husher, Vanitie by name,
Made rowme, and passage for them did prepare.
Spens. F. Q., I, iv, 13.

But more for care of the security,
My huisher hath her now in his grave charge.
B. Jons. Tale of a Tub, iv, 6.

And throughout that play.

+HUSHTNESS. Silence.

A generall hushtnesse hath the world possest,
And all the tower surpriz'd with golden dreames,
Alone king Jupiter abandons rest,

Still wishing for Apolloes golden beames.

Heywood's Troia Britanica, 1609.

†To HUSK. To cover with a husk. Like Jupiter huskt in a female skin.

Historie of Albino and Bellama, 1638.

+To HUZZ. To hum.

Murmure. A murmuring: a mumbling in the mouth: a muttering: an humming or huzzing noise. Nomenclator.

HYCKE-SCORNER. The title of an old morality, or allegorical drama, printed by Wynken de Worde, and

That can bulk any hick.

Acad. of Compl., ed. 1713, p. 204. Used by Shakespeare only,

I believe, for hyena.

I will laugh like a hyen, and that when thou art
disposed to sleep. As you like it, iv, 1.—243, a.

HYREN, for hiren. Sylvester uses it
to signify a seducing woman.
Of charming sin the deep-inchaunting syrens,
The snares of virtue, valour-softening hyrens.

Du B., Week ii, Day 2, part 3.

I & J.

was commonly said and written, in the time of Shakespeare, for aye; which afforded great scope and temptation for punning, as may be seen in the following passages:

But what said she did she nod? Sp. 1. Pro. Nod
I why that's noddy, &c. Two Gent. Ver., i, 1.
And at these people with their I's and No's.
Fansh. Lus., iv, 14.

Hath Romeo slain himself? say thou but I, And that bare vowel I shall poison more Than the death-darting eye of cockatrice. I am not I, if there be such an I. Rom. & Jul., iii, 2. This is very lamentable, in a passage that should rather have been pathetic. In the same strain Drayton has a whole sonnet, which carries the absurdity still further; it is, however, curious:

Nothing but No and I, and I and No,

How falls it out so strangely you reply? I tell you, fair, I'll not be answer'd so With this affirming No, denying I.

[blocks in formation]

Save me,
Must woe and I have nought but No and I?
No I am I, if I no more can have;
Answer no more, with silence make reply,

cry; you sigh me out a No.

And let me take myself what I do crave:
Let No and I, with I and you be so;
Then answer No and I, and I and No.

Idea 5.

Line the tenth is nearly the same as
the fourth cited from Shakespeare.

As when the disagreeing commons throw
About their house their clamorous or No.

Herrick, p. 360.
In the modern editions of Shake-
speare, I is generally changed to aye;
but in Whalley's Ben Jonson the
single vowel is retained, which the
reader should recollect, or he will
sometimes take it for the pronoun.
I, the pronoun, was sometimes
peated in colloquial use, as the French
subjoin moi: Je n'aime pas cela, moi;
"I like not such a thing, I." Some
instances of it occur in Shakespeare,
and many other writers.


I'll drink no more than will do me good, for no man's
2 Hen. IV, ii, 4.
pleasure, I.
will not budge for no man's pleasure, I.

Rom. & Jul., iii, 1.


Yon light is not day-light, I know it, I.


I am an ass, I! and yet I kept the stage in master
Induct. to B. Jons. Barth. Fair.

Tarleton's time.

I am none of those common pedants, I,
That cannot speak without propterea quod.
Edward II, O. Pl., ii, 342.
For my disport I rode on hunting, I.

Mirr. Mag., P.


I per se, as A PER SE, &c.; I by itself:

If then your I agreement want,

I to your I must answer No.
Therefore leave off your spelling plea,

And let my I be I per se. Wit's Interp., p. 116. +JABISH. Perhaps amisprint for jadish.


To discourse him seriously is to read the ethics to a monkey, or make an oration to Caligula's horse, whence you can only expect a wee-hee or jahish Twelve Ingenious Characters, 1686. JACK, s. A horseman's defensive upper garment, quilted and covered with strong leather. It is usually interpreted a coat of mail, but some of the following quotations seem to prove otherwise. A kind of pitcher made of leather was similarly called a black jack, even in my memory.

I have half a score jades that draw my beer carts;
and every jade shall bear a knave, and every knave
shall wear a jack, and every jack shall have a skull,
and every skull shall shew a spear, and every spear
shall kill a foe at Ficket Field.

First P. of Sir J. Olde., Suppl. to Sh., ii, 297.
The bill-men come to blows, that, by their cruel

The ground lay strew'd with male and shreds of
tatter'd jacks. Drayt. Polyolb., xxii, p. 1062.
Their armour [iu England] is not unlike unto that

which in other countries they use, as corslets, Almaine rivets, shirts of male, jackes quilted, and covered over with leather, fustian, or canvas, over thick plates of yron that are sowed to the same.

Euph. Engl., F f 2, b.

Their horsemen are with jacks for most part clad.
Harr. Ariost., x, 73.

The following, however, is an instance
of jack used for a coat of mail:
Nor lay aside their jacks of gymold mail.

Edw. III, i, 2, in Capell's Prolus.

Unless the original copy had "jacks, or gymold," which seems to me most probable.

+But with the trusty bow,
Aud jacks well quilted with soft wool, they came to
Chapm. It., iii.
[To be on the jack of any one, to
attack him violently, evidently in
allusion to the preceding word.]

+Te ulciscar, I will be revenged on thee: I will sit on
thy skirts: I will be upon your jacke for it.
Terence in English, 1614.
And our armie, joyning with the prince's, wee made
a gallant body; which made him sneake to his quar-
ters at Openhan. And, as often as he stur'd, wee
were on his jack.
A. Wilson's Autobiography.

+ My lord lay in Morton College; and, as he was
going to parliament one morning on foot, a man in a
faire and civill outward habit mett him, and jossel'd
him. And, though I was at that time behind his
lordship, I saw it not; for, if I had, I should have
been upon his jack.


The ignis fa

I am an evening dark as night,
Jack-with-the-lantern, bring a light.


The Slighted Maid, p. 48. A stuffed puppet, dressed in rags, &c., which was thrown at throughout Lent, as cocks were on Shrove Tuesday.

Thou cam'st but half a thing into the world,
And wast made up of patches, parings, shreds;
Thou, that when last thou wert put out of service,
Travell'd to Hamstead Heath on an Ash Wednesday,
Where thou didst stand six weeks the Jack of Lent,
For boys to hurl three throws a penny at thee,
To make thee a purse. B. Jons. Tale of a Tub, iv, 2.
Six weeks are again mentioned as the
duration of a Jack of Lent, in the
following passage:


Nay, you old Jack-a-Lent, six weeks and upwards, though you be our captain's father you cannot stay Four Prentices, O. Pl., vi, 478. By which is meant, that the old man is come to the utmost extent of his utility and existence.

The very children in the street do adore me; for if a
boy that is throwing at his Jack-a-Lent chance to hit
me on the shins, why, I say nothing but Tu quoque,
smile, and forgive the child.

Greene's Tu Quoque, O. Pl., vii, 92.
If I forfeit,

Make me a Jack o' Lent, and break my shins
For untagg'd points and compters.

B. & Fl. Woman's Prize, iv, 3.
Jack-a-Lent occurs twice in the Merry
Wives of Windsor; once merely as a
jocular appellation, iii, 3, and once as

[blocks in formation]

Breton introduces the name of this

personage with an allusion to a wellknown proverb:

The puffing fat that shewes the pesant's feede,
Proves Jack a Lent was never gentleman.
Honour of Valour, 1605.
Taylor the water-poet has a tract en-
titled, "Jacke a Lent, his Beginning
and Entertainment: with the mad
Prankes of his Gentleman-usher,
Shrove-Tuesday," &c. See Works,
p. 113.

JACK-AN-APES. A monkey, or ape; from Jack and ape. In this sense it has been long disused, though common enough still, as addressed to an impertinent and contemptible coxcomb.

This performed, and the horse and jack-an-apes for a jigge, they had sport enough that day for nothing. Gayton, Fest. Notes, p. 272. Like a come aloft jacanapes. Sheldon, cited by Todd. Notwithstanding the attempts of Ritson and others to derive it from Jack Napes, a person never heard of, I have no doubt that the real derivation is Jack and ape, as Johnson gave it. Mr. Todd does not appear to have observed, that in the instance which I have copied from him, it simply means an ape. See COME ALOFT.

That which would make a jackanapes a monkey, if he could get it, a tayle. Isle of Gulls, ii, 1. Massinger coined the word Jane-anapes, as a jocular counterpart to Jackan-apes. Bondm., iii, 2. JACK OF THE CLOCK, or CLOCKHOUSE. A figure made in old public clocks to strike the bell on the outside; of the same kind as those formerly at St. Dunstan's church in Fleet-street. Jack, being the most familiar appellative, was frequently bestowed upon whatever bore the form, or seemed to do the work, of a man or servant. Thus, roasting jacks were so named from performing the office of a man, who acted as turnspit, before that office devolved upon dogs. Jack and Gill were, indeed, familiar representatives of the two sexes in low life; as in the proverb, "Every Jack must have his Gill," and, "A good Jack makes a

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Uber. Faith, sir, you lie. Is this your jack i' th' clock-house?

Will you strike, sir? B. & F. Cozcomb, act i, p. 167. But, howsoever, if Powles jacks be once up with their elbowes, and quarelling to strike eleven, as soon as ever the clock has parted them, and ended the fray with his hammer, let not the duke's gallery conteyne you any longer. Decker's Gul's Hornbook, 1609.

By the above it appears that the jacks at St. Paul's struck only the quarters.

Decker, in another pamphlet, tells us of a fraternity of sharpers who called themselves Jackes of the clockhouse:

There is another fraternitie of wandring pilgrims, who merrily call themselves Jackes of the clock-house. He then describes that piece of mechanism particularly:

The jacke of a clock-house goes upon screws, and his office is to do nothing but strike, so does this noise (for they walke up and down like fidlers) travaile with motions, and whatever their motions get them is called striking.

Lantern and Candlelight, or the Belman's Second Night Walk, &c. See NOISE.

He scrapes you just such a leg, in answering you, as jack o' th' clock-house agoing about to strike. Flecknoe's Enigmat. Char., p. 76. Cotgrave, in the article Fretillon, introduces it as a general term for a diminutive or paltry fellow:

A little nimble dwarfe or hop-on-my-thumbe; a jacke of the clock-house; a little busie-body, medler, jackstickler; one that has an oare in every man's buat, or his hand in every man's dish.

Timon, iii, 6.

Minute-jacks, in Timon of Athens, have been supposed to mean the same thing; but jacks that struck hours or quarters could hardly be so called. Cap and knee slaves, vapours, and minute-jacks. Probably jacks are there only equiva lent to fellows, as in Richard III: "silken, sly, insinuating jacks." It will then mean "fellows who watch the proper minutes to offer their

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