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Of railways there were ten in operation in 1881, of an aggregate length of 1,545 miles; and in course of construction three other lines, aggregating 190 miles. Of telegraph lines there were, in 1877, 4,848 miles (3,365 miles of which were the property of the state), with an aggregate of 9,887 miles of wires. The number of dispatches in 1879 was 242,259, of which 42,636 were official; the receipts having been $165,266, and the expenditures $169,266. In 1879 the number of letters that passed through the post-office was 6,696,328, of which 1,494,854 were official; and that of packages of printed matter 11,152,089, of which 457,913 were to or from foreign countries.

On the occasion of the opening of Congress, May 8, 1881, President Roca, in a long but unusually interesting message, presented an elaborate sketch of the country under its various aspects-political, financial, commercial, industrial, and intellectual. Here follow a few brief extracts from that document:

MESSES. SENATORS AND DEPUTIES: As you are aware, peace, order, and complete liberty, with every prospect of a long duration, prevail all over the republic, and our credit has reached every country and market in Europe, where they are at last beginning to believe that we have reached the years of discretion and common sense. The uncertainty in which we were living, even in times which were apparently the most tranquil, has been succeeded by a most boundless confidence in the future. Life, movement, a spirit of progress, and a love of work, have sprung up in all parts. The provinces are no longer armed in defense of their autonomy or against revolution, but are occupied in political, social, and economic reorganization, improved administration, agriculture, irrigation, roads, banks, and all kinds of improvements.

The session before you is full of work to be done. It is as if we were a people newly born, as you will

See "Annual Cyclopædia" for 1880, p. 21.

have to legislate on the attributes, means, and authority of the nation-so great was the want of a permanent capital for the republic. Now you may make laws in full liberty, knowing that they will be obeyed, and without consulting anything but common sense, justice, and expediency, or fearing that any provincial governor should enter these halls to protest against or dictate your measures.

The Executive is in perfect accord with the authorities of all the provinces, and not even the slightest hitch has occurred in the working of the liberal and complicated laws of our political system. The law ordering national intervention in Rioja resulted in a speedy and satisfactory solution, thanks to the clear terms in which the orders of Congress were expressed, and the tact and prudence of the commissioner appointed. I feel pleasure in telling you that the republic is on the best terms with all foreign powers. We can easily keep so, as the fundamental principle of our foreign policy is a determination to defend our rights and to respect those of others.

The Executive and the whole country have witnessed with profound sorrow the horrible drama on the Pacific, the ruin of two sister republics, and the gulf dug between three nations of the same blood, who should be united for mutual advancement, instead of tearing each other to pieces. For this reason

the mediation of the United States Government in October last was so joyfully hailed by public opinion. We had a right to hope that such a powerful and respected nation would be able to bring about peace between the belligerents, and only when it failed did I deem it right to make a fresh attempt at conciliation, with the aid of a South American state which, being tinent, and for other reasons, I considered the best on the best of terms with the republics of this conwherewith to initiate a fresh attempt at friendly interference. The Minister of Foreign Affairs will report to you the result of this negotiation. The Governments of Peru and Bolivia addressed that of strife, and protesting against the terms of peace prothis country, denouncing the bitter character of the posed by Chili. In its turn the Chilian Government sent us the protocols of the conferences at Arica, explaining its line of action, and declaring that it sought no conquest. I trust that, after the recent battles, decorous and satisfactory bases of peace may be arrived The reclamations made by the legations of the belligerents here have been impartially attended to, with due regard to the exigencies of those at war and the rights of those who, in peace and tranquillity, remain strictly neutral.


The Colombian Government asked us to send a

representative to the conference at Panama, to introduce the principle of arbitration into American international faw. Our relations with Brazil are perfect. served, and the efforts of some uneasy spirits fail beThe treaties which guarantee them are strictly obfore the circumspection and foresight of both Governments. We must definitely settle our boundaries with the empire. It is a joint work, and, once the dividing line, through mysterious and deserted forests, is traced, the science and civilization of both countries will soon break in on their solitude. In more peaceful days for Bolivia we can also settle our boundaries with her. We maintain with Uruguay the good relations natural between nations whose blood and interests are identical, and any differences that arise are promptly settled with good-will on both sides. Paraguay has broken off her commercial treaty with this country and Brazil, but this shall not alter our wishes for her prosperity.

The Holy See, and the American and European Governments, send us frequent proofs of friendship. I will lay before you this year several conventions which will consolidate our good relations with those powers.

I have the utmost confidence in the rectitude of our foreign policy. Nothing shall divert us from the principle of peace abroad and the firm assertion of our

promises to be effective, if enforced rigorously, State has borne an evil reputation. It is the in diminishing a class of crimes for which the so-called "pistol bill," which makes it a misdemeanor, punishable by a heavy fine, to sell or to keep for sale, or to furnish in whatever inanner to any person, any species of sword or dagger, or any kind of pistol, excepting the regulation navy revolver. It also prohibits the carrying of deadly weapons of any sort, except the wearer be on his own premises, or on a journey, or be an officer of the law. Officers and justices of the peace are subject to like penalties for neglecting to arrest or to entertain proceedings under the act.

rights. Our native land, whole and without a stain, shall link us equally with the past and the future. The credit and wealth of the nation are apparent in every way, now that it is felt that peace and order are firmly established. The receipts at the custom-house in the capital for the last six months exceed by 1,045,500 hard dollars those in the same period of the previous year. Our bonds have reached the highest quotations in London, while here there is no price, as nobody will sell. Ships now leave our ports with what we formerly imported, and every year we have some new production to export. Here is one fact: 4,000 tons of flax shipped at the Riachuelo between 15th January and 15th April this year. The gross revenue of the national railways was $805,379. The Central Argentine Railway is now beginning to return what it received as guarantee. The balance in favor of government in 1880 was $130,993. The shares are at a premium in London. The mint is finished, and A law to protect the public against unqualimight have been at work, but the Executive decided to wait to lay before you some measures to meet diff-fied medical practitioners requires every person culties that have arisen since you passed the coinage act. The abolition of forced currency and a uniform circulating medium are of primary interest to the country. Forced currency and privileges are against the spirit of a free government and the Constitution, which guarantees freedom of trade and industry; they also drive away foreign capital, disturb business, and inflict enormous loss on the Treasury. Every effort that Congress and the Executive can make to free

the country from this burden will be amply repaid. The day on which we get a uniform currency, and are free from inconvertible paper and privileges, there will be an immense influx of foreign money. Bad coin, like the primitive languages of America, is not a means of civilization, and, if we have progressed in spite of monetary chaos, it is solely due to the exuberant vitality of the country.

The twelve-million loan, authorized in October last, for railway extension in the interior, was successfully contracted for with Paris bankers at 82, and the works are progressing. As you will see in the Finance Minister's report, it is the first loan launched here (and perhaps in South America) direct, and with special commissions.

The National Bank, reorganized in 1876, shares the general prosperity of trade. The price of its shares shows its improved credit, and it will be of much greater service in the interior when the monetary confusion that interferes with the circulation of its notes shall have disappeared.

ARKANSAS. The biennial session of the Legislature commenced in January. The financial affairs of the State occupied considerable attention. A State Board of Finance was created, consisting of the Governor, the Treasurer, and the Auditor, and is empowered to borrow money to meet the expenses of the government by pledging the State's bonds, which shall not be hypothecated for a less amount than three fourths of their face value. The debt thus contracted is to bear no higher rate of interest than 6 per cent per annum, and is to be payable in two years. A senatorial commission was appointed to examine the Auditor's and Treasurer's books, upon the suspicion of a default in the Treasurer's accounts. That officer's honesty was not impugned, however, by the instigators of the investigation.

A law was passed, prohibiting the sale or giving away of intoxicating liquors within a radius of three miles from any church or school-house in the State.

The Legislature passed one measure which

desiring to practice as a physician or surgeon to prove his or her qualifications before a county board, and to be registered in the office of the county clerk. Persons denied registry may demand an examination, as to their proficiency, by a State medical board.

The law relative to larceny was changed so of ten dollars petty larceny only, the law having as to make thefts of property under the value been excessively severe, thefts of above two dollars being punished as grand larceny.

Arkansas is still one of the most backward States in educational facilities. The publicschool appropriations amount to only $205,000 per annum, being considerably less in proportion to the school population than is spent by any other State. Congress has granted over 1,000,000 acres of land to Arkansas for school purposes. In some sections the State fund is supplemented by liberal local levies. Considering the facts that the public-school system was not established until 1868, and that in 1870 only 75 per cent of the adult population could read and write, substantial educational progress is being made. The State tax for school purposes is only two mills on the dollar. The local tax raised in the individual districts is determined by popular vote every year at an annual school-meeting. The tax usually voted in the more progressive districts is five mills. Some depend solely on the scanty allowance afforded by the State fund.

A state of violence and intimidation, in which the authority of the law was superseded, prevailed for several months in Perry County, terminating in the assassination of J. L. W. Matthews, editor of the "Fourche Valley Times." The judicial acts of County Judge Harris had been murmured at by a group of citizens, who complained that the murdered man had procured or influenced obnoxious proceedings. One day a band of armed men rode into Perryville, and frightened the judge from the bench by their menacing appearance. The Governor was appealed to, and General New ton, of the militia, visited the county, but found no outward evidences of lawlessness. There were no further disturbances until the evening in July on which Matthews was shot. Judge

Harris received at the same time a notice of warning to leave the county. Through fear, the sheriff and magistrates refrained from instituting proceedings against the suspected murderers, appealing to the Governor to restore order. Two detachments of militia were sent into the disturbed district to protect the civil officers in the discharge of their duty. The arrest and commitment of the prisoners took place under military guard. A guard of State soldiery was posted in the town for several weeks to preserve order. Similar lawless developments occurred in Polk County, though of a less serious character. Writs of the court were defied, and the sheriff threatened. Exhibitions of mob-law have not grown less frequent in Arkansas. Various cases of the infliction of vengeance on supposed criminals by bands of lynchers occurred in 1881, as in former years. Instances of the violent seizure of prisoners in legal custody, and the wreaking of popular rage upon their persons, continue to take place. These manifestations of lawlessness accompany, as usual, a high rate of crime, especially of the crimes against the person which spring from anger or revenge, or reckless bravado. The customary difficulty of procuring salutary convictions for serious assaults of this character still obtains. There are many signs, however, of a rapid reformation of the manners of the people in this respect. This tendency is clearly reflected in the expressions of the press, and in the attitude of the influential classes of citizens. The strict and judiciously framed law against the unwarranted carrying of deadly weapons, passed at the last session of the Legislature, indicates the vigor of the movement. The recent temperance legislation had for its principal motive the desire to prevent violence and crime. An active agitation, which wins a remarkable moral and numerical support, is now being carried on in favor of stringent restrictive or prohibitory enactments to suppress the liquor-traffic. This movement takes rank with the debt controversy as a leading political question. It has its root in the determination to redeem Arkansas from its reputation for savagery and anarchy; although the majority may condemn a prohibitory law, as unnecessary or impracticable.

The question of the repudiation of a part of the bonded debt of the State has rendered imminent a disruption of the Democratic party. The plan of resettlement embodied in the Fishback amendment, so called, which was rejected in the general election of 1880, is earnestly approved by a large section of the party, while the other branch includes its most decided opponents. Neither faction can sacrifice their liberty to speak and vote according to their principles in this question, while both are equally anxious to preserve the party organization in order to prevent the administration from falling into the hands of the Republicans. It was proposed, therefore, that at the Democratic Convention of 1882, a State ticket should

be nominated which should be supported by both divisions of the party unitedly, and that a resolution should be adopted, calling for a constitutional convention for the settlement of the debt question. Every member of the party should be guided by his own convictions on the debt question in the canvass for the Assembly elections, and in his action with reference to the Constitutional Convention. The Democratic State Central Committee, in a meeting in May, concluded to bring forward in the State Convention a proposition for an amendment which would not invalidate the objectionable bonds, but would yet prevent their funding or payment without the express acquiescence of the people. The purport of the proposed amendment, by which it is sought to stave off the question and avoid a final committal of the party, is expressed in the following first draft to be submitted to the party convention in the beginning of 1882:

1. Hereafter the General Assembly of this State shall be prohibited from making any settlement or adjustment of the bonded debt of this State, based on what ford bonds, which shall be binding upon the State, is known as railroad-aid bonds, levee bonds, or Holuntil such adjustment shall have been submitted to and voted upon by the qualified electors of this State by the next succeeding general election after such act have been ratified by a majority of the qualified electof adjustment has been passed, and the same shall ors voting at such election.

2. That no act of the General Assembly of this State, which may hereafter be passed, making an appropriation to pay off any part of the principal or interest of any of the bonded indebtedness of this State, based upon what is known as railroad-aid bonds, levee bonds, or Holford bonds, shall be binding on the State or paid from the Treasury until such act shall have been submitted at the next succeeding general election after such act of appropriation has been passed to the people, and the same shall have been ratified by a majority of all the qualified electors voting at such election; and they further recommend that no action on said indebtedness be taken by the General Assembly until such amendment shall have been submitted to a vote of the people.

The financial troubles of Arkansas date from its first erection into a State in 1836. A State Bank was organized, and authorized to issue $2,000,000 of bonds, and further credit was obtained by means of a real-estate bank, whose $1,500,000 of bonds were guaranteed by the State, and secured by the public lands. Both institutions suspended payments in the second year. This was the commencement of the State debt, the unskillful management of which has ever since impeded the progress of the State. The State debt matured in 1862. Since the restoration of self-government in 1869 the weight of public sentiment has favored the evasion of the vast liabilities which it would still tax all the resources of the State to discharge in full. The debt contracted in waging war against the Federal Government was declared void. Its repudiation was followed by a series of defaults on other obligations. The levee bonds were decided to be unconstitutional by the Supreme Court in 1878, and all the railroad-aid bonds have since been declared

by the same court to have been illegally issued. The vote on the Fishback amendment, which repudiates the bulk of the debt of Arkansas, was about 61,000 for, to 41,000 against. It was declared not carried, because it lacked 4,000 of a majority of all the votes cast. The liabilities, considered not binding by so large a proportion of the citizens of the State, consist of about $2,000,000 of levee bonds, $5,000,000 of railway-aid bonds, and other disputed liabilities, aggregating about $4,000,000. There is an admitted debt amounting to some $5,000,000, over half of which is funded. The ground on which the levee and railroad subsidy were outlawed by the courts, and on which they are disclaimed by the people, is principally that the acts authorizing their issue were not passed in the manner provided by the State Constitution. The other class of bonds which it is sought to exclude, known as the Holford bonds, were a part of the whole series issued under the funding act in 1870-'71. They are objected to on the ground of general fraud. The other funded bonds of the State are recognized as valid by all parties. The Legislature in the early part of the session of 1881 passed an act directing the Auditor and Treasurer to drop from their books the levee, railroad-aid, and Holford bonds.

The settlement of the debt question in a way which shall be understood to be final, whether by the acknowledgment of the entire debt, or the repudiation of a portion of it, would probably promote the commercial progress of Arkansas. The cessation of lawless license and the universal observance of legal methods would have a much more powerful effect in attracting capital and immigration. The recent extension of railroads is already leading to the establishment of new industries, and the enlargement of the agricultural area. Although its development has been slower than that of any other State, the natural resources of Arkansas are scarcely excelled. Nearly the entire area of the State is cultivable land of high average quality. The soil is seven to ten feet in depth, and contains potash, soda, magnesia, ferrous oxide, lime, and phosphoric acid in favorable quantities. The greater part of the 10,000,000 acres donated by Congress as swamp-lands," need no reclamation whatever. Timber-land in this State is easily brought under cultivation, as stumps rot thoroughly in three years. The crops of the prairie States and of the Gulf States thrive equally. The yield of cotton is as large in proportion to the labor applied as in any part of America. It is a surer crop in Southern Arkansas, probably, than in any other district. Sugar cane, tobacco, and all the cereals are cultivated with profit. The planting-season lasts from February till August, so that, if a crop does not promise well, a second one can be planted and harvested the same season.


Arkansas is one of the richest timber States in the Union, though this source of wealth has been as yet but little developed. The abundant


growth of excellent black-walnut will doubtless come into requisition as the supplies of that valuable wood fail in Indiana, Upper Canada, and other northern districts, while the demand still increases. There are seventy varieties of useful timber in Arkansas. Besides black-walnut, there are numerous other highly-prized timber-trees, which attain large proportions, and grow in abundance. There are several varieties of the oak. The cherry, the boisd'arc, the holly, and the maple furnish choice qualities of timber. The cedar, the beech, the poplar, the cypress, the hickory, and the ash are cominon. The yellow pine grows to large size, and its forests take up one tenth of the area of the State. With 2,500 miles of navigable rivers, with a greater length of running water than any other inland State, the facilities for driving logs render the wealth of valuable lumber, which clothes a greater part of the State's surface, easily accessible. Walnut logs have already been shipped in large quantities to Eastern manufactories and to England. The price of this favorite wood is constantly rising. The lumber was at first floated in rafts, buoyed up by intermingled cypress logs, to New Orleans, and thence shipped on cars to the East, but is now transported directly by rail.

Arkansas is also a State of extraordinary though undeveloped mineral wealth. The coalfields, covering 12,000 square miles, and containing more than those of Great Britain, afford anthracite and cannel as well as bituminous coal, deposited in strata of four to nine feet in thickness. The semi-authracite quality characteristic of these beds renders the coal excellent for smelting and manufacturing purposes. The iron-ores are as rich as those of Missouri, and nearly as abundant. Specular and hematite ores both abound. The lead-ores of Arkansas are of remarkable richness, containing, not only a large percentage of lead, but a considerable proportion of silver associated with it. Veins have been found yielding 70 per cent of pure lead and 200, ounces of silver per ton; and assays of 6 per cent of silver have been known. Perhaps the largest zinc deposits on the continent are found in this State, and stores of manganese unexcelled in any part of the world. Among the other prospectively valuable mineral resources are mines of salt, antimony in abundance, gypsum in greater quantities than the other States contain together, and, in Pike County, near the Little Missouri River, a whole mountain of fine alabaster. Silver-mining operations are being started in the Mount Ida district, in Montgomery County. The ores are as rich as many which are profitably worked in districts where the business has been long established, but where the facilities are far inferior. In Pulaski County, just out of Little Rock, there are other ledges of ore which assay from 50 to 1,200 ounces a ton. Zinc is found in vast, easily accessible beds of calamine, or carbonate, which is the most easily worked of the zinc-ores, and also in the form of the

sulphuret or blende. Works established in Lawrence County for converting the calamine into metallic zinc have been abandoned, probably from want of capital. In the northern counties there are vast quantities of marble of many varieties, and of admirable texture for building and monumental purposes.







Hot Spring.



Lincoln .
Little River.

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The result of the presidential election in the State was-Hancock, Democrat, 60,775; Garfield, Republican, 42,436; Weaver, Greenback, 4,079: total vote, 107,290. Hancock's majority over Garfield, 14,260.

The vote for State officers was as follows:

The great extension of railroad facilities, which is in prospect, will contribute largely to the material development of Arkansas. Railroad companies contemplate the building of Dorsey some 2,000 miles of new railroad within the State lines. They do not expect any assistance from the State, since the constitutional limit of 850 miles of railway altogether for which the State, county, and city credit may be pledged, was reached several years ago, the aid awarded amounting to $9,900,000 in all. The Iron Mountain Company, which has already done much to build up the State, contemplates building 900 miles of branch lines. One will reach from near the Missouri line to Vidalia, opposite La Fayette.. Natchez. The second will run from about 30 miles south of the north line of Arkansas straight west 150 miles. Another will extend from Little Rock southeast to the Louisiana line. The fourth will extend from 85 miles southeast of Little Rock to Alexandria, Louisiana, on the Red River. The extension of the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fé to the Mississippi will enter Arkansas at Fort Smith, and pass across the State from side to side, 200 miles. The St. Louis and San Francisco is completing the section from the north State line to Texarkana, 200 miles long, whence it will follow the course of the Red River to a point opposite Natchez, 150 miles farther. The Memphis and Charleston intends crossing the State from the east. The line being built by the Texas and St. Louis Company intersects the State diagonally from the southwest to the northeast corner, 300 miles. The same railroad company is adding a branch, 120 miles long, running from Little Rock to Shreveport. The Fort Scott, Southeastern and Memphis Railroad is building a line from Springfield, Missouri, to the Mississippi, opposite Memphis, traversing the State for 200 miles. Besides these, various shorter lines and branches have been surveyed, and some are under construction. The projected railroad of the Georgia syndicate from Atlanta to the Mississippi River, opposite Arkansas City, will furnish direct connection between Arkansas towns and the Southern sea-ports on the Atlantic, making a continuous line from Fort Smith, on the border of the Indian nation, to Atlanta, and thence to Charleston and Richmond.

The compilation of the census of Arkansas has been only partially completed at the Census Office, so as to be available for this volume. The following is the population of the State by counties:

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Jacob Frolich, Democrat.
C. E. Tobey, Greenback..

W. E. Woodruff, Jr., Democrat..
W. A. Watson, Greenback..

John Crawford, Democrat
C. E. Cunningham, Greenback

C. B. Moore, Democrat.
G. Sibley, Greenback..











D. W. Lear, Democrat
W. Riley, Greenback..



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