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excreta. Here, in damp places, pools, and ditches, free and active embryos are hatched out of the eggs. Each embryo (Fig. 10, C., much enlarged) is covered with cilia, except at the anterior end, which is provided with a head

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Fig. 10.-Liver-fluke: Embryonic stages. (After A. P. Thomas.) A. Ovum: em., embryo; op., operculum. B. Limnaus truncatulus (natural size). C. Free embryo: e.s., eye-spot; ex., excretory vessel; g.c., germinal cells; h.p., head-papilla. D. Embryo preparing to become a sporocyst: g.c., germinal cells. E. Sporocyst: g., gastrula; ., morula; re., redia. F. Redia: b.o., birth-opening; ce., cercaria; col., collar; di., digestive sac; ph., pharynx;, posterior processes; re., daughter redia. G. Cercaria: cys., cystogenous organ; di., digestive sac; o.s., oral sucker; p.s., posterior sucker; ph., pharynx.

papilla (h.p.). When the embryo comes in contact with any object, it, as a rule, pauses for a moment, and then

darts off again. But if that object be the minute watersnail, Limnæus truncatulus (Fig. 10, B., natural size), instead of darting off, the embryo bores its way into the tissues until it reaches the pulmonary chamber, or more rarely the body-cavity. Here its activity ceases. It passes into a quiescent state, and is now known as a sporocyst (Fig. 10, E.). The active embryo has degenerated into a mere brood-sac, in which the next generation is to be produced. For within the sporocyst special cells undergo division, and become converted into embryos of a new type, which are known as redia (F.), and which, so soon as they are sufficiently developed, break through the wall of the sporocyst. They then increase rapidly in size, and browse on the digestive gland of the water-snail (known as the intermediate host), to which congenial spot they have in the mean time migrated. The series of developmental changes is even yet not complete. For within the rediæ (besides, at times, daughter rediæ) embryos of yet another type are produced by a process of cell-division. These are known as cercaria (Fig. 10, G.). Each has a long tail, by means of which it can swim freely in water. It leaves the intermediate host, and, after leading a short, active life, becomes encysted on blades of grass. The cyst is formed by a special larval organ, and is glistening snowy white. Within the cyst lies the transparent embryonic liver-fluke, which has lost its tail in the process of encystment.

The last chapter in this life-history is that in which the sheep crops the blade of grass on which the parasite lies encysted; whereupon the cyst is dissolved in the stomach of the host, the little liver-fluke becomes active, passes through the bile-duct into the liver of the sheep, and there, growing rapidly, reaches sexual maturity, and lays its thousands of eggs, from each of which a fresh cycle may take its origin. The sequence of phenomena is characterized by discontinuity of development. Instead of the embryo growing up continuously into the adult, with only the atrophy of provisional organs (e.g. the gills and tail of the tadpole, or embryo frog), it produces germs from which

the adult is developed. Not merely provisional organs, but provisional organisms, undergo atrophy. In the case of the liver-fluke there are two such provisional organisms, the embryo sporocyst and the redia.

We may summarize the life-cycle thus

1. Ovum laid in liver of sheep, passes with bile into intestine, and thence out with the excreta.

2. Free ciliated embryo, in water or on damp earth, passes into pulmonary cavity of Limnæus truncatulus, and develops into

3. Sporocyst, in which secondary embryos are developed, known as

4. Redia, which pass into the digestive glands of Limnæus, and within which, besides daughter rediæ, there are developed tertiary embryos, or

5. Cercaria, which pass out of the intermediate host and become

6. Encysted on blades of grass, which are eaten by sheep. The cyst dissolves, and the young flukes pass into the liver of their host, each developing into

7. A liver-fluke, sexual, but hermaphrodite.

Here, again, we notice that one fertilized ovum gives rise to not one, but a number of liver-flukes.

We must now pass on to consider the growth and development of organisms. Simple growth results from the multiplication of similar cells. As the child, for example, grows, the framework of the body and the several organs increase in size by continuous cell-multiplication. Development is differential growth; and this may be seen either in the organs or parts of an organism or in the cells themselves. As the child grows up into a man, there is a progressive change in his relative proportions. The head becomes relatively smaller, the hind limbs relatively longer, and there are changes in the proportional size of other organs.

In the development of the embryo from the ovum, the differentiation is of a deeper and more fundamental character. Cells at first similar become progressively dissimilar, and out of a primitively homogeneous mass of


cells is developed a heterogeneous system of different but mutually related tissues.

This view of development is, however, the outcome of comparatively modern investigation and perfected microscopical appliances. The older view was that development in all cases is nothing more than differential growth, that there is no differentiation of primitively similar into ultimately different parts. Within the fertilized ovum of the horse or bird lay, it was supposed, in all perfection of structure, a miniature racer or chick, the parts all there, but too minute to be visible. All that was required was that each part should grow in due proportion. Those who held this view, however, divided into two schools. The one believed that the miniature organism was contained within the ovum, the function of the sperm being merely to stimulate its subsequent developmental growth. The other held that the sperm was the miniature organism, the ovum merely affording the food-material necessary for its developmental growth. In either case, this unfolding of the invisible organic bud was the evolution of the older writers on organic life. More than this. As Messrs. Geddes and Thomson remind us, "the germ was more than a marvellous bud-like miniature of the adult. It necessarily included, in its turn, the next generation, and this the next-in short, all future generations. Germ within germ, in ever smaller miniature, after the fashion of an infinite juggler's box, was the corollary logically appended to this theory of preformation and unfolding.”

Modern embryology has completely negatived any such view as that of preformation, and as completely established that the evolution is not the unfolding of a miniature germ, but the growth and differentiation of primitively similar cell-elements. In different animals, as might be expected, the manner and course of development are different. We may here illustrate it by a very generalized and so to speak diagrammatic description of the development of a primitive vertebrate.

"The Evolution of Sex," p. 84.

The ovum before fertilization is a simple spherical cell, without any large amount of nutritive material in the form of food-yolk (A.). It contains a nucleus. Previous to fertilization, however, in many forms of life, portions of the nucleus, amounting to three parts of its mass, are got rid of in little "polar cells" budded off from the ovum. The import of this process we shall have to consider in connection with the subject of heredity. The sperm is also

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Fig. 11.-Diagram of development.

See text. The fine line across G. indicates the plane of section shown in H.

a nucleated cell; and on its entrance into the ovum there are for a short time two nuclei-the female nucleus proper to the ovum, and the male nucleus introduced by the sperm. These two unite and fuse to form a joint nucleus. Thus the fertilized ovum starts with a perfect blending of the nuclear elements from two cells produced by different parents.

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